33 research outputs found

    Anti-inflammatory activity of plant sterols in a co-culture model of intestinal inflammation: focus on food-matrix effect

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    This study investigates the gut anti-inflammatory activity of a plant sterol (PS) food supplement (PS-FS), alongside PS-enriched milk-based fruit beverage and PS-enriched rye bread. A co-culture model based on a dual-chamber system with differentiated intestinal-like Caco-2 cells (apical) and RAW264.7 macrophages (basolateral) was used. The bioaccessible fractions (BF) of the samples were obtained after INFOGEST 2.0 simulated gastrointestinal digestion. The BF were added to the apical part (diluted 1/20 v/v with culture medium to avoid cytotoxicity) for 90 min, followed by stimulation with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (1 mu g mL-1, 24 h) on the basolateral side. The pharmacological interaction between samples and budesonide (1 mu M, 90 min) was evaluated. Results indicate that PS-FS significantly attenuated LPS-induced secretion of IL-8 (28%) by Caco-2 cells, and TNF-alpha (9%) and IL-6 (54%) by RAW264.7 macrophages, whereas PS-enriched beverage and bread did not exhibit protective effects. Additionally, PS-FS demonstrated an improvement in oxidative status in Caco-2 cells, evidenced by reduced levels of reactive oxygen species (47%), iNOS protein expression (27%), and nitrite/nitrate secretion (27%). Mechanistically, PS-FS inhibited the NF-kappa B-COX-2-PGE2 signaling pathway in macrophages, resulting in decreased NF-kappa B p65 nuclear translocation (39%), COX-2 protein expression (32%), and PGE2 production (27%). Co-treatment with budesonide and PS-FS displayed an antagonistic effect (combination index 0.38-0.63). This study demonstrates the potent intestinal anti-inflammatory activity of a PS-FS, positioning it as a promising nutraceutical product for the management of inflammatory bowel diseases. However, the food matrix of the milk-based fruit beverage and rye bread appear to interfere with the anti-inflammatory activity of PS.This study investigates the gut anti-inflammatory activity of a plant sterol (PS) food supplement (PS-FS), alongside PS-enriched milk-based fruit beverage and PS-enriched rye bread

    The harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method: From knowledge to action

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    Within the active field of in vitro digestion in food research, the COST Action INFOGEST aimed to harmonize in vitro protocols simulating human digestion on the basis of physiologically inferred conditions. A harmonized static in vitro digestion (IVD) method was recently published as a primary output from this network. To validate this protocol, inter-laboratory trials were conducted within the INFOGEST network. A first study was performed using skim milk powder (SMP) as a model food and served to compare the different in-house digestion protocols used among the INFOGEST members. In a second inter-laboratory study applying the harmonized protocol, the degree of consistency in protein hydrolysis was investigated. Analysis of the hydrolyzed proteins, after the gastric and intestinal phases, showed that caseins were mainly hydrolyzed during the gastric phase, whereas β-lactoglobulin was, as previously shown, resistant to pepsin. Moreover, generation of free amino acids occurred mainly during the intestinal phase.The study also showed that a few critical steps were responsible for the remaining inter-laboratory variability. The largest deviations arose from the determination of pepsin activity. Therefore, this step was further clarified, harmonized, and implemented in a third inter-laboratory study.The present work gives an overview of all three inter-laboratory studies, showing that the IVD INFOGEST method has led to an increased consistency that enables a better comparability of in vitro digestion studies in the future

    First international descriptive and interventional survey for cholesterol and non-cholesterol sterol determination by gas- and liquid- chromatography–Urgent need for harmonisation of analytical methods

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    Serum concentrations of lathosterol, the plant sterols campesterol and sitosterol and the cholesterol metabolite 5α-cholestanol are widely used as surrogate markers of cholesterol synthesis and absorption, respectively. Increasing numbers of laboratories utilize a broad spectrum of well-established and recently developed methods for the determination of cholesterol and non-cholesterol sterols (NCS). In order to evaluate the quality of these measurements and to identify possible sources of analytical errors our group initiated the first international survey for cholesterol and NCS. The cholesterol and NCS survey was structured as a two-part survey which took place in the years 2013 and 2014. The first survey part was designed as descriptive, providing information about the variation of reported results from different laboratories. A set of two lyophilized pooled sera (A and B) was sent to twenty laboratories specialized in chromatographic lipid analysis. The different sterols were quantified either by gas chromatography-flame ionization detection, gas chromatography- or liquid chromatography-mass selective detection. The participants were requested to determine cholesterol and NCS concentrations in the provided samples as part of their normal laboratory routine. The second part was designed as interventional survey. Twenty-two laboratories agreed to participate and received again two different lyophilized pooled sera (C and D). In contrast to the first international survey, each participant received standard stock solutions with defined concentrations of cholesterol and NCS. The participants were requested to use diluted calibration solutions from the provided standard stock solutions for quantification of cholesterol and NCS. In both surveys, each laboratory used its own internal standard (5α-cholestane, epicoprostanol or deuterium labelled sterols). Main outcome of the survey was, that unacceptably high interlaboratory variations for cholesterol and NCS concentrations are reported, even when the individual laboratories used the same calibration material. We discuss different sources of errors and recommend all laboratories analysing cholesterol and NCS to participate in regular quality control programs

    Enrichment of Wholemeal Rye Bread with Plant Sterols: Rheological Analysis, Optimization of the Production, Nutritional Profile and Starch Digestibility

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    Bread is one of the staple foods of many countries, and its enrichment with bioactive compounds is trending. This phenomenon is focused on breads with a good nutritional profile, such as wholemeal rye bread (WRB), in which enrichment with plant sterols (PSs) is allowed in accordance with European regulations. The objective of the present study was to optimize the production of a WRB enriched with PS (PS-WRB) and to evaluate the proximate composition and starch digestibility as an indicator of nutritional quality. The rheological analysis showed that the bread dough presents satisfactory farinographic properties (dough development time 6 min; stability 4 min; degree of softening 100 Brabender units) but high water absorption (67%). The PS-WRB is high in dietary fiber and low in protein (20.4 and 7.7% w/w, dry basis, respectively) compared with other cereals reported in the scientific literature. In turn, a low starch proportion was hydrolyzed during the simulated digestion (59.9% of total starch), being also slowly hydrolyzed, as deduced from the rapidly digestible starch value (56.5% of total starch). In conclusion, WRB is a suitable matrix for PS enrichment, which allows for obtaining a product with a good nutritional profile and potential health benefits.This publication is part of the projects PID2019-104167RB-I00 and PID2019-107650RB-C21 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Mussa Makran holds an FPU19/00156 grant from the Ministry of Universities (Spain).Peer reviewe

    Enrichment of Wholemeal Rye Bread with Plant Sterols: Rheological Analysis, Optimization of the Production, Nutritional Profile and Starch Digestibility

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    Bread is one of the staple foods of many countries, and its enrichment with bioactive compounds is trending. This phenomenon is focused on breads with a good nutritional profile, such as wholemeal rye bread (WRB), in which enrichment with plant sterols (PSs) is allowed in accordance with European regulations. The objective of the present study was to optimize the production of a WRB enriched with PS (PS-WRB) and to evaluate the proximate composition and starch digestibility as an indicator of nutritional quality. The rheological analysis showed that the bread dough presents satisfactory farinographic properties (dough development time 6 min; stability 4 min; degree of softening 100 Brabender units) but high water absorption (67%). The PS-WRB is high in dietary fiber and low in protein (20.4 and 7.7% w/w, dry basis, respectively) compared with other cereals reported in the scientific literature. In turn, a low starch proportion was hydrolyzed during the simulated digestion (59.9% of total starch), being also slowly hydrolyzed, as deduced from the rapidly digestible starch value (56.5% of total starch). In conclusion, WRB is a suitable matrix for PS enrichment, which allows for obtaining a product with a good nutritional profile and potential health benefits

    Ethylcoprostanol modulates colorectal cancer cell proliferation and mitigates cytotoxicity of cholesterol metabolites in non-tumor colon cells

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    Sterols can be metabolized by gut microbiota. The cholesterol metabolites have been proposed as promoters of colorectal cancer (CRC), while the effect of plant sterol metabolites is unknown. This study aimed to evaluate the cytotoxicity of metabolites from cholesterol (coprostanol, cholestanol, coprostanone and cholestenone) and β-sitosterol (ethylcoprostanol) on human colon tumor (Caco-2) and nontumor (CCD-18Co) cells at physiological concentrations (9-300 μM) and exposure time (24 h). Ethylcoprostanol reduced the tumor cell proliferation (MTT), showing in flow cytometry assays induction of apoptosis via production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and ceramide. Transcriptomic analysis (qPCR) showed activation of the intrinsic apoptosis pathway (BAX/BCL2 ratio and CASP9 increased), accompanied by downregulation of the p21 gene. Cholesterol metabolites, mainly the most hydrophobic, induced apoptosis and G0/G1 phase arrest in non-tumor cells through overproduction of ROS. Both the intrinsic and extrinsic (CASP8 increased) apoptosis pathways occurred. In turn, a reduction in the expression of the cyclin E1 gene confirmed the cell cycle arrest. In addition, ethylcoprostanol protected non-tumor cells from the most cytotoxic cholesterol metabolite (cholestenone). In conclusion, ethylcoprostanol is a promising candidate as a therapeutic adjuvant in CRC, while cholesterol metabolites could act as CRC promoters through their cytotoxicity

    Oxysterols - how much do we know about food occurrence, dietary intake and actual absorption?

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    Oxysterols are formed in foods during processing and storage, having an impact on the nutritional profile besides being associated to the development of diverse chronic and degenerative diseases. This review provides an overview on recent information and knowledge gaps on oxysterol formation and absorption from foods. Their contents should be monitored based on dietary habits, in order to have more realistic data available and to expand the currently limited daily intake data. Unraveling the mechanism of oxysterol absorption, together with a more thorough understanding of their metabolism, is needed; in this respect, bioavailability studies using in vitro and in vivo methodologies could contribute with new insights. Finally, the food-health axis can be boosted by suitable technological solutions and antioxidants to help preventing also in vivo oxidation

    A Mixture of Dietary Plant Sterols at Nutritional Relevant Serum Concentration Inhibits Extrinsic Pathway of Eryptosis Induced by Cigarette Smoke Extract

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    Cell death program of red blood cells (RBCs), called eryptosis, is characterized by activation of caspases and scrambling of membrane phospholipids with externalization of phosphatidylserine (PS). Excessive eryptosis confers a procoagulant phenotype and is implicated in impairment of microcirculation and increased prothrombotic risk. It has recently been reported that cigarette smokers have high levels of circulating eryptotic erythrocytes, and a possible contribution of eryptosis to the vaso-occlusive complications associated to cigarette smoke has been postulated. In this study, we demonstrate how a mixture of plant sterols (MPtS) consisting of β-sitosterol, campesterol and stigmasterol, at serum concentration reached after ingestion of a drink enriched with plant sterols, inhibits eryptosis induced by cigarette smoke extract (CSE). Isolated RBCs were exposed for 4 h to CSE (10–20% v/v). When RBCs were co-treated with CSE in the presence of 22 µM MPtS, a significant reduction of the measured hallmarks of apoptotic death like assembly of the death-inducing signaling complex (DISC), PS outsourced, ceramide production, cleaved forms of caspase 8/caspase 3, and phosphorylated p38 MAPK, was evident. The new beneficial properties of plant sterols on CSE-induced eryptosis presented in this work open new perspectives to prevent the negative physio-pathological events caused by the eryptotic red blood cells circulating in smokers