13 research outputs found

    Cranial bone histology of Metoposaurus krasiejowensis (Amphibia, Temnospondyli) from the Late Triassic of Poland

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    In this study, 21 skull bones of Metoposaurus krasiejowensis from the Late Triassic of Poland were investigated histologically. Dermal bones show a diploë structure, with an ornamented external surface. The ridges consist of mostly well vascularized parallel-fibered bone; the valleys are built of an avascular layer of lamellar bone. The thick middle region consists of cancellous bone, with varying porosity. The thin and less vascularized internal cortex consists of parallel-fibered bone. The numerous Sharpey’s fibers and ISF are present in all bones. The cyclicity of growth is manifested as an alternation of thick, avascular annuli and high vascularized zones as well as a sequence of resting lines. The detailed histological framework of dermal bones varies even within a single bone; this seems to be related to the local biomechanical loading of the particular part of the skull. The dynamic processes observed during the ornamentation creation indicate that the positions of the ridges and grooves change during growth and could be a specific adaptation to changing biomechanical conditions and stress distribution during bone development. In the supratemporal, the cementing lines show that the remodeling process could be involved in the creations of sculpture. The common occurrence of ISF suggests that metaplastic ossification plays an important role during cranial development. Endochondral bones preserved the numerous remains of calcified cartilage. This indicates that ossification follows a pattern known for stereospondyl intercentra, with relatively slow ossification of the trabecular part and late development of the periosteal cortex. The large accumulation of Sharpey’s fibers in the occipital condyles indicates the presence of strong muscles and ligaments connecting the skull to the vertebral column

    Morphology and preliminary biomechanical interpretation of mandibular sutures in Metoposaurus krasiejowensis (Temnospondyli, Stereospondyli) from the Upper Triassic of Poland

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    International audienceThe morphology of the mandibular sutures in the Late Triassic temnospondyl Metoposaurus krasiejowensis has been examined in order to determine their role in mandible biomechanics. Until now, no histological studies of mandibular sutures in extinct vertebrates were performed, in contrast to cranial sutures. As a consequence, mandibular suture interpretations herein are based mainly on comparisons with previous studies of cranial sutures and with 3D cranial finite element analysis of this species. A total of 32 standard thin sections were studied under standard petrographic microscope observations in order to differentiate the morphology of mandibular sutures. Five mandibular suture types are present in this taxon: interdigitated, shallowly interdigitated, overlapping, tongue and groove and abutting. Based on previous work, it has generally been assumed that the shallowly interdigitated, tongue, groove and abutting suture types are associated with tension, the interdigitated type with compression and the overlapping type with absorption and counteraction of variable loads. The sutures associated with tension occur mainly in the anterior part of the mandible, principally in the dentary; overlapping sutures have been noted in medial portions of the mandible and sutures associated with compression mainly in posterior portions, i.e., in the angular and prearticular. The variability of suture types along the mandible suggests a complex loading regime of compression and tension. Sutures associated with tension and a flexible symphysis potentially allowed an increase of oral volume during gape opening, whereas sutures associated with compression represent adaptations for strong bite forces

    Morphology and preliminary biomechanical interpretation of mandibular sutures in Metoposaurus krasiejowensis (Temnospondyli, Stereospondyli) from the Upper Triassic of Poland

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaThe morphology of the mandibular sutures in the Late Triassic temnospondyl Metoposaurus krasiejowensis has been examined in order to determine their role in mandible biomechanics. Until now, no histological studies of mandibular sutures in extinct vertebrates were performed, in contrast to cranial sutures. As a consequence, mandibular suture interpretations herein are based mainly on comparisons with previous studies of cranial sutures and with 3D cranial finite element analysis of this species. A total of 32 standard thin sections were studied under standard petrographic microscope observations in order to differentiate the morphology of mandibular sutures. Five mandibular suture types are present in this taxon: interdigitated, shallowly interdigitated, overlapping, tongue and groove and abutting. Based on previous work, it has generally been assumed that the shallowly interdigitated, tongue, groove and abutting suture types are associated with tension, the interdigitated type with compression and the overlapping type with absorption and counteraction of variable loads. The sutures associated with tension occur mainly in the anterior part of the mandible, principally in the dentary; overlapping sutures have been noted in medial portions of the mandible and sutures associated with compression mainly in posterior portions, i.e., in the angular and prearticular. The variability of suture types along the mandible suggests a complex loading regime of compression and tension. Sutures associated with tension and a flexible symphysis potentially allowed an increase of oral volume during gape opening, whereas sutures associated with compression represent adaptations for strong bite forces.Se ha examinado la morfología de las suturas mandibulares del temnospóndilo del Triásico Superior Metoposaurus krasiejowensis para determinar su papel en la biomecánica mandibular. Hasta la fecha, no se han realizado estudios histológicos de las suturas mandibulares de vertebrados fósiles, en contraste con los estudios histológicos en suturas craneales. Como consecuencia, las interpretaciones sobre las suturas mandibulares están aquí basadas en la comparación con estudios previos en suturas craneales y con análisis 3D de elementos finitos para esta misma especie. En total 32 laminas delgadas estándares fueron estudiadas con observaciones de microscopio petrográfico con el fin de diferenciar la morfología de las suturas mandibulares. Cinco tipos de suturas mandibulares son presentes en este taxón: interdigitales, levemente interdigitales, superposición, lengua, ranura y lindante. En base a estudios previos, se ha asumido generalmente que las suturas levemente interdigitales, lengua, ranura y lindantes se asocian con cargas de tensión, mientras que las de tipo interdigitales se asocian con compresión y el tipo sutural de superposición con distintas cargas de absorción y neutralización. Las suturas asociadas con tensión ocurren mayormente en la parte anterior de la mandíbula, principalmente en el dentario; las suturas de superposición se han encontrado las porciones mediales de la mandíbula y las suturas asociadas con compresión se han encontrado mayormente en las porciones posteriores, por ejemplo, en el angular y el prearticular. La variabilidad de los tipos suturales a lo largo de la mandíbula sugiere un complejo régimen de cargas de compresión y tensión. Suturas asociadas con tensión y una sínfisis flexible potencialmente permitieron un incremento del volumen oral durante la abertura bucal, mientras que las suturas asociadas con compresión representan adaptaciones a fuertes fuerzas de mordida

    Merging cranial histology and 3D-computational biomechanics : A review of the feeding ecology of a Late Triassic temnospondyl amphibian

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaFinite Element Analysis (FEA) is a useful method for understanding form and function. However, modelling of fossil taxa invariably involves assumptions as a result of preservation-induced loss of information in the fossil record. To test the validity of predictions from FEA, given such assumptions, these results could be compared to independent lines of evidence for cranial mechanics. In the present study a new concept of using bone microstructure to predict stress distribution in the skull during feeding is put forward and a correlation between bone microstructure and results of computational biomechanics (FEA) is carried out. The bony framework is a product of biological optimisation; bone structure is created to meet local mechanical conditions. To test how well results from FEA correlate to cranial mechanics predicted from bone structure, the well-known temnospondyl Metoposaurus krasiejowensis was used as a model. A crucial issue to Temnospondyli is their feeding mode: did they suction feed or employ direct biting, or both? Metoposaurids have previously been characterised either as active hunters or passive bottom dwellers. In order to test the correlation between results from FEA and bone microstructure, two skulls of Metoposaurus were used, one modelled under FE analyses, while for the second one 17 dermal bone microstructure were analysed. Thus, for the first time, results predicting cranial mechanical behaviour using both methods are merged to understand the feeding strategy of Metoposaurus. Metoposaurus appears to have been an aquatic animal that exhibited a generalist feeding behaviour. This taxon may have used two foraging techniques in hunting; mainly bilateral biting and, to a lesser extent, lateral strikes. However, bone microstructure suggests that lateral biting was more frequent than suggested by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). One of the potential factors that determined its mode of life may have been water levels. During optimum water conditions, metoposaurids may have been more active ambush predators that were capable of lateral strikes of the head. The dry season required a less active mode of life when bilateral biting is particularly efficient. This, combined with their characteristically anteriorly positioned orbits, was optimal for ambush strategy. This ability to use alternative modes of food acquisition, independent of environmental conditions, might hold the key in explaining the very common occurrence of metoposaurids during the Late Triassic

    Merging cranial histology and 3D-computational biomechanics : A review of the feeding ecology of a Late Triassic temnospondyl amphibian

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    Altres ajuts: CERCA Programme/Generalitat de CatalunyaFinite Element Analysis (FEA) is a useful method for understanding form and function. However, modelling of fossil taxa invariably involves assumptions as a result of preservation-induced loss of information in the fossil record. To test the validity of predictions from FEA, given such assumptions, these results could be compared to independent lines of evidence for cranial mechanics. In the present study a new concept of using bone microstructure to predict stress distribution in the skull during feeding is put forward and a correlation between bone microstructure and results of computational biomechanics (FEA) is carried out. The bony framework is a product of biological optimisation; bone structure is created to meet local mechanical conditions. To test how well results from FEA correlate to cranial mechanics predicted from bone structure, the well-known temnospondyl Metoposaurus krasiejowensis was used as a model. A crucial issue to Temnospondyli is their feeding mode: did they suction feed or employ direct biting, or both? Metoposaurids have previously been characterised either as active hunters or passive bottom dwellers. In order to test the correlation between results from FEA and bone microstructure, two skulls of Metoposaurus were used, one modelled under FE analyses, while for the second one 17 dermal bone microstructure were analysed. Thus, for the first time, results predicting cranial mechanical behaviour using both methods are merged to understand the feeding strategy of Metoposaurus. Metoposaurus appears to have been an aquatic animal that exhibited a generalist feeding behaviour. This taxon may have used two foraging techniques in hunting; mainly bilateral biting and, to a lesser extent, lateral strikes. However, bone microstructure suggests that lateral biting was more frequent than suggested by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). One of the potential factors that determined its mode of life may have been water levels. During optimum water conditions, metoposaurids may have been more active ambush predators that were capable of lateral strikes of the head. The dry season required a less active mode of life when bilateral biting is particularly efficient. This, combined with their characteristically anteriorly positioned orbits, was optimal for ambush strategy. This ability to use alternative modes of food acquisition, independent of environmental conditions, might hold the key in explaining the very common occurrence of metoposaurids during the Late Triassic

    Merging cranial histology and 3D-computational biomechanics: a review of the feeding ecology of a Late Triassic temnospondyl amphibian

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    Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a useful method for understanding form and function. However, modelling of fossil taxa invariably involves assumptions as a result of preservation-induced loss of information in the fossil record. To test the validity of predictions from FEA, given such assumptions, these results could be compared to independent lines of evidence for cranial mechanics. In the present study a new concept of using bone microstructure to predict stress distribution in the skull during feeding is put forward and a correlation between bone microstructure and results of computational biomechanics (FEA) is carried out. The bony framework is a product of biological optimisation; bone structure is created to meet local mechanical conditions. To test how well results from FEA correlate to cranial mechanics predicted from bone structure, the well-known temnospondyl Metoposaurus krasiejowensis was used as a model. A crucial issue to Temnospondyli is their feeding mode: did they suction feed or employ direct biting, or both? Metoposaurids have previously been characterised either as active hunters or passive bottom dwellers. In order to test the correlation between results from FEA and bone microstructure, two skulls of Metoposaurus were used, one modelled under FE analyses, while for the second one 17 dermal bone microstructure were analysed. Thus, for the first time, results predicting cranial mechanical behaviour using both methods are merged to understand the feeding strategy of Metoposaurus. Metoposaurus appears to have been an aquatic animal that exhibited a generalist feeding behaviour. This taxon may have used two foraging techniques in hunting; mainly bilateral biting and, to a lesser extent, lateral strikes. However, bone microstructure suggests that lateral biting was more frequent than suggested by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). One of the potential factors that determined its mode of life may have been water levels. During optimum water conditions, metoposaurids may have been more active ambush predators that were capable of lateral strikes of the head. The dry season required a less active mode of life when bilateral biting is particularly efficient. This, combined with their characteristically anteriorly positioned orbits, was optimal for ambush strategy. This ability to use alternative modes of food acquisition, independent of environmental conditions, might hold the key in explaining the very common occurrence of metoposaurids during the Late Triassic

    Table 1: The thickness and compactness of the dermal skull bones of Metoposaurus krasiejowensis

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    Finite Element Analysis (FEA) is a useful method for understanding form and function. However, modelling of fossil taxa invariably involves assumptions as a result of preservation-induced loss of information in the fossil record. To test the validity of predictions from FEA, given such assumptions, these results could be compared to independent lines of evidence for cranial mechanics. In the present study a new concept of using bone microstructure to predict stress distribution in the skull during feeding is put forward and a correlation between bone microstructure and results of computational biomechanics (FEA) is carried out. The bony framework is a product of biological optimisation; bone structure is created to meet local mechanical conditions. To test how well results from FEA correlate to cranial mechanics predicted from bone structure, the well-known temnospondyl Metoposaurus krasiejowensis was used as a model. A crucial issue to Temnospondyli is their feeding mode: did they suction feed or employ direct biting, or both? Metoposaurids have previously been characterised either as active hunters or passive bottom dwellers. In order to test the correlation between results from FEA and bone microstructure, two skulls of Metoposaurus were used, one modelled under FE analyses, while for the second one 17 dermal bone microstructure were analysed. Thus, for the first time, results predicting cranial mechanical behaviour using both methods are merged to understand the feeding strategy of Metoposaurus. Metoposaurus appears to have been an aquatic animal that exhibited a generalist feeding behaviour. This taxon may have used two foraging techniques in hunting; mainly bilateral biting and, to a lesser extent, lateral strikes. However, bone microstructure suggests that lateral biting was more frequent than suggested by Finite Element Analysis (FEA). One of the potential factors that determined its mode of life may have been water levels. During optimum water conditions, metoposaurids may have been more active ambush predators that were capable of lateral strikes of the head. The dry season required a less active mode of life when bilateral biting is particularly efficient. This, combined with their characteristically anteriorly positioned orbits, was optimal for ambush strategy. This ability to use alternative modes of food acquisition, independent of environmental conditions, might hold the key in explaining the very common occurrence of metoposaurids during the Late Triassic