753 research outputs found


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    The essence of distribution is thus reduced to harmonization of demandand supply. Such an adjustment is only possible through amassing and providingcustomers with products of a particular structure and specific usage properties.Levelling the differences between production and consumption area is also animportant issue.strategy of distribution, distribution channels;

    Bridge on the I/42 road in Brno

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    Předmětem bakalářské práce je návrh mostní konstrukce na silnici I/42 v Brně mezi městskými částmi Královo Pole - Pisárky.Práce obsahuje statický výpočet mostní konstrukce o jednom poli,který je navržen ve třech variantách.Zvolená varianta je z železového betonu konstantního průřezu o délce 13,2 m.Výpočet účinků zatížení je proveden počítačovým softwarem a porovnán s ručním výpočtem metodou spolupůsobící šířky desky.Posuzování konstrukce je počítáno ručně dle Nrmy ČSN EN 1992-1-1.Výpočet je proveden bez časové analýzy.The subject work is to design bridge construction on the road I/42 in Brno between neighborhoods Kralovo Pole - Pisarky. The work includes construction of bridge structural analysis of one field, which is designed in three versions. The selected option is of constant cross-section of reinforced concrete with a length of 13.2 m load effects calculation is made by computer software Scia Engineer for study and compared with manual calculation method of co-latitude records. Assessing the structure is calculated by hand according to EN 1992-1-1. The calculation is performed without time analysis.

    Library of Service Routines for Peripherals on Educational Kit with Freescale MCU

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    Práce se zabývá návrhem a implementací knihovny funkcí pro obsluhu periferií na výukovém kitu s mikrokontrolery Freescale. Představuje kit, vlastnosti jednotlivých periferních zařízení a způsoby komunikace s nimi. Dále se věnuje vytvoření řadiče dotykového displeje na přídavném modulu kitu a jeho použití v grafické knihovně Freescale eGUI.The thesis deals with designing and implementation of a library of service routines for peripherals on educational kit with Freescale microcontrollers. It presents the laboratory kit, features of individual peripherals and ways of comunication with them. Further, the thesis describes developing the driver for LCD touchscreen on auxiliary kit module and its use in graphic library Freescale eGUI.

    Fatty acid synthase is a metabolic marker of cell proliferation rather than malignancy in ovarian cancer and its precursor cells

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    Ovarian cancer (OC) is caused by genetic aberrations in networks that control growth and survival. Importantly, aberrant cancer metabolism interacts with oncogenic signaling providing additional drug targets. Tumors overexpress the lipogenic enzyme fatty acid synthase (FASN) and are inhibited by FASN blockers, whereas normal cells are FASN-negative and FASN-inhibitor-resistant. Here, we demonstrate that this holds true when ovarian/oviductal cells reside in their autochthonous tissues, whereas in culture they express FASN and are FASN-inhibitor-sensitive. Upon subculture, nonmalignant cells cease growth, express senescence-associated β-galactosidase, lose FASN and become FASN-inhibitor-resistant. Immortalized ovarian/oviductal epithelial cell lines although resisting senescence reveal distinct growth activities, which correlate with FASN levels and FASN drug sensitivities. Accordingly, ectopic FASN stimulates growth in these cells. Moreover, FASN levels and lipogenic activities affect cellular lipid composition as demonstrated by thin-layer chromatography. Correlation between proliferation and FASN levels was finally evaluated in cancer cells such as HOC-7, which contain subclones with variable differentiation/senescence and corresponding FASN expression/FASN drug sensitivity. Interestingly, senescent phenotypes can be induced in parental HOC-7 by differentiating agents. In OC cells, FASN drugs induce cell cycle blockade in S and/or G2/M and stimulate apoptosis, whereas in normal cells they only cause cell cycle deceleration without apoptosis. Thus, normal cells, although growth-inhibited, may survive and recover from FASN blockade, whereas malignant cells get extinguished. FASN expression and FASN drug sensitivity are directly linked to cell growth and correlate with transformation/differentiation/senescence only indirectly. FASN is therefore a metabolic marker of cell proliferation rather than a marker of malignancy and is a useful target for future drug development

    Ilościowa ocena ryzyka przypadkowych zdarzeń wywołanych przez nieszczelności powodujące pożary w przemyśle przetwórczym

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    Risk to safety of personnel in process industries is normally modelled by the application of Event Trees, where the risk is defined as a product of event frequency and its consequences. This method is steady state whilst the actual event is time dependent. For example, gas release is an event comprising the size of gas cloud being released, probabilities of ignition, fire or explosion, fatality, escalation to new releases and fire and/or explosion, and the probability of fatality, all varying with time. This paper brings new perspective, how the risk to safety of personnel could be evaluated in dynamic context. A new approach is presented whereby the time-dependent events and the time-dependent probability of fatality are modelled by means of the analytical computation method based on modeling of different accident scenarios by use of the directed acyclic graph (DAG) and Fault Tree Analysis (FTA) method. Using these methods the modeled scenarios change with relevant probabilities at defined times to configurations with appropriate probabilities of fatalities.The paper uses a realistic example from the offshore industry, where different sizes of leak have different probability characteristics. Specifically small, medium and large leaks are evaluated. Based on the dynamic evolution of the probability of fatality, it is concluded that the most dangerous leak is the large one. Probability of fatality caused by the leak increased very rapidly within first 5 minutes. At the end of 5th minute, there is approximately one order of magnitude difference in the probabilities of fatality associated with the respective leak sizes.Zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa pracowników w przemyśle przetwórczym jest zwykle modelowane za pomocą drzewa zdarzeń, gdzie ryzyko jest zdefiniowane jako iloczyn częstotliwości zdarzenia i jego skutków. Metoda ta dotyczy stanu stacjonarnego, podczas gdy rzeczywiste zdarzenie jest zależne od czasu. Na przykład, ulatnianie się gazu jest zdarzeniem, które wiąże się z wielkością obłoku uwalnianego gazu, prawdopodobieństwem zapłonu, pożaru lub wybuchu, śmiertelnością, eskalacją pod kątem dalszego wycieku i pożaru i/lub wybuchu, oraz prawdopodobieństwem ofiar śmiertelnych, w każdym przypadku zależnie od czasu. Niniejsza praca pokazuje nowe podejście do tego, jak zagrożenie dla bezpieczeństwa pracowników może być rozpatrywane w kontekście dynamicznym. Nowe metoda polega na tym, iż zdarzenia zależne od czasu i zależne od czasu prawdopodobieństwo śmiertelności są modelowane za pomocą analitycznej metody obliczeń opartej na modelowaniu różnych scenariuszy wypadków przez zastosowanie skierowanego grafu acyklicznego (DAG) i metody analizy drzewa błędów (FTA). Dzięki zastosowaniu niniejszych metod, modelowane scenariusze zmieniają się wraz z odpowiednimi prawdopodobieństwami w określonych czasach na konfiguracje z właściwymi prawdopodobieństwami śmiertelności. Artykuł wykorzystuje rzeczywisty przykład z branży morskiej, gdzie różne rozmiary wycieku wykazują różne parametry prawdopodobieństwa. Szczegółowo oceniane są małe, średnie i duże wycieki. W oparciu o dynamiczną ewolucję prawdopodobieństwa ofiar śmiertelnych, należy stwierdzić, że najbardziej niebezpieczny jest duży wyciek. Prawdopodobieństwo ofiar śmiertelnych spowodowanych wyciekiem gwałtownie wzrasta w ciągu pierwszych 5 minut. Na koniec 5. minuty, występuje różnica w przybliżeniu o jeden rząd wielkości w prawdopodobieństwie śmiertelności związanej z odpowiednimi wielkościami wycieku.Web of Science17459058

    School teachers’ attitude towads inclusive education: regional aspect

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    В статье рассматривается мнение педагогов общеобразовательных организаций Свердловской области о преимуществах и недостатках инклюзивного образования. Особое внимание уделено проблеме готовности \неготовности респондентов к реализации инклюзивного образования. Делается вывод о том, что педагоги испытывают потребность в повышении квалификации по вопросам инклюзивного образования. В этом заключается одна из проблем его успешной реализации.The article considers school teachers‘ opinions on the advantages and disadvantages of inclusive education in Sverdlovsk region. Much space is devoted to the problem of readiness \ unreadiness of respondents to the implementation of inclusive education. The author concludes that teachers are in need of advanced training on the questions of inclusive education. This is one of the main problems for its successful implementation

    Late Frasnian Athyridida (Brachiopoda) from Poland and the Late Devonian biotic turnover

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    Late Frasnian representatives of the order Athyridida from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland, support the idea that the Laurussian basins were the places of origin and radiation of the subfamilies Athyridinae and Meristinae during the middle and early late Paleozoic. At least three new species have been identified from two localities (Łgawa Hill and Kowala) in the Gałęztce Syncline. of these, one was probaby endemic (Merista rhenanensis sp. n.; maybe also ?Zonathyris sp. A), and two (Athyris postconcentrica sp. n. and Pachyplacoides postgyralea gen. et sp. n.) were more widely distributed in this part of the Laurussian shelĘ being known also from the East European Platform and Rheinisches Schiefergebirge, respectively. This confums an intermediate biogeographic position of the Holy Cross Mountains area, belonging to an important centre of brachiopod origin and diversification. In contrast to other articulate brachiopods, athyńdids reveal a higher rate of diversification, especially at the species (and partly also generic) level, during the global Kellwasser Crisis

    Russian Freshmen Future Profession Choice in the Conditions of Digitalization: New Challenges of Labour Markets

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    The prestige and values of higher education are traditionally high in Russia and overseas countries. For several generations, there has been a youth orientation towards higher education. Higher education and diplomas are perceived by a person primarily as a means of social mobility. Profession sets a certain “social background” for people’s life. At the same time, however, over the past few decades the assessment of the prestige associated with certain professions and specialties has dramatically changed and the labor market has changed, too. The the desire for higher education among young people continues to grow in Russia. Today’s students, future specialists, face new challenges of the labor market: firstly, availability of desired and demanded professions acquisition on the labor market; secondly, disappearance of old and the emergence of new professions; thirdly, digitalization of the labor market; fourthly, the formation of specialist competencies that are in demand both on the local and global labor markets. The major research objectives were to study the issues of students’ profession choice and their opinion on the demanded / non-demanded professions on modern labor market. The research methodology combines both quantitative and qualitative approaches. The primary data was collected using questionnaires and indepth-interviews. 250 freshmen of the Ural Federal University and 250 freshmen of Saint-Petersburg State University were questioned on the basis of quota sampling. In depth-interviews (15) were organized for the educators engaged in the system of higher education. The study has revealed the issue of inequality in access to higher education as well as of inequality in access to getting prestigious and demanded professions on labor market.The majority of the respondents look for occupation suited to abilities and to their own interests. For young people the main thing is that the profession should not only make profit, but also a career progress and give new professional knowledge. The research has fixed that the majority of the students believe that they have made the right choice of specialty and they are well aware of how their future professional activity will be. About 30.0% of young people do not often choose those professions that they would like to be trained at the university, but those that are possible due to their “accessibility”. The students’ professional choice does not correspond to their ideas about their future profession and their psychological characteristics. Keywords: Higher education, students, freshmen, Russia, labor market, future profession choice, digitalizatio