40 research outputs found

    The dispersion curve applied in guided wave propagation in prismatic rods

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    The early detection of failures in structures is a subject of great interest in engineering; several of these techniques are linked with the elastic wave propagation, using guided waves is one of these alternatives. Several structures of interest in engineering are laminar arrangements; the wave propagation in this type of structures depends not only on the material properties, but also on the geometric parameters, such as the plate thickness. Tubular structures, pressure vessels, tanks and also parts of ships hulls could be considered laminar. The elastic wave propagation in laminar structures could be considered as a sum of modal shapes that have its wave length and frequencies defined. These mode families are characteristics of each structure and could be represented through the dispersion curves. The definition of these dispersion curves is of crucial importance to understand the propagation of guided waves in the structure studied. In the present work the dispersion curves were generated using three different methodologies, specific for metallic rectangular stems that compound the strengthening armor in flexible riser duct. Each approach presented in the analysis were carried out using standard finite element commercial packages and an experimental verification, as well. The premise is to present the topics in the simplest way, not only to understand how the dispersion curves are built but also how these curves must be interpreted

    The elastic wave propagation in rectangular waveguide structure determination of dispersion curves and their application in nondestructive techniques

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    The use of mechanic waves for assessing structural integrity is a well-known non-destructive technique (NDT). The ultrasound applied in the guided wave in particular requires significant effort in order to understand the complexities of the propagation so as to develop new methods in damage detection, in this case, knowing the interaction between the wave propagation and the geometry of the waveguides is mandatory. In the present work, the wave propagation in rectangular steel rod is presented. In this study, the section dimensions were fixed as 5 × 15 [mm], a typical element of the flexible riser structural amour commonly used in the offshore oil industry. The studies here presented were restricted to [0, 100 KHz] frequencies. This frequency interval is in the range of commercial waveguide equipment commonly applied in ducts in NDT applications. The computation of the dispersion curves is performed by using three different methodologies: (i) analytical solutions, (ii) a method that combines analytical approaches with finite element methods (SAFE), and (iii) experimental method that extracted information from the rod using laser vibrometers and piezoelectric actuators. Finally, two applications based on the dispersion curves determined in the rectangular waveguide are presented to illustrate the possibilities of the curve dispersion knowledge related to the specific geometry in the development and application linked to NDT. The first application consists on showing the possibilities of the techniques that use a fiber grating Bragg cell (FGB) to measure the wave displacement and the second application involves the simulation of pre-fissured prismatic waveguide aimed at searching to induce three characteristic acoustic events. The model was built combining the finite element method and a version of the discrete element method

    Curvas de dispersión aplicadas a la propagación de ondas guiadas en estructuras de sección circular hueca

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    The use of long tubular structures, such as fluid transmission pipes or structural support (civil area), are common in many industries (oil, petrochemical, power plants). These structures must guarantee reliability and absence of defects, requiring an adequate inspection method to ensure this. Its inspection, using conventional non-destructive tests, is expensive, difficult and sometimes impossible due to its length, inaccessibility to complete structures and dependence on the exact evaluation of defects; This is why many researchers consider the use of guided waves as an inspection method because it allows the use of waves with different properties for the detection of defects. These waves provide an attractive solution to this problem because they can be excited in one place in the structure and travel many meters. However, this method is made difficult by the presence of many possible wave modes, the majority being dispersive. In the present work, the characteristics of guided wave propagation in metallic structures of hollow circular section are studied, calculating the dispersion curves obtained by two work methodologies using finite elements, obtaining dispersion curves for a cylindrical section. Keywords: guided waves, nondestructive testing, dispersion curves.El uso de estructuras tubulares largas, como cañerías de transmisión de fluidos o soporte estructural (área civil), son habituales en muchas industrias (petroleras, petroquímicas, plantas de energía). Estas estructuras deben garantizar fiabilidad y ausencia de defectos, necesitando un método de inspección adecuado para asegurarlo. Su inspección, empleando ensayos no destructivos convencionales es costosa, difícil y a veces imposible por la longitud, inaccesibilidad a las estructuras completas y dependencia de la evaluación exacta de los defectos; motivo por el cual muchos investigadores consideran el uso de ondas guiadas como método de inspección porque permite utilizar ondas con diferentes propiedades para la detección de defectos. Estas ondas proporcionan una solución atractiva a este problema porque pueden excitarse en un lugar de la estructura y propagarse a muchos metros. Sin embargo, este método se dificulta por la presencia de muchos modos de onda posibles, siendo la mayoría dispersivos. En el presente trabajo se estudian las características de propagación de ondas guiadas en estructuras metálicas de sección circular hueca, calculando las curvas de dispersión obtenidas por dos metodologías de trabajo empleando elementos finitos, obteniéndose curvas de dispersión para una sección cilíndrica. Palabras clave: ondas guiadas, ensayo no destructivo, curvas de dispersión

    Sistema e método de inspeção e monitoramento de arames de armadura de tração de duto ou cabo flexíveis

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    Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do SulSift Monitor EngenhariaEngenhariaDepositad

    Clinical Evaluation of Two Ke0 in the same Pharmacokinetic Propofol Model: Study on Loss and Recovery of Consciousness

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    SummaryBackground and objectiveThe constant equilibrium between the plasma and effect site (ke0) is used by pharmacokinetic models to calculate a drug concentration in its site of action (Ce). It would be interesting if Ce of propofol was similar at loss and recovery of consciousness. The objective of this study was to evaluate the clinical performance of two different ke0 (fast = 1.21 min-1, and slow = 0.26 min-1) in relation to Ce during loss and recovery of consciousness using Marsh pharmacokinetic model.MethodsTwenty healthy adult male volunteers participated in this study. In all volunteers propofol was administered as target-controlled infusion, Marsh pharmacokinetic model for fast ke0 and, at a different time, the same pharmacokinetic model with slow ke0 was used. Initially, propofol was infused with a serum target-controlled infusion of 3.0 μg.mL-1. Loss of consciousness and recovery of consciousness were based on response to verbal stimulus. Ce was recorded at the moment of loss and recovery of consciousness.ResultsOn loss and recovery of consciousness, the Ce for fast ke0 was different (3.64 ± 0.78 and 1.47 ± 0.29 μg.mL-1, respectively, p < 0.0001), while with slow ke0 the Ce was similar (2.20 ± 0.70 and 2.14 ± 0.43 μg.mL-1, respectively, p = 0.5425).ConclusionsClinically, the slow ke0 (0.26 min-1) incorporated in the Marsh pharmacokinetic model showed better performance than the fast ke0 (1.21 min-1), since the calculated concentration of propofol at the effect site on loss and recovery of consciousness was similar

    Estudio de la propagación de ondas guiadas sobre un riel ferroviario

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    La propagación de ondas elásticas en estructuras donde por lo menos una de las dimensiones es mucho mayor que las otras dos, las llamadas ondas guiadas, es un tema actualmente vinculado atécnicas de Ensayos No Destructivos. Varios sistemas basados en este tipo de ondas permiten definir regiones con daño en forma rápida solo con una entrada que será emisora receptora, esto tiene gran ventaja en el estudio de estructuras de difícil acceso. Otra de las características de los métodos de detección de daño basados en la propagación de este tipo de ondas es que permite también escanear con rapidez grandes regiones de inspección. Existen muchas estructuras de gran interés en ingeniería, en las cuales se puede aplicar técnicas de inspección basadas en ondas guiadas, tubos, cables, rieles, recipientes a presión, entre otros. El estudio de este tipo de ondas fue iniciado por Lamba comienzos del siglo XX, el mismo propuso una solución analítica para representar la propagación espacial-temporal de este tipode ondas para el caso de una placa. La propagación de ondas guiadas en estas estructuras tienen la característica de ser muy sensible a la forma de la dimensión finita de la estructura en análisis. El estudio de estas ondas es fundamental en el cálculo de las llamadas curvas de dispersión que serán específicaspara cada geometría estudiada. Estas curvas de dispersión permiten describir, dada una excitaciónaplicada sobre la estructura en análisis, en qué ondas modales dicha excitación se va a descomponer.Publicado en: Mecánica Computacional vol. XXXV no.33Facultad de Ingenierí

    Potential Polyunsaturated Aldehydes in the Strait of Gibraltar under Two Tidal Regimes

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    Diatoms, a major component of the large-sized phytoplankton, are able to produce and release polyunsaturated aldehydes after cell disruption (potential PUAs or pPUA). These organisms are dominant in the large phytoplankton fraction (>10 μm) in the Strait of Gibraltar, the only connection between the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean. In this area, the hydrodynamics exerts a strong control on the composition and physiological state of the phytoplankton. This environment offers a great opportunity to analyze and compare the little known distribution of larger sized PUA producers in nature and, moreover, to study how environmental variables could affect the ranges and potential distribution of these compounds. Our results showed that, at both tidal regimes studied (Spring and Neap tides), diatoms in the Strait of Gibraltar are able to produce three aldehydes: Heptadienal, Octadienal and Decadienal, with a significant dominance of Decadienal production. The PUA released by mechanical cell disruption of large-sized collected cells (pPUA) ranged from 0.01 to 12.3 pmol from cells in 1 L, and from 0.1 to 9.8 fmol cell−1. Tidal regime affected the abundance, distribution and the level of physiological stress of diatoms in the Strait. During Spring tides, diatoms were more abundant, usually grouped nearer the coastal basin and showed less physiological stress than during Neap tides. Our results suggest a significant general increase in the pPUA productivity with increasing physiological stress for the cell also significantly associated to low nitrate availability

    The programme on ecosystem change and society (PECS)–a decade of deepening social-ecological research through a place-based focus

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    The Programme on Ecosystem Change and Society (PECS) was established in 2011, and is now one of the major international social-ecological systems (SES) research networks. During this time, SES research has undergone a phase of rapid growth and has grown into an influential branch of sustainability science. In this Perspective, we argue that SES research has also deepened over the past decade, and helped to shed light on key dimensions of SES dynamics (e.g. system feedbacks, aspects of system design, goals and paradigms) that can lead to tangible action for solving the major sustainability challenges of our time. We suggest four ways in which the growth of place-based SES research, fostered by networks such as PECS, has contributed to these developments, namely by: 1) shedding light on transformational change, 2) revealing the social dynamics shaping SES, 3) bringing together diverse types of knowledge, and 4) encouraging reflexive researchers

    Attribute field K-means : clusterização trajetórias com atributos através de ajustes em multiplos campos

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    The amount of high-dimensional trajectory data and its increasing complexity imposes a challenge when visualizing and analysing this information. Trajectory Visualization must deal with changes both in space and time dimensions, but the attributes of each trajectory may provide insights about its behavior and important aspects. Thus, they should not be neglected. In this work, we tackle this problem by interpreting multivariate time series as attribute-rich trajectories in a configuration space that encodes an explicit relationship among the time series variables. We propose a novel trajectory-clustering technique called Attribute Field k-means (AFKM). It uses a dynamic configuration space to generate clusters based on attributes and parameters set by the user. Furthermore, by incorporating a sketching-based interface, our approach is capable of finding clusters that approximates the input sketches. In addiction, we developed a prototype to explore the trajectories and clusters generated by AFKM in an interactive manner. Our results on synthetic and real time series datasets prove the efficiency and visualization power of our approach.A enorme quantidade de trajetórias contendo múltiplas dimensões, e o aumento de complexidade que esses dados ocasionam, impõem desafios ao visualizar e analisar estas informações. Visualização de Trajetórias deve lidar com alterações tanto na dimensão de espaço quanto na dimensão de tempo. Porém, os atributos de cada trajetória podem ocasionar uma melhor compreensão sobre seus comportamentos e características. Dessa forma, eles não deveriam ser neglicenciados. Neste trabalho, nós abordamos este problema interpretando séries temporais multivariadas com foco nos atributos das trajetórias, em um espaço de configuração que codifica um explícito relacionamento entre as variáveis das séries temporais. Nós propomos uma técnica original de clusterização de trajetórias, chamada Attribute Field k-means (AFKM). Ela usa um espaço de configuração dinâmica para gerar clusters baseados nos atributos e parâmetros definidos pelo usuário. Além disso, incorporando uma interface de sketching, nosso método é capaz de encontrar clusters que aproximam os exemplos de trajetórias desenhados pelo usuário. Nós também desenvolvemos um protótipo para explorar as trajetórias e clusters gerados pelo AFKM, de um modo interativo. Nossos resultados, em sintéticos e reais conjuntos de dados de séries temporais, provam a eficiência e o poder de visualização do nosso método