1,518 research outputs found

    Complementary currency and its impact on the economy

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    Abstract: The paper aims to show the impact that a complementary currency may have on a national economy from a theoretical point of view. A system dynamics model is created to describe the mechanics of money issuance in capitalist economies as well as in economies where there is no inside money. As an example, the ;irst outcomes of a barter network implemented in 2008 by the STRO foundation in El Salvador (called Punto Transacciones) are presented and analyzed. Finally, using data from a complementary currency experience in El Salvador the spending mul-­‐ tiplier is calculated. The main result shows that there is a greater spending multiplier in digital community currencies systems than in regular money market. Although the magnitude of PT network is still negligible from a macroeconomic point of view, the result is a desired outcome which may help to cushion the impact of macroeconomic shocks on labour market, contributing to stabilize aggregate demand

    Una relectura de la noción de bien común y su relación con la economía

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    Abstract: The notion of common good is frequently used in a broad or vague sense. Actually, it is a complex concept which is hard to define. Having been born in a classical era, many authors think it is attached to (and dependent on) a metaphysical mindset which will never be assumed again. To those scholars, the very concept should be abandoned from the standpoint of a modern political or social scientist. In this context, the goal of this work is to offer a reinterpretation of the notion for our times. We revise its origin in the thought of Aristotle and Aquinas, as well as its path in some modern catholic philosophers, such as Rosmini, Taparelli and Pesch. Then, a summary of some contemporary trends related to the issue is offered, namely, the Discourse Ethics, the Capabilities Approach or the Civil Economy. The final section explains the main features of Bernard Lonergan’s treatment of the matter. His notion of good of order and his definition of the structure of the good are presented, ending with some notes on the conditions that an economy should meet to enable an effective realization of the common good, which he developed in his economic writings.Résumé: La notion de bien commun est souvent utilisée dans un sens large ou vague. En fait, il s'agit d'un concept complexe qui est difficile à définir. Il est né dans une époque classique. De nombreux auteurs pensent qu'il est attaché à (et dépendant de) un état d'esprit métaphysique qui ne sera jamais assumé à nouveau. Pour ces chercheurs, le concept même devrait être abandonné d’un point de vue scientifique, politique ou social moderne. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de ce travail est de proposer une réinterprétation de cette notion pour notre époque. Nous révisons son origine dans la pensée d'Aristote et Thomas d'Aquin, ainsi que sa lignée chez certains philosophes catholiques modernes, tels que Rosmini, Taparelli et Pesch. Ensuite, un résumé de certaines tendances contemporaines liées à la question est offert, à savoir, l’éthique du discours, l'approche par les capacités ou l'économie civile. La dernière section décrit les principales caractéristiques de la question chez Bernard Lonergan. Sa notion de bien de l’ordre et sa définition de la structure du bien sont présentés. Nous terminons par quelques propos sur les conditions que doit satisfaire une économie pour permettre une réalisation effective du bien commun, tel que développé dans ses écrits économiques

    Una relectura de la noción de bien común y su relación con la economía

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    Full Text / Article completThe notion of common good is frequently used in a broad or vague sense. Actually, it is a complex concept which is hard to define. Having been born in a classical era, many authors think it is attached to (and dependent on) a metaphysical mindset which will never be assumed again. To those scholars, the very concept should be abandoned from the standpoint of a modern political or social scientist. In this context, the goal of this work is to offer a reinterpretation of the notion for our times. We revise its origin in the thought of Aristotle and Aquinas, as well as its path in some modern catholic philosophers, such as Rosmini, Taparelli and Pesch. Then, a summary of some contemporary trends related to the issue is offered, namely, the Discourse Ethics, the Capabilities Approach or the Civil Economy. The final section explains the main features of Bernard Lonergan’s treatment of the matter. His notion of good of order and his definition of the structure of the good are presented, ending with some notes on the conditions that an economy should meet to enable an effective realization of the common good, which he developed in his economic writings.La notion de bien commun est souvent utilisée dans un sens large ou vague. En fait, il s'agit d'un concept complexe qui est difficile à définir. Il est né dans une époque classique. De nombreux auteurs pensent qu'il est attaché à (et dépendant de) un état d'esprit métaphysique qui ne sera jamais assumé à nouveau. Pour ces chercheurs, le concept même devrait être abandonné d’un point de vue scientifique, politique ou social moderne. Dans ce contexte, l'objectif de ce travail est de proposer une réinterprétation de cette notion pour notre époque. Nous révisons son origine dans la pensée d'Aristote et Thomas d'Aquin, ainsi que sa lignée chez certains philosophes catholiques modernes, tels que Rosmini, Taparelli et Pesch. Ensuite, un résumé de certaines tendances contemporaines liées à la question est offert, à savoir, l’éthique du discours, l'approche par les capacités ou l'économie civile. La dernière section décrit les principales caractéristiques de la question chez Bernard Lonergan. Sa notion de bien de l’ordre et sa définition de la structure du bien sont présentés. Nous terminons par quelques propos sur les conditions que doit satisfaire une économie pour permettre une réalisation effective du bien commun, tel que développé dans ses écrits économiques

    Writing as a way of life: educational connections and unfoldings

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    Tomando por base as principais reflexões de Michel Foucault sobre o ato de escrever, o presente ensaio discorre sobre a correlação intrínseca entre os modos de escrita e de vida nas escolas, apontando para uma agonística em operação diuturna nas práticas escriturais levadas a cabo nesse quadrante. Isso significa que, no interior dos procedimentos de escrita, embatem-se forças superlativas, tanto no sentido da investida unificadora dos modos de subjetivação aí implicados, quanto na direção de uma transfiguração radical desses mesmos modos, tendo em vista a sua multiplicação. Adensando a discussão teórica, tematiza-se a escrita de si, tal como formulada por Foucault, como um esforço escultural desmedido em favor de uma dispersão, uma rarefação e, então, uma elisão subjetivas. Em seguida, interpelam-se analiticamente três argumentos recorrentes acerca da escrita escolar: sua categorização segundo gêneros, sua função examinatória e sua subordinação à leitura. Por meio de tal exame crítico, visa-se desestabilizar as bases de justificação de um tipo de apropriação representacional e cientificista dos fazeres escriturais escolares, bem como fabular cenários divergentes de seu mainstream. Por fim, intenta-se perspectivar a escrita como circunstância propícia à estilização existencial daquele que escreve, tendo em mente, com Foucault, o imprescindível esforço de resistência e de autocriação ética diante dos jogos subjetivadores típicos das práticas escolares. Trata-se do inextricável movimento de diferença e de variação que uma escrita não cativa das convenções pedagógicas da época faculta e, ao mesmo tempo, exige de todo aquele que por ela envereda.Drawing on Foucault's main reflections about the act of writing, the present essay expounds the intrinsic correlation between ways of writing and ways of living at schools, pointing out the daily agony involved in the writing practices conducted in these contexts. This means that, within the procedures of writing, superlative forces are in battle, both in the sense of the unifying attack of the subjectivation modes implied therein, and in the direction of a radical transfiguration of these same modes aiming at their multiplication. Deepening the theoretical discussion, the text approaches the question of self writing, as formulated by Foucault, as a disproportionate sculptural effort in favor of a subjective dispersion, rarefaction and, then, elision. Next, three recurring arguments about school writing are analytically questioned: its categorization in genres, its examining function, and its subordination to reading. With this critical examination, the purpose is to destabilize the bases for justifying a kind of representational and scientificist appropriation of the school writing activities, as well as to conjure up scenarios divergent from the mainstream. Lastly, it is also an objective here to view writing as a circumstance propitious to the existential styling of the writer, having in mind, with Foucault, the indispensible effort of resistance and ethical self-creation in the face of the subjectivation games typical of school practices. It is the inextricable movement of difference and variation that a writing liberated from the pedagogical conventions of the time affords and, at the same time, demands of all those who pursue it

    Out-of hospital and in hospital stroke care

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    Recent data indicate that 29-65% of patients with signs or symptoms of acute stroke access their initial medical via local EMS which confi rm the role of EMS in the chain of survival. The creation of stroke centers with the personnel programs expertise and infrastructure to cave for many patients with strokes, uses many acute therapies (such as intravenous rtPA) and admit such patients into a stroke unit. Stroke unit is designed to care for patients with complicated typs of strokes, patients with intracerebral hemorrhage or Ştiinţe Medicale 263 subarachnoid hemorrhage, and those requiring specific interventions (surgery or endovascular procedures) or an intensive cave. An organized protocol for the emergency evaluation of patients with strokes, designation of an acute stroke team that includes physicians, nurses and laboratory/ radiology personnel is recommended. Intravenous rtPA (0.9 mg/kg, maximum dose 90 mg) is recommended for selected patients who may be treated within 3 hours of onset of ischemic stroke. Intra-arterial thrombolysis is an option for treatment of selected patients who have major stroke of < 6 hours duration due to occlusions of the MCA and who ave not candidates for intravenous rtPA. The management of patients after admission to the hospital remains a key component of overall treatment and it is as important as the acutely administered therapies. These therapies can improve outcomes by lessening complications and speeding recovery from stroke

    La planificación económica : un análisis del esquema del Ing. Guido di Tella

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    Fil: Groppa, Víctor S. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho. Cátedra de Política Económica Argentina. Buenos Aires, Argentin

    Viziuni curente privind cauzele atipice ale accidentului vascular cerebral – mimicii și cameleonii

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    Department of Neurology no. 2, Nicolae Testemitanu SUMPBackground. Around 30% of suspected stroke cases will have eventually another diagnosis. This is due to complexity of the clinical presentation ”chameleons” and similitude with other etiologies ”mimics”. The various techniques used nowadays to evaluate stroke patients, increase the risk of ”incidentalomas”. Objective of the study. To focuse on the most common scenarios in which stroke mimics and chameleons are encountered, in order to be easily recognized in time-limited therapeutic window conditions. Material and Methods. A narrative review was intended, based on the key-words relevant to the study. We searched form ”stroke chameleon”, ”stroke mimic”, ”incidentaloma” and ”stroke” using PubMed and Google Scholar databases. A study that matched at least 2 of the key words was included in the review. Results. Sometimes, a stroke can develop without being immediately recognized. A stroke mimic can also be difficult to identify, and this usually leads to unnecessary treatment and imaging. The main challenge with chameleons is different, that they are not identified early enough, and they are not properly treated. One major differentiator is that within stroke, symptoms are often negative or absent, but with mimics and chameleons, patients experience positive or new symptoms, with or without the negative symptoms of stroke. This article presents step by step procedures for differential diagnosis and specify the contributory role of imaging in avoiding diagnostic mistakes. Conclusion. Ischemic stroke is a common and treatable medical condition. Stroke recognition tools are designed to fast-track patients through emergency departments, but do not replace clinical acumen.Introducere. Cca 30% din cazurile suspecte de accident vascular cerebral (AVC) vor avea ulterior alt diagnostic. Aceasta se datorează complexității clinice „cameleoni” și similitudinii cu alte etiologii „mimici”. Diferitele tehnici utilizate astăzi pentru evaluare, cresc riscul „incidentaloamelor”. Scopul lucrării. De a ne concentra pe cele mai frecvente scenarii în care se întâlnesc mimicii și cameleonii AVC, pentru a putea fi lesne recunoscuți în condiții de fereastră terapeutică limitată ca timp. Material și Metode. A fost întocmit un review narativ bazat pe cuvintele-cheie relevante. Termenii cameleon, mimic, incidentalom și accident vascular cerebral au fost căutați în bazele de date PubMed și Google Scholar. Un studiu care corespundea la cel puțin 2 dintre cuvintele-cheie a fost inclus. Rezultate. Uneori, un AVC se poate dezvolta fără a fi recunoscut imediat. Un mimic AVC poate fi, de asemenea, dificil de identificat, iar acest lucru duce, de obicei, la tratamente și imagistică inutile. Principala provocare cu cameleonii este diferită, aceștia nefiind identificați suficient de devreme și fiind tratați necorespunzător. O diferență majoră este că în cadrul AVC, simptomele sunt adesea negative sau absente, iar mimicii și cameleonii prezintă simptome pozitive sau noi, cu sau fără cele negative din AVC. Acest review prezintă proceduri pas cu pas pentru diagnosticul diferențial și specifică rolul contributiv al imagisticii în evitarea greșelilor de diagnostic. Concluzii. AVC ischemic este o afecțiune comună și tratabilă. Instrumentele de recunoaștere a AVC sunt concepute pentru a tria rapid pacienții în departamentul de urgență, dar nu înlocuiesc perspicacitatea clinică

    Updates on classification and management of status epilepticus

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    Department of Neurology No 2, Laboratory of Neurobiology and Medical Genetics, Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova, Institute of Emergency Medicine, Chisinau, the Republic of Moldova. The 75th anniversary of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy of the Republic of Moldova (1945-2020)Background: Status epilepticus (SE) is a major medical emergency and requires not only an emergency symptomatic treatment with antiepileptic drugs (AED) but also a rapid identification and treatment of the underlying cause. This narrative review summarizes the most important advances in SE classification and treatment. Data sources included being PubMed / Medline, and tracking references of the relevant studies, reviews and books. SE is now defined as “a condition resulting either from the failure of the mechanisms responsible for seizure termination or from the initiation of mechanisms, which lead to abnormally prolonged seizures (after time point t1). It is a condition, which can have long-term consequences (after time point t2), including neuronal death, neuronal injury, and alteration of neuronal networks, depending on the type and duration of seizures.” The most effective acute treatments for early SE are the intravenous benzodiazepines (lorazepam, diazepam, and clonazepam) and intramuscular midazolam. In children, oral or intranasal midazolam are useful alternatives. The intravenous antiepileptic drugs (phenytoin, valproate, levetiracetam, phenobarbital and lacosamide) are administered in confirmed SE. Treatment options in refractory SE are intravenous anesthetics; ketamine, magnesium, steroids and other drugs are used in super-refractory SE , showing variable results and outcomes. Conclusions: Over time, major progress has been made in defining, classifying, and understanding of SE mechanisms. Despite this, the first-line drug management is ineffective in up to 40% of patients with SE. The super-refractory SE treatment is still unknown and no evidence-based data have been found yet. Thus, SE treatment strategies vary substantially from one institution to another due to the lack of data supporting a specific treatment plan


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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină şi Farmacie „Nicolae Testemiţanu”, Chişinău, Republica MoldovaIntroducere: Angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală (AAC) este caracterizată prin depozite de amiloid beta în vasele creierului și leptomeningelui. Hemoragia intracerebrală (HI) lobară este semnul clinic al angiopatiei amiloide. Se presupune că un subgrup de hemoragii localizate în cerebel sunt asociate cu AAC. Scopul lucrării: Analiza implicării cerebelului în angiopatia amiloidă cerebrală. Materiale și metode: Au fost selectați pacienții cu hemoragie intracerebrală spontane investigați imagistic prin rezonanță magnetică. Au fost analizați retrospectiv pacienții internați în perioada 20092015 și prospectiv în perioada 2015-2019. Pacienții au fost diagnosticați cu AAC conform criteriilor Boston. Au fost analizate pattern-ul distribuției microhemoragiilor, modificările substanței albe și capacitățile cognitive ale pacienților cu și fără implicarea cerebelului. Rezultate: Din totalul de 718 pacienți, 189 (26,3%) au fost examinați prin IRM cerebrală. Doar 155 pacienți au îndeplinit criteriile Boston pentru diagnosticul de AAC. Pacienții cu AAC și implicarea cerebelului sunt mai tineri (67 +-6 ani vs 72+-10 ani, p < 0.001), și au mai multe microhemoragii comparativ cu pacienții cu ACC fără implicarea cerebelului, 33+-23 vs. 3+-9, p < 0.001. La pacienții cu implicarea cerebelului s-a înregistrat un grad mai sever de afectare a substanței albe conform scalei Fazekas, și o prevalență mai mare a dereglărilor cognitive, 26% versus 3.6%, p < 0.001. Concluzie: implicarea cerebelară nu este rară în AAC. Majoritatea pacienților prezintă microhemoragii cerebelare și hemoragii multiple, au un pattern microvascular mai agresiv, cu dereglările cognitive sunt mai proeminente.Introduction. Cerebral amyloid angiopathy (CAA) is characterized by deposits of beta amyloid in small and medium-sized vessels of the brain and leptomeninges. Lobar hemorrhage is a primary clinical sign of CAA. A subset of hemorrhages located in the cerebellum are thought to be associated with amyloid storage. Aim of the study. Analysis of the involvement of the cerebellum in CAA. Materials and methods. Patients with spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage that were investigated by magnetic resonance imaging were selected. Data was accrued retrospectively from 20092015 and prospectively from 2015 to 2019. Patients were diagnosed with CAA according to Boston criteria. The pattern of distribution of microhemorrhages, changes in white matter and cognitive abilities of patients with and without cerebellar involvement were analyzed. Results. Out of a total of 718 patients, 189 (26.3%) were examined by brain MRI. Of the 189 patients, 155 met the Boston criteria for the diagnosis of cerebral amyloid angiopathy. Patients with CAA and cerebellar involvement were younger (67 + -6 years vs 72 + -10 years, p < 0.001), and have more microhemorrhages 33 + -23 vs 3 + -9, p < 0.001. Patients with cerebellar involvement had a more white matter hyperintensities according to the Fazekas scale. In addition, cognitive disorders are more prevalent in patients with cerebellar involvement, 26% versus 3.6%, p < 0.001. Conclusion: cerebellar involvement is not uncommon in CAA. Most patients have cerebellar microbleedings, have a more aggressive microvascular pattern, and more prominent cognitive changes