63 research outputs found

    Modelo térmico para evaluación de sobrecargas en transformadores

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    Se ha dado una descripción acerca del transformador de potencia en el que la temperatura juega un papel importante, porque de ella depende la vida útil de la máquina, así que, teniendo en cuenta la normativa al respecto en especial la norma UNE IEC 60076-7 de 2005, se ha dado una introducción al modelo térmico básico del transformador basándose en la tesis doctoral elaborada por Dejan Susa del mismo año, para hacer la implementación del modelo térmico de la temperatura de la capa superior del aceite dentro de la cuba del transformador mediante un programa elaborado y conformado por módulos con el software MATLAB, en el que se importan los datos de algunos transformadores desde un libro Excel, para ser tomados como ejemplos en la búsqueda de la solución de las ecuaciones del modelo del aceite superior, utilizando acto seguido, la herramienta ode45 de MATLAB para lograr los resultados necesarios que se exportan finalmente al libro Excel, que servirá para almacenar los datos de entrada y de salida del modelo térmico. Finalmente se han comparado los resultados con los de la tesis doctoral [12] para los transformadores de 250 MVA, 400 MVA y 605 MVA.Ingeniería Eléctric

    Data Augmentation for Emotion Detection in Small Imbalanced Text Data

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    Emotion recognition in text, the task of identifying emotions such as joy or anger, is a challenging problem in NLP with many applications. One of the challenges is the shortage of available datasets that have been annotated with emotions. Certain existing datasets are small, follow different emotion taxonomies and display imbalance in their emotion distribution. In this work, we studied the impact of data augmentation techniques precisely when applied to small imbalanced datasets, for which current state-of-the-art models (such as RoBERTa) under-perform. Specifically, we utilized four data augmentation methods (Easy Data Augmentation EDA, static and contextual Embedding-based, and ProtAugment) on three datasets that come from different sources and vary in size, emotion categories and distributions. Our experimental results show that using the augmented data when training the classifier model leads to significant improvements. Finally, we conducted two case studies: a) directly using the popular chat-GPT API to paraphrase text using different prompts, and b) using external data to augment the training set. Results show the promising potential of these methods.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of the 22nd IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning Applications (ICMLA 2023

    Black hole optimizer for the optimal power injection in distribution networks using DG

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    The optimal sizing of Distributed Generators (DG) in electric power distribution networks is carried out through a metaheuristic optimization strategy. To size DG it is proposed an optimal power flow model is formulated by considering that the location of these sources has been previously defined by the distribution company. The solution of the optimal power flow is reached with the Black Hole Optimizer (BHO). A methodology is used master-slave optimization methodology, where the BHO (i.e., master stage) defines the sizes of the DG and the slave stage evaluates the objective function with a load flow algorithm, this work using the triangular-based power flow method. Numerical results in the 33-node and the 69-node test system demonstrates the effectiveness and robustness of the proposed approach when compared with literature results. © 2021 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved

    Optimal economic-environmental dispatch in MT-HVDC systems via sine-cosine algorithm

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    This paper addresses the problem of optimal economic-environmental dispatch in Multi-Terminal High-Voltage Direct Current (MT-HVDC) networks using the Sine-Cosine Algorithm (SCA). This optimization methodology allows working with nonlinear non-convex large-scale optimization problems via sequential programming. The SCA works with an initial population and rules of advance based on the best current solution and sine and cosine functions that define the direction of the next solution. Three variants of the SCA are evaluated in a standard six-node MT-HVDC system considering a linear combination of the objective functions (i.e., greenhouse emissions and energy production costs). The main advantage of the proposed evolutionary approach lies in its pure algorithmic structure. Thus, it can be easily adapted to any continuous optimization problem. All numerical calculations are performed using MATLAB software. © 202

    Diseño de un modelo gerencial para el área de gestión humana de la cooperativa Coosvicente, aplicando la metodología por competencias e indicadores de eficiencia

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    Esta propuesta consistió en el diseño de un Modelo Gerencial para el área de Gestión Humana de la Cooperativa Coosvicente, aplicando la metodología por competencias e indicadores de eficiencia. Inicialmente, se realizó un diagnóstico mediante la aplicación de una encuesta a: Personal Comercial Bajo, Personal Operativo Bajo, Personal Comercial Medio, Personal Operativo Medio y Personal Administrativo. Los resultados arrojados evidenciaron que los niveles que requieren mayor intervención son: Comercial Bajo y Operativo Bajo (Asesores internos y externos, administradores de agencia y cajeros). En este sentido, el Modelo Gerencial por Competencias abordó estos cargos, presentando el perfil y las competencias que deben cumplir para el adecuado desarrollo de sus labores, proyectándose de esta manera, con una excelente prestación del servicio al cliente. Adicionalmente, como herramienta evaluadora de la correcta implementación del modelo, se diseñó un cuadro de mando, el cual permite, evaluar indicadores financieros y no financieros, movilizando el quehacer de los trabajadores hacia el cumplimiento de la cultura organizacional: Misión, Visión, Objetivos. Con la implementación de esta propuesta en la Cooperativa Coosvicente, se obtienen beneficios para la optimización del tiempo de la operación diaria, pues el personal estará más empoderado de su puesto de trabajo, se creará más conciencia, y contará con las competencias adecuadas para cumplir con el perfil requerido para cada cargo generador de valor. Así mismo, la inversión que exige la implementación de la propuesta, queda subsanada con la reducción en los gastos adicionales que se generen, especialmente al prescindir del servicio de algunos empleados.This proposal consisted of the design of a Managerial Model for the area of Human Management of the Coosvicente Cooperative, applying the methodology by competitions and indicators of efficiency. Initially, a diagnosis was realized by means of application of a survey to: Low Commercial Personnel, Low Opperative Personnel, Average Commercial Personnel, Average Operative Personnel and Administrative Personnel. The thrown results demonstrated that levels that require major intervention are: Low Commercial and Low Opperative (Internal and External Advisors, agency´s managers and cashiers). In this sense, the Managerial Model by Competitions approached these positions, presenting the profile and the competitions that must fulfill for the suitable development of their workings, this way projecting with an excellent benefit of customer service. Additionally, like evaluating tool of the correct implementation of the model, a control panel was designed, which allows, to evaluate financial indicators and not financial, mobilizing the task of the workers towards the fulfillment of the organizational culture: Mission, Vision, Objectives. With the implementation of this proposal in the Coosvicente Cooperative, benefits for the optimization of the time of the daily operation are obtained, because the personnel will be empowered of its job, will be created more bring back to consciousness, and will count on the adapted competitions to fulfill the profile required for each generating position of value. Also, the investment that demands the implementation of the proposal is corrected with the reduction in the additional expenses that are generated when doing without the services of some employees and the optional withdraw

    CLIL: Its Effect on High School Students´ English Speaking Performance.

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    El propósito de esta investigación fue determinar en qué medida el uso de Content Language and Integrated Learning (CLIL) apoya y ayuda a mejorar el rendimiento oral de un grupo de ocho alumnos en una escuela secundaria privada, se hizo siguiendo las características de CLIL y una teoría que describe los pasos para preparar una clase CLIL y cómo aplicarla en el aula de inglés, como fue establecido por (Marsh, 2009). El proyecto involucró una etapa de diagnóstico en la que se aplicaron algunos instrumentos, también una acción etapa donde se llevaron a cabo siete talleres, y finalmente una etapa de evaluación en la que otros instrumentos se utilizaron para evaluar el proceso, en el desempeño oral de los estudiantes en octavo grado. Los hallazgos informaron la utilidad de CLIL en el aula de inglés como lengua extranjera como una forma de mejorar el rendimiento de la oratoria y el vocabulario de los estudiantes, y al mismo tiempo adquirir algunos conocimientos sobre ciencias sociales que refuerzan su proceso de aprendizaje en estas materias en español y en Al mismo tiempo, trabajando en sus habilidades de inglés. El estudio también informó que se trataba de una innovación curricular para tener en cuenta a todos los niveles en la Escuela Secundaria Rafael Pombo; de hecho, estos hallazgos sugieren que los recursos de AICL aumentan el interés, el entusiasmo y la comprensión del lenguaje de los estudiantes, mejorando su rendimiento lingüístico. Se presentan conclusiones e implicaciones pedagógicas para los maestros, los administradores escolares y los responsables de la formulación de políticas para incluir AICLE en los esfuerzos futuros del currículo.Abstract The purpose of this research was to determine to which extent the use of Content Language and Integrated Learning (CLIL) supports and helps to improve the oral performance of a group of eight graders at a private high school, it was done by following the CLIL characteristics and theory that describe the steps in order to prepare a CLIL lesson and how to apply it in the English classroom, as it was stated by (Marsh, 2009).The project involved a diagnostic stage in which some instruments where applied, also an action stage where seven workshops where carried out, and finally an evaluation stage in which other instruments where used to evaluate the process, in the speaking performance of the students in eighth grade. The findings reported the usefulness of CLIL in the English as a Foreign Language classroom as a way of improving students’ speaking performance, vocabulary, and at the same time acquiring some knowledge about social sciences that reinforce their learning process in these subjects in Spanish and at the same time working on their English skills. The study also reported to be a curriculum innovation to be taken into account at all levels at Rafael Pombo High School; in fact, these findings suggest that CLIL resources increase students’ interest, enthusiasm and language understanding, improving their language performance. Conclusions and pedagogical implications are presented for teachers, school administrators, and policy makers to include CLIL in future curriculum endeavours

    Responsabilidad social corporativa banco BBVA Colombia

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    El presente documento pretende analizar las políticas de Responsabilidad Social 1 Corporativa (RSC) que realiza el Banco BBVA Colombia, enfatizando en las campañas de educación para población vulnerable y de cuidado del medio ambiente. Para ello, en primer lugar se realiza una discusión sobre el estado del arte de la RSE en el sistema financiero, y particularmente en el sistema bancario. A partir de esta discusión se procede a describir y analizar las campañas que desarrolla el BBVA Colombia en materia de educación a través del Programa Becas de Integración y morrales con útiles escolares y de campañas de educación financiera, y en materia medioambiental a partir del programa Semáforo ecológico para promover el reciclaje entre sus empleados, la vinculación al Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) y al Pacto Mundial de las Naciones Unidas, y el desarrollo de estudios de impacto ambiental de proyectos agropecuarios financiados por el Banco. Finalmente, se reportan algunas cifras que permiten cuantificar el impacto de estas campañas de RSE y estimar su participación en los estados financieros de la compañía.This paper aims to analyze the policies of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) conducted by the Bank BBVA Colombia, emphasizing education campaigns for vulnerable populations and environmental care. To do this, we first performed a discussion on the state of the ad of CSR in the financial system, particularly in the bankina system. From this discussion we oroceed to describe and analvze the campaigns developed by the BBVA Colombia in education through the Scholarship Program Integration and backpacks with school supplies and financial literacy campaigns, and environmental program from Semaphore green to promote recycling among its employees, linking to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the Global Compact of the United Nations, and the development of environmental impact studies of agricultural projects financed by the Bank. Finally, some figures are reported to quantify the impact of these CSR campaigns and estimate their participation in the financial statements of the company.Administrador (a) de EmpresasPregrad

    Convergence analysis of the triangular-based power flow method for AC distribution grids

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    This paper addresses the convergence analysis of the triangular-based power flow (PF) method in alternating current radial distribution networks. The PF formulation is made via upper-triangular matrices, which enables finding a general iterative PF formula that does not require admittance matrix calculations. The convergence analysis of this iterative formula is carried out by applying the Banach fixed-point theorem (BFPT), which allows demonstrating that under an adequate voltage profile the triangular-based PF always converges. Numerical validations are made, on the well-known 33 and 69 distribution networks test systems. Gauss-seidel, newton-raphson, and backward/forward PF methods are considered for the sake of comparison. All the simulations are carried out in MATLAB software

    Optimal Power Dispatch of Distributed Generators in Direct Current Networks Using a Master–Slave Methodology that Combines the Salp Swarm Algorithm and the Successive Approximation Method

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    This paper addresses the Optimal Power Flow (OPF) problem in Direct Current (DC) networks by considering the integration of Distributed Generators (DGs). In order to model said problem, this study employs a mathematical formulation that has, as the objective function, the reduction in power losses associated with energy transport and that considers the set of constraints that compose DC networks in an environment of distributed generation. To solve this mathematical formulation, a master–slave methodology that combines the Salp Swarm Algorithm (SSA) and the Successive Approximations (SA) method was used here. The effectiveness, repeatability, and robustness of the proposed solution methodology was validated using two test systems (the 21- and 69-node systems), five other optimization methods reported in the specialized literature, and three different penetration levels of distributed generation: 20%, 40%, and 60% of the power provided by the slack node in the test systems in an environment with no DGs (base case). All simulations were executed 100 times for each solution methodology in the different test scenarios. The purpose of this was to evaluate the repeatability of the solutions provided by each technique by analyzing their minimum and average power losses and required processing times. The results show that the proposed solution methodology achieved the best trade-off between (minimum and average) power loss reduction and processing time for networks of any size

    Diseño óptimo de un resorte helicoidal usando un algoritmo genético continuo

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    Objective: In this paper, a continuous genetic algorithm (CGA) for the optimal design of a closed-coil helical spring is proposed. Methodology: The solution methodology uses the minimization of the total spring volume as objective function, considering the wire diameter, mean diameter and number of active coils as main variables. As set of constraints, the technical and physical requirements for the correct and safe design of the aforementioned element are implemented. A CGA is employed as a solution method, and, as comparison methods, different optimization algorithms were used, which were employed in the specialized literature for solving the problem addressed in this study. Results: The results obtained show that the CGA achieved the minimum value of volume, 1.5% less than the best reported technique, with a processing time lower than 1 s, which proves that the proposed methodology obtains the best results in terms of solution quality and processing time. Conclusions: The simulation results show that the CGA obtains the best solution in comparison with the other techniques, at a low computational cost and providing a solution that meets the physical and technical constraints of the design.        Objetivo: En este artículo de investigación se propone un algoritmo genético continuo (CGA) para realizar el diseño óptimo de un resorte helicoidal de bobina cerrada. Metodología: La metodología de solución emplea como función objetivo la minimización del volumen total de un resorte helicoidal, considerando como variables principales el diámetro del alambre, el diámetro promedio y el número de bobinas activas. Como conjunto de restricciones se implementan los requerimientos físicos y técnicos para el diseño seguro y adecuado del elemento mencionado. Como método de solución se emplea un CGA, y como métodos de comparación son usados diferentes algoritmos de optimización que han sido implementados en la literatura especializada para dar solución al problema abordado.   Resultados: Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el CGA obtiene el mínimo valor de volumen, siendo menor en un 1,5% en comparación con la mejor técnica reportada, con un tiempo de procesamiento menor a 1 s, lo cual demuestra que la metodología propuesta obtiene los mejores resultados en términos de calidad de la solución y tiempo de procesamiento. Conclusiones: Los resultados de simulación muestran que el CGA obtiene la mejor solución en comparación con las demás técnicas, a un bajo costo computacional y entregando una solución que cumple con los requerimientos físicos y técnicos del diseño.      