3,981 research outputs found

    Modelling excited states of weakly bound complexes with density functional theory

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    The binding within the ethene-argon and formaldehyde-methane complexes in the ground and electronically excited states is studied with equation of motion coupled cluster theory (EOM-CCSD), second-order Møller-Plesset perturbation theory (MP2) and density functional theory with dispersion corrections (DFT-D). Electronically excited states are studied within MP2 and Kohn-Sham DFT formalisms by exploiting a procedure called the maximum overlap method that allows convergence of the relevant self-consistent field equations to higher energy (or excited state) solutions. Potential energy curves computed using MP2 are in good agreement with the EOM- CCSD calculations for both the valence and Rydberg excited states studied. For the DFT-D approach, B3LYP-D3/aug-cc-pVTZ calculations are found to be in agreement with EOM-CCSD for the ground and valence excited states. However, for the π3s Rydberg state of ethene-argon and the n3s Rydberg state of formaldehyde-methane significant deviation is observed, and this disagreement with EOM-CCSD is present for a variety of DFT-D based approaches. Variation of the parameters within the D2 dispersion correction results in closer agreement with EOM-CCSD for the Rydberg states but demonstrates that a different parameterisation from the ground state is required for these states. This indicates that time-dependent density functional theory calculations based upon a DFT-D reference may be satisfactory for excitations to valence states, but will potentially be inaccurate for excitations to Rydberg states, or more generally states were the nature of the electron density is significantly different from the ground state

    Performance of ab initio and density functional methods for conformational equilibria of CnH2n+2 alkane isomers (n=2-8)

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    Conformational energies of n-butane, n-pentane, and n-hexane have been calculated at the CCSD(T) level and at or near the basis set limit. Post-CCSD(T) contribution were considered and found to be unimportant. The data thus obtained were used to assess the performance of a variety of density functional methods. Double-hybrid functionals like B2GP-PLYP and B2K-PLYP, especially with a small Grimme-type empirical dispersion correction, are capable of rendering conformational energies of CCSD(T) quality. These were then used as a `secondary standard' for a larger sample of alkanes, including isopentane and the branched hexanes as well as key isomers of heptane and octane. Popular DFT functionals like B3LYP, B3PW91, BLYP, PBE, and PBE0 tend to overestimate conformer energies without dispersion correction, while the M06 family severely underestimates GG interaction energies. Grimme-type dispersion corrections for these overcorrect and lead to qualitatively wrong conformer orderings. All of these functionals also exhibit deficiencies in the conformer geometries, particularly the backbone torsion angles. The PW6B95 and, to a lesser extent, BMK functionals are relatively free of these deficiencies. Performance of these methods is further investigated to derive conformer ensemble corrections to the enthalpy function, H298H0H_{298}-H_0, and the Gibbs energy function, gef(T)[G(T)H0]/T{\rm gef}(T)\equiv - [G(T)-H_0]/T, of these alkanes. While H298H0H_{298}-H_0 is only moderately sensitive to the level of theory, gef(T){\rm gef}(T) exhibits more pronounced sensitivity. Once again, double hybrids acquit themselves very well.Comment: J. Phys. Chem. A, revised [Walter Thiel festschrift

    Negotiation-based Choreography of Data-intensive Applications in the C3Grid Project

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    We present a negotiation and agreement strategy and protocol for the efficient scheduling of data intensive jobs in the Grid. It was developed with the background of the Collaborative Climate Community Data and Processing Grid (C3Grid), which provides a comprehensive infrastructure for solving computational problems in Earth System Science. The presented solution is a subset of the overall C3Grid architecture and especially focuses on the collaboration of Data Management and Workflow Scheduling. We evaluate our approach on a case study representing a complex application typical for climate research. Finally, extensions for future work – especially on standardization efforts – are reviewed

    Accurate Treatment of Large Supramolecular Complexes by Double-Hybrid Density Functionals Coupled with Nonlocal van der Waals Corrections

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    In this work, we present a thorough assessment of the performance of some representative double-hybrid density functionals (revPBE0-DH-NL and B2PLYP-NL) as well as their parent hybrid and GGA counterparts, in combination with the most modern version of the nonlocal (NL) van der Waals correction to describe very large weakly interacting molecular systems dominated by noncovalent interactions. Prior to the assessment, an accurate and homogeneous set of reference interaction energies was computed for the supramolecular complexes constituting the L7 and S12L data sets by using the novel, precise, and efficient DLPNO-CCSD(T) method at the complete basis set limit (CBS). The correction of the basis set superposition error and the inclusion of the deformation energies (for the S12L set) have been crucial for obtaining precise DLPNO-CCSD(T)/CBS interaction energies. Among the density functionals evaluated, the double-hybrid revPBE0-DH-NL and B2PLYP-NL with the three-body dispersion correction provide remarkably accurate association energies very close to the chemical accuracy. Overall, the NL van der Waals approach combined with proper density functionals can be seen as an accurate and affordable computational tool for the modeling of large weakly bonded supramolecular systems.Financial support by the “Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” (MINECO) of Spain and European FEDER funds through projects CTQ2011-27253 and CTQ2012-31914 is acknowledged. The support of the Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo/2012/053) is also acknowledged. J.A. thanks the EU for the FP7-PEOPLE-2012-IEF-329513 grant. J.C. acknowledges the “Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte” (MECD) of Spain for a predoctoral FPU grant

    Elastic and vibrational properties of alpha and beta-PbO

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    The structure, electronic and dynamic properties of the two layered alpha (litharge) and beta (massicot) phases of PbO have been studied by density functional methods. The role of London dispersion interactions as leading component of the total interaction energy between layers has been addressed by using the Grimme's approach, in which new parameters for Pb and O atoms have been developed. Both gradient corrected and hybrid functionals have been adopted using Gaussian-type basis sets of polarized triple zeta quality for O atoms and small core pseudo-potential for the Pb atoms. Basis set superposition error (BSSE) has been accounted for by the Boys-Bernardi correction to compute the interlayer separation. Cross check with calculations adopting plane waves that are BSSE free have also been performed for both structures and vibrational frequencies. With the new set of proposed Grimme's type parameters structures and dynamical parameters for both PbO phases are in good agreement with experimental data.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Glycolaldehyde formation via the dimerization of the formyl radical

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    Glycolaldehyde, the simplest monosaccharide sugar, has recently been detected in low- and high-mass star-forming cores. Following our previous investigation into glycolaldehyde formation, we now consider a further mechanism for the formation of glycolaldehyde that involves the dimerization of the formyl radical, HCO. Quantum mechanical investigation of the HCO dimerization process upon an ice surface is predicted to be barrierless and therefore fast. In an astrophysical context, we show that this mechanism can be very efficient in star-forming cores. It is limited by the availability of the formyl radical, but models suggest that only very small amounts of CO are required to be converted to HCO to meet the observational constraints

    First Order Static Excitation Potential: Scheme for Excitation Energies and Transition Moments

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    We present an approximation scheme for the calculation of the principal excitation energies and transition moments of finite many-body systems. The scheme is derived from a first order approximation to the self energy of a recently proposed extended particle-hole Green's function. A hermitian eigenvalue problem is encountered of the same size as the well-known Random Phase Approximation (RPA). We find that it yields a size consistent description of the excitation properties and removes an inconsistent treatment of the ground state correlation by the RPA. By presenting a hermitian eigenvalue problem the new scheme avoids the instabilities of the RPA and should be well suited for large scale numerical calculations. These and additional properties of the new approximation scheme are illuminated by a very simple exactly solvable model.Comment: 15 pages revtex, 1 eps figure included, corrections in Eq. (A1) and Sec. II

    Modeling interstellar amorphous solid water grains by tight-binding based methods: comparison between GFN-XTB and CCSD(T) results for water clusters

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    One believed path to Interstellar Complexes Organic Molecules (iCOMs) formation inside the Interstellar Medium (ISM) is through chemical recombination at the surface of amorphous solid water (ASW) mantle covering the silicate-based core of the interstellar grains. The study of these iCOMs formation and their binding energy to the ASW, using computational chemistry, depends strongly on the ASW models used, as different models may exhibit sites with different adsorbing features. ASW extended models are rare in the literature because large sizes require very large computational resources when quantum mechanical methods based on DFT are used. To circumvent this problem, we propose to use the newly developed GFN-xTB Semi-empirical Quantum Mechanical (SQM) methods from the Grimme's group. These methods are, at least, two orders of magnitude faster than conventional DFT, only require modest central memory, and in this paper we aim to benchmark their accuracy against rigorous and resource hungry quantum mechanical methods. We focused on 38 water structures studied by MP2 and CCSD(T) approaches comparing energetic and structures with three levels of GFN-xTB parametrization (GFN0, GFN1, GFN2) methods. The extremely good results obtained at the very cheap GFN-xTB level for both water cluster structures and energetic paved the way towards the modeling of very large AWS models of astrochemical interest.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, Submitted to LNCS (Springer) ICCSA202