187 research outputs found

    EquiFACS: the Equine Facial Action Coding System

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    Although previous studies of horses have investigated their facial expressions in specific contexts, e.g. pain, until now there has been no methodology available that documents all the possible facial movements of the horse and provides a way to record all potential facial configurations. This is essential for an objective description of horse facial expressions across a range of contexts that reflect different emotional states. Facial Action Coding Systems (FACS) provide a systematic methodology of identifying and coding facial expressions on the basis of underlying facial musculature and muscle movement. FACS are anatomically based and document all possible facial movements rather than a configuration of movements associated with a particular situation. Consequently, FACS can be applied as a tool for a wide range of research questions. We developed FACS for the domestic horse (Equus caballus) through anatomical investigation of the underlying musculature and subsequent analysis of naturally occurring behaviour captured on high quality video. Discrete facial movements were identified and described in terms of the underlying muscle contractions, in correspondence with previous FACS systems. The reliability of others to be able to learn this system (EquiFACS) and consistently code behavioural sequences was high—and this included people with no previous experience of horses. A wide range of facial movements were identified, including many that are also seen in primates and other domestic animals (dogs and cats). EquiFACS provides a method that can now be used to document the facial movements associated with different social contexts and thus to address questions relevant to understanding social cognition and comparative psychology, as well as informing current veterinary and animal welfare practices

    Characterization of human platelet binding of recombinant T cell receptor ligand

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Recombinant T cell receptor ligands (RTLs) are bio-engineered molecules that may serve as novel therapeutic agents for the treatment of neuroinflammatory conditions such as multiple sclerosis (MS). RTLs contain membrane distal α1 plus β1 domains of class II major histocompatibility complex linked covalently to specific peptides that can be used to regulate T cell responses and inhibit experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). The mechanisms by which RTLs impede local recruitment and retention of inflammatory cells in the CNS, however, are not completely understood.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We have recently shown that RTLs bind strongly to B cells, macrophages, and dendritic cells, but not to T cells, in an antigenic-independent manner, raising the question whether peripheral blood cells express a distinct RTL-receptor. Our study was designed to characterize the molecular mechanisms by which RTLs bind human blood platelets, and the ability of RTL to modulate platelet function.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our data demonstrate that human blood platelets support binding of RTL. Immobilized RTL initiated platelet intracellular calcium mobilization and lamellipodia formation through a pathway dependent upon Src and PI3 kinases signaling. The presence of RTL in solution reduced platelet aggregation by collagen, while treatment of whole blood with RTL prolonged occlusive thrombus formation on collagen.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Platelets, well-known regulators of hemostasis and thrombosis, have been implicated in playing a major role in inflammation and immunity. This study provides the first evidence that blood platelets express a functional RTL-receptor with a putative role in modulating pathways of neuroinflammation.</p

    Recombinant T-Cell Receptor Ligand (RTL) for Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis: A Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Phase 1, Dose-Escalation Study

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    Background. Recombinant T-cell receptor ligand 1000 (RTL1000) is a single-chain protein construct containing the outer two domains of HLA-DR2 linked to myelin-oligodendrocyte-glycoprotein- (MOG-) 35–55 peptide. Analogues of RTL1000 induce T-cell tolerance, reverse clinical and histological disease, and promote repair in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in DR2 transgenic, C57BL/6, and SJL/J mice. Objective. Determining the maximum tolerated dose, safety, and tolerability of RTL1000 in multiple sclerosis (MS) subjects. Methods. This was a multicenter, Phase I dose-escalation study in HLA-DR2+ MS subjects. Consecutive cohorts received RTL1000 doses of 2, 6, 20, 60, 200, and 100 mg, respectively. Subjects within each cohort randomly received a single intravenous infusion of RTL1000 or placebo at a 4 : 2 ratio. Safety monitoring included clinical, laboratory, and brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) evaluations. Results. Thirty-four subjects completed the protocol. All subjects tolerated the 2–60 mg doses of RTL1000. Doses ≥100 mg caused hypotension and diarrhea in 3 of 4 subjects, leading to discontinuation of further enrollment. Conclusions. The maximum tolerated dose of RTL1000 in MS subjects is 60 mg, comparable to effective RTL doses in EAE. RTL1000 is a novel approach for MS treatment that may induce immunoregulation without immunosuppression and promote neural repair

    ROXA J081009.9+384757.0: a 104710^{47} erg/s blazar with hard X-ray synchrotron peak or a new type of radio loud AGN?

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    We report the discovery of ROXA J081009.9+384757.0 = SDSS J081009.9+384757.0, a z=3.95 blazar with a highly unusual Spectral Energy Distribution (SED). This object was first noticed as a probable high fx/frf_x/f_r, high-luminosity blazar within the error region of a 1012\approx 10^{-12} erg/s cm2^2 ROSAT source which, however, also included a much brighter late-type star. We describe the results of a recent Swift observation that establishes beyond doubt that the correct counterpart of the X-ray source is the flat spectrum radio quasar. With a luminosity well in excess of 104710^{47} erg/s, ROXA J081009.9+384757.0 is therefore one of the most luminous blazars known. We consider various possibilities for the nature of the electromagnetic emission from this source. In particular, we show that the SED is consistent with that of a blazar with synchrotron power peaking in the hard X-ray band. If this is indeed the case, the combination of high-luminosity and synchrotron peak in the hard-X-ray band contradicts the claimed anti-correlation between luminosity and position of the synchrotron peak usually referred to as the "blazar sequence". An alternative possibility is that the X-rays are not due to synchrotron emission, in this case the very peculiar SED of ROXA J081009.9+384757.0 would make it the first example of a new class of radio loud AGN.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, A&A in pres

    Field and Satellite Observations of the Formation and Distribution of Arctic Atmospheric Bromine Above a Rejuvenated Sea Ice Cover

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    Recent drastic reduction of the older perennial sea ice in the Arctic Ocean has resulted in a vast expansion of younger and saltier seasonal sea ice. This increase in the salinity of the overall ice cover could impact tropospheric chemical processes. Springtime perennial ice extent in 2008 and 2009 broke the half-century record minimum in 2007 by about one million km2. In both years seasonal ice was dominant across the Beaufort Sea extending to the Amundsen Gulf, where significant field and satellite observations of sea ice, temperature, and atmospheric chemicals have been made. Measurements at the site of the Canadian Coast Guard Ship Amundsen ice breaker in the Amundsen Gulf showed events of increased bromine monoxide (BrO), coupled with decreases of ozone (O3) and gaseous elemental mercury (GEM), during cold periods in March 2008. The timing of the main event of BrO, O3, and GEM changes was found to be consistent with BrO observed by satellites over an extensive area around the site. Furthermore, satellite sensors detected a doubling of atmospheric BrO in a vortex associated with a spiral rising air pattern. In spring 2009, excessive and widespread bromine explosions occurred in the same region while the regional air temperature was low and the extent of perennial ice was significantly reduced compared to the case in 2008. Using satellite observations together with a Rising-Air-Parcel model, we discover a topographic control on BrO distribution such that the Alaskan North Slope and the Canadian Shield region were exposed to elevated BrO, whereas the surrounding mountains isolated the Alaskan interior from bromine intrusion

    RTL551 Treatment of EAE Reduces CD226 and T-bet+ CD4 T Cells in Periphery and Prevents Infiltration of T-bet+ IL-17, IFN-γ Producing T Cells into CNS

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    Recombinant T cell receptor ligands (RTLs) that target encephalitogenic T-cells can reverse clinical and histological signs of EAE, and are currently in clinical trials for treatment of multiple sclerosis. To evaluate possible regulatory mechanisms, we tested effects of RTL therapy on expression of pathogenic and effector T-cell maturation markers, CD226, T-bet and CD44, by CD4+ Th1 cells early after treatment of MOG-35-55 peptide-induced EAE in C57BL/6 mice. We showed that 1–5 daily injections of RTL551 (two-domain I-Ab covalently linked to MOG-35-55 peptide), but not the control RTL550 (“empty” two-domain I-Ab without a bound peptide) or Vehicle, reduced clinical signs of EAE, prevented trafficking of cells outside the spleen, significantly reduced the frequency of CD226 and T-bet expressing CD4+ T-cells in blood and inhibited expansion of CD44 expressing CD4+ T-cells in blood and spleen. Concomitantly, RTL551 selectively reduced CNS inflammatory lesions, absolute numbers of CNS infiltrating T-bet expressing CD4+ T-cells and IL-17 and IFN-γ secretion by CNS derived MOG-35-55 reactive cells cultured ex vivo. These novel results demonstrate that a major effect of RTL therapy is to attenuate Th1 specific changes in CD4+ T-cells during EAE and prevent expansion of effector T-cells that mediate clinical signs and CNS inflammation in EAE

    Neutrino Propagation In Color Superconducting Quark Matter

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    We calculate the neutrino mean free path in color superconducting quark matter, and employ it to study the cooling of matter via neutrino diffusion in the superconducting phase as compared to a free quark phase. The cooling process slows when quark matter undergoes a second order phase transition to a superconducting phase at the critical temperature TcT_c. Cooling subsequently accelerates as the temperature decreases below TcT_c. This will directly impact the early evolution of a newly born neutron star should its core contain quark matter. Consequently, there may be observable changes in the early neutrino emission which would provide evidence for superconductivity in hot and dense matter.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Estimating the redshift of PKS 0447-439 through its GeV-TeV emission

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    Context. Blazars are radio-loud active galactic nuclei (AGN) with a jet pointing at small angles towards the observer. The overall emitted spectrum is typically non-thermal, and in some cases the emission and/or absorption lines are so faint as to prevent the determination of the redshift based on optical spectroscopy methods. PKS 0447-439 is a bright blazar recently detected at very high energy. The redshift of the source is still disputed: a recent spectral analysis reports only a lower limit of z > 1.246, which contradicts the previous measure of z = 0.205 reported in the literature. Aims. We aim to give a redshift estimate of the blazar PKS 0447-439 based on combined GeV (Fermi/LAT) and TeV (H.E.S.S.) observations. Methods. Taking into account the absorption of TeV photons by the interaction with the extragalactic background light (EBL), we applied the method we developed in a previous work to derive the redshift of PKS 0447-439. Moreover, we compiled the overall spectral energy distribution (SED) using optical-UV, soft X-ray, and -ray data, nearly simultaneous to the H.E.S.S. observations at TeV energies. Finally we modelled the spectral energy distribution (SED) within the framework of a homogeneous, leptonic synchrotron self-Compton (SSC) model. Results. Using the recent TeV spectrum measured by H.E.S.S. we obtain for PKS 0447-439 a redshift of zrec = 0.20 \pm 0.05, which is our estimate on the source distance. This value agrees very well with the value reported in the literature and confirms that our method can be successfully used to constrain blazars distances. Assuming this distance, the SED can be well fitted with the above mentioned model. The physical parameters that we find suggest a strongly matter-dominated jet. Conclusions. Our analysis confirms that the redshift of PKS 0447-439 is likely 0.2, and supports the result present in the literature.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures. A&A in pres

    WISEP J061135.13-041024.0 AB: A J-band Flux Reversal Binary at the L/T Transition

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    Christopher R. Gelino, et al, 'WISEP J061135.13−041024.0 AB: A J-BAND FLUX REVERSAL BINARY AT THE L/T TRANSITION', The Astronomical Journal, vol. 148 (6), July 2014, doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0004-6256/148/1/6.We present Keck II laser guide star adaptive optics observations of the brown dwarf WISEP J061135.13−041024.0 showing it is a binary with a component separation of 0. 4. This system is one of the six known resolved binaries in which the magnitude differences between the components show a reversal in sign between the Y/J band and the H/K bands. Deconvolution of the composite spectrum results in a best-fit binary solution with L9 and T1.5 components. We also present a preliminary parallax placing the system at a distance of 21.2 ± 1.3 pc. Using the distance and resolved magnitudes we are able to place WISEP J061135.13−041024.0 AB on a color–absolute magnitude diagram, showing that this system contributes to the well-known “J-band bump” and the components’ properties appear similar to other late-type L and early-type T dwarfs. Fitting our data to a set of cloudy atmosphere models suggests the system has an age >1 Gyr with WISE 0611−0410 A having an effective temperature (Teff) of 1275–1325 K and mass of 64–65 MJup, and WISE 0611−0410 B having Teff = 1075–1115 K and mass 40–65 MJup.Peer reviewe

    Further Defining Spectral Type "Y" and Exploring the Low-mass End of the Field Brown Dwarf Mass Function

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    We present the discovery of another seven Y dwarfs from the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). Using these objects, as well as the first six WISE Y dwarf discoveries from Cushing et al., we further explore the transition between spectral types T and Y. We find that the T/Y boundary roughly coincides with the spot where the J-H colors of brown dwarfs, as predicted by models, turn back to the red. Moreover, we use preliminary trigonometric parallax measurements to show that the T/Y boundary may also correspond to the point at which the absolute H (1.6 um) and W2 (4.6 um) magnitudes plummet. We use these discoveries and their preliminary distances to place them in the larger context of the Solar Neighborhood. We present a table that updates the entire stellar and substellar constituency within 8 parsecs of the Sun, and we show that the current census has hydrogen-burning stars outnumbering brown dwarfs by roughly a factor of six. This factor will decrease with time as more brown dwarfs are identified within this volume, but unless there is a vast reservoir of cold brown dwarfs invisible to WISE, the final space density of brown dwarfs is still expected to fall well below that of stars. We also use these new Y dwarf discoveries, along with newly discovered T dwarfs from WISE, to investigate the field substellar mass function. We find that the overall space density of late-T and early-Y dwarfs matches that from simulations describing the mass function as a power law with slope -0.5 < alpha < 0.0; however, a power-law may provide a poor fit to the observed object counts as a function of spectral type because there are tantalizing hints that the number of brown dwarfs continues to rise from late-T to early-Y. More detailed monitoring and characterization of these Y dwarfs, along with dedicated searches aimed at identifying more examples, are certainly required.Comment: 91 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa