1,219 research outputs found

    Kontribusi Matematika dan Pembelajarannya Kontribusi Matematika dan Pembelajarannya

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    Pendidikan nilai ialah penanaman dan pengembangan nilai –nilai dalam diri seseorang. Pendidikan nilai tidak harus merupakan satu program atau pelajaran khusus, seperti pelajaran matematika tetapi matematika, khususnya matematika sekolah dasar juga dapat memberikan kontribusi bagi pendidikan nilai (sikap) anak. Nilai yang disampaikan terimplisit dalam soal-soal matematika Selain itu, model pembelajaran matematika dewasa ini juga turut memberikan kontribusi bagi pendidikan nilai (sikap) anak, di antaranya solidaritas, tanggung jawab, disiplin, teliti ,kreatif dan kritis. Kata-kata kunci : pendidikan nilai, matematika dan metode pembelajaran matematika PENDAHULUA

    Dekomposisi Nilai Singular Dan Aplikasinya

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    ¿Por qué usar los sólidos como contexto en la enseñanza/aprendizaje de la geometría?, ¿y en la investigación?

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    Este trabajo centra su atención en geometría espacial. Se contemplan dos grandes líneas con sus ramificaciones correspondientes. Por un lado, se muestra el origen y desarrollo de una de ellas, referida a la geometría de los sólidos, que centra su atención en la observación de procesos de enseñanza/aprendizaje de los procesos matemáticos. Por otro lado, al considerar la representación de los sólidos y ‘el problema de visualización’, nos introducimos en otra línea que ha despertado gran interés en los investigadores en Educación Matemática, como muestra la revisión realizada en revistas y congresos de carácter internacional

    Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for The Solutions of Linear Equation System

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    A Semiring is an algebraic structure (S,+,x) such that (S,+) is a commutative Semigroup with identity element 0, (S,x) is a Semigroup with identity element 1, distributive property of multiplication over addition, and multiplication by 0 as an absorbent element in S. A linear equations system over a Semiring S is a pair (A,b)  where A is a matrix with entries in S  and b is a vector over S. This paper will be described as necessary or sufficient conditions of the solution of linear equations system over Semiring S viewed by matrix X  that satisfies AXA=A, with A in S.  For a matrix X that satisfies AXA=A, a linear equations system Ax=b has solution x=Xb+(I-XA)h with arbitrary h in S if and only if AXb=b

    Volatile Borders, Violated Identities: A Process of Cultural Transition

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    This brief paper will focus on a specific dilemma originated after World War II on the North-Eastern border of Italy. With the 1947 Paris Peace Treaty, the former Italian areas of Istria and Dalmatia were handed over to Tito's Yugoslavia. Some 350.000 Italian citizens left their hometowns to move within Italy's new borders in order to maintain their national identity. They left their homes and entered Italy as 'refugees': strangers in their own country, treated as strangers by fellow Italians. However, a small part of the Italian community in Istria and Dalmatia decided not to leave the area, becoming part of Tito's Socialist Yugoslavia. The Istro-Dalmatian community as a whole became homeless: a new socio-political scenario for the ones who stayed; the same country but a new local reality and a different social status for the one who left; and a new deep borderline to divide in two opposite sides the members of a formerly united local society. Giuliana Zelco and Nelida Milani - representatives of these two parties - raised their voices to call attention on an extremely contemporary issue: how deep can a geographical border cut into our concept of identity? The short stories Una terra nella pelle and L'osteria della Parenzana will be object of this paper: with the means of textual analysis and the support of Jacques Derrida's theories and observations, I will underline the effects that such a political decision triggered on the sense of identity of the individuals involved in the process

    Sancha Raimúndez : an Infanta in the Exercise of her Power

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    In mid-12th century, Infanta Sancha Raimúndez played an important role both in the political life of Alfonso VII’s reign and in the ecclesiastical scene in general, and monastic in particular, using the infantado as a base of her power. We study that kind of power from three angles: the political scene at the wedding of her niece, Infanta Urraca, with Garcia, king of Navarre; the transformation of the female monastery of Saint Isidore of León into a male one, which became the home of a community of Canons Regular; and her support to the monastic federation which arose around abbot Florencio and the renewed monastery of Saint Saviour of Carracedo


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    The symmetrized max-plus algebra is an extension of max-plus algebra. One of the problems in the symmetrized max-plus algebra is determining the eigenvalues of a matrix. If the determinant can be defined, the characteristic equation can be formulated as a max-plus algebraic multivariate polynomial equation system. A mathematical tool for solving the problem using operations as in conventional algebra, known as the extended linear complementary problem (ELCP), to determine the solution to the characteristic equation. In this paper, we will describe the use of ELCP in determining the solution to the characteristic equations of matrices over the symmetrized max-plus algebra

    Appreciative Inquiry: Metode Engagement dan Komunikasi Pemberdayaan Masyarakat

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    Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendiskusikan appreciative inquiry sebagai metode engagement yang memberdayakan dalam pembangunan. Engagement merupakan proses pelibatan komunitas sebagai subjek pembangunan melalui proses interaktif dan dinamis untuk menciptakan makna bersama. Studi kasus pada proses engagement dalam pembangunan pembangkit listrik tenaga mikro hidro di Kulon Progo dipilih untuk memahami fenomena penelitian ini. Focus Group Discussion terhadap tiga kelompok komunitas dilakukan untuk mengumpulkan data. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa appreciative inquiry memberikan alternatif engagement yang memberdayakan dikarenakan (1) menempatkan anggota masyarakat sebagai aktor pembangunan, (2) berfokus pada aspek positif dalam masyarakat, (3) bersifat percakapan dan berbagi cerita, (4) merupakan model inklusif untuk memastikan keterlibatan masyarakat, dan (5) mengakomodasi nilai lokal. Terlepas dari kelebihan tesebut, artikel ini juga mengidentifikasi adanya tantangan dalam menjalankan appreciative inquiry sebagai metode engagement, yaitu aspek kepercayaan di antara pihak terkait, nilai tradisional yang konserfatif, dominasi pemimpin dan kekhawatiran dianggap berbeda dari kelompok. &nbsp

    Las Relaciones entre familias de prismas : una experiencia con estudiantes de Magisterio

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    This paper contains a brief description of a research about classification in the context of solid geometry. Models of answers to tasks given by teacher training students of different courses and specialities are shown. To do the tasks it is necessary to identify and enumerate examples of prism's subfamilies; to judge, state and justify relationships between the subfamilies characterised and to represent by means of a diagram those relationships. Errors made by the teacher training students are exposed as well as the difficulties they encountered when doing the tasks after the quadrilateral inclusive classification was studied and different prism's families had been established. The data analysed was obtained from interviews, class-working sessions and written answers to homework activities. The research was carried out with students of Escola de Magisteri Ausiàs March (Teaching School) of the University of Valencia

    Sobre el aprendizaje de conceptos geométricos relativos a los sólidos : ideas erróneas

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    In this report we indicate a research related to learning the geometry of solids, that shows some examples of families of solids that students include in the mental objects they construct for these families and some mistakes they make as a consequence of the difficulties that mathematical content (concepts, properties, relations, etc.) present for the students. This can be prompted o encouraged by the teaching of the subject. Results here reported are obtained through the analyses of information requested from interviews and working sessions carried out with two groups of students aged 12 years. We also analyze the answers that Teacher Training College students gave in writing to some activities they were asked to do before being treated in class