3,306 research outputs found

    Axion-like-particle decay in strong electromagnetic backgrounds

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    The decay of a massive pseudoscalar, scalar and U(1) boson into an electron-positron pair in the presence of strong electromagnetic backgrounds is calculated. Of particular interest is the constant-crossed-field limit, relevant for experiments that aim to measure high-energy axion-like-particle conversion into electron-positron pairs in a magnetic field. The total probability depends on the quantum nonlinearity parameter - a product of field and lightfront momentum invariants. Depending on the seed particle mass, different decay regimes are identified. In the below-threshold case, we find the probability depends on a non-perturbative tunnelling exponent depending on the quantum parameter and the particle mass. In the above-threshold case, we find that when the quantum parameter is varied linearly, the probability oscillates nonlinearly around the spontaneous decay probability. A strong-field limit is identified in which the threshold is found to disappear. In modelling the fall-off of a quasi-constant-crossed magnetic field, we calculate probabilities beyond the constant limit and investigate when the decay probability can be regarded as locally constant.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figure

    Els cantors de la Capella Musical de la Seu de Barcelona al segle XVI

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    El pare Robert de la Riba (1912-1999), deixeble de Joan Lamote de Grignon

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    The Problem of Hylomorphism and Dualism in Avicenna: A Guide to Resolving Other Tensions

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    One of the greatest challenges posed to the student of Avicenna\u27s psychology is whether he upholds a hylomorphic or dualistic conception of the soul. The hylomorphic position is the one espoused by Aristotle, in nuce that the soul is the entelecheia, or substantial form, of the body considered as matter. The dualistic position is that the soul is a separate substance that controls the body, itself also a substance. The goal of this essay is to determine the full complexity of Avicenna\u27s position, by dissecting four of his great psychological works, each from a different point in his career: The Compendium on the Soul, The Origin and the Return, The De Anima from The Cure, and On the Rational Soul. Ultimately, we contend herein that the method we employ in solving this paper\u27s central problem can serve as a guide to resolving other such problems in Avicenna\u27s philosophy

    La nissaga dels organistes Vila i les famĂ­lies Vila, Alberch, Ferran i Ferrament de la ciutat de Vic al segle XVI

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    El prof. J. M. Gregori, autor de una magnifica tesis sobre la música en la catedral de Barcelona durante el siglo XVI, nos presenta en este trabajo 10s resultados de un minuciosa proceso de investigaci6n en torno al famoso organista y compositor Pere Alberch i Vila (1517-1582). A través de 10s cuatro apellidos (Vila, Alberch, Ferran y Ferrament) se han podido datar, como originarios de la ciudad de Vic, cinco organistas que llevaron el apellido Vila, estando evidentemente emparentados; pero dos de ellos, justamente 10s mas conocidos, no se llamaban asi realmente, sino que el apellido Vila les era aplicado como un alias: Pere Alberch i Ferrament, alias ((Vila)) (= Pere Alberch i Vila, 1517-1582, organista de la catedral de Barcelona) y Lluis Ferran i Ferrament, alias ((Vila)) (= Lluis Ferran i Vila, ca. 1561-1631, sobrino del anterior y también organista de la catedral de Barcelona). Los otros miembros de esta estirpe de Vic son Pere Vila (ca. 1465-1538), Pere Vila (ca. 1480-1545) y Pere Ferrament i Vila (ca. 1522-1546). Este documentado estudio complementa las anteriores investigaciones elaboradas por Felip Pedrell, Higini Anglés y Josep Romeu, y precisa, con el concurso de una copiosa documentación biográfica y genealógica, 10s contornos humanos de este importante organista y compositor catalán del siglo XVI

    Bootstrapping pairs in Distance-Based Regression

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    Distance-based regression is a prediction method consisting of two steps: from distances between observations we obtain latent variables which, in turn, are the regressors in an ordinary least squares linear model. Distances are computed from actually observed predictors by means of a suitable dissimilarity function. Being in general nonlinearly related with the response their selection by the usual F tests is unavailable. In this paper we propose a solution to this predictor selection problem, by defining generalized test statistics and adapting a non-parametric bootstrap method to estimate their p-values. We include a numerical example with automobile insurance data.non-parametric bootstrap, automobile insurance data, predictors selection, distance-based regression

    La Música de l'Arxiu. Ruyseñor de Joan Barter i El gozo, l'alegria de Picanyol

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    Presentem les fitxes descriptives de dues partitures del fons de la Capella de música de Canet que, periòdicament s'exposen a la Casa museu
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