298 research outputs found

    Os saberes e poderes da reforma de 1905

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    EntretextosNeste artigo, revisitamos a reforma de 1905 ao nível das inovações curriculares e dos dispositivos pedagógicos que a singularizaram. Como enfoques metodológicos, assumimos o currículo enquanto construção social, e estabelecemos uma conexão entre pedagogia do poder e do saber, na linha de Nietzsche e de Foucault de que, por detrás de todo o saber, o que está em jogo é uma luta de poder, estando o poder político intrinsecamente correlacionado com o saber. Abordamos, num primeiro momento, a nova configuração curricular proposta por este diploma - elaborado pelo director geral de Instrução Pública, Abel Andrade, e promulgado pelo ministro do Reino, Eduardo José Coelho - e colocamos em evidência, por um lado, os mecanismos que fizeram com que a educação física integrasse definitivamente o currículo dos alunos do liceu e, por outro, a forma como abriu caminho para um novo conhecimento e para uma nova construção do corpo. Num segundo momento, relevamos a importância do que designamos por novos mecanismos de regulação onde incluímos o caderno diário, o incentivo à prática pedagógica de arquivar e expor os trabalhos dos alunos e a cooperação entre o liceu e a família. Por fim, concluímos que esta reforma deve ser vista em articulação com a reforma anterior de Jaime Moniz e que ambas acabam por corresponder a duas peças fundamentais do movimento reformista cuja aposta, em última análise, era a formação da futura elite governante.In this paper, we intend to revisit the 1905 Reform focusing on the curriculum innovations and pedagogical measures that made it unique. As methodological focuses we assume the curriculum as social construction and we establish a link between the pedagogy of power and learning following Nietzsche and Foucault, considering that behind all learning and understanding what is at stake is a fight for power, being the political power intimately related with learning. We deal, at the beginning, with the new curriculum proposal of the above-mentioned document – drafted by the Director General of Public Instruction, Abel Andrade and undersigned by the Minister of the Reign, Eduardo José Coelho. We highlight, on one hand, the mechanisms that made physical education part of the students’ curriculum at grammar school, and on the other hand, the means that opened a new way to a new learning and to a new development of the human body. In a second moment, we highlight the importance of what we call the new mechanisms of regulation where we include the notebook, as an incentive to the pedagogical practice of filling and exhibiting the work done by the students and at the same time the cooperation between the grammar school and the family. At last, we assume that this Reform should be seen in articulation with the previous one by Jaime Moniz, and that both correspond to two fundamental pieces of the reform movement, which was the basis of the education of the future governmental elite

    Identification of therapeutic and diagnostic targets through yeast two hybrid system: molecular biology in medicine

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    Nas últimas décadas, o desenvolvimento da biologia molecular tem impulsionado a medicina, principalmente na identificação de novos alvos terapêuticos e de diagnóstico. Nas células são as proteínas as principais intervenientes responsáveis pelo funcionamento de todos os processos celulares, desde a síntese de novas moléculas de DNA, à formação de RNA e de novas proteínas, ao transporte de todos os componentes celulares bem como da composição estrutural da própria célula. Também são as proteínas um dos componentes mais relevantes das vias de sinalização entre as células. Estudos apontam para que, normalmente, as proteínas não funcionem sozinhas mas em complexos. Daí a importância de estudar as interações entre proteínas e, por outro lado, encontrar compostos que interfiram com esses complexos para tratamentos farmacológicos. Já existem alguns fármacos com estas características. A tricostatina A, um inibidor duma diacetilase de histonas (DH), atua no complexo Proteína Fosfatase 1-DH, sendo um bom alvo na terapia anti-cancerígena. Em 1989, de um modo revolucionário para a época, Fields e Songs desenvolveram o Yeast Two Hybrid system (YTH). Este método baseia-se na genética da levedura Saccharomyces cerevisiae para detetar interações entre proteínas. Desde a sua descoberta sofreu várias modificações que permitiram a sua aplicação à investigação translacional. Por exemplo, esta técnica permite fazer um rastreio em larga escala para determinar que droga pode interferir com uma determinada interação proteica. Por outro lado, pode também utilizar-se para se determinar que proteínas num determinado tecido (por exemplo, cérebro ou testículo) interagem com a nossa proteína de interesse. Deste modo é possível desvendar funções de novas proteínas, vias de sinalização e funcionamento de tecidos. A grande quantidade de informação produzida por esta abordagem é de eleição para a identificação e validação de alvos de diagnóstico, terapêuticos e mesmo desenvolvimento de novos fármacos. Esta revisão tem como intuito elucidar o funcionamento do Yeast Two Hybrid system e a sua contribuição para a identificação de novos tratamentos farmacológicos

    application of lean methodologies

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    Poster presentationHealthcare acquired infections (HAI) are an important cause of morbidity and mortality. Hand hygiene (HH) is one of the most effective measures for preventing HAI. However, stirring healthcare workers to comply with HH remains a challenge. Two common barriers often found are forgetfulness and the lack of time. We hypothesize that the perception of lack of time and forgetfulness stems from the pressure of too much tasks in a short period of time. Therefore, it is rational to search for efficiency and minimize waste. This study aims at exploring the use of LEAN methodologies to improve nurses’ work processes in an ICU ward. A design science research approach was used. A questionnaire was applied to the nurses followed by an observational study of an 8-hour work shift to identify nurses’ activities, processes of care, and to describe HH compliance. Next, a value stream map (VSM) was designed and the analysis performed with the nurses, which helped to identify points of possible improvement in the process of care. After this, weekly LEAN workshops were held with the objective of improving workflow efficiency. From the initial observational study, we found that a nurse may take on average 16% of their work time using the information system, and the overall rate of HH was 63%. The full compliance to HH would amount to 13% of a nurse’s workload. Three processes were identified as the most relevant HH compliance drivers: the reorganization of essential supplies, the optimal provision of medicines and monitoring equipment automatic data collection. The participant nurses defined as objectives to reduce the supplies’ delivering time and establish a stock management system. To achieve it the reorganization of the storage with the ABC method, with the nurses deciding the layout of the storage space, was essential. The use of LEAN methods permitted to detect and address improvement opportunities with significant benefits. Moreover, nurses’ participation in the process enriched the experience, helping to design a customized intervention and heightened their sense of teamwork.publishersversionpublishe

    Ultramorphology of digestive tract of Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hübner, 1818) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) at final larval development.

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    RESUMO: O trato digestivo dos insetos constitui uma importante barreira físico-química natural contra invasão de patógenos. Algumas larvas de lepidópteros são consideradas pragas agrícolas potenciais e sua biologia tem recebido muita atenção; no entanto, pouco se sabe sobre a morfologia do sistema digestivo. A análise morfológica do trato digestivo de Anticarsia gemmatalis em nível ultraestrutural é um método bastante eficaz para o estudo dos seus mecanismos de defesa. Os materiais foram fixados (solução de glutaraldeído 2,5%; 0.1M tampão fosfato, pH 7.3), pós-fixados (tetróxido de ósmio 1% no mesmo tampão), desidratados em ponto crítico, recobertos com ouro e analisados ao microscópio eletrônico de varredura 515-Philips. O trato digestivo de A. gemmatalis consiste de um tubo retilíneo de diâmetro e comprimento variável, subdividido em três regiões: intestino anterior formado pela cavidade bucal, faringe, esôfago e papo; o intestino médio que é a região mais longa do trato digestivo, sem aparente diferenciação morfológica ao longo do comprimento; e o intestino posterior que é diferenciado em piloro, íleo, cólon, e reto. Embora a morfologia geral do trato digestivo de A. gemmatalis seja bastante semelhante ao de outras espécies de Lepidoptera, o arranjo anatômico das camadas musculares do papo difere do descrito para larvas destes insetos. ABSTRACT: The digestive tract of insects is an important natural, physical, and chemical defense barrier against pathogen invasion. Certain lepidopteran caterpillars are serious pests of agricultural crops and their biology has received much attention, but little is known about the larval noctuid gut. The morphological analysis of the digestive tract in Anticarsia gemmatalis under scanning electron microscopy (SEM) is a good model for studies about its defense mechanism. The material was fixed (2,5% glutaraldehyde solution; 0.1M-phosphate buffer, pH 7.3), post-fixed (1% osmium tetroxide in the same buffer), dried at critical point, gold coated and analyzed in a SEM 515-Philips. A. gemmatalis digestive tract consists of a straight duct of varying length and diameter, subdivided in three main regions: the foregut formed by the oral cavity, pharynx, esophagus, and crop; the midgut that is the largest portion of the digestive tract

    Photoactivation of the cytotoxic properties of platinum(II) complexes through ligand photoswitching

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    The development of photoactivatable metal complexes with potential anticancer properties is a topical area of current investigation. Photoactivated chemotherapy using coordination compounds is typically based on photochemical processes occurring at the metal center. In the present study, an innovative approach is applied that takes advantage of the remarkable photochemical properties of diarylethenes. Following a proof-of-concept study with two complexes, namely, C1 and C2, a series of additional platinum(II) complexes from dithienylcyclopentene-based ligands was designed and prepared. Like C1 and C2, these new coordination compounds exhibit two thermally stable, interconvertible photoisomers that display distinct properties. The photochemical behavior of ligands L3-L7 has been analyzed by 1H NMR and UV-vis spectroscopies. Subsequently, the corresponding platinum(II) complexes C3-C7 were synthesized and fully characterized, including by single-crystal X-ray diffraction for some of them. Next, the interaction of each photoisomer (i.e., containing the open or closed ligand) of the metal complexes with DNA was examined thoroughly using various techniques, revealing their distinct DNA-binding modes and affinities, as observed for the earlier compounds C1 and C2. The antiproliferative activity of the two forms of the complexes was then assessed with five cancer cell lines and compared with that of C1 and C2, which supported the use of such diarylethene-based systems for the generation of a new class of potential photochemotherapeutic metallodrugs

    Estudo por Microscopia de Força Atômica de Filmes Automontados e Curados.

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    Convergence of two major pathophysiologic mechanisms in nasal polyposis : immune response to Staphylococcus aureus and airway remodeling

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    This review is addressed two pathophysiologic mechanisms implicated in the pathogenesis of nasal polyposis: the unique remodeling process found in nasal polyp tissue and the immune response of patients with nasal polyposis to Staphylococcus aureus. These two theories converge to the same direction in different aspects, including decreased extracellular matrix production, impaired T regulation and favoring of a Th2 immune response. In patients with nasal polyposis, an exaggerated immune response to Staphylococcus aureus may aggravate the airway remodeling process

    High Sensitivity Multi-Axes Rotation Sensing Using Large Momentum Transfer Point Source Atom Interferometry

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    A point source interferometer (PSI) is a device where atoms are split and recombined by applying a temporal sequence of Raman pulses during the expansion of a cloud of cold atoms behaving approximately as a point source. The PSI can work as a sensitive multi-axes gyroscope that can automatically filter out the signal from accelerations. The phase shift arising from the rotations is proportional to the momentum transferred to each atom from the Raman pulses. Therefore, by increasing the momentum transfer, it should be possible to enhance the sensitivity of the PSI. Here, we investigate the degree of enhancement in sensitivity that could be achieved by augmenting the PSI with large momentum transfer (LMT) employing a sequence of many Raman pulses with alternating directions. We analyze how factors such as Doppler detuning, spontaneous emission, and the finite initial size of the atomic cloud compromise the advantage of LMT and how to find the optimal momentum transfer under these limitations, with both the semi-classical model and a model under which the motion of the center of mass of each atom is described quantum mechanically. We identify a set of realistic parameters for which LMT can improve the PSI by a factor of nearly 40