157 research outputs found

    Book Reviews

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    Perceived Object Stability Depends on Multisensory Estimates of Gravity

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    BACKGROUND: How does the brain estimate object stability? Objects fall over when the gravity-projected centre-of-mass lies outside the point or area of support. To estimate an object's stability visually, the brain must integrate information across the shape and compare its orientation to gravity. When observers lie on their sides, gravity is perceived as tilted toward body orientation, consistent with a representation of gravity derived from multisensory information. We exploited this to test whether vestibular and kinesthetic information affect this visual task or whether the brain estimates object stability solely from visual information. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In three body orientations, participants viewed images of objects close to a table edge. We measured the critical angle at which each object appeared equally likely to fall over or right itself. Perceived gravity was measured using the subjective visual vertical. The results show that the perceived critical angle was significantly biased in the same direction as the subjective visual vertical (i.e., towards the multisensory estimate of gravity). CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results rule out a general explanation that the brain depends solely on visual heuristics and assumptions about object stability. Instead, they suggest that multisensory estimates of gravity govern the perceived stability of objects, resulting in objects appearing more stable than they are when the head is tilted in the same direction in which they fall

    Complications of gastric surgery

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    Gastric Bypass for the Control of Morbid Obesity

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    fMRI with Central Vision Loss: Effects of Fixation Locus and Stimulus Type

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    Purpose In patients with central visual field scotomata, a large part of visual cortex is not adequately stimulated. Patients often use a new eccentric fixation area on intact peripheral retina (preferred retinal locusPRL) that functions as a pseudo-fovea. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to examine whether stimulating this pseudo-fovea leads to increased activation or altered activation patterns in visual cortex in comparison to stimulating a comparable peripheral area in the opposite hemifield (OppPRL). Methods Nineteen patients with binocular central scotomata caused by hereditary retinal dystrophies and an age-matched control group were tested. The center of the visual field, PRL, and OppPRL were stimulated with flickering checkerboard stimuli and object pictures during fMRI measurement. Results Results show that stimulation with pictures of everyday objects led to overall larger BOLD (blood oxygen level dependent) responses in visual cortex compared to that evoked by stimulation with flickering checkerboards. Patients showed this enhancement as early as in V1. When the PRL was directly stimulated with object pictures, the central representation area in early visual cortex was coactivated in the patients but not in the controls. In higher visual areas beyond retinotopic cortex, BOLD responses to stimulation of the PRL with object pictures were significantly enhanced in comparison to stimulation of the OppPRL area. Highly stable eccentric fixation with the PRL was associated with a higher BOLD signal in visual cortex in patients, and this effect was most pronounced in the conditions with object picture stimulation. Conclusions The observed results suggest that naturalistic images are more likely to trigger top-down processes that regulate activation in early visual cortex in patients with central vision loss
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