71 research outputs found

    On és la química? Com podem aprendre a descobrir-la?

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    A l'Escola Politècnica Superior d'Enginyeria de Manresa (Departament d'Enginyeria Minera i Recursos Naturals), fa sis anys, es va començar la iniciativa de l'exposició «On és la química?», amb l'objectiu de mostrar als estudiants de secundària que la química es troba en tot allò que ens envolta. L'experiència va ser molt ben rebuda i es va ampliar amb el taller «Què és l'enginyeria química?», en el qual els estudiants prenen una part més activa. Finalment, s'ha completat amb l'edició d'una taula periòdica digital.In the Escola Politècnica Superior d’Enginyeria de Manresa (Department Of Mining Engineering and Natural Resources), the iniciative of the exhibition «Where is chemistry?», began six years ago with the aim of showing secondary students that chemistry exists in everything around them. The exhibition was very successful and was expanded with the workshop «What is chemical engineering?», where students played a more active role. Finally, it has been completed with the addition of a digital periodic table

    Apropar els estudiants de Secundària al món de la Química

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    Es presenta l'experiència realitzada, durant diverses edicions, a l'Escola Politècnica Supe-rior d'Enginyeria de Manresa (EPSEM) de la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), corresponent a dues activitats: L'exposició "On és la Química?" i el taller "Què és l'en-ginyeria química?" dirigides a estudiants de secundària

    Estudio del comportamiento de reactores discontinuos y semicontinuos: modelización y comprobación experimental

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    L'objectiu primordial d'aquest treball és la comparació entre el funcionament d'un reactor discontinu i un de semicontinu. Per això es porta a terme la modelització matemàtica d'ambdós, utilitzant programes propis emprant el llenguatge Fortran 77, a més del simulador ISIM i el software MATLAB. La validació dels models matemàtics s'efectua, en primer lloc, a partir de dades de la bibliografia. A partir d'aquí, es realitzen proves experimentals en una planta piloto amb un reactor encamisat de vidre. Les primeres proves han consistit simplement en escalfar i refredar aigua, per tal de determinar els coeficients de transmissió de calor. Seguidament s'han realitzat experiments amb dos tipus de reacció, segons el seu comportament tèrmic: la reacció de saponificació de l'acetat d'etil, que és poc exotèrmica, i la reacció d´'oxidació del tiosulfat de sodi amb peròxid d'hidrogen, que és molt exotèrmica. Per a la reacció de saponificació, en ser àcid base, s'han obtingut els perfils de concentració a partir de mesures de pH, que en la majoria de treballs no es presenten, ja que segueixen la reacció només a partir de mesures de temperatura. Per a la reacció d'óxido-reducció s'ha estudiat la influència de diverses variables (flux d'addició, temperatura d'addició, concentració inicial, temperatura inicial, velocitat d'agitació), arribant a la conclusió de que per aconseguir un bon control de la temperatura en l'interior del reactor, és necessari operar de forma semicontinua. Aquest sistema permet manipular a més de la temperatura de la camisa (única opció pel reactor discontinu), el flux d'addició d'un dels reactius. L'objectiu final del treball ha estat aconseguir optimitzar aquest flux d'addició, per tal de mantenir la temperatura del reactor per sota d'un valor de consigna. S'ha utilitzat un programa d'optimització, a partir de la tècnica d'Algorismes Genètics (software MATLAB), aconseguint obtenir varies combinacions de flux/temps d'addició, que permeten el control de la temperatura de reacció.El objetivo primordial de este trabajo es la comparación entre el funcionamiento de un reactor discontinuo y uno semicontinuo. Para ello se lleva a cabo la modelización matemática de ambos, utilizando programas propios empleando el lenguaje Fortran 77, además del simulador ISIM y el software MATLAB. La validación de los modelos matemáticos se efectúa, en primer lugar, a partir de datos de la bibliografía. A partir de aquí, se realizan pruebas experimentales en una planta piloto con un reactor encamisado de vidrio. Las primeras pruebas han consistido simplemente en calentar y enfriar agua, para determinar de los coeficientes de transmisión de calor. Seguidamente se realizan experimentos con dos tipos de reacción, según su comportamiento térmico: la reacción de saponificación del acetato de etilo, que es poco exotérmica, y la reacción de oxidación del tiosulfato de sodio con peróxido de hidrógeno, que es muy exotérmica. Para la reacción de saponificación, al ser ácido base, se han obtenido los perfiles de concentración a partir de medidas de pH, que en la mayoría de trabajos no se presentan, puesto que siguen la reacción sólo a partir de medidas de temperatura. Para la reacción de óxido-reducción se ha estudiado la influencia de distintas variables (flujo de adición, temperatura de adición, concentración inicial, temperatura inicial, velocidad de agitación), llegando a la conclusión de que para lograr un buen control de la temperatura en el interior del reactor, es necesario operar de forma semicontinua. Este sistema permite manipular además de la temperatura de la camisa (única opción para el reactor discontinuo), el flujo de adición de uno de los reactivos. El objetivo final del trabajo ha sido lograr optimizar este flujo de adición, para mantener la temperatura del reactor por debajo de un valor de consigna. Se ha utilizado un programa de optimización, a partir de la técnica de Algoritmos Genéticos (software MATLAB), logrando obtener varias combinaciones de flujo/ tiempo de adición, que permiten el control de la temperatura de reacción.The most important objective of this work is to compare the behaviour of a batch and semibatch reactor. Therefore, mathematical models of both reactors have been developed, using our own programs written in Fortran 77 language, the ISIM simulator and MATLAB software. Initially the mathematical model validation is made from bibliography data. Then experimental tests have been carried out on a pilot plant with a glass-jacketed reactor. The first experiments consisted of heating and cooling water, in order to obtain the heat transmission coefficients. Following this two experiments with different thermal behaviour reactions have been developed: the ethyl acetate saponification reaction (slowly exothermic) and the thiosulfate-peroxide reaction (highly exothermic). The first is an acid-base reaction. It has obtained its concentration profiles by pH measuring. These profiles are not present in most articles, because the reaction is studied only using temperature profiles. For the oxidation-reduction reaction the influence of several variables has been studied (inlet flow, inlet temperature, initial concentration, initial temperature, agitation rate). The conclusion obtained is to obtain a good temperature control inside the reactor, the best operation mode is the semibatch. This system allows in addition to jacket temperature (it is the only option for the batch reactor), to control the inlet flow of one reagent. The final objective of this work has been to optimize the inlet flow, in order to maintain the reactor temperature under the set-point value. In this case, an optimization program has been used, based on Genetic Algorithms method (MATLAB software). In this way several flow/addition time combinations have been obtained, which attain the temperature reaction control

    3D pore analysis of sedimentary rocks

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    A 3D representation of the internal structure and fabric of sedimentary rocks is of paramount interest to evaluate their structural parameters such as porosity, pore-size distribution and permeability. The classical experimental technique to evaluate the pore space volume and pore size distribution is the Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry (MIP). Computer-based methods use 3D imaging technologies such as Computer Tomography (CT) scanned images to construct and evaluate a 3D virtual representation of the internal pore distribution. In this work, based on a three samples set of sandstone, we apply two numerical (computer-based) methods in order to reconstruct and analyse the internal pore network, and compare it with the results obtained by MIP analysis. The first numerical method performs a virtual simulation of MIP. The second one obtains a graph of pores using a sphere-filling based approach. For all methods, we compute the global porosity and the pore-size distribution. Moreover, with the numerical methods, we obtain the total porosity and a graph representing the pore space that can be visualized with 3D illustration techniques.Postprint (published version

    Time-varying volume visualization

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    Volume rendering is a very active research field in Computer Graphics because of its wide range of applications in various sciences, from medicine to flow mechanics. In this report, we survey a state-of-the-art on time-varying volume rendering. We state several basic concepts and then we establish several criteria to classify the studied works: IVR versus DVR, 4D versus 3D+time, compression techniques, involved architectures, use of parallelism and image-space versus object-space coherence. We also address other related problems as transfer functions and 2D cross-sections computation of time-varying volume data. All the papers reviewed are classified into several tables based on the mentioned classification and, finally, several conclusions are presented.Preprin

    Substituted tetrahydroisoquinolines: synthesis, characterization, antitumor activity and other biological properties

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    A novel group of aryl methyl sulfones based on nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory compounds exhibiting a methyl sulfone instead of the acetic or propionic acid group was designed, synthesized and evaluated in vitro for inhibition against the human cyclooxygenase of COX-1 and COX-2 isoenzymes and in vivo for anti-inflammatory activity using the carrageenan induced rat paw edema model in rats. Also, in vitro chemosensitivity and in vivo analgesic and intestinal side effects were determined for defining the therapeutic and safety profile. Molecular modeling assisted the design of compounds and the interpretation of the experimental results. Biological assay results showed that methyl sulfone compounds 2 and 7 were the most potent COX inhibitors (IC50 between 0.04 and 0.71 M). Also, these highly active methyl sulfones displayed greater COX-2 activity than the parent carboxylic NSAIDs, thus indicating that the replacement of the acetic or propionic acids by a methyl sulfone group enables some of these structures to possess higher COX-2 inhibitory activity than that of the corresponding alkyl carboxylic analogues. The improved inhibitory activity is attributed to the higher flexibility of the sulfone-receptor interaction that enables more profound exploration of the binding site compared with that of acidic analogues. This observation is underpinned by molecular modeling studies that indicates a change in the binding mode or mechanism compared to the standard binding mode displayed by ibuprofen. The most promising compounds 2 and 7 possess a therapeutical profile that enables their chemical scaffolds to be utilized for development of new NSAIDs

    Virtual porosimeter

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    Recently, the term BioCAD has appeared to refer to the modeling of biological processes. This work focuses on the analysis of structural properties such as porosity of bioimplants for bone reconstruction. Specifically, we present a method that, using 3D microCT images, simulates the behavior of a porosimeter, i.e. an instrument to measure the porous structure of samples. After segmentation, we apply a process, based on connected component labeling and skeleton computation, which produces a result comparable to the real porosimeter experiment.Postprint (published version

    Multigram scale synthesis of polycyclic lactones and evaluation of antitumor and other biological properties

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    An efficient four-step synthesis of tetracyclic lactones from 1,4-benzodioxine-2-carboxylic acid was developed. Ellipticine derivatives exhibit antitumor activity however only a few derivatives without carbazole subunit have been studied to date. Herein, several tetracyclic lactones were synthesized and biologically evaluated. Several compounds (2a, 3a, 4a and 5a) were found to be inhibitors of the KrasWnt pathway. The lactone 2a also exerted a potent inhibition of Tau protein translation and was shown to have capacity for CYP1A1-bioactivation. The results obtained are further evidence of the therapeutic potential of tetracyclic lactones related to ellipticine. Molecular modeling studies showed that compound 2a is inserted between helix a3 and a4 of the KRas protein making interactions with the hydrophobic residues Phe90, Glu91, Ile9364, Hie94, Leu133 and Tyr137and a hydrogen bond with residue Arg97
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