55 research outputs found

    Viabilidade técnica da produção de briquetes a partir de cama de aviário

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    With the industrialization of agricultural processes in rural properties, including poultry has had significant increases in production capacity. The breeding of birds through confinement has generated production residues, such as poultry litter, which, when discarded "in natura", causes environmental damage, and therefore, a differentiated management is necessary. There is a need for the study for a new destination for these wastes, taking advantage for the production of heat energy. This work aimed to evaluate the technical viability of the production of briquettes with poultry litter, from physical and chemical analysis of the final product obtained, as well as the resulting ash. Using a hydraulic press, briquettes from eight substrates composed of chicken and turkey beds mixed with sawdust and sugarcane bagasse were compressed in pre-established proportions. The analyzes showed that the pure turkey bed presented the highest humidity (53.89%). The sawdust turkey bed briquette had the highest calorific value [3.61 kcal g-1 (kilocalories per gram)]. The ash from the burning of the briquettes presented in its composition essential components such as phosphorus, potassium, calcium, manganese and nitrogen in amounts, providing its use as fertilizer. The results of the study showed that the compost in chicken and turkey poultry litter burned by briquettes for heat generation proved to be technically feasible. Moreover, the ashes resulting from the burning process have potential as fertilizer can be used on plantations.La industrialización de los procesos agrícolas en las propiedades rurales, incluidas las aves de corral, ha resultado en aumentos significativos en la capacidad de producción. La creación de aves a través del confinamiento ha generado residuos de producción, como la basura de aves de corral, que, cuando se desechan "in natura", pueden causar daños ambientales y, por lo tanto, es necesario un manejo diferenciado. Este trabajo tuvo como objetivo evaluar la viabilidad técnica de producir briquetas utilizando arena para aves de corral, con base en análisis físicos y químicos del producto final obtenido, así como las cenizas resultantes. Con el uso de una prensa hidráulica, se compactaron briquetas de ocho sustratos compuestos de lechos de pollo y pavo mezclados con aserrín y bagazo de caña de azúcar en proporciones preestablecidas. Los análisis mostraron que el lecho de pavo puro tenía la humedad más alta (53.89%). La briqueta de pavo con aserrín mostró el mayor valor calorífico (3,61 kcal g-1). Las cenizas provenientes de la quema de las briquetas presentaron en su composición nutrientes esenciales para la producción vegetal, como fósforo, potasio, calcio, manganeso y nitrógeno, permitiendo su uso como fertilizante. De esta manera, se demuestra que los compuestos existentes en la arena para aves de corral y pavo, quemada en forma de briquetas para generar energía térmica, tienen viabilidad técnica, y la ceniza resultante puede usarse como fertilizante.A industrialização dos processos agropecuários nas propriedades rurais, dentre eles a avicultura, vem resultando em aumentos significativos na capacidade de produção. A criação de aves através do confinamento tem gerado resíduos de produção, a exemplo da cama de aviário, que, ao ser descartada “in natura”, pode causar danos ambientais e, por isso, faz-se necessário um manejo diferenciado. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a viabilidade técnica da produção de briquetes com uso de cama de aves, a partir de análises físicas e químicas do produto final obtido, bem como da cinza resultante. Com o uso de uma prensa hidráulica compactou-se briquetes de oito substratos compostos de camas de frango e peru misturados com serragem e bagaço de cana em proporções pré-estabelecidas. As análises mostraram que a cama de peru pura apresentou a maior umidade (53.89%). O briquete de cama de peru com serragem apresentou o maior poder calorífico (3,61 kcal g-1). As cinzas da queima dos briquetes apresentaram na sua composição nutrientes essenciais para a produção vegetal, como fósforo, potássio, cálcio, manganês e nitrogênio, propiciando o seu uso como fertilizante. Demonstra-se, dessa forma, que os compostos existentes nas camas de aviários de frango e peru, queimados na forma de briquetes para geração de energia calorífica apresentam viabilidade técnica, bem como a cinza resultante pode ser empregada como fertilizante

    Optimization of a colorimetric method to determine ascorbic acids in fruit jelly

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    The AOAC standard methodology for determination of vitamin C in juices and preparations employs a titration with the indicator 2,6-di-chlorophenol-indophenol. This technique presents difficulties when samples with intense coloration are analyzed. Considering the need for a more adequate methodology to deal with these samples, adaptations of the traditional method were performed and their efficacy was verified. Comparative tests were performed on the standard methodology, the modified methodology and the chromatography method. Six different jelly fruits were analyzed and the proposed modifications were considered satisfactory, because these results were closest to the chromatographic results. The system proved to be linear, repeatable (standard deviation of 2.50%), with high recovery (102.10%) and an economy of 92.88% of reagents was achieved. Concentrations were between 0 to 6.08 mg of ascorbic acid per 100 g of sample.A metodologia indicada pela AOAC para a determinação de Vitamina C em sucos e preparados emprega uma titulação com o indicador 2,6-diclorofenol-indofenol. Esta técnica apresenta dificuldades quando são analisadas amostras com intensa coloração. Tendo em vista a necessidade de uma metodologia mais adequada para estas amostras, foram feitas modificações no método tradicional e sua eficácia foi comprovada. Testes comparativos foram realizados entre a metodologia original, a modificada e um método cromatográfico. Seis diferentes geleias de frutas foram analisadas e as modificações propostas foram satisfatórias, ao passo que os resultados foram mais semelhantes aos obtidos pelo método cromatográfico. O sistema apresentou-se linear, repetitivo (desvio padrão de 2,50%), com alta recuperação (102,10%), e uma economia de 92,88% de reagentes foi realizada. Foram encontradas concentrações entre 0 a 6,08 mg de ácido ascórbico por 100 g de amostra.244249Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    GCN2 kinase plays an important role triggering the remission phase of experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) in mice

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    Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) has been widely employed as a model to study multiple sclerosis (MS) and indeed has allowed some important advances in our comprehension of MS pathogenesis. Several pieces of evidence suggest that infiltrating Th1 and Th17 lymphocytes are important players leading to CNS demyelination and lesion during the peak of murine EAE. Subsequently, effector T cell responses rapidly decline and the recovery phase of the disease strongly correlates with the expression of anti-inflammatory cytokines and the enrichment of Foxp3+ regulatory T (Treg) cells within the target organ. However, the mechanisms leading to the increased presence of Treg cells and to the remission phase of the disease are still poorly understood. Recent researches demonstrated that chemically induced amino-acid starvation response might suppress CNS immune activity. Here we verified an important participation of the general control nonrepressible 2 (GCN2), a key regulator kinase of the amino-acid starvation response, in the development of the remission phase of EAE in C57BL/6 mice. By immunizing wild type C57BL/6 (WT) and GCN2 knock-out mice (GCN2 KO) with myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein peptide (MOG(35-55)), it was noticed that GCN2 KO mice did not develop the remission phase of the disease and this was associated with higher levels of CNS inflammation and increased presence of effector T cells (Th1/Th17). These animals also showed lower frequency of Treg cells within the CNS as compared to WT animals. Higher expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) and higher frequency of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) were found at the peak of the disease in the CNS of WT animals. Our results suggest that the GCN2 kinase-dependent sensing of IDO activity represents an important trigger to the EAE remission phase. the IDO-mediated immunoregulatory events may include the arresting of effector T cell responses and the differentiation/expansion of Treg cells within the target organ. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Microbiol Immunol & Parasitol, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Escola Paulista Med, Dept Microbiol Immunol & Parasitol, BR-04023062 São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc


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    Este trabalho demonstra o processo de construção de um equipamento que produz biodiesel e glicerina a partir de óleo residual coletado em estabelecimentos comerciais e residências do município de Chapecó

    Relação entre fatores exógenos e a abundância de roedores em remanescente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista, Rio Grande do Sul

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    In regions affected by seasonal variation in environmental conditions and resources availability, rodent species abundance and composition tend to fluctuate, following these environmental changes. In this study, we evaluated the relationship between exogenous factors and the variation in rodent abundance in an Araucaria Rainforest remnant in northern Rio Grande do Sul. We used pitfall traps with guide fences and wire traps to collect species and to estimate their abundance, between June 2009 and January 2010. Posteriorly, we used Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling and Pearson correlation analysis in order to investigate the relationship between exogenous factors and changes in rodent abundance across the sampled seasons. At the end of our study, we captured 54 individuals belonging to 10 rodent species. Oligoryzomys nigripes (Olfers 1818), registered in all seasons and Akodon montensis (Thomas 1913), which was not recorded only in the spring, were the most abundant species in the study area. We found that temperature was correlated to the first axis of variation of rodent abundance. Moreover, the increase of Sooretamys angouya (Thomas 1913), Thaptomys nigrita (Lichtenstein 1829) and Akodon azarae (Fischer 1829) abundances were negatively correlated with temperature, while the opposite pattern was observed for Akodon paranaensis (Christoff et al. 2000), Oligoryzomys flavescens (Waterhouse 1837) and Mus musculus (Linnaeus 1758). Finally, our study contributes to the definition of factors related to rodent population dynamics and to increase the knowledge about the rodent composition in Araucaria Rainforest remnants in Rio Grande do Sul.Em regiões que possuem sazonalidade em condições ambientais e na disponibilidade de recursos, a abundância e a composição de espécies de roedores tendem a variar com mudanças ambientais. Neste estudo, exploramos a relação entre fatores exógenos e variações na abundância de roedores em um remanescente de Floresta Ombrófila Mista no norte do Rio Grande do Sul. Utilizamos armadilhas de queda com cercas-guia e armadilhas de arame para coletar e estimar a abundância das espécies durante junho de 2009 a janeiro de 2010. Realizamos ‘Scaling’ Multidimensional Não-Métrico e análise de correlação de Pearson buscando relacionar fatores exógenos com variações na abundância de roedores nas estações. Ao fim do estudo, capturamos 54 indivíduos pertencentes a 10 espécies de roedores. Oligoryzomys nigripes (Olfers 1818), registrado em todas as estações do ano, e Akodon montensis (Thomas 1913), não capturado na primavera, foram as espécies mais abundantes na área. Constatamos que a temperatura esteve relacionada ao principal eixo de variação na abundância de roedores. Além disto, aumentos na abundância de Sooretamys angouya (Thomas 1913), Thaptomys nigrita (Lichtenstein 1829) e Akodon azarae (Fischer 1829) tiveram correlação negativa com a temperatura, enquanto que o padrão inverso foi registrado para Akodon paranaensis (Christoff et al. 2000), Oligoryzomys flavescens (Waterhouse 1837) e Mus musculus (Linnaeus 1758). Por fim, o estudo contribui para a definição de fatores relacionados à dinâmica populacional de roedores e para o acréscimo no conhecimento da composição de espécies de roedores em remanescentes de Floresta Ombrófila Mista no Rio Grande do Sul

    Clinical usefulness of tomographic standards for covid-19 pneumonia diagnosis : experience from a Brazilian reference center

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    Background: COVID-19 is a new disease and the most common complication is pneumonia.The Radiological Society of North America (RSNA) proposed an expert consensus for imagingclassification for COVID-19 pneumonia.Objective: To evaluate sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and reproducibility of chest CT stan-dards in the beginning of the Brazilian COVID-19 outbreak.Methods: Cross-sectional study performed from March 1st to April 14th, 2020. Patients withsuspected COVID-19 pneumonia submitted to RT-PCR test and chest computed tomography(CT) were included. Tw o thoracic radiologists blinded for RT-PCR and clinical and laboratoryresults classified every patient scan according to the RSNA expert consensus. A third thoracicradiologist also evaluated in case of discordance, and consensus was reached among thethree radiologists. A typical appearance was considered a positive chest CT for COVID-19pneumonia. Sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive values were calculated.Cohen’s kappa coefficient was used to evaluate intra- and inter-rater agreements.Results: A total of 159 patients were included (mean age 57.9 ± 18.0 years; 88 [55.3%] males):86 (54.1%) COVID-19 and 73 (45.9%) non-COVID-19 patients. Eighty (50.3%) patients had apositive CT for COVID-19 pneumonia. Sensitivity and specificity of typical appearance were88.3% (95%CI, 79.9–93.5) and 94.5% (95%CI, 86.7–97.8), respectively. Intra- and inter-rateragreement were assessed (Cohen’s kappa = 0.924, P = 0.06; Cohen’s kappa=0.772, P = 0.05,respectively)


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    The insufficiency of blood donors and the limited supply of blood bags is a reality in most Hemotherapy Services, especially in holiday season and delicate periods such as the COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, the production of materials that encourage donation and clarify doubts about the process is necessary. The aim of this study was to transform a static page for an animated website and create animated videos with informational and motivational content about blood donation. For the development, the open source tools used were Inkscape for formatting vector images, Wick Editor for the creation of animations and export in gif format, and Animator for the animation of the videos.  For the validation, a satisfaction survey was conducted. The analysis of the results shows that both the web page and the videos have the potential to clarify and encourage blood donation in the population.A insuficiência de doadores de sangue e a limitada oferta de bolsas é uma realidade na maioria dos Serviços de Hemoterapia, principalmente em épocas festivas e em períodos delicados, como a pandemia de COVID-19. Nessa perspectiva, a produção de materiais que incentivem a doação sanguínea e esclareçam as dúvidas sobre tal processo se faz necessária. O objetivo do presente estudo foi transformar uma página estática em uma página web animada e criar vídeos animados com conteúdos informativos e motivacionais sobre a doação de sangue. Para o desenvolvimento, as ferramentas open source utilizadas foram Inkscape para a formatação de imagens vetoriais, Wick Editor para a criação das animações e exportação no formato gif, e Animator para a animação dos vídeos. Para a validação, realizou-se uma pesquisa de satisfação. A análise dos resultados demonstrou que tanto a página web quanto os vídeos apresentam potencial de esclarecer e incentivar a doação de sangue na população

    euHCVdb: the European hepatitis C virus database

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    The hepatitis C virus (HCV) genome shows remarkable sequence variability, leading to the classification of at least six major genotypes, numerous subtypes and a myriad of quasispecies within a given host. A database allowing researchers to investigate the genetic and structural variability of all available HCV sequences is an essential tool for studies on the molecular virology and pathogenesis of hepatitis C as well as drug design and vaccine development. We describe here the European Hepatitis C Virus Database (euHCVdb, ), a collection of computer-annotated sequences based on reference genomes. The annotations include genome mapping of sequences, use of recommended nomenclature, subtyping as well as three-dimensional (3D) molecular models of proteins. A WWW interface has been developed to facilitate database searches and the export of data for sequence and structure analyses. As part of an international collaborative effort with the US and Japanese databases, the European HCV Database (euHCVdb) is mainly dedicated to HCV protein sequences, 3D structures and functional analyses