69 research outputs found

    Eficacia y seguridad en condiciones clínicas reales del raltegravir en un hospital de referencia del seguro social peruano

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    Introduction: Rategravir belongs to integrase inhibitors, being demonstrated and approved by several clinical trials as a powerful and safe antiretroviral drug for the treatment of patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), with good tolerance and low toxicity, including in the third line or rescue scheme and it starts when the first and second lineas schemes have failed.Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety in real clinical conditions of the use of Raltegravir within the HAART schemes in patients with HIV infection in a reference hospital of social insurance in Peru.Methods: A retrospective observational study was performed in patients with a diagnosis of HIV infection who started treatment within the TARGA scheme based on Raltegravir with follow-up and control at 6 months. We presented summary measures of frequencies and percentages for the qualitative variables, as well as means and standard deviation for the quantitative variables based on the results of the normality tests. The data was processed and analyzed in the statistical software SPSS version 22.Results: The male gender was the most affected with 76% (n = 119) of the total. The most frequent age range was between 45 to 55 years (25.4%, n = 40). The most frequent comorbidities were Diabetes mellitus and arterial hypertension, with exponential reduction in viral load and elevation of CD4 lymphocyte levels.Conclusion: Raltegravir is effective for the treatment of HIV patients.Introducción: El Rategravir pertenece a los inhibidores de integrasas, quedando demostrado y aprobado por diversos ensayos clínicos como un potente antirretroviral seguro y eficaz para el tratamiento de pacientes infectados con el virus de inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH), con buena tolerancia y baja toxicidad, incluyéndose en el esquema de tercera línea o rescate y se inicia cuando los esquemas de primera y segunda línea han fracasado.Objetivo: Evaluar la eficacia y seguridad en condiciones clínicas reales del uso de Raltegravir dentro de los esquemas de la Terapia Antiretroviral de Gran Actividad (TARGA) en pacientes con infección por VIH en un hospital de referencia del seguro social en Perú.Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional retrospectivo en pacientes con diagnóstico de infección por VIH que iniciaron tratamiento dentro del esquema TARGA basados en Raltegravir con seguimiento y control a los 6 meses. Se presentaron medidas de resumen de frecuencias y porcentajes para las variables cualitativas, así como medias y desviación estándar para las variables cuantitativas en base a los resultados de las pruebas de normalidad. Los datos fueron procesados y analizados en el software estadístico SPSS versión 22.Resultados: El género masculino fue el más afectado con un 76%(n=119) del total. El rango de edad más frecuente fue el comprendido entre los 45 a 55 años (25,4%; n=40). Las comorbilidades más frecuentes fueron Diabetes mellitus e Hipertensión arterial, con reducción exponencial de la carga viral y elevación de los niveles de linfocitos CD4.Conclusión: El Raltegravir es eficaz para el tratamiento de pacientes VIH

    The presence of peat and variation in tree species composition are under different hydrological controls in Amazonian wetland forests

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    This research was funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, through grant #5349 ‘Monitoring protected areas in Peru to increase forest resilience to climate change’, and NERC standard grant ‘Carbon Storage in Amazonian Peatlands: Distribution and Dynamics’(NE/R000751/1).The peat-forming wetland forests of Amazonia are characterised by high below-carbon stocks and supply fruit, fibres and timber to local communities. Predicting the future of these ecosystem services requires understanding how hydrological conditions are related to tree species composition and the presence, or absence, of peat. Here, we use continuous measurements of water table depth over 2.5 years and manual measurements of pore-water pH and electrical conductivity to understand the ecohydrological controls of these variables across the large peatland complex in northern Peruvian Amazonia. Measurements were taken in permanent forest plots in four palm swamps, four seasonally flooded forests and four peatland pole forests. All trees ≥10 cm diameter were also measured and identified in the plots to assess floristic composition. Peat occurs in eight of these twelve sites; three seasonally flooded forests and one palm swamp are not associated with peat. Variation in tree species composition among forest types was linked to high flood levels (maximum flooding height) and pH: seasonally flooded forests experience high flood levels (up to 3.66 m from the ground surface) and have high pH values (6?7), palm swamps have intermediate flood levels (up to 1.34 m) and peatland pole forests experience shallow flooding (up to 0.28 m) and have low pH (4). In contrast, the presence of peat was linked to variation in maximum water table depth (ie the depth to which the water table drops below the ground surface). Surface peat is found in all forest types where maximum water table depth does not fall >0.55 m below the ground surface at any time. Peat formation and variation in tree species composition therefore have different ecohydrological controls. Predicted increases in the frequency and strength of flooding events may alter patterns of tree species composition, whereas increases in drought severity and declines in minimum river levels may pose a greater risk to the belowground carbon stores of these peatland ecosystems.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Understanding different dominance patterns in western Amazonian forests

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    Dominance of neotropical tree communities by a few species is widely documented, but dominant trees show a variety of distributional patterns still poorly understood. Here, we used 503 forest inventory plots (93,719 individuals ≥2.5 cm diameter, 2609 species) to explore the relationships between local abundance, regional frequency and spatial aggregation of dominant species in four main habitat types in western Amazonia. Although the abundance-occupancy relationship is positive for the full dataset, we found that among dominant Amazonian tree species, there is a strong negative relationship between local abundance and regional frequency and/or spatial aggregation across habitat types. Our findings suggest an ecological trade-off whereby dominant species can be locally abundant (local dominants) or regionally widespread (widespread dominants), but rarely both (oligarchs). Given the importance of dominant species as drivers of diversity and ecosystem functioning, unravelling different dominance patterns is a research priority to direct conservation efforts in Amazonian forests.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Amazon tree dominance across forest strata

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    The forests of Amazonia are among the most biodiverse plant communities on Earth. Given the immediate threats posed by climate and land-use change, an improved understanding of how this extraordinary biodiversity is spatially organized is urgently required to develop effective conservation strategies. Most Amazonian tree species are extremely rare but a few are common across the region. Indeed, just 227 ‘hyperdominant’ species account for >50% of all individuals >10 cm diameter at 1.3 m in height. Yet, the degree to which the phenomenon of hyperdominance is sensitive to tree size, the extent to which the composition of dominant species changes with size class and how evolutionary history constrains tree hyperdominance, all remain unknown. Here, we use a large floristic dataset to show that, while hyperdominance is a universal phenomenon across forest strata, different species dominate the forest understory, midstory and canopy. We further find that, although species belonging to a range of phylogenetically dispersed lineages have become hyperdominant in small size classes, hyperdominants in large size classes are restricted to a few lineages. Our results demonstrate that it is essential to consider all forest strata to understand regional patterns of dominance and composition in Amazonia. More generally, through the lens of 654 hyperdominant species, we outline a tractable pathway for understanding the functioning of half of Amazonian forests across vertical strata and geographical locations

    Influencia del paisaje y del tipo de manejo de fincas ganaderas sobre los ataques de grandes felinos (Panthera onca y Puma concolor) a animales dom?sticos en Costa Rica

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    Tesis (M. Sc) -- CATIE, Turrialba (Costa Rica), 2011El objetivo fue evaluar las caracter?sticas del paisaje y del tipo de manejo de fincas de ganaderas que se relacionan con los ataques de grandes felinos (jaguar y el puma) sobre animales dom?sticos. Los finqueros expresaron 17 sugerencias de manejo de conflictos, las m?s frecuentes fueron buscar una soluci?n antes que el felino se envicie, estabular animales susceptibles cerca de las casas, evitar cazar animales silvestres, e implementar cercas el?ctricas. The objective was to relate the characteristics of the landscape and management methods of the farMON with attacks of large felids (jaguar and puma) on the domestics animals. The owners of the farmhouse expressed 17 suggestions for the management of the conflict, the most frequent were: to look for a solution before the felid becomes used accustomed to attacking livestock, to build stables close to the houses for susceptible animals, to avoid killing wildlife, and to implement the use of electric fences

    Byrsonima arthropoda

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