13 research outputs found

    Inequality for wage earners and self-employed : evidence from panel data

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    In this paper we study the evolution of income inequality for employees and self-employed workers. We highlight the importance of separately analyze these different sources of income to gain a broader understanding of inequality. Using Spanish panel data on income and consumption from the ECPF for the period 1987-96, we decompose income shocks into a permanent and a transitory component. We find that there are noticeable differences in the evolution of income inequality, as well as in the relative importance of the permanent and transitory components across these groups. Our results points that the evolution of inequality can be basically explained by movements in the transitory component of income for the self-employed, while for the employees it is mainly driven by the permanent component, specially at the end of the period. Given these disparities, it seems that these two sources of income should be studied separately and that different policies are suitable for each group.

    Inequality for Wage Earners and Self-Employed: Evidence from Panel Data

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    Published as an article in: Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics, 2009, vol. 71, issue 4, pages 491-518.transitory income inequality, consumption, permanent income inequality, self-employment, panel data

    Inequality for wage earners and self-employed : evidence from panel data

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    In this paper we study the evolution of income inequality for employees and self-employed workers. We highlight the importance of separately analyzing these different sources of income to gain a broader understanding of inequality. Using Spanish panel data on income and consumption from the ECPF for the period 1987-96, we decompose the variance of income shocks into a permanent and a transitory component. We find that there are noticeable differences in the evolution of income inequality, as well as in the relative importance of the permanent and transitory components across these groups. Our results point that the evolution of inequality can be basically explained by movements in the variance of the transitory component of income for the self-employed, while for the employees it is mainly driven by the variance of the permanent component, specially at the end of the period. Given these disparities, it seems that these two sources of income should be studied separately and that different policies are suitable for each grou

    Gamma passing rates of daily EPID transit images correlate to PTV coverage for breast cancer IMRT treatment plans

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    The use of the transit image obtained with the electronic portal-imaging device (EPID) is becoming an extended method to perform in-vivodosimetry. The transit images acquired during each fraction can be comparedwith a predicted image, if available, or with a baseline image, usually theobtained in the first fraction.This work aims to study the dosimetric impact of thefailing fractions and to evaluate the appropriateness of using a baseline imagein breast plans.Material and methods:Twenty breast patients treated in a Halcyon were ret-rospectively selected. For each patient and fraction, the treatment plan wascalculated over the daily CBCT image.For each fraction,the differences respectto the treatment plan values of OARs and PTV dosimetric parameters wereanalyzed:¿Dmean,¿D95%,¿D98%,¿D2%,¿V36Gy,¿V38.5Gy, and¿V43.5Gy.Daily fractions were ranked according to the differences found in the dosimet-ric parameters between the treatment plan and the daily CBCT to establish thebest fraction.The daily transit images acquired in every fraction were comparedto the first fraction using the global gamma index with the Portal Dosime-try tool. The comparison was repeated using the best fraction image as abaseline.We assessed the correlation of the dosimetric differences obtained from theCBCT images-based treatment plans with the gamma index passing ratesobtained using first fraction and best fraction as baseline.Results:Average values of -11.6% [-21.4%, -3.3%] and -3.2% [-1.0%, -10.3%]for the¿PTVD98% and¿PTVD95% per every 10% decrease in the passingrate were found, respectively.When using the best fraction as baseline patients were detected with failingfractions that were not detected with the first fraction as baseline.Conclusion:The gamma passing rates of daily transit images correlate withthe coverage loss parameters in breast IMRT plans. Using first fraction imageas baseline can lead to the non-detectability of failing fractionsPeer ReviewedObjectius de Desenvolupament Sostenible::3 - Salut i BenestarPostprint (published version

    Bacteria-instructed B cells cross-prime naïve CD8+ T cells triggering effective cytotoxic responses.

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    In addition to triggering humoral responses, conventional B cells have been described in vitro to cross-present exogenous antigens activating naïve CD8+ T cells. Nevertheless, the way B cells capture these exogenous antigens and the physiological roles of B cell-mediated cross-presentation remain poorly explored. Here, we show that B cells capture bacteria by trans-phagocytosis from previously infected dendritic cells (DC) when they are in close contact. Bacterial encounter "instructs" the B cells to acquire antigen cross-presentation abilities, in a process that involves autophagy. Bacteria-instructed B cells, henceforth referred to as BacB cells, rapidly degrade phagocytosed bacteria, process bacterial antigens and cross-prime naïve CD8+ T cells which differentiate into specific cytotoxic cells that efficiently control bacterial infections. Moreover, a proof-of-concept experiment shows that BacB cells that have captured bacteria expressing tumor antigens could be useful as novel cellular immunotherapies against cancer.We are grateful to advanced light microscopy and cytometry facilities of CNB for technical supporting. The research is supported by grants: SAF2017-84091- R, and PID2020-116393RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, financed by MCIN, BFERO2020.04, financed by FERO foundation and PI20/0036 from ISCIII. RGF is supported by BES-2016-076526 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy Industry and Competitiveness, JOP is supported by fellowship LCF/BQ/SO16/ 52270012 from La Caixa, BHF is supported by FPU18/00895 and AMP by FPU18/03199 from Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. LdC has been supported by Juan de la Cierva grant IJC2018-035386-I and a contract associated to SEV-2017-0712. EVC, AMP, AMAM, and NMM belong to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)’s Cancer Hub. Synopsis image made with biorender.com by Eduardo Roman Camacho and Esteban Veiga. We thanks Prof. Dan Portnoy who kindly provided bacterial strains.S

    Inequality for Wage Earners and Self-Employed: Evidence from Panel Data

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    In this paper we highlight the importance of analysing the evolution of income inequality separately for employees and self-employed workers. Using Spanish panel data on income and consumption for the period 1987-96, we find noticeable differences across these groups in the evolution of income inequality, and in the relative importance of the transitory and permanent components of income variance. The evolution of inequality is mainly explained by movements in the transitory component for the self-employed and by the permanent component for the employees. Our results suggest that different policies should be implemented for each group. Copyright (c) Blackwell Publishing Ltd and the Department of Economics, University of Oxford, 2009.

    Inequality for Wage Earners and Self-Employed: Evidence from Panel Data

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    In this paper we study the evolution of income inequality for employees and self-employed workers. We highlight the importance of separately analyzing these different sources of income to gain a broader understanding of inequality. Using Spanish panel data on income and consumption from the ECPF for the period 1987-96, we decompose the variance of income shocks into a permanent and a transitory component. We find that there are noticeable differences in the evolution of income inequality, as well as in the relative importance of the permanent and transitory components across these groups. Our results point that the evolution of inequality can be basically explained by movements in the variance of the transitory component of income for the self-employed, while for the employees it is mainly driven by the variance of the permanent component, specially at the end of the period. Given these disparities, it seems that these two sources of income should be studied separately and that different policies are suitable for each group.Permanent income inequality, transitory income inequality, consumption, selfemployment, panel data

    Once-Weekly Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer in Elderly Patients: Efficacy and Tolerance in 486 Patients

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    PURPOSE: Radiation therapy is a key treatment of breast cancer. Elderly patients with associated diseases that modify their performance status do not tolerate long periods of daily irradiation. The objective of this study is to analyze the results of weekly hypofractionated treatment in these patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Between 1992 and 2016, we included 486 elderly patients presenting concomitant pathology or sociofamilial problems in which it was not feasible to propose conventional treatment. They were treated with conservative surgery or mastectomy and then adjuvant hypofractionated irradiation, administering 5 Gy or 6.25 Gy in 6 fractions, once a week (total dose 30-37.5 Gy) over 6 weeks. RESULTS: Breast cancer overall survival according to the Kaplan-Meier method at 5 years was 74.2% ± 2.3%; breast cancer disease-free survival was 90% ± 1.6%; local relapse-free survival was 96.5% ± 1% showing that patients die more from other causes and not from their neoplasia. Acute dermatitis was mild (75.6% of the patients grades I-III) and 30.6% had moderate chronic fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: the once-weekly hypofractionated radiotherapy is a feasible and convenient option for elderly patients with breast cancer. It is a safe treatment modality with similar survival and local control results compared to standard fractionation, while the side effects are acceptable

    Once-Weekly Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Breast Cancer in Elderly Patients: Efficacy and Tolerance in 486 Patients

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    PURPOSE: Radiation therapy is a key treatment of breast cancer. Elderly patients with associated diseases that modify their performance status do not tolerate long periods of daily irradiation. The objective of this study is to analyze the results of weekly hypofractionated treatment in these patients. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Between 1992 and 2016, we included 486 elderly patients presenting concomitant pathology or sociofamilial problems in which it was not feasible to propose conventional treatment. They were treated with conservative surgery or mastectomy and then adjuvant hypofractionated irradiation, administering 5 Gy or 6.25 Gy in 6 fractions, once a week (total dose 30-37.5 Gy) over 6 weeks. RESULTS: Breast cancer overall survival according to the Kaplan-Meier method at 5 years was 74.2% ± 2.3%; breast cancer disease-free survival was 90% ± 1.6%; local relapse-free survival was 96.5% ± 1% showing that patients die more from other causes and not from their neoplasia. Acute dermatitis was mild (75.6% of the patients grades I-III) and 30.6% had moderate chronic fibrosis. CONCLUSIONS: the once-weekly hypofractionated radiotherapy is a feasible and convenient option for elderly patients with breast cancer. It is a safe treatment modality with similar survival and local control results compared to standard fractionation, while the side effects are acceptable

    La biblioteca escolar del IES El Brocense : centro de recursos, innovación y aprendizaje

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    El trabajo obtuvo un premio de la Modalidad B de los Premios Tomás García Verdejo a las buenas prácticas educativas en la Comunidad Autónoma de Extremadura para el curso 2011Se describe cómo se puso en marcha la nueva biblioteca del centro y el Proyecto de Biblioteca Escolar por el que se rige su funcionamiento, que incluía un Plan de Lectura y otro de Formación Documental y que tiene por objetivo rentabilizar las posibilidades de uso pedagógico de una biblioteca escolar integrada con el currículoExtremaduraES