2,147 research outputs found

    Progression of phosphine resistance in susceptible Tribolium castaneum (Herbst) populations under different immigration regimes and selection pressures

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    Insecticide resistance is an escalating global issue for a wide variety of agriculturally important pests. The genetic basis and biochemical mechanisms of resistance are well characterized in some systems, but little is known about the ecological aspects of insecticide resistance. We therefore designed a laboratory experiment to quantify the progression of phosphine resistance in Tribolium castaneum populations subject to different immigration regimes and selection pressures. Mated resistant females were added to originally susceptible populations under two distinct migration rates, and in addition, half of the populations in each migration treatment were exposed to selection pressures from phosphine fumigation. The progression of phosphine resistance was assessed by screening beetles for the resistance allele at rph2. Phosphine resistance increased slowly in the low migration treatment and in the absence of selection, as expected. But at the higher migration rate, the increase in frequency of the resistance allele was lower than predicted. These outcomes result from the high levels of polyandry known in T. castaneum females in the laboratory, because most of the Generation 1 offspring (86%) were heterozygous for the rph2 allele, probably because resistant immigrant females mated again on arrival. Phosphine resistance was not fixed by fumigation as predicted, perhaps because susceptible gametes and eggs survived fumigation within resistant females. In terms of phosphine resistance progression in populations exposed to selection, the effect of fumigation negated the difference in migration rates. These results demonstrate how species-specific traits relating to the mating system may shape the progression of insecticide resistance within populations, and they have broad implications for the management of phosphine resistance in T. castaneum in the field. ​We specify and discuss how these mating system attributes need to be accounted for when developing guidelines for resistance management

    Laboratory and Clinical Studies of Cardiac Transplantation

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    Cardiac transplantation was carried out on four patients at the Medical College of Virginia between May and October of 1968, in an effort to salvage them from the terminal stages of otherwise uncorrectable heart disease. Despite a strikingly good early recovery from operation in each case, three of the patients died of acute homograft rejection in one to three weeks; our second case is living and well, ten months after operation, and is at this writing the world\u27s third longest survivor. The world experience to June of 1969 includes about 130 cardiac transplants. Of the first 100 patients operated on over six months ago, 20 are surviving, and the majority of these have returned to a productive existence, demonstrating the feasibility of complete rehabilitation of at least some terminal patients after cardiac transplantation. The high mortality rate--significantly higher than was anticipated--has resulted from acute and chronic homograft rejection and from the equally difficult problem of infection. Certain lessons have been learned from our own experience and from the world experience with this procedure, and these will be reviewed in an attempt to establish the current status and future potential of cardiac transplantation

    Immunohistochemical detection of scrapie prion proteins in clinically normal sheep in Pennsylvania

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    Following diagnosis of scrapie in a clinically suspect Suffolk sheep, 7 clinically normal flockmates were purchased by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture to determine their scrapie status using an immunohistochemical procedure. Two of the 7 euthanized healthy sheep had positive immunohistochemical staining of the prion protein of scrapie (PrP-Sc) in their brains, nictitating membranes, and tonsils. The PrP-Sc was localized in the areas of the brain where, histopathologically, there was neurodegeneration and astrocytosis. The PrP-Sc occurred within germinal centers of the affected nictitating membranes and tonsils and was located in the cytoplasm of the dendrite-like cells, lymphoid cells, and macrophages. These results confirm that immunohistochemical examination of the nictitating membrane can be used as a screen for the presence of scrapie infection in clinically normal sheep at a capable veterinary diagnostic laboratory. In sheep with a PrP-Sc–positive nictitating membrane, the diagnosis of scrapie should be confirmed by histopathology and immunohistochemical examination of the brain following necropsy. Following full validation, immunohistochemistry assays for detection of PrP-Sc in nictitating membrane lymphoid tissues can improve the effectiveness of the scrapie control and eradication program by allowing diagnosis of the disease in sheep before the appearance of clinical signs

    Denoising diffusion models for out-of-distribution detection

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    Out-of-distribution detection is crucial to the safe deployment of machine learning systems. Currently, unsupervised out-of-distribution detection is dominated by generative-based approaches that make use of estimates of the likelihood or other measurements from a generative model. Reconstruction-based methods offer an alternative approach, in which a measure of reconstruction error is used to determine if a sample is out-of-distribution. However, reconstruction-based approaches are less favoured, as they require careful tuning of the model's information bottleneck - such as the size of the latent dimension - to produce good results. In this work, we exploit the view of denoising diffusion probabilistic models (DDPM) as denoising autoencoders where the bottleneck is controlled externally, by means of the amount of noise applied. We propose to use DDPMs to reconstruct an input that has been noised to a range of noise levels, and use the resulting multi-dimensional reconstruction error to classify out-of-distribution inputs. We validate our approach both on standard computer-vision datasets and on higher dimension medical datasets. Our approach outperforms not only reconstruction-based methods, but also state-of-the-art generative-based approaches. Code is available at https://github.com/marksgraham/ddpm-ood

    Differential effects of apolipoprotein E isoforms on phosphorylation at specific sites on tau by glycogen synthase kinase-3β identified by nano-electrospray mass spectrometry

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    AbstractPreviously published data have shown an allele-specific variation in the in vitro binding of apolipoprotein E (apoE) to tau, which prompted the hypothesis that apoE binding may protect tau from phosphorylation, apoE3 being more efficient than apoE4. We have, therefore, investigated the effects of apoE on tau phosphorylation in vitro by the proline-directed kinase, glycogen synthase kinase (GSK)-3β. The phosphopeptide maps of tau alone, of tau with apoE3 and of tau with apoE4 were very similar. When apoE2 was present a further four spots were evident. Additionally, of the 15 peptides phosphorylated in the presence or absence of apoE, subtle differences, some isoform-specific, in the relative amounts of phosphorylation were observed

    Grazing in a megagrazer-dominated savanna does not reduce soil carbon stocks, even at high intensities

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    Recent studies suggest that wild animals can promote ecosystem carbon sinks through their impacts on vegetation and soils. However, livestock studies show that intense levels of grazing reduce soil organic carbon (SOC), leading to concerns that rewilding with large grazers may compromise ecosystem carbon storage. Furthermore, wild grazers can both limit and promote woody plant recruitment and survival on savanna grasslands, with both positive and negative impacts on SOC, depending on the rainfall and soil texture contexts. We used grazing lawns in one of the few African protected savannas that are still dominated by megagrazers (> 1000 kg), namely white rhinoceros Ceratotherium simum, as a model to study the impact of prolonged and intense wild grazing on SOC stocks. We contrasted SOC stocks between patches of varying grazing intensity and woody plant encroachment in sites across different rhino habitat types. We found no differences in SOC stocks between the most- and least grazed plots in any of the habitats. Intermediately grazed plots, however, had higher SOC stocks in the top 5 cm compared to most and least grazed plots, but only in the closed-canopy woodland habitat and not in the open habitats. Importantly, we found no evidence to support the hypothesis that wild grazing reduces SOC, even at high grazing intensities by the world's largest megagrazer. Compared to the non-encroached reference plots, woody encroached plots had higher SOC stocks in soils with low clay content and lower SOC stocks in soils with high clay content, although only in the top 5 cm. Accordingly, our study highlights that wild grazers may influence SOC indirectly through their impact on tree-grass ratios in grassy ecosystems. Our study thus provides important insights for future natural climate solutions that focus on wild grazer conservation and restoration.Keywords: fire, grazing impact, rewilding, soil carbon, white rhinoceros, woody encroachmen

    Resolving the dynamical mass of a z~1.3 QSO host galaxy using SINFONI and Laser Guide Star assisted Adaptive Optics

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    Recent studies of the tight scaling relations between the masses of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies have suggested that in the past black holes constituted a larger fraction of their host galaxies' mass. However, these arguments are limited by selection effects and difficulties in determining robust host galaxy masses at high redshifts. Here we report the first results of a new, complementary diagnostic route: we directly determine a dynamical host galaxy mass for the z=1.3 luminous quasar J090543.56+043347.3 through high-spatial-resolution (0.47", 4kpc FWHM) observations of the host galaxy gas kinematics over 30x40 kpc using ESO/VLT/SINFONI with LGS/AO. Combining our result of M_dyn = 2.05+1.68_0.74 x 10^11 M_sun (within a radius 5.25 +- 1.05 kpc) with M_BH,MgII = 9.02 \pm 1.43 x 10^8 M_sun, M_BH,Halpha = 2.83 +1.93-1.13 x 10^8 M_sun, we find that the ratio of black hole mass to host galaxy dynamical mass for J090543.56+043347.3 matches the present-day relation for M_BH vs. M_Bulge,Dyn, well within the IR scatter, deviating at most a factor of two from the mean. J090543.56+043347.3 displays clear signs of an ongoing tidal interaction and of spatially extended star formation at a rate of 50-100 M_sun/yr, above the cosmic average for a galaxy of this mass and redshift. We argue that its subsequent evolution may move J090543.56+043347.3 even closer to the z=0 relation for M_BH vs. M_Bulge,Dyn. Our results support the picture where any substantive evolution in these relations must occur prior to z~1.3. Having demonstrated the power of this modelling approach we are currently analyzing similar data on seven further objects to better constrain such evolution.Comment: Accepted for publication in ApJ, 14 pages, 10 Figure

    The role of glacier mice in the invertebrate colonisation of glacial surfaces: the moss balls of the Falljökull, Iceland

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    Glacier surfaces have a surprisingly complex ecology. Cryoconite holes contain diverse invertebrate communities while other invertebrates, such as Collembola often graze on algae and windblown dead organic on the glacier surface. Glacier mice (ovoid unattached moss balls) occur on some glaciers worldwide. Studies of these glacier mice have concentrated on their occurrence and mode of formation. There are no reports of the invertebrate communities. But, such glacier mice may provide a suitable favourable habitat and refuge for a variety of invertebrate groups to colonise the glacier surface. Here we describe the invertebrate fauna of the glacier mice (moss balls) of the Falljökull, Iceland. The glacier mice were composed of Racomitrium sp. and varied in size from 8.0 to 10.0 cm in length. All glacier mice studied contained invertebrates. Two species of Collembola were present. Pseudisotoma sensibilis (Tullberg, 1876) was numerically dominant with between 12 and 73 individuals per glacier mouse while Desoria olivacea (Tullberg, 1871) occurred but in far lower numbers. Tardigrada and Nematoda had mean densities of approximately 200 and 1,000 respectively. No Acari, Arachnida or Enchytraeidae were observed which may be related to the difficulty these groups have in colonizing the glacier mice. We suggest that glacier mice provide an unusual environmentally ameliorated microhabitat for an invertebrate community dwelling on a glacial surface. The glacier mice thereby enable an invertebrate fauna to colonise an otherwise largely inhospitable location with implications for carbon flow in the system

    Transformer-based out-of-distribution detection for clinically safe segmentation

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    In a clinical setting it is essential that deployed image processing systems are robust to the full range of inputs they might encounter and, in particular, do not make confidently wrong predictions. The most popular approach to safe processing is to train networks that can provide a measure of their uncertainty, but these tend to fail for inputs that are far outside the training data distribution. Recently, generative modelling approaches have been proposed as an alternative; these can quantify the likelihood of a data sample explicitly, filtering out any out-of-distribution (OOD) samples before further processing is performed. In this work, we focus on image segmentation and evaluate several approaches to network uncertainty in the far-OOD and near-OOD cases for the task of segmenting haemorrhages in head CTs. We find all of these approaches are unsuitable for safe segmentation as they provide confidently wrong predictions when operating OOD. We propose performing full 3D OOD detection using a VQ-GAN to provide a compressed latent representation of the image and a transformer to estimate the data likelihood. Our approach successfully identifies images in both the far- and near-OOD cases. We find a strong relationship between image likelihood and the quality of a model’s segmentation, making this approach viable for filtering images unsuitable for segmentation. To our knowledge, this is the first time transformers have been applied to perform OOD detection on 3D image data.</p

    Dietary choline and betaine assessed by food-frequency questionnaire in relation to plasma total homocysteine concentration in the Framingham Offspring Study

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    Epidemiologic studies of choline and betaine intakes have been sparse because a food-composition database was not available until recently. The physiologic relevance of a variation in dietary choline and betaine in the general population and the validity of intake assessed by food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) have not been evaluated
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