897 research outputs found

    Analisis Pengaruh Ekuitas Merek Terhadap Respon Konsumen Pada Produk Levi’s Di Palembang

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of brand equity consists of brand awareness, brand associations, perceived quality, and brand loyalty on consumer response Levi's products in Palembang. The stronger the brand equity, the more powerful it the confidence of consumers use a product that will produce a response from the consumers so as to make the company a profit from time to time even though competition in the global market is very tight between the various brands. The population in this study was the use Levi's products. The sample obtained in this study was 100 respondents. Hypothesis testing using multiple regression analysis with SPSS ver. 17.0. The test results showed that brand awareness (X1), brand association (X2), perceived quality (X3) and brand loyalty (X4) have an influence on consumer response to Levi's products in Palembang


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    Children who are a mandate for their parents and teachers, they must consider a good education for them from an early age. Rasulullah has implemented several rules how should teach children. This research is a qualitative research with literature study and hermeneutic approach to the hadiths related to early childhood education. It was found that early childhood education in the perspective of the prophet's hadith should focus on the formation of noble character and worship to to Allah. Early childhood education must contain a curriculum that objects to the child's soul and body, including faith education, amaliyah, morality and skills education. In modern education termed cognitive, affective, and psychomotor


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    Writing an English application letter is one of ‘Job Getting’ materials. The writing results can measure the students’ writing ability in English. This study aims to describe the writing quality of English application letter made by State Polytechnic of Balikpapan students. It also tries to explain frequent errors in the application letter. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. The data obtained were assessed based on a scoring rubric adapted from Cohen (1994). There are four criteria assessed including Content, Organization, Grammar, and Mechanic. The data results are presented in the tables, graphs, and description. The results show (1) Most of the students' abilities are at Scale 4 and none has the ability at Scale 1. The average number of each component is Content 3,95; Organization 3,89; Grammar 3,38; and Mechanic 3,30. (2) Errors made in writing application letters can be found in all components. Most mistakes were made by students in all components, respectively, mechanic, grammar, organization, and content

    Identifikasi Potensi Pangan Lokal untuk Penganekaragaman Produk Pangan Kota Balikpapan

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the potential of superior local food in the Balikpapan City. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Data collection techniques using the location survey and institutional survey methods. The identification of local food potential in the Balikpapan City in this study in terms of the food sector in terms of availability. Based on the results of data analysis that has been carried out in the city of Balikpapan, there are about 12 (twelve) types that are widely cultivated by farmers, namely: sweet corn, papaya, banana, cempedak, lai / durian fruit, dragon fruit, sweet potato / wood, pineapple, salak, and rambutan. Although some other plants are also found, but relatively few in number, such as tomatoes, cucumber, guava, and others. The existence of local food in the Balikpapan City area has the potential to be developed into various food product

    Rainwater Capture and Purification System for Rural Tanzania

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    The project was a rainwater capture and purification system for the Buturi community in rural northwestern Tanzania. Recent research indicates the northwestern communities in Tanzania will suffer greatly under the effects of climate change. Using this demonstrated need as impetus, the project created a long-term solution for water accessibility in a community of 57,000 villagers who currently live in extreme poverty. The team visited the Buturi community from March 24 to April 7, 2018 to install the project in the main village, the Makongoro village. The project installation took place at the Buturi Primary School and Community Center. Workshops with local villagers took place to teach and explain how the system works and what maintenance is required. The rainwater capture and purification system should last for approximately 50 years with regular maintenance

    Penerapan Teknologi Pengolahan Dan Peningkatan Distribusi Air Bersih Di Lingkungan Masyarakat RT 36 Kelurahan Graha Indah

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    Kontur tanah Kota Balikpapan adalah berbukit-bukit menyebabkan tidak semua warga mendapatkan pasokan air bersih dari PDAM sehingga banyak warga yang mengandalkan air tanah atau sumur bor untuk digunakan kegiatan sehari-hari. Air tanah di Kota Balikpapan sebagian besar masih dibawah standar air bersih terutama di masyarakat sekitar lingkungan Kelurahan Graha Indah  yakni air tanahnya berbau logam dan berwarna kuning. Hal ini terjadi dikarenakan air tanah yang dikelola oleh masyrakat tidak diolah terlebih dahulu ataupun diolah terlebih dahulu karena keterbatasan pengetahuan maka air tanah yang dihasilkan tetap berwarna kuning. Meskipun air tanah yang digunakan untuk kegiatan sehari-hari masih dibawah standar air bersih masyarakat dan santri masih tetap memanfaatkan air tanah tersebut untuk mandi, mencuci piring, mencuci pakaian dan kegiatan yang lain. Dengan keadaan tersebut maka metode yang digunakan menyelesaikan masalah tersebut menggunakan Teknologi Pengolahan Air bersih yang terdiri dari proses netralisasi, aerasi, koagulasi, flokulasi, sedimentasi dan filtrasi. Tujuan dari Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini adalah: 1. Memberikan pelatihan dan keterampilan kepada para masyarakat, untuk mengetahui cara mengolah air yang berbau besi dan berwarna kuning menjadi air bersih. 2. Mengaplikasikan pemahaman yang sudah diberikan pada saat pelatihan menjadi suatu teknologi tepat guna beserta memberi pengetahuan tentang cara pemeliharaan teknologi tepat guna tersebut

    Hubungan antara status gizi dengan klasifikasi pneumonia pada balita di puskesmas Gilingan kecamatan Banjarsari Surakarta

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    ABSTRAK Tujuan : Pada anak-anak khususnya balita sampai sekarang masih merupakan masalah yang memprihatinkan, bahkan balita dengan gizi buruk akan menyebabkan angka mortalitas pneumonia pada balita semakin tinggi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan antara status gizi dengan klasifikasi pneumonia pada anak balita. Metode : Penelitian ini bersifat analitik observasional dengan pendekatan potong lintang. Teknik sampling menggunakan total sampling yang dilaksanakan di Puskesmas Gilingan Kecamatan Banjarsari Surakarta dengan sample berjumlah 30 balita yang terdiri dari 15 balita dengan klasifikasi pneumonia dan 15 balita tidak terklasifikasi pneumonia terhitung dari tanggal 15 Februari – 7 Mei 2010. Status gizi diukur secara antropometri melalui penilaian BB/U dengan baku rujukan WHO – NCHS. Data dianalisis menggunakan Statistical Product and Service Solution (SPSS) 16 for Windows dengan uji statistic person chi-square. Hasil : Dari total 30 jumlah sample, ada 16 balita gizi baik yang terdiri dari 12 balita tidak pneumonia dan 4 balita pneumonia. Kemudian 11 balita gizi kurang terdiri dari 2 balita tidak pneumonia dan 9 balita pneumonia. Sedang 3 balita gizi buruk terdiri dari 1 balita tidak pneumonia dan 2 balita pneumonia. Hasil signifikansi menghasilkan p<0,05 dengan nilai signifikan 0,01 yang berarti signifikan atau bermakna. Simpulan : Ada hubungan antara status gizi dengan klasifikasi pneumonia pada anak balita di Puskesmas Gilingan Kecamatan Banjarsari Surakarta. Kata kunci : Status gizi-pneumoni


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    Abstrak Dalam hal ini guru PJOK sangat berperan penting dan bertanggung jawab di lapangan saat pembelajaran. Maka dari, itu guru PJOK dituntut untuk bisa memberikan pertolongan pertama pada peserta didik yang mengalami cedera dan mendeteksi tingkat cedera yang dialami peserta didik. Kemudian membantu memberi masukan untuk proses penyembuhan. Disisi lain guru PJOK juga dapat memberikan tindakan pencegahan pada peserta didiknya agar cedera pada saat pembelajaran PJOK dapat diminimalisir.Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif. Penilitian deskriptif adalah penelitian yang bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran terhadap suatu objek yang diteliti melalui data sampel atau populasi yang dinyatakan dalam bentuk angka. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode survei. Hasil penelitian tingkat pengetahuan guru PJOK tentang pertolongan pertama dan cedera olahraga di SMA/SMK se-Kecamatan Krembung menunjukkan bahwa penyebab cedera yang sering terjadi pada saat proses pembelajaran yaitu karena tidak cukup pemanasan dengan 8 responden atau 16,3% kemudian disusul dengan kurangnya kebugaran fisik, sarana prasarana yang tidak standar dan kurangnya kesadaran akan proteksi pribadi dipilih oleh 6 responden atau 12,2%. Sedangkan dari butir angket tentang pengetahuan tentang cara pencegahan dan layanan kesehatan semua responden sudah memahami sedangkan pada pengetahuan tentang metode RICE 7 dari 9 responden mengetahui dan sisanya 2 dari 9 responden tidak mengetahuinya. Kata kunci: Tingkat pengetahuan guru PJOK, pertolongan pertama dan pencegahan cedera Abstract Physical education teacher plays an important and responsible role in the learning activity.Physical education teacher is required to be able to provide first aid to students who are injured. Physical education teacher also needs to provide an input for the healing process. On the other hand,physical education teacher can also provide a preventive procedure to students so that injuries during learning activity can be minimized.Thisis a descriptive research which aims to provide an overview of an object studied through sample or population . The method which was used is the survey method. The resultsindicates the causes of injuries that often occur during the learning process are due to insufficient heating with 8 respondents or 16.3% followed with a lack of physical fitness, nonstandard infrastructure and lack of awareness of personal protection were chosen by 6 respondents or 12.2%. Whereas from the questionnaire items about prevention and health services all respondents already understood while in the knowledge of the RICE method 7 out of 9 respondents knew and the remaining 2 out of 9 respondents did not know. Keywords: Level of knowledge of physical education teachers, first aid and prevention of sports injurie
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