102 research outputs found

    Os nós e o nós : Vinculação e satisfação conjugal

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    Dissertação de mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto UniversitárioConsiderando a teoria da vinculação para o estudo das relações amorosas, o pressuposto de que o estilo de vinculação influencia a satisfação conjugal foi explorado numa amostra de 30 casais, que preencheram a um questionário medindo as 2 dimensões fundamentais das auto-avaliações do estilo de vinculação nos adultos (Preocupação e Evitação) e uma escala de Satisfação Conjugal. Sendo que, a Evitação se apresenta fortemente associada de forma negativa à satisfação conjugal. Estes resultados implicam a necessidade de se considerar a proposta teórica de Bartholomew, de que subjacente aos padrões de vinculação está a imagem do self e a imagem do outro.ABSTRACT------Concerning the attachment theory within romantic relationships, the role of attachment style as a predictor of marital satisfaction in marital relationships was analysed in a sample of 30 couples. The couples filled in a questionnaire, that measured two essential adults attachment style self evaluation dimensions and a marital satisfaction scale. Avoidance turned out to be a strong negative predictor of marital satisfaction. The results rely on Bartholomew’s theorical work, in which the image of the self and the other predict the attachment patterns

    Culturas de Convergência: Avatar de James Cameron

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    This article is the a theoretical exploration centered on the theme of convergence of cultures, with the backdrop of Avatar, James Cameron. The objective is to clarify the concepts of participatory culture and collective intelligence as practices of transmedia narrative associated with the film. Interests us understand the man's dynamics with technological convergence, given the new possibilities. In the specific case of this study, we can see the dissemination of Avatar in the media: cinema, internet, mobile phone, DVD and Blu-Ray, where there are established protocols between Twentieth Century Fox, Ubisoft and Weta Digital. The analysis in this paper enabled the identification of the power of convergence culture when understood by the fields of cinema, marketing, business, education and any other organization or any other media that need to communicate or promote the active participation of the publicinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Concurrent effects of different psychological processes in the prediction of depressive symptoms - the role of cognitive fusion

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    Cognitive fusion refers to the dominance of verbal processes over behavior regulation, in detriment of being sensitive to contextual contingencies and pursuing valued life goals. It is a core process within Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and seems to have a crucial role in the development and maintenance of psychopathology. The first goal of this investigation was to explore the factor structure, factorial invariance and psychometrics of the Portuguese version of the Cognitive Fusion Questionnaire (CFQ). A multigroup confirmatory factor analysis attested the invariant one-dimensional factor structure of the CFQ across three samples from the general population (n = 408; n = 291; n = 101) with different demographic characteristics. Additionally, the CFQ showed to be a psychometrically robust and reliable measure. A second major goal was to investigate the convergent and incremental validity of this version of CFQ (n = 408). Convergent validity was explored and attested with several psychological indicators. Regarding incremental validity, the predictive power of depressive symptoms of cognitive fusion and three related processes, with origin in different conceptual frameworks, was tested. Results showed that even when the effects of decentering, mindfulness and metacognitions were controlled for, cognitive fusion consistently maintained a significant and unique predictive power over depressive symptoms. These findings suggest that these processes relate differentially and independently with depressive symptoms and, moreover, that cognitive fusion has a superior contribution to its explanation. Given the evidence that cognitive fusion plays an important role in the comprehension of depressive symptoms, conceptual and clinical implications were discussed

    Content consumption on the internet among higher education students – preliminary results of a project at a higher education school in Portugal

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    The global increasing importance of the Internet in the various segments of society is explicit, and its rapid control by younger users particularly seems irrefutable. But what do they consume? This paper presents the partial and preliminary results of the Project - The consumption and sharing contents of Internet by students of higher education: the case of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu, Portugal, specifically related to the consumption practices of Internet content by students of the School of Education, one of the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu Schools. The principal objective of the Project is to understand the use that higher education students do of the contents available on the Internet. The methodological approach includes the application of an online questionnaire survey, with questions related to: i) the socio-demographic and institutional data of the participants; ii) access to and use of the Internet; iii) competences for its use; iv) consumption and sharing content; v) and attitudes and preferences regarding consumption and sharing. The sample includes 120 students, with participation of students attending the courses of Social Communication (N=79) and Multimedia and Plastics Arts (N=32). Most of the participants are female (N=88), attend the 1st year of the course (N=88) and the average age is 19.36 years (SD=2.56). Asked about how often they access the Internet, 95.8% of the students said they use it every day. Preliminary results from the quantitative analysis suggest that the most popular activities are: listen to music, see photos and read text posts on social networks daily. The analysis presented in this article refers only to data obtained between June and September 2017 and was performed using the SPSS - Statistical Package for Social Sciences.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A dança no contexto educativo : um espaço de inclusão : contributos da modalidade artística de dança na Região Autónoma da Madeira para o desenvolvimento de crianças com necessidades educativas especiais

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    Dissertação de Mestrado em Arte e Educação apresentada à Universidade AbertaA fusão da arte com a educação inclusiva constitui um dos desafios proeminentes com impacto nestas duas áreas. A dança, enquanto instrumento didático/pedagógico e através do processo de ensino-aprendizagem, pode ser utilizada na valorização das potencialidades dos alunos, como tal, entendemos fundamental incluir e utilizar a modalidade artística da dança no contexto educativo. O estudo incide sobre um grupo de 8 alunos (dos 8 aos 12 anos) com Necessidades Educativas Especiais (NEE) de uma Escola Básica de 1º ciclo na Região Autónoma da Madeira (RAM), com os quais trabalhamos na modalidade de dança do complemento curricular, incluída na disciplina de expressão musical e dramática. Pretendemos responder à seguinte questão de partida: Em que medida a modalidade artística de dança promovida junto de crianças de Ensino Básico de 1º ciclo com NEE, na RAM, pode ajudar a desenvolver competências na esfera motora e social? Para tal, delineámos os seguintes objetivos: Verificar a perspetiva dos vários intervenientes sobre o programa de dança trabalhado com estas crianças, como modalidade artística e como meio de expressão e comunicação; Averiguar se, na perspetiva dos vários intervenientes, este programa contribui para o desenvolvimento das crianças a nível motor e a nível social; Analisar a perspetiva dos intervenientes sobre os impactos do programa em causa como instrumento para permitir a inclusão das crianças com NEE. O estudo desenvolveu-se numa espiral de ciclos de planificação, ação, observação e reflexão, assente na metodologia de Investigação-Ação, através da metodologia qualitativa, utilizando diferentes técnicas (observação participante e entrevista) e instrumentos de recolha de dados (grelha de observação, registo vídeo, notas de campo e guiões de entrevista). Os resultados obtidos permitiram-nos concluir sobre o impacto da modalidade a nível motor (aquisição de várias competências, mais mobilidade física e mudanças corporais); a nível social (aproximação dos alunos, respeito pelas diferenças, mudanças de atitudes e cumprimento de regras); bem como a nível de integração (a dança junta todos, facilita o convívio, há uma partilha de vivências e valorização pessoal).The fusion of art with inclusive education for all is one of the most prominente challenges with impact in these both areas. The dance, while didactic / pedagogic instrument and through the teaching-learning process, can be used in the appreciation of the potential of the students. As such, we believe that is essential to include and use the artistic form of dance in the educational context. The study focuses on a group of 8 students (from 8 to 12 years) with Special Educational Needs (SEN) of a Primary School in the Autonomous Region of Madeira (RAM), with whom we worked the dance modality in the Curricular Complement included in the discipline of Musical and Dramatic Expression. We intend to answer the starter question: In what extent dance, as an artistic modality promoted to children of Primary Education with SEN, in RAM, can help develop their own motor and social skills? To this end, we outlined the following objectives: To assess the various stakeholders perspective about the dancing program developed with these children, as an artistic modality and as a form of expression and communication; Ascertain if, from the perspective of the various stakeholders, this program contributes to the children development relative to motor and social level; Analyze the stakeholders perspective on the impacts of this program as a tool to promote the inclusion of children with SEN. This study was developed in a spiral of planning cycles, action, observation and reflection, based on the Research-Action methodology, through a qualitative approach, using different techniques (participant observation and interview) and instruments for data collection (observation grids, video recording, field notes and interview guides). The results allowed us to conclude about the impact of the modality on the motor level (acquisition of various skills, more physical mobility and body changes); on the social level (greater empathy among students, respect for differences, changes in attitudes and respect for rules); as well as on the integration level (the dance joins all together, facilitates interaction, there’s a sharing of experiences and personal appreciation)

    Association between respiratory hospital admissions and air quality in Portugal: a count time series approach

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    Although regulatory improvements for air quality in the European Union have been made, air pollution is still a pressing problem and, its impact on health, both mortality and morbidity, is a topic of intense research nowadays. The main goal of this work is to assess the impact of the exposure to air pollutants on the number of daily hospital admissions due to respiratory causes in 58 spatial locations of Portugal mainland, during the period 2005-2017. To this end, INteger Generalised AutoRegressive Conditional Heteroskedastic (INGARCH)-based models are extensively used. This family of models has proven to be very useful in the analysis of serially dependent count data. Such models include information on the past history of the time series, as well as the effect of external covariates. In particular, daily hospitalisation counts, air quality and temperature data are endowed within INGARCH models of optimal orders, where the automatic inclusion of the most significant covariates is carried out through a new block-forward procedure. The INGARCH approach is adequate to model the outcome variable (respiratory hospital admissions) and the covariates, which advocates for the use of count time series approaches in this setting. Results show that the past history of the count process carries very relevant information and that temperature is the most determinant covariate, among the analysed, for daily hospital respiratory admissions. It is important to stress that, despite the small variability explained by air quality, all models include on average, approximately two air pollutants covariates besides temperature. Further analysis shows that the one-step-ahead forecasts distributions are well separated into two clusters: one cluster includes locations exclusively in the Lisbon area (exhibiting higher number of one-step-ahead hospital admissions forecasts), while the other contains the remaining locations. This results highlights that special attention must be given to air quality in Lisbon metropolitan area in order to decrease the number of hospital admissions.publishe

    Facetas de mindfulness: características psicométricas de um instrumento de avaliação

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    Mindfulness has been defined as paying attention with purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally. Several measures of this construct have been developed. In this paper we propose to explore the underlying structure of the Portuguese version of the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ). 821 individuals completed the FFMQ, as well as some other measures of psychopathology. The Exploratory Factor Analysis suggested a five-factor solution accounting for 50.48% of the variance after factor extraction. The facets were internally consistent and showed moderate positive correlations, except some unexpected negative correlations with the Observe and Non-judge facets. Most of the correlations between the five mindfulness facets and other psychological constructs resulted as expected, except for the facet Observe that behaved in a way not entirely consistent with the others. This study results shows the Portuguese version of the FFMQ as valid to the Portuguese population.La pleine conscience se définit comme l’acte de porter attention sur le moment présent de façon intentionnelle et sans jugement de valeur. Ces dernières années, divers instruments ont été développés pour mesurer la Pleine Conscience. Cet article présente l’adaptation du Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) pour la population portugaise. 821 sujets ont complété le FFMQ, ainsi que d’autres questionnaires de mesure de psychopathologie. L’Analyse Factorielle Exploratoire a identifié une solution de cinq facteurs pour expliquer 50.48% de la variance total. Les facettes présentent de bons indices de consistance interne et possèdent des corrélations modérées entre elles, à l’exception de quelques corrélations inespérées avec les facettes Observer et Non-jugement. Les corrélations entre les facettes et autres construits psychologiques ont été dans le sens prévu, à l’exception de la facette Observer qui a suivi une évolution contraire aux restantes. Les résultats de cette étude de validité indiquent que le FFMQ portugaise est approprié pour la population portugaise.O mindfulness tem sido definido como prestar atenção com propósito, no momento presente e sem ajuizar a experiência. Nos últimos anos têm sido desenvolvidos vários instrumentos de medida do mindfulness. Este artigo tem como objectivo apresentar a aferição do Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) para a população portuguesa. 821 Sujeitos completaram o FFMQ e outras medidas de psicopatologia. A Análise Factorial Exploratória mostrou uma solução de cinco factores a explicar 50.48% da variância total. As facetas apresentaram uma boa consistência interna e mostraram-se moderadamente correlacionadas entre si, à excepção de algumas correlações inesperadas com as facetas Observar e Não Julgar. As correlações entre as facetas e outros constructos psicológicos foram no sentido previsto, à excepção da faceta Observar que se comportou de modo contrário às restantes, à semelhança do que aconteceu no estudo original. Os resultados deste estudo de validação mostram que o Questionário das Cinco Facetas de Mindfulness é apropriado para a população portuguesa

    The max-BARMA models for counts with bounded support

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    In this note, we introduce a discrete counterpart of the conventional max-autoregressive moving-average process of Davis & Resnick (1989), based on the binomial thinning operator and driven by a sequence of i. i. d. nonnegative integer-valued random variables with a finite range of counts. Basic probabilistic and statistical properties of this new class of models are discussed in detail, namely the existence of a stationary distribution, and how observations’ and innovations’ distributions are related to each other. Furthermore, parameter estimation is also addressed.publishe

    Avaliação de efeitos do álcool no tempo de reacção

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    Tese de mestrado. Engenharia de Segurança e Higiene Ocupacionais. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Concurso de curtas-metragens enquanto laboratório de criatividade narrativa - Relato da experiência académica na ESEV

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    Narrative art is as old as human kind and assumes itself as a fundamental element of everyday life. In this sense, since a narrative is a story that presents a diegetic universe composed of real or imaginary events, lived by fictional or true beings in a given time and space, this paper’s objective is to establish and present some thought about the video competition held by the School of Education from Viseu as a laboratory for narrative creativity. This initiative, which has already held twelve editions, integrates itself within the sphere of the institution's cultural activities and it is an encouragement space for short cinematographic creations. In parallel, it aims to stimulate the talent, the creativity and the quality of the work submitted. In this contest, the students are invited, individually or in small groups, to create a short film with a maximum duration of 10 minutes, in Portuguese or in English and authors are free to propose the theme. The genres accepted in the competition are fiction, documentary and animation. The analysis of this experience allows us to list several positive aspects, such as the added value of the academic competition of short films as a mean to motivate and encourage Portuguese cinematographic production within an academic context, as well as to allow the development of skills in filming, editing and post-production by students from different study cycles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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