794 research outputs found

    Molecular basis of titin exon exclusion by RBM20 and the novel titin splice regulator PTB4

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    RNA-binding motif protein 20 (RBM20) is a cardiac splice regulator that adapts cardiac filling via its diverse substrates-including the sarcomeric protein titin. The molecular basis and regulation of RBM20-dependent exon exclusion are largely unknown. In tissue culture experiments, we show that the combination of RNA recognition motif (RRM) and C-terminus is necessary and sufficient for RBM20 activity, indicating an important function of the ZnF2 domain in splicing repression. Using splice reporter and in vitro binding assays targeting titin exons 241-243, we identified a minimal genomic segment that is necessary for RBM20-mediated splicing repression of the alternative exon. Here, RBM20 binds the cluster containing most RBM20 binding motifs through its RRM domain and represses the upstream and downstream introns. For subsequent exon exclusion, specific regions upstream, downstream and within the alternative exon 242 are required. Regulation of exon exclusion involves PTB4 as a novel titin splice regulator, which counteracts RBM20 repressor activity in HEK293 cells. Together, these mechanistic insights into the regulation and action of RBM20 and PTB4 provide a basis for the future development of RBM20 modulators that adapt titin elasticity in cardiac disease

    Calcium sensitivity and the Frank-Starling mechanism of the heart are increased in titin N2B region deficient mice

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    Previous work suggests that titin-based passive tension is a factor in the Frank-Starling mechanism of the heart, by increasing length-dependent activation (LDA) through an increase in calcium sensitivity at long sarcomere length. We tested this hypothesis in a mouse model (N2B KO model) in which titin-based passive tension is elevated as a result of the excision of the N2B element, one of cardiac titin's spring elements. LDA was assessed by measuring the active tension-pCa (-log[Ca2+]) relationship at sarcomere length (SLs) of 1.95, 2.10 and 2.30mum in WT and N2B KO skinned myocardium. LDA was positively correlated with titin-based passive tension, due to an increase in calcium sensitivity at the longer SLs in the KO. For example, at pCa 6.0 the KO:WT tension ratio was 1.28+/-0.07 and 1.42+/-0.04 at SLs of 2.1 and 2.3mum, respectively. There was no difference in protein expression or phosphorylation of sarcomeric proteins. We also measured the calcium sensitivity after PKA treating the skinned muscle and found that titin-based passive tension was also now correlated with LDA, with a slope that was significantly increased compared to no PKA treatment. Finally, we performed isolated heart experiments and measured the Frank-Starling relation (slope of developed wall stress-LV volume relation) as well as diastolic stiffness (slope of diastolic wall stress - volume relation). The FSM was more pronounced in the N2B KO hearts and the slope of the FSM correlated with diastolic stiffness. These findings support that titin-based passive tension triggers an increase in calcium sensitivity at long sarcomere length, thereby playing an important role in the Frank-Starling mechanism of the heart

    New 4-aryl-1,3,2-oxathiazolylium-5-olates: chemical synthesis and photochemical stability of a novel series of S-nitrosothiols

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    S-nitrosothiols (RSNOs) remain one of the most popular classes of NO-donating compounds due to their ability to release nitric oxide (NO) under non-enzymatic means whilst producing an inert disulphide byproduct. However, alligning these compounds to the different biological fields of NO research has proved to be problematic due to the inherent instability of such compounds under a variety of conditions including heat, light and the presence of copper ions. 1,3,2-Oxathiazolylium-5-olates (OZOs) represent an interesting subclass of S-nitrosothiols that lock the –SNO moiety into a five membered heterocyclic ring in an attempt to improve the compound’s overall stability. The synthesis of a novel series of halogen-containing OZOs was comprehensively studied resulting in a seven-step route and overall yields ranging between 21 and 37%. The photochemical stability of these compounds was assessed to determine if Snitrosothiols locked within these mesoionic ring systems can offer greater stability and thereby release NO in a more controllable fashion than their non-cyclic counterparts

    Reducing RBM20 activity improves diastolic dysfunction and cardiac atrophy

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    Impaired diastolic filling is a main contributor to heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF), a syndrome with increasing prevalence and no treatment. Both collagen and the giant sarcomeric protein titin determine diastolic function. Since titin's elastic properties can be adjusted physiologically, we evaluated titin-based stiffness as a therapeutic target. We adjusted RBM20-dependent cardiac isoform expression in the titin N2B knockout mouse with increased ventricular stiffness. A ~50 % reduction of RBM20 activity does not only maintain cardiac filling in diastole but also ameliorates cardiac atrophy and thus improves cardiac function in the N2B-deficient heart. Reduced RBM20 activity partially normalized gene expression related to muscle development and fatty acid metabolism. The adaptation of cardiac growth was related to hypertrophy signaling via four-and-a-half lim-domain proteins (FHLs) that translate mechanical input into hypertrophy signals. We provide a novel link between cardiac isoform expression and trophic signaling via FHLs and suggest cardiac splicing as a therapeutic target in diastolic dysfunction. KEY MESSAGE: Increasing the length of titin isoforms improves ventricular filling in heart disease. FHL proteins are regulated via RBM20 and adapt cardiac growth. RBM20 is a therapeutic target in diastolic dysfunction

    Cardiac sarcomere mechanics in health and disease

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    The sarcomere is the fundamental structural and functional unit of striated muscle and is directly responsible for most of its mechanical properties. The sarcomere generates active or contractile forces and determines the passive or elastic properties of striated muscle. In the heart, mutations in sarcomeric proteins are responsible for the majority of genetically inherited cardiomyopathies. Here, we review the major determinants of cardiac sarcomere mechanics including the key structural components that contribute to active and passive tension. We dissect the molecular and structural basis of active force generation, including sarcomere composition, structure, activation, and relaxation. We then explore the giant sarcomere-resident protein titin, the major contributor to cardiac passive tension. We discuss sarcomere dynamics exemplified by the regulation of titin-based stiffness and the titin life cycle. Finally, we provide an overview of therapeutic strategies that target the sarcomere to improve cardiac contraction and filling

    Impact of Dielectric Environment on Trion Emission from Single-Walled Carbon Nanotube Networks

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    Trions are charged excitons that form upon optical or electrical excitation of low-dimensional semiconductors in the presence of charge carriers (holes or electrons). Trion emission from semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) occurs in the near-infrared and at lower energies compared to the respective exciton. It can be used as an indicator for the presence of excess charge carriers in SWCNT samples and devices. Both excitons and trions are highly sensitive to the surrounding dielectric medium of the nanotubes, having an impact on their application in optoelectronic devices. Here, the influence of different dielectric materials on exciton and trion emission from electrostatically doped networks of polymer-sorted (6,5) SWCNTs in top-gate field-effect transistors is investigated. The observed differences of trion and exciton emission energies and intensities for hole and electron accumulation cannot be explained with the polarizability or screening characteristics of the different dielectric materials, but they show a clear dependence on the charge trapping properties of the dielectrics. Charge localization (trapping of holes or electrons by the dielectric) reduces exciton quenching, emission blue-shift and trion formation. Based on the observed carrier type and dielectric material dependent variations, the ratio of trion to exciton emission and the exciton blue-shift are not suitable as quantitative metrics for doping levels of carbon nanotubes

    The Archaeology of Yukon Ice Patches: New Artifacts, Observations, and Insights

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    Since 1997, more than 207 archaeological objects and 1700 faunal remains have been recovered from 43 melting ice patches in the southern Yukon. The artifacts range in age from a 9000-year-old (calendar) dart shaft to a 19th-century musket ball. This paper provides an update on Yukon ice patch research and summary data on select areas of research conducted since 2003. More than 200 radiocarbon dates have been run on ice patch archaeological and faunal materials, and these data allow us to observe and comment on apparent temporal trends. Analysis undertaken since 2003 has improved our understanding of the development and maintenance of hunting technologies, including dart shaft design, wood selection, and point styles. Of particular interest is the description of three different techniques for the construction of throwing darts and the observation of stability in the hunting technology employed in the study area over seven millennia. Radiocarbon chronologies indicate that this period of stability was followed by an abrupt technological replacement of the throwing dart by the bow and arrow after 1200 BP.Depuis 1997, plus de 350 objets archéologiques et de 1 700 restes fauniques ont été récupérés dans 43 névés en fusion dans le sud du Yukon. L’âge de ces artefacts varie, allant d’une tige de propulseur de 9 000 ans (années civiles) à une balle de mousquet du XIXe siècle. Dans cet article, nous faisons la mise à jour des données sommaires et des travaux de recherche effectués dans les névés de régions choisies du Yukon depuis 2003. Plus de 200 dates au carbone 14 ont été établies pour le matériel faunique et archéologique des névés. Ces données nous permettent d’observer les tendances temporales apparentes et de formuler des commentaires à leur sujet. Les analyses qui ont été effectuées depuis 2003 nous ont permis de mieux comprendre l’évolution et le maintien des techniques de chasse, notamment en matière de conception des tiges de propulseurs, de choix du bois et des types de pointes. La description de trois techniques différentes de fabrication de tirs au propulseur de même que l’observation de la stabilité entourant la technique de chasse employée au cours de la période visée par l’étude, soit plus de sept millénaires, revêtent un intérêt particulier. Les chronologies au carbone 14 indiquent que cette période de stabilité a été suivie d’un remplacement technique abrupt, qui est passé du tir au propulseur aux arcs et aux flèches après 1200 BP

    Exendin-4 analogs in insulinoma theranostics

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    Contains fulltext : 209104.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access)Insulinomas, neuroendocrine tumors arising from pancreatic beta cells, often show overexpression of the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor. Therefore, imaging with glucagon-like peptide analog exendin-4 can be used for diagnosis and preoperative localization. This review presents an overview of the development and clinical implementation of exendin-based tracers for nuclear imaging, and the potential use of exendin-4 based tracers for optical imaging and therapeutic applications such as peptide receptor radionuclide therapy or targeted photodynamic therapy

    Assessment of nanoindentation in stiffness measurement of soft biomaterials: kidney, liver, spleen and uterus

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    Nanoindentation technology with high spatial resolution and force sensitivity is widely used to measure the mechanical properties of hard biomaterials and tissues. However, its reliability to analyze soft biomaterials and organs has not been tested. Here, we evaluated the utility of nanoindentation to measure the passive mechanical properties of soft biological specimen. Kidney, liver, spleen and uterus samples were harvested from C57BL/6 N mice. We assessed test–retest repeatability in biological specimen and hydrogel controls using Bland–Altman diagrams, intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) and the within-subject coefficients of variation (COVs). The results were calculated using Hertzian, JKR and Oliver & Pharr models. Similar to hydrogels, Bland–Altman plots of all biological specimen showed good reliability in stiffness test and retest examinations. In gels, ICCs were larger than 0.8 and COVs were smaller than 15% in all three models. In kidney, liver, spleen and uterus, ICCs were consistently larger than 0.8 only in the Hertzian model but not in the JKR and Oliver & Pharr models. Similarly, COVs were consistently smaller than 15% in kidney, liver, spleen and uterus only in the Hertzian model but not in the other models. We conclude that nanoindentation technology is feasible in detecting the stiffness of kidney, liver, spleen and uterus. The Hertzian model is the preferred method to provide reliable results on ex vivo organ stiffness of the biological specimen under study
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