338 research outputs found

    Homogeneity and persistence of transgene expression by omitting antibiotic selection in cell line isolation

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    Nonuniform, mosaic expression patterns of transgenes are often linked to transcriptional silencing, triggered by epigenetic modifications of the exogenous DNA. Such phenotypes are common phenomena in genetically engineered cells and organisms. They are widely attributed to features of transgenic transcription units distinct from endogenous genes, rendering them particularly susceptible to epigenetic downregulation. Contrary to this assumption we show that the method used for the isolation of stably transfected cells has the most profound impact on transgene expression patterns. Standard antibiotic selection was directly compared to cell sorting for the establishment of stable cells. Only the latter procedure could warrant a high degree of uniformity and stability in gene expression. Marker genes useful for the essential cell sorting step encode mostly fluorescent proteins. However, by combining this approach with site-specific recombination, it can be applied to isolate stable cell lines with the desired expression characteristics for any gene of interest

    Characterization of the Interaction and Cross-Regulation of Three Mycobacterium tuberculosis RelBE Modules

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    RelBE represents a typical bacterial toxin-antitoxin (TA) system. Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv, the pathogen responsible for human tuberculosis, contains three RelBE-like modules, RelBE, RelFG, and RelJK, which are at least partly expressed in human macrophages during infection. RelBE modules appear to be autoregulated in an atypical manner compared to other TA systems; however, the molecular mechanisms and potential interactions between different RelBE modules remain to be elucidated. In the present study, we characterized the interaction and cross-regulation of these Rel toxin-antitoxin modules from this unique pathogen. The physical interactions between the three pairs of RelBE proteins were confirmed and the DNA-binding domain recognized by three RelBE-like pairs and domain structure characteristics were described. The three RelE-like proteins physically interacted with the same RelB-like protein, and could conditionally regulate its binding with promoter DNA. The RelBE-like modules exerted complex cross-regulation effects on mycobacterial growth. The relB antitoxin gene could replace relF in cross-neutralizing the relG toxin gene. Conversely, relF enhanced the toxicity of the relE toxin gene, while relB increased the toxicity of relK. This is the first report of interactions between different pairs of RelBE modules of M. tuberculosis

    Characterisation of Muta™Mouse λgt10-lacZ transgene: evidence for in vivo rearrangements

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    The multicopy λgt10-lacZ transgene shuttle vector of Muta™Mouse serves as an important tool for genotoxicity studies. Here, we describe a model for λgt10-lacZ transgene molecular structure, based on characterisation of transgenes recovered from animals of our intramural breeding colony. Unique nucleotide sequences of the 47 513 bp monomer are reported with GenBank® assigned accession numbers. Besides defining ancestral mutations of the λgt10 used to construct the transgene and the Muta™Mouse precursor (strain 40.6), we validated the sequence integrity of key λ genes needed for the Escherichia coli host-based mutation reporting assay. Using three polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based chromosome scanning and cloning strategies, we found five distinct in vivo transgene rearrangements, which were common to both sexes, and involved copy fusions generating ∼10 defective copies per haplotype. The transgene haplotype was estimated by Southern hybridisation and real-time–polymerase chain reaction, which yielded 29.0 ± 4.0 copies based on spleen DNA of Muta™Mouse, and a reconstructed CD2F1 genome with variable λgt10-lacZ copies. Similar analysis of commercially prepared spleen DNA from Big Blue® mouse yielded a haplotype of 23.5 ± 3.1 copies. The latter DNA is used in calibrating a commercial in vitro packaging kit for E.coli host-based mutation assays of both transgenic systems. The model for λgt10-lacZ transgene organisation, and the PCR-based methods for assessing copy number, integrity and rearrangements, potentially extends the use of Muta™Mouse construct for direct, genomic-type assays that detect the effects of clastogens and aneugens, without depending on an E.coli host, for reporting effects

    Identification of Five Interacting Binaries in the Galactic Bulge Survey

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    We present optical light curves, spectroscopy, and classification of five X-ray sources in the Chandra Galactic Bulge Survey (CXOGBS J174009.1–284725 (CX5), CXOGBS J173935.7–272935 (CX18), CXOGBS J173946.9–271809 (CX28), CXOGBS J173729.1–292804 (CX37), CXOGBS J174607.6–261547 (CX561)). These objects were selected based on bright optical counterparts which were quickly found to have emission lines in their optical spectra. This paper presents an illustration of GBS optical follow-up, targeting emission line objects. Of these five objects, four exhibit photometric variability in the Sloan r' band. CX5 shows a tentative period of 2.1 hr and is clearly an intermediate polar (IP). CX28 and CX37 both exhibit flickering with no clear period. Both are also suggested to be IPs. CX18 was observed to undergo two dwarf nova outbursts. Finally, CX561 shows no detectable variability, although its characteristics would be consistent with either a quiescent low-mass X-ray binary or cataclysmic variable

    A novel piggybac transposon inducible expression system identifies a role for akt signalling in primordial germ cell migration

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    In this work, we describe a single piggyBac transposon system containing both a tet-activator and a doxycycline-inducible expression cassette. We demonstrate that a gene product can be conditionally expressed from the integrated transposon and a second gene can be simultaneously targeted by a short hairpin RNA contained within the transposon, both in vivo and in mammalian and avian cell lines. We applied this system to stably modify chicken primordial germ cell (PGC) lines in vitro and induce a reporter gene at specific developmental stages after injection of the transposon-modified germ cells into chicken embryos. We used this vector to express a constitutively-active AKT molecule during PGC migration to the forming gonad. We found that PGC migration was retarded and cells could not colonise the forming gonad. Correct levels of AKT activation are thus essential for germ cell migration during early embryonic development

    Switching on the Lights for Gene Therapy

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    Strategies for non-invasive and quantitative imaging of gene expression in vivo have been developed over the past decade. Non-invasive assessment of the dynamics of gene regulation is of interest for the detection of endogenous disease-specific biological alterations (e.g., signal transduction) and for monitoring the induction and regulation of therapeutic genes (e.g., gene therapy). To demonstrate that non-invasive imaging of regulated expression of any type of gene after in vivo transduction by versatile vectors is feasible, we generated regulatable herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) amplicon vectors carrying hormone (mifepristone) or antibiotic (tetracycline) regulated promoters driving the proportional co-expression of two marker genes. Regulated gene expression was monitored by fluorescence microscopy in culture and by positron emission tomography (PET) or bioluminescence (BLI) in vivo. The induction levels evaluated in glioma models varied depending on the dose of inductor. With fluorescence microscopy and BLI being the tools for assessing gene expression in culture and animal models, and with PET being the technology for possible application in humans, the generated vectors may serve to non-invasively monitor the dynamics of any gene of interest which is proportionally co-expressed with the respective imaging marker gene in research applications aiming towards translation into clinical application

    Imaging Cyclic AMP Changes in Pancreatic Islets of Transgenic Reporter Mice

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    Cyclic AMP (cAMP) and Ca2+ are two ubiquitous second messengers in transduction pathways downstream of receptors for hormones, neurotransmitters and local signals. The availability of fluorescent Ca2+ reporter dyes that are easily introduced into cells and tissues has facilitated analysis of the dynamics and spatial patterns for Ca2+ signaling pathways. A similar dissection of the role of cAMP has lagged because indicator dyes do not exist. Genetically encoded reporters for cAMP are available but they must be introduced by transient transfection in cell culture, which limits their utility. We report here that we have produced a strain of transgenic mice in which an enhanced cAMP reporter is integrated in the genome and can be expressed in any targeted tissue and with tetracycline induction. We have expressed the cAMP reporter in β-cells of pancreatic islets and conducted an analysis of intracellular cAMP levels in relation to glucose stimulation, Ca2+ levels, and membrane depolarization. Pancreatic function in transgenic mice was normal. In induced transgenic islets, glucose evoked an increase in cAMP in β-cells in a dose-dependent manner. The cAMP response is independent of (in fact, precedes) the Ca2+ influx that results from glucose stimulation of islets. Glucose-evoked cAMP responses are synchronous in cells throughout the islet and occur in 2 phases suggestive of the time course of insulin secretion. Insofar as cAMP in islets is known to potentiate insulin secretion, the novel transgenic mouse model will for the first time permit detailed analyses of cAMP signals in β-cells within islets, i.e. in their native physiological context. Reporter expression in other tissues (such as the heart) where cAMP plays a critical regulatory role, will permit novel biomedical approaches

    Aberrant Epigenetic Silencing Is Triggered by a Transient Reduction in Gene Expression

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    Aberrant epigenetic silencing plays a major role in cancer formation by inactivating tumor suppressor genes. While the endpoints of aberrant silencing are known, i.e., promoter region DNA methylation and altered histone modifications, the triggers of silencing are not known. We used the tet-off system to test the hypothesis that a transient reduction in gene expression will sensitize a promoter to undergo epigenetic silencing.The tet responsive promoter (P(TRE)) was used to drive expression of the selectable human HPRT cDNA in independent transfectants of an Hprt deficient mouse cell line. In this system, high basal HPRT expression is greatly reduced when doxycycline (Dox) is added to the culture medium. Exposure of the P(TRE)-HPRT transfectants to Dox induced HPRT deficient clones in a time dependent manner. A molecular analysis demonstrated promoter region DNA methylation, loss of histone modifications associated with expression (i.e., H3 lysine 9 and 14 acetylation and lysine 4 methylation), and acquisition of the repressive histone modification H3 lysine 9 methylation. These changes, which are consistent with aberrant epigenetic silencing, were not present in the Dox-treated cultures, with the exception of reduced H3 lysine 14 acetylation. Silenced alleles readily reactivated spontaneously or after treatment of cells with inhibitors of histone deacetylation and/or DNA methylation, but re-silencing of reactivated alleles did not require a new round of Dox exposure. Inhibition of histone deacetylation inhibited both the induction of silencing and re-silencing, whereas inhibition of DNA methylation had no such effect.This study demonstrates that a transient reduction in gene expression triggers a pathway for aberrant silencing in mammalian cells and identifies histone deacetylation as a critical early step in this process. DNA methylation, in contrast, is a secondary step in the silencing pathway under study. A model to explain these observations is offered

    Persistent Amyloidosis following Suppression of Aβ Production in a Transgenic Model of Alzheimer Disease

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    BACKGROUND: The proteases (secretases) that cleave amyloid-β (Aβ) peptide from the amyloid precursor protein (APP) have been the focus of considerable investigation in the development of treatments for Alzheimer disease. The prediction has been that reducing Aβ production in the brain, even after the onset of clinical symptoms and the development of associated pathology, will facilitate the repair of damaged tissue and removal of amyloid lesions. However, no long-term studies using animal models of amyloid pathology have yet been performed to test this hypothesis. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We have generated a transgenic mouse model that genetically mimics the arrest of Aβ production expected from treatment with secretase inhibitors. These mice overexpress mutant APP from a vector that can be regulated by doxycycline. Under normal conditions, high-level expression of APP quickly induces fulminant amyloid pathology. We show that doxycycline administration inhibits transgenic APP expression by greater than 95% and reduces Aβ production to levels found in nontransgenic mice. Suppression of transgenic Aβ synthesis in this model abruptly halts the progression of amyloid pathology. However, formation and disaggregation of amyloid deposits appear to be in disequilibrium as the plaques require far longer to disperse than to assemble. Mice in which APP synthesis was suppressed for as long as 6 mo after the formation of Aβ deposits retain a considerable amyloid load, with little sign of active clearance. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that amyloid lesions in transgenic mice are highly stable structures in vivo that are slow to disaggregate. Our findings suggest that arresting Aβ production in patients with Alzheimer disease should halt the progression of pathology, but that early treatment may be imperative, as it appears that amyloid deposits, once formed, will require additional intervention to clear