79 research outputs found

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    The authors presented a conceptual idea of a high-speed mainline with a maximum speed of 400–450 km/h. The use of rotary engines requires more energy at high speeds, there are difficulties with current collection, wheel-rail adhesion, etc. At the same time, the use of a linear traction motor at low speeds is not justified from an economic point of view, but efficient at high speed in terms of operation. In this regard, an option of a combined or hybrid traction propulsion unit is offered, in which the positive aspects of previous models interfit.Авторами представлена концептуальная идея о высокоскоростной магистрали с максимальной скоростью движения 400–450 км/ч. Использование ротационных двигателей требует больших энергозатрат на высоких скоростях, возникают сложности с токосъёмом, сцеплением колеса с рельсом и т. д. В то же время применение линейного тягового двигателя на низких скоростях не оправдано с экономической точки зрения, но эффективно на высоких с позиции эксплуатации. В связи с этим предлагается вариант совмещенного или гибридного тягового движителя, в котором сопрягаются положительные стороны прежних моделей

    Magnetic phases and reorientation transitions in antiferromagnetically coupled multilayers

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    In antiferromagnetically coupled superlattices grown on (001) faces of cubic substrates, e.g. based on materials combinations as Co/Cu, Fe/Si, Co/Cr, or Fe/Cr, the magnetic states evolve under competing influence of bilinear and biquadratic exchange interactions, surface-enhanced four-fold in-plane anisotropy, and specific finite-size effects. Using phenomenological (micromagnetic) theory, a comprehensive survey of the magnetic states and reorientation transitions has been carried out for multilayer systems with even number of ferromagnetic sub-layers and magnetizations in the plane. In two-layer systems (N=2) the phase diagrams in dependence on components of the applied field in the plane include ``swallow-tail'' type regions of (metastable) multistate co-existence and a number of continuous and discontinuous reorientation transitions induced by radial and transversal components of the applied field. In multilayers (N \ge 4) noncollinear states are spatially inhomogeneous with magnetization varying across the multilayer stack. For weak four-fold anisotropy the magnetic states under influence of an applied field evolve by a complex continuous reorientation into the saturated state. At higher anisotropy they transform into various inhomogeneous and asymmetric structures. The discontinuous transitions between the magnetic states in these two-layers and multilayers are characterized by broad ranges of multi-phase coexistence of the (metastable) states and give rise to specific transitional domain structures.Comment: Manuscript 34 pages, 14 figures; submitted for publicatio

    Control system of storage containers filling in the uranyl nitrate crystallization process in a linear crystallizer

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    This article presents a model of a storage container of linear crystallizer. On the base of this model two independent control system of storage containers filling in a uranyl nitrate crystallization process were suggested. The use of the proposed control systems is necessary for the timely switching of the storage container to an empty one. For the proposed control systems, simulation results are presented in the SimSar software. The developed mathematical model and the control system could be used for optimization process during the design and adjustment of equipment

    Production of energy from biomass: Near or distant future prospects?

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    The article is devoted to assessing the prospects for the production of energy from biomass. Based on the experience of European countries Europeans are studying the conditions for successful implementation of such projects, analyzing the government's plans to develop the market in Russia. In Russia, on basis of SWOT-analysis perspectives for the production of energy from waste timber industry, set off those that are environmental factors and internal properties of the technologies that should be considered when developing the widespread use of biomass for energy production strategy. The study draws conclusions about the competitiveness of energy production from biomass technologies among substitutes and the need for governmental support for their developments

    Mathematical modeling of EDM method of water purification

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    There are known many approaches for water purification at the present time. New technologies are developed to improve the efficiency of water purification plants. Electrical discharge machining process is started to use for this reason. The paper addresses the mathematical modeling of the water purification process by means of electrical discharge machining method

    Control systems of a non-stationary plant based on MPC and PID type fuzzy logic controller

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    Typically, processes taking place in modern industrial plants have significant nonlinearity. To control so complex dynamic processes used automatic control system (ACS) based on fuzzy logic controllers (FLC) or on the basis of a predictive model controllers (MPC). In this paper are compared the systems of automatic control with different regulators (fuzzy PID regulator and MPC regulator), if introduced into the system of different disturbing influences

    Cellular automata application for simulation of uranium crystallization process

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    The paper addresses the dynamic modelling of the UNH crystal growth by means of cellular automata(CA) method for nuclear fuel reprocessing as the alternative to traditionally used extraction method. Model-based CA approach is considered to predict dependence of product's properties on input changes: uranium and nitric acid concentration, solution temperature. CA approach is preferable for crystallization process to get a high purity of reprocessed materials. C++ application is developed as a result of the research. The application allows monitoring of dynamics changes of solution temperature, uranium concentration and shape of crystals