1,850 research outputs found

    Junior High School Students’ Online Learning Readiness and Mathematics Anxiety on the Use of Technology in Mathematics Learning

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    Mathematics anxiety is an uncomfortable feeling that is linked to fears and worries in dealing with specific situations related to mathematics. This study attempted to explore the association between the junior high school students’ online learning readiness and mathematics anxiety on the use of technology in mathematics learning. This study adopted descriptive research design to answer the problems posed. Results showed that the students have a moderate level of both their readiness in online learning and anxiety on the use of technology in mathematics. The students’ expectation toward online learning in mathematics was found to have an influence on their anxiety in the cognitive aspect. Students’ expectations are also found to significantly predict their anxiety on the use of technology

    Growing Greens and Soiled Soil: Trends in Heavy Metal Contamination in Vegetable Gardens of San Francisco

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    As urban dwellers prioritize eating locally grown foods to reduce environmental impacts, benefit the local economy, and bring fresh produce to the table, urban gardening has emerged as a popular approach to improving food security. Researchers have shown previously that urban landscapes can accumulate environmental toxins at levels that may be unsafe for human health, with socioeconomically disadvantaged communities often shouldering an unequal burden of exposure. In order to identify and predict likely risk to gardeners, in this study, soil samples from 91 vegetable gardens in the city of San Francisco were analyzed for 16 heavy metals. A majority of the gardens exceeded the California Human Health Screening Level for arsenic (74%), cadmium (84%), and lead (62%), including nine gardens with lead levels above the hazardous toxic waste threshold for California. Cadmium and lead concentrations increased with home age, suggesting that older house paint is a major source of these metals. Contrary to findings in many other cities, the majority of gardens with hazardous lead levels in San Francisco were located in higher income and predominantly White neighborhoods, with no associations found with existing industrial contamination. Encouragingly, community gardens and raised beds had significantly lower average metal concentrations than backyard and in-ground gardens, respectively. Overall, the goal of this study is to illustrate the importance of providing access to soil testing and related education in order to support urban gardeners in their efforts to grow and consume healthy produce

    Segregaciones juridico-sociales en la ciudad romana imperial: los libertos

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    La lex Visellia de libertinis del año 24 d.C. limitó la participación de los libertos en la vida pública de la sociedad urbana imperial. Esta reglamentación impidió a cualquier esclavo manumitido el acceso a las magistraturas romanas. Su origen esclavo permaneció en su condición de libertos, aunque no lo transmitieron a sus descendientes, que acreditaron un nacimiento libre. En este sentido, los libertos no constituyeron un grupo social estable. A excepción del beneficio de la restitutio natalium, otorgado de forma esporádica por el emperador, se encontraron en una situación de segregación jurídico-social debido a la barrera de nacimiento que existía en la sociedad romana. Por otra parte, descartando el estigma común del nacimiento servil, formaron un colectivo social heterogéneo, integrado por diferentes tipos de libertos, liberados de su esclavitud mediante diversos procesos de manumisión y con condiciones socio-económicas variadas. Limitadas sus opciones de participación activa en la vida pública, las evidencias epigráficas y los autores greco-latinos nos informan de otras vías que permitieron a los libertos influyentes conseguir un reconocimiento en la sociedad urbana imperial. Destacan los que optaron por el lucrum facere, tratando de incrementar su patrimonio a través de la actividad económica en el comercio y los negocios. Los libertos independientes, con plena emancipación de su patrono, lograron mediante esta vía de reconocimiento socio-económico un gran patrimonio mueble. Por otro lado, los libertos influyentes también encontraron una vía de reconocimiento público en las nuevas estructuras religiosas urbanas (seviri augustales y Augustales), derivadas de la reorganización del culto imperial en el principado de Augusto. Asimismo, ciertos libertos fueron favorecidos con carácter vitalicio con los distintivos formales asociados a determinadas funciones dentro de la administración pública, en particular los ornamenta decurionalia y aedilicia. Entre los libertos influyentes de la sociedad romana imperial, fueron los pertenecientes a la familia Caesaris y con vinculación directa con el emperador los que alcanzaron un mayor prestigio social. Destinados, entre otras funciones, a la gestión de las finanzas imperiales y al servicio doméstico de la residencia imperial, los libertos imperiales constituyeron el colectivo privilegiado en las concesiones de la restitutio natalium

    Non-Contact Height Estimation for Material Extrusion Additive Systems via Monocular Imagery

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    Additive manufacturing is a dynamic technology with a compelling potential to advance the manufacturing industry. Despite its capacity to produce intricate designs in an efficient manner, industry still has not widely adopted additive manufacturing since its commercialization as a result of its many challenges related to quality control. The Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Materials and Manufacturing Directorate, Functional Materials Division, Soft Matter Materials Branch (RXAS) requires a practical and reliable method for maintaining quality control for the production of printed flexible electronics. Height estimation is a crucial component for maintaining quality control in Material Extrusion Additive Manufacturing (MEAM), as the fundamental process for constructing any structure relies on the consecutive layering of precise extrusions. This work presents a computer vision solution to the problem of height estimation using monocular imagery as applicable to MEAM

    Ribonucleoprotein dynamics connects mRNA networks with drug mechanisms

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    ¿Calidad educativa on-line?: análisis de la calidad de la educación universitaria basada en internet

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    Esta investigación identifica 24 indicadores considerados esenciales para asegurar la calidad en la educación a distancia basada en Internet. Los indicadores están divididos en siete categorías actualmente utilizados en diferentes universidades. Desarrollamos una investigación cuantitativa-cualitativa con estudiantes, profesores, tecnólogos y administradores. Los resultados demostraron que la mayoría de los indicadores de calidad para la educación a distancia basada en Internet fueron considerados importantes, y que las instituciones procuraban incorporarlas en sus políticas, prácticas y procedimientos.This research, identifies 24 benchmarks considered essential to ensuring excellence in Internet based Distance Learning. The benchmarks are divided into seven categories of quality measures currently in use on dif erent Campuses. We developed a cuantitative-cualitative research, with students, faculties, administrators and technologies. The results of the study revealed that, for the most part, the benchmarks for quality Internetbased distance education were considered important and, in general, the institutions strove to incorporate them into their policies, practices, and procedures

    Empezar a trabajar en la educación infantil: las condiciones de acceso a la docencia en los relatos biográficos de las maestras noveles

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    El proceso de inserción docente está determinado por el mercado de trabajo y la flexibilidad laboral que condiciona el proceso de construcción de la identidad docente. A través de esta investigación narrativa, ponemos en evidencia la influencia de las políticas educativas en la incorporación a la enseñanza de los profesores (que les hace transitar de centro en centro y que sobrevalora la importancia de los méritos de experiencia práctica). En este texto analizamos las dificultades y repercusiones emocionales y profesionales de las maestra de educación infantil, a la vez que desvelamos el compromiso ético y político de la investigación narrativa, al escuchar y poner atención a los pasajes de la experiencia profesional docente, dando visibilidad a las dificultades y contextos profesionales donde maestras noveles como Miren se inician en la docenciaThe teacher insertion processis determined by the labor market and labor flexibility which affects the process of teacher identity construction. Through this narrative inquiry, we put in evidence the influence of educational policies in addition to the teaching will (which makes them move from center to center and under values the importance of the merits of practical experience). In thispaperweanalyzethedifficultiesandemotionalandprofessionalimplicationsofthe Chilhoodeducationteacher, while we unveil the ethical and political narrative inquiry, listening and paying attention to the passages of profesional teaching experience, giving visibility to difficulties and profesional contexts where novice teachers as Miren start in teachin

    La integración de plataformas de e‐learning en la docencia universitaria: enseñanza, aprendizaje e investigación con “Moodle” en la formación inicial del profesorado

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    En este artículo se recoge la experiencia docente universitaria con la plataforma de gestión de contenidos educativos Moodle. Se describen dos ámbitos de utilización en la formación inicial del profesorado: la asignatura de nuevas tecnologías aplicadas a la educación y las practicas de enseñanza, donde ha jugado un rol importante en un proyecto de innovación docente. Se concluye destacando la aportación de la plataforma en clases con ordenador, en procesos de aprendizaje colaborativo.This article reports a university teaching experience using a platform that manages educational contents named Moodle. Two areas of usage related to the teachers first‐year education are described: the subject ʺnew technologies applied to the educationʺ and the teaching practicum, where an important role in an innovation project has been played (by who or by what). It is concluded by emphasizing the partform´s contribution in computer including classes, in cooperative learning processes

    Properties of Glass Aggregate Mortars

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    Glass as aggregates in cement mortars not only improves the sustainability of the material, but also promotes waste management. In addition, the inclusion of supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) further enhances material properties and sustainability. The mechanical performance of glass aggregate mortars was evaluated by means of compressive strength, whereas durability was assessed through alkali silica reaction, water immersion absorption and sorptivity, chloride ion permeations, and plastic and drying shrinkage. Investigations into the thermal properties of glass aggregate mortars were also completed. Glass aggregates were found to reduce compressive strength; however, binary and ternary blends of SCMs can offset the reduction in strength associated with the glass addition. Furthermore, glass aggregates are effective in improving chloride ion permeability, absorption, sorptivity, and shrinkage due to their inherently low absorption capacity. SCMs further improve the durability properties by enhancing the microstructural properties of the cementitious matrix. Moreover, SCMs are required to reduce detrimental ASR expansions to acceptable levels. Glass aggregate mortars also show promising thermal insulation performance

    Pediatric case of mesalazine‐induced interstitial nephritis with literature review

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    We present the case of a 14‐year‐old boy with ulcerative colitis who was diagnosed with mesalazine‐induced interstitial nephritis ( M‐IIN ). Improvement in renal function occurred with discontinuation of mesalazine and corticosteroid therapy. We systematically searched the literature for pediatric cases of M‐IIN . There were eight cases. Majority of the cases were boys (75%) with ulcerative colitis (75%). Average duration of mesalazine use prior to the diagnosis of interstitial nephritis was 24 ± 18 months. The median dose was 1.5 g/day. M‐IIN appears to be an idiosyncratic reaction without any relation to dose or duration of mesalazine use. Although there are no guidelines to recommend routine surveillance of renal function, monitoring of serum creatinine in patients on mesalazine remains an inexpensive and non‐invasive test that may lead to early detection and treatment of renal injury.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/98820/1/ped3745.pd