56 research outputs found

    Processing of the ultra-light syntactic foam material Eccostock® FFP using selective laser sintering

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    Production of custom shaped, low density parts and components has a wide number of industrial applications, but also due to the nature of the material can be challenging [1]. Additive manufacturing forms final parts in a layer by layer process from a stack of 2D sections or slices and allows fabrication of almost any arbitrary 3D shape. Depending on the material and desired pore size, this technique can be used to prepare syntactic foams from open cellular structures as well as from composite materials with a high content of glass microspheres. Eccostock FFP is an off the shelf, epoxy-based composite free-flowing powder. Exposed to the temperatures about 100- 150 °C it cures into the rigid and ultra-light three phase syntactic foam (~ 0.1 g/cc). Material is standardly used for physical support and to provide thermal insulation for delicate electrical components in high vibration environments. In its powder form, it allows material to reach inside densely populated electronic packages and its low shrinkage means that electronic components will not be damaged during the curing procedure. The same characteristics also open the possibility to process this powder using the SLS system and benefit from the design freedom of the additive manufacturing technologies. Selective laser sintering (SLS) is one of the powder bed fusion processes, where parts are built using a laser beam as a heat source inducing fusion between powder particles. Powder is uniformly spread across the building platform and kept heated at a temperature just below the melting and curing point. Interaction with the laser selectively cures the polymer matrix entrapping glass microspheres, while the rest of the powder is unaffected and serves as a support. After each slice, the building platform lowers down a certain distance and a new powder layer is recoated on the surface [2]. In this work we optimised parameters for the processing of the Eccostock FFP powder in the standard SLS machine (EOS Formiga P100). Optimal process temperature and laser energy were defined. Using different sets of parameters we produced compression samples to evaluate mechanical properties of the final parts as well as the influence of the different printing parameters on the part density. We showed that syntactic foams parts can be produced using a relatively low processing temperature (below 70 °C) with short heating and cooling periods and exhibited good dimensional accuracy and shape freedom, making SLS an interesting technology to produce ultra-low density, custom shaped structures for industrial applications. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    A Small Form Factor Aerial Research Vehicle for Pick-and-Place Tasks with Onboard Real-Time Object Detection and Visual Odometry

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    This paper introduces a novel, small form-factor, aerial vehicle research platform for agile object detection, classification, tracking, and interaction tasks. General-purpose hardware components were designed to augment a given aerial vehicle and enable it to perform safe and reliable grasping. These components include a custom collision tolerant cage and low-cost Gripper Extension Package, which we call GREP, for object grasping. Small vehicles enable applications in highly constrained environments, but are often limited by computational resources. This work evaluates the challenges of pick-and-place tasks, with entirely onboard computation of object pose and visual odometry based state estimation on a small platform, and demonstrates experiments with enough accuracy to reliably grasp objects. In a total of 70 trials across challenging cases such as cluttered environments, obstructed targets, and multiple instances of the same target, we demonstrated successfully grasping the target in 93% of trials. Both the hardware component designs and software framework are released as open-source, since our intention is to enable easy reproduction and application on a wide range of small vehicles.Comment: \copyright 2023 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other work

    Twin-S: A Digital Twin for Skull-base Surgery

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    Purpose: Digital twins are virtual interactive models of the real world, exhibiting identical behavior and properties. In surgical applications, computational analysis from digital twins can be used, for example, to enhance situational awareness. Methods: We present a digital twin framework for skull-base surgeries, named Twin-S, which can be integrated within various image-guided interventions seamlessly. Twin-S combines high-precision optical tracking and real-time simulation. We rely on rigorous calibration routines to ensure that the digital twin representation precisely mimics all real-world processes. Twin-S models and tracks the critical components of skull-base surgery, including the surgical tool, patient anatomy, and surgical camera. Significantly, Twin-S updates and reflects real-world drilling of the anatomical model in frame rate. Results: We extensively evaluate the accuracy of Twin-S, which achieves an average 1.39 mm error during the drilling process. We further illustrate how segmentation masks derived from the continuously updated digital twin can augment the surgical microscope view in a mixed reality setting, where bone requiring ablation is highlighted to provide surgeons additional situational awareness. Conclusion: We present Twin-S, a digital twin environment for skull-base surgery. Twin-S tracks and updates the virtual model in real-time given measurements from modern tracking technologies. Future research on complementing optical tracking with higher-precision vision-based approaches may further increase the accuracy of Twin-S

    Prophage induction reduces Shiga toxin producing \u3ci\u3eEscherichia coli\u3c/i\u3e (STEC) and Salmonella enterica on tomatoes and spinach: A model study

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    Fresh produce is increasingly implicated in foodborne outbreaks and most fresh produce is consumed raw, emphasizing the need to develop non-thermal methods to control foodborne pathogens. This study investigates bacterial cell lysis through induction of prophages as a novel approach to control foodborne bacterial pathogens on fresh produce. Shiga toxin producing Escherichia coli (STEC) and Salmonella enterica isolates were exposed to different prophage inducers (i.e. mitomycin C or streptonigrin) and growth of the cells was monitored by measuring the optical density (OD600) during incubation at 37C. Beginning at three hours after addition of the inducer, all concentrations (0.5, 1, 2 mg/mL) of mitomycin C, or 2 mg/mL streptonigrin significantly reduced the OD600 in broth cultures, in a concentration dependent manner, relative to cultures where no inducer was added. PCR confirmed bacterial release of induced bacteriophages and demonstrated that a single compound could successfully induce multiple types of prophages. The ability of mitomycin C to induce prophages in STEC O157:H7 and in S. enterica (serovars Typhimurium and Newport) on fresh produce was evaluated by inoculating red greenhouse tomatoes or spinach leaves with 5 x 107 and 5 x 108 colony forming units, respectively. After allowing time for the inoculum to dry on the fresh produce samples, 6 mg/mL mitomycin C was sprayed onto each sample, while control samples were sprayed with water. Following overnight incubation at 4C, the bacterial cells were recovered and plate counts were performed. A 3 log reduction in STEC O157:H7 cells was observed on tomatoes sprayed with mitomycin C compared to those sprayed with water, while a 1 log reduction was obtained on spinach. Similarly, spraying mitomycin C on tomatoes and spinach inoculated with S. enterica isolates resulted in a 1-1.5 log and 2 log reduction, respectively. These findings serve as a proof of concept that prophage induction can effectively control bacterial foodborne pathogens on fresh produce

    A Multi-Stage Process to Develop Quality Indicators for Community-Based Palliative Care Using interRAI Data

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    Background: Individuals receiving palliative care (PC) are generally thought to prefer to receive care and die in their homes, yet little research has assessed the quality of home- and community-based PC. This project developed a set of valid and reliable quality indicators (QIs) that can be generated using data that are already gathered with interRAI assessments-an internationally validated set of tools commonly used in North America for home care clients. The QIs can serve as decision-support measures to assist providers and decision makers in delivering optimal care to individuals and their families. Methods: The development efforts took part in multiple stages, between 2017-2021, including a workshop with clinicians and decision-makers working in PC, qualitative interviews with individuals receiving PC, families and decision makers and a modified Delphi panel, based on the RAND/ULCA appropriateness method. Results: Based on the workshop results, and qualitative interviews, a set of 27 candidate QIs were defined. They capture issues such as caregiver burden, pain, breathlessness, falls, constipation, nausea/vomiting and loneliness. These QIs were further evaluated by clinicians/decision makers working in PC, through the modified Delphi panel, and five were removed from further consideration, resulting in 22 QIs. Conclusions: Through in-depth and multiple-stakeholder consultations we developed a set of QIs generated with data already collected with interRAI assessments. These indicators provide a feasible basis for quality benchmarking and improvement systems for care providers aiming to optimize PC to individuals and their families

    Genomic and Phenotypic Analysis of Salmonella enterica Bacteriophages Identifies Two Novel Phage Species

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    Bacteriophages (phages) are potential alternatives to chemical antimicrobials against pathogens of public health significance. Understanding the diversity and host specificity of phages is important for developing effective phage biocontrol approaches. Here, we assessed the host range, morphology, and genetic diversity of eight Salmonella enterica phages isolated from a wastewater treatment plant. The host range analysis revealed that six out of eight phages lysed more than 81% of the 43 Salmonella enterica isolates tested. The genomic sequences of all phages were determined. Whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data revealed that phage genome sizes ranged from 41 to 114 kb, with GC contents between 39.9 and 50.0%. Two of the phages SB13 and SB28 represent new species, Epseptimavirus SB13 and genera Macdonaldcampvirus, respectively, as designated by the International Committee for the Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) using genome-based taxonomic classification. One phage (SB18) belonged to the Myoviridae morphotype while the remaining phages belonged to the Siphoviridae morphotype. The gene content analyses showed that none of the phages possessed virulence, toxin, antibiotic resistance, type I–VI toxin–antitoxin modules, or lysogeny genes. Three (SB3, SB15, and SB18) out of the eight phages possessed tailspike proteins. Whole-genome-based phylogeny of the eight phages with their 113 homologs revealed three clusters A, B, and C and seven subclusters (A1, A2, A3, B1, B2, C1, and C2). While cluster C1 phages were predominantly isolated from animal sources, cluster B contained phages from both wastewater and animal sources. The broad host range of these phages highlights their potential use for controlling the presence of S. enterica in foods

    Dispersion and stability of colloidal boron carbide suspensions

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    The effects of several anionic, cationic and non-ionic polyelectrolyte dispersants on the stability and rheology of aqueous boron carbide (B4C) suspensions were investigated using zeta potential measurements, settling experiments, and rheological studies. Zeta potential measurements and settling experiments were useful to narrow down the best pH range for each dispersant while using minimal amounts of material. However, these techniques did not effectively predict which dispersants would ultimately be the most effective. Slurry milling for 2–4 h was essential to obtain stable homogeneous slurries (30–45 vol%), while more viscous pastes (50 vol%) would require longer milling times. The best concentration of each dispersant could be identified using rheological measurements. The viscosity of highly-loaded slurries containing the optimum concentration of each dispersant was compared, showing that cationic PEI 25 k was the most effective dispersing agent. The importance of average particle size and particle size dispersion was also demonstrated

    Measuring progress and projecting attainment on the basis of past trends of the health-related Sustainable Development Goals in 188 countries: an analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

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    The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are grounded in the global ambition of “leaving no one behind”. Understanding today’s gains and gaps for the health-related SDGs is essential for decision makers as they aim to improve the health of populations. As part of the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016), we measured 37 of the 50 health-related SDG indicators over the period 1990–2016 for 188 countries, and then on the basis of these past trends, we projected indicators to 2030

    Measuring performance on the Healthcare Access and Quality Index for 195 countries and territories and selected subnational locations: A systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

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    Background: A key component of achieving universal health coverage is ensuring that all populations have access to quality health care. Examining where gains have occurred or progress has faltered across and within countries is crucial to guiding decisions and strategies for future improvement. We used the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) to assess personal health-care access and quality with the Healthcare Access and Quality (HAQ) Index for 195 countries and territories, as well as subnational locations in seven countries, from 1990 to 2016. Methods Drawing from established methods and updated estimates from GBD 2016, we used 32 causes from which death should not occur in the presence of effective care to approximate personal health-care access and quality by location and over time. To better isolate potential effects of personal health-care access and quality from underlying risk factor patterns, we risk-standardised cause-specific deaths due to non-cancers by location-year, replacing the local joint exposure of environmental and behavioural risks with the global level of exposure. Supported by the expansion of cancer registry data in GBD 2016, we used mortality-to-incidence ratios for cancers instead of risk-standardised death rates to provide a stronger signal of the effects of personal health care and access on cancer survival. We transformed each cause to a scale of 0-100, with 0 as the first percentile (worst) observed between 1990 and 2016, and 100 as the 99th percentile (best); we set these thresholds at the country level, and then applied them to subnational locations. We applied a principal components analysis to construct the HAQ Index using all scaled cause values, providing an overall score of 0-100 of personal health-care access and quality by location over time. We then compared HAQ Index levels and trends by quintiles on the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary measure of overall development. As derived from the broader GBD study and other data sources, we examined relationships between national HAQ Index scores and potential correlates of performance, such as total health spending per capita. Findings In 2016, HAQ Index performance spanned from a high of 97\ub71 (95% UI 95\ub78-98\ub71) in Iceland, followed by 96\ub76 (94\ub79-97\ub79) in Norway and 96\ub71 (94\ub75-97\ub73) in the Netherlands, to values as low as 18\ub76 (13\ub71-24\ub74) in the Central African Republic, 19\ub70 (14\ub73-23\ub77) in Somalia, and 23\ub74 (20\ub72-26\ub78) in Guinea-Bissau. The pace of progress achieved between 1990 and 2016 varied, with markedly faster improvements occurring between 2000 and 2016 for many countries in sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia, whereas several countries in Latin America and elsewhere saw progress stagnate after experiencing considerable advances in the HAQ Index between 1990 and 2000. Striking subnational disparities emerged in personal health-care access and quality, with China and India having particularly large gaps between locations with the highest and lowest scores in 2016. In China, performance ranged from 91\ub75 (89\ub71-93\ub76) in Beijing to 48\ub70 (43\ub74-53\ub72) in Tibet (a 43\ub75-point difference), while India saw a 30\ub78-point disparity, from 64\ub78 (59\ub76-68\ub78) in Goa to 34\ub70 (30\ub73-38\ub71) in Assam. Japan recorded the smallest range in subnational HAQ performance in 2016 (a 4\ub78-point difference), whereas differences between subnational locations with the highest and lowest HAQ Index values were more than two times as high for the USA and three times as high for England. State-level gaps in the HAQ Index in Mexico somewhat narrowed from 1990 to 2016 (from a 20\ub79-point to 17\ub70-point difference), whereas in Brazil, disparities slightly increased across states during this time (a 17\ub72-point to 20\ub74-point difference). Performance on the HAQ Index showed strong linkages to overall development, with high and high-middle SDI countries generally having higher scores and faster gains for non-communicable diseases. Nonetheless, countries across the development spectrum saw substantial gains in some key health service areas from 2000 to 2016, most notably vaccine-preventable diseases. Overall, national performance on the HAQ Index was positively associated with higher levels of total health spending per capita, as well as health systems inputs, but these relationships were quite heterogeneous, particularly among low-to-middle SDI countries. Interpretation GBD 2016 provides a more detailed understanding of past success and current challenges in improving personal health-care access and quality worldwide. Despite substantial gains since 2000, many low-SDI and middle- SDI countries face considerable challenges unless heightened policy action and investments focus on advancing access to and quality of health care across key health services, especially non-communicable diseases. Stagnating or minimal improvements experienced by several low-middle to high-middle SDI countries could reflect the complexities of re-orienting both primary and secondary health-care services beyond the more limited foci of the Millennium Development Goals. Alongside initiatives to strengthen public health programmes, the pursuit of universal health coverage hinges upon improving both access and quality worldwide, and thus requires adopting a more comprehensive view-and subsequent provision-of quality health care for all populations

    Measuring performance on the Healthcare Access and Quality Index for 195 countries and territories and selected subnational locations: A systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

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    Copyright © 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. Background A key component of achieving universal health coverage is ensuring that all populations have access to quality health care. Examining where gains have occurred or progress has faltered across and within countries is crucial to guiding decisions and strategies for future improvement. We used the Global Burden of Diseases, Injuries, and Risk Factors Study 2016 (GBD 2016) to assess personal health-care access and quality with the Healthcare Access and Quality (HAQ) Index for 195 countries and territories, as well as subnational locations in seven countries, from 1990 to 2016. Methods Drawing from established methods and updated estimates from GBD 2016, we used 32 causes from which death should not occur in the presence of effective care to approximate personal health-care access and quality by location and over time. To better isolate potential effects of personal health-care access and quality from underlying risk factor patterns, we risk-standardised cause-specific deaths due to non-cancers by location-year, replacing the local joint exposure of environmental and behavioural risks with the global level of exposure. Supported by the expansion of cancer registry data in GBD 2016, we used mortality-to-incidence ratios for cancers instead of risk-standardised death rates to provide a stronger signal of the effects of personal health care and access on cancer survival. We transformed each cause to a scale of 0-100, with 0 as the first percentile (worst) observed between 1990 and 2016, and 100 as the 99th percentile (best); we set these thresholds at the country level, and then applied them to subnational locations. We applied a principal components analysis to construct the HAQ Index using all scaled cause values, providing an overall score of 0-100 of personal health-care access and quality by location over time. We then compared HAQ Index levels and trends by quintiles on the Socio-demographic Index (SDI), a summary measure of overall development. As derived from the broader GBD study and other data sources, we examined relationships between national HAQ Index scores and potential correlates of performance, such as total health spending per capita. Findings In 2016, HAQ Index performance spanned from a high of 97·1 (95% UI 95·8-98·1) in Iceland, followed by 96·6 (94·9-97·9) in Norway and 96·1 (94·5-97·3) in the Netherlands, to values as low as 18·6 (13·1-24·4) in the Central African Republic, 19·0 (14·3-23·7) in Somalia, and 23·4 (20·2-26·8) in Guinea-Bissau. The pace of progress achieved between 1990 and 2016 varied, with markedly faster improvements occurring between 2000 and 2016 for many countries in sub-Saharan Africa and southeast Asia, whereas several countries in Latin America and elsewhere saw progress stagnate after experiencing considerable advances in the HAQ Index between 1990 and 2000. Striking subnational disparities emerged in personal health-care access and quality, with China and India having particularly large gaps between locations with the highest and lowest scores in 2016. In China, performance ranged from 91·5 (89·1-93·6) in Beijing to 48·0 (43·4-53·2) in Tibet (a 43·5-point difference), while India saw a 30·8-point disparity, from 64·8 (59·6-68·8) in Goa to 34·0 (30·3-38·1) in Assam. Japan recorded the smallest range in subnational HAQ performance in 2016 (a 4·8-point difference), whereas differences between subnational locations with the highest and lowest HAQ Index values were more than two times as high for the USA and three times as high for England. State-level gaps in the HAQ Index in Mexico somewhat narrowed from 1990 to 2016 (from a 20·9-point to 17·0-point difference), whereas in Brazil, disparities slightly increased across states during this time (a 17·2-point to 20·4-point difference). Performance on the HAQ Index showed strong linkages to overall development, with high and high-middle SDI countries generally having higher scores and faster gains for non-communicable diseases. Nonetheless, countries across the development spectrum saw substantial gains in some key health service areas from 2000 to 2016, most notably vaccine-preventable diseases. Overall, national performance on the HAQ Index was positively associated with higher levels of total health spending per capita, as well as health systems inputs, but these relationships were quite heterogeneous, particularly among low-to-middle SDI countries. Interpretation GBD 2016 provides a more detailed understanding of past success and current challenges in improving personal health-care access and quality worldwide. Despite substantial gains since 2000, many low-SDI and middle- SDI countries face considerable challenges unless heightened policy action and investments focus on advancing access to and quality of health care across key health services, especially non-communicable diseases. Stagnating or minimal improvements experienced by several low-middle to high-middle SDI countries could reflect the complexities of re-orienting both primary and secondary health-care services beyond the more limited foci of the Millennium Development Goals. Alongside initiatives to strengthen public health programmes, the pursuit of universal health coverage hinges upon improving both access and quality worldwide, and thus requires adopting a more comprehensive view - and subsequent provision - of quality health care for all populations