293 research outputs found

    A hisztériával kapcsolatos diskurzusok tanulságai a szomatizációs jelenségek és a betegségmagatartás megértéséhez = The relevance of discourses about hysteria in the understanding of somatization phenomena and illness behaviour

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    Napjainkban a magatartástudományok képviselőinek egyszerre kell számolniuk a betegségekkel kapcsolatos bizonyosság és tudás konfliktusait előhívó medikalizációs-technicizációs orvostudományi tendenciákkal és a társadalomtudományok ezekre reflektáló, kritikai és „posztmodern” megközelítéseivel. Ebből adódóan igen fontos kihívásként jelentkezik az interdiszciplináris megközelítés szükségessége. Különösen így van ez a nehezen definiálható betegségek - a szomatizációs és pszichoszomatikus zavarok - esetében, ahol a betegségmagatartás gyakorlati problémái, továbbá a tünetek, a diagnózisok és a szenvedés „valódiságának” episztemológiai kérdései egyszerre vannak jelen. Az utóbbi másfél évtized kritikai társadalomtudományi kutatásaiban rendkívüli figyelmet kapott a szomatizációs zavarok és a klasszikus pszichoszomatikus kórképek elődjének számító hisztéria kérdésköre. A tanulmány a szakmai és laikus szóhasználatban nem hivatalosan máig tovább élő betegséggel kapcsolatos társadalomtudományi és orvosi megközelítések közül azokat mutatja be, amelyek szempontokkal szolgálhatnak a szomatizációs és pszichoszomatikus kórképek, valamint a velük kapcsolatos érzelmi és viselkedéses reakciók elemzéséhez és megértéséhez

    Contrasting prefrontal cortex contributions to episodic memory dysfunction in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia and alzheimer's disease

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    Recent evidence has questioned the integrity of episodic memory in behavioural variant frontotemporal dementia (bvFTD), where recall performance is impaired to the same extent as in Alzheimer's disease (AD). While these deficits appear to be mediated by divergent patterns of brain atrophy, there is evidence to suggest that certain prefrontal regions are implicated across both patient groups. In this study we sought to further elucidate the dorsolateral (DLPFC) and ventromedial (VMPFC) prefrontal contributions to episodic memory impairment in bvFTD and AD. Performance on episodic memory tasks and neuropsychological measures typically tapping into either DLPFC or VMPFC functions was assessed in 22 bvFTD, 32 AD patients and 35 age- and education-matched controls. Behaviourally, patient groups did not differ on measures of episodic memory recall or DLPFC-mediated executive functions. BvFTD patients were significantly more impaired on measures of VMPFC-mediated executive functions. Composite measures of the recall, DLPFC and VMPFC task scores were covaried against the T1 MRI scans of all participants to identify regions of atrophy correlating with performance on these tasks. Imaging analysis showed that impaired recall performance is associated with divergent patterns of PFC atrophy in bvFTD and AD. Whereas in bvFTD, PFC atrophy covariates for recall encompassed both DLPFC and VMPFC regions, only the DLPFC was implicated in AD. Our results suggest that episodic memory deficits in bvFTD and AD are underpinned by divergent prefrontal mechanisms. Moreover, we argue that these differences are not adequately captured by existing neuropsychological measures

    Acetabular fractures following rugby tackles: a case series

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Rugby is the third most popular team contact sport in the world and is increasing in popularity. In 1995, rugby in Europe turned professional, and with this has come an increased rate of injury.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>In a six-month period from July to December, two open reduction and internal fixations of acetabular fractures were performed in young Caucasian men (16 and 24 years old) who sustained their injuries after rugby tackles. Both of these cases are described as well as the biomechanical factors contributing to the fracture and the recovery. Acetabular fractures of the hip during sport are rare occurrences.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our recent experience of two cases over a six-month period creates concern that these high-energy injuries may become more frequent as rugby continues to adopt advanced training regimens. Protective equipment is unlikely to reduce the forces imparted across the hip joint; however, limiting 'the tackle' to only two players may well reduce the likelihood of this life-altering injury.</p

    Left atrial mechanics and aortic stiffness following high intensity interval training: a randomised controlled study

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    Purpose: High intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to improve important health parameters, including aerobic capacity, blood pressure, cardiac autonomic modulation and left ventricular (LV) mechanics. However, adaptations in left atrial (LA) mechanics and aortic stiffness remain unclear. Methods: Forty-one physically inactive males and females were recruited. Participants were randomised to either a 4-week HIIT intervention (n=21) or 4-week control period (n=20). The HIIT protocol consisted of 3x30-second maximal cycle ergometer sprints with a resistance of 7.5% body weight, interspersed with 2-minutes of active unloaded recovery, 3 times per week. Speckle tracking imaging of the LA and M-Mode tracing of the aorta was performed pre and post HIIT and control period. Results: Following HIIT, there was significant improvement in LA mechanics, including LA reservoir (13.9±13.4%, p=0.033), LA conduit (8.9±11.2%, p=0.023) and LA contractile (5±4.5%, p=0.044) mechanics compared to the control condition. In addition, aortic distensibility (2.1±2.7cm2dyn-1103, p=0.031) and aortic stiffness index (-2.6±4.6, p=0.041) were improved compared to the control condition. In stepwise linear regression analysis, aortic distensibility change was significantly associated with LA stiffness change R2 of 0.613 (p=0.002). Conclusion: A short-term programme of HIIT was associated with a significant improvement in LA mechanics and aortic stiffness. These adaptations may have important health implications and contribute to the improved LV diastolic and systolic mechanics, aerobic capacity and blood pressure previously documented following HIIT

    Cleareye In-Ground and In-Concrete DIV Inspections: FY11 Final Report

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    This report summarizes the results of a series of feasibility testing studies for in-ground and in-concrete imaging/detection technologies including radar imaging and acoustic time-of flight method. The objectives of this project are: (1) Design Information Verification (DIV) Tools for In-Concrete Inspections - To determine the feasibility of using holographic radar imaging (HRI), radar imaging, and acoustic time-of-flight (TOF) non-destructive evaluation technologies to detect, locate and identify pipes and voids embedded in standard-density and high-density concrete walls that typify those the IAEA will need to verify during field inspections; (2) DIV Tools for In-Ground Inspections - To determine the feasibility of using HRI and radar imaging non-destructive evaluation technologies to detect, locate, and identify objects buried at various depths made of various materials (metal, plastic, wood, and concrete) and representing geometries that typify those the IAEA will need to verify during field inspections; and (3) Based on the results of the studies, recommend the next steps needed to realize fieldable tools for in-concrete and in-ground inspections (including detection of deeply buried polyvinyl chloride [PVC] pipes) that employ the technologies shown to be feasible