97 research outputs found

    Demandas por alimentos con presunción de paternidad. Efectos jurídicos y sociales Unidad Judicial Norte de Familia, Mujer, Niñez y Adolescencia Guayaquil, Enero Diciembre 2013

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    PDFEl presente trabajo se lo realiza con el fin de disminuir los conflictos existentes en múltiples hogares en base a la manutención del niño dentro de la familia disociada, generadas por las demandas de alimentos con presunción de paternidad presentados en la Unidad Judicial Norte de familia, mujer, niñez y adolescencia del consejo de la Judicatura en la Ciudad de Guayaquil. El objetivo de la investigación es analizar casos relacionados a las demandas planteadas utilizando el método de análisis bibliográfico, además describir los casos con un criterio equitativo de responsabilidad para con los hijos cuando el hogar se disocia, el cual deja un pálpito negativo al comprobarse irresponsabilidad de una de las partes. El propósito de la investigación encierra un interés objetivo de respaldo imparcial a la situación de los padres y derecho a cambios en su afectividad y planificación de una nueva familia sin despreocuparse de la responsabilidad adquirida; este es motivo de preocupación e interés para los entes de justicia que sentencian o dan el fallo a favor de la madre, sin tomar en consideración los ingresos económicos que el ex conviviente o presunto padre del menor posee y además ya tiene o planifica estructurar un nuevo hogar, sin embargo interesa reducir inconvenientes y priorizar compromisos adquiridos. Los resultados a obtener orientan a mejorar los procesos legales basados en la alimentación y presunción de paternidad existente, buscando una sentencia que no sea discriminatoria ante el género, realidad económica y ante la formación del nuevo hogar.This work is done in order to reduce conflicts in multiple households based on the support of the child within the family dissociated generated by the demands of foods presumption of paternity filed in the Northern Judicial Unit family, woman , children and adolescents Judicial Council in the city of Guayaquil. The aim of the research is to analyze the requirements posed related cases using the method of literature review, further describe cases with a fair standard of liability to the children when the home is split, which leaves a negative when tested hunch irresponsibility one party. The purpose of the investigation involves a fair target support for parental status and right to change their emotions and planning a new family without worry of liability acquired interest; This is of concern and interest to the agencies of justice that sentence or give the judgment in favor of the mother, without regard to the income that the former partner or presumed father of the child has and also already have or plan to structure a new home, however interested in reducing problems and prioritize commitments. The results you get oriented to improve legal processes based on existing supply and presumptive paternity, seeking a judgment that does not discriminate against gender, economic reality and to the formation of the new home

    Rawls y Nozick : dos enfoques, dos teorías, dos perspectivas sobre un mismo agro ingreso seguro

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    Agro Ingreso Seguro, el programa bandera del Ministerio de Agricultura que consistía en la adjudicación de subsidios estatales a agricultores de todo el país para ser invertidos en el desarrollo de sus predios, se convirtió de la noche a la mañana en uno de los escándalos más vergonzosos del gobierno de ÁLVARO URIBE VÉLEZ, pues gracias a una revelación de la Revista Cambio se demostró cómo algunos de estos subsidios iban a parar a las arcas de grandes empresarios y familias poderosas de Colombia. Utilizando las teorías de la justicia de JOHN RAWLS y ROBERT NOZICK determinamos, por caminos diferentes, cómo el problema de la Ley 1133 de 2007, que aprobó este sistema, radicó en los requisitos que se establecieron para acceder a los subsidios, pues resultaban de extrema dificultad para ser llenados por los pequeños productores del campo, a la vez que empleamos sus postulados para formular una nueva política agraria.Agro Ingreso Seguro, the main program of the Ministry of Agriculture that adjudged state subsidies to farmers nationwide to be invested in the development of their land, became from the night to the morning in the most shameful scandal of ÁLVARO URIBE VÉLEZ’S government, thanks to the revelation of the Magazine Cambio that showed how some of these subsidies entered in the coffers of important businessmen and powerful families of Colombia. Using the theories of justice of JOHN RAWLS and ROBERT NOZICK we determined, by different paths, how the problem of the law 1133 de 2007, that approved this system, settled in the requirements that were established to access to the subsidies, because they were extremely difficult to be filled by the small rural producers, at the same time that we use their postulates to formulate a new land policy

    Grabadores rupestres inéditos en el Cerro del Riscal (El Madroño, Sevilla)

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    El objetivo de este artículo es presentar unos grabados rupestres hallados en el Cerro del Riscal, un afloramiento rocoso de esquistos sito en las proximidades de El Madroño, pequeña localidad del Noroeste de la provincia de Sevilla. El hecho de que sean los primeros de estas características localizados en dicha provincia permite suponer su interés, al tiempo que aporta nueva luz a esta problemática en el Suroeste peninsular, abriendo nuevas perspectivas a la búsqueda y estudio de otras localizaciones. En una primera aproximación han sido datados en el Bronce MedioThe reason for this article is to introduce some rock carvings found on Cerro del Riscal, a rocky shale outcrop nearby the small village of El Madroño, in the Northwest of the province of Sevilla. The interest on these carvings rest on their newness as they are the first ones of the type traced in the province, so they enlighten the polemics about the Peninsular Southwest, opening new perspectives to the search and study of other locations. On a preliminary aproach, they date from the Middle Bronze Ag

    Prescription in the Insurance Contract to Obtain the Payment of Compensation from the Insurer

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    En el siguiente escrito se abordarán temas centrales del contrato de seguro en Colombia, necesarios para poder entender las reglas específicas de prescripción aplicables a este contrato. Posteriormente se abordarán las acciones que tienden a obtener el pago de la indemnización, por parte de la aseguradora, ante el acaecimiento del hecho que da origen a esa obligación. Finalmente, ya estudiados estos aspectos del contrato de seguro, se podrá entrar a analizar el ordenamiento jurídico aplicable a la prescripción en el contrato de seguro, empezando con sus reglas generales y terminando con un análisis especial que merece la prescripción del contrato de seguro de responsabilidad.Editorial LegisIn the following writing, central issues of the insurance contract in Colombia will be addressed, which are necessary to understand the specific prescription rules applicable to this contract. Subsequent ly, the actions that tend to obtain the payment of compensation by the insurer will be addressed, in the event of the event that gives rise to that obligation. Finally, once these aspects of the insurance contract have been studied, the legal system applicable to the pres cription in this contract can be analyzed, starting with its general rules and ending with a special analysis that the liability insurance contract deserves

    Simulation-driven engineering for the management of harmful algal and cyanobacterial blooms

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    Harmful Algal and Cyanobacterial Blooms (HABs), occurring in inland and maritime waters, pose threats to natural environments by producing toxins that affect human and animal health. In the past, HABs have been assessed mainly by the manual collection and subsequent analysis of water samples and occasionally by automatic instruments that acquire information from fixed locations. These procedures do not provide data with the desirable spatial and temporal resolution to anticipate the formation of HABs. Hence, new tools and technologies are needed to efficiently detect, characterize and respond to HABs that threaten water quality. It is essential nowadays when the world's water supply is under tremendous pressure because of climate change, overexploitation, and pollution. This paper introduces DEVS-BLOOM, a novel framework for real-time monitoring and management of HABs. Its purpose is to support high-performance hazard detection with Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) infrastructure for dynamic environments

    Impact of economic crisis on profitability management business leisure sports facilities by size, an empirical study

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    Increasing the sport in the Spanish society has fueled the growth of turnover and number management companies sports facilities. Said growth is clearly judged from the economic analysis of financial ratios such as average profitability, and these are to a greater or lesser extent affected by a changing environment of economic crisis, according to the size of the organization. The objective of this research was to analyze the effect on evolution of average economic profitability of Management Organizations Sports Spanish before and after the crisis by size (micro, small, medium and large). For the analysis of this study, the accounting and financial information from the SABI data base of 1,670 companies registered under code 9311 NCEA between 2004-2012, of which a sample of 319 was selected was obtained According the findings, we can say that the economic crisis has affected the profitability of Management organizations Spanish sports differently depending on their size, it is found that midsize organizations are the most efficient in the use of their economic resources or in the profit of its assets, in terms of average values of economic profitability. However, that large, small and micro OGIDE show average values of lower economic returns to those obtained prior to the economic crisis of 2008

    Development of a GPS multi-antenna calibrated platform using COTS components

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    La vulnerabilitat de les senyals GNSS vers interferències de radiofreqüència i spoofing s'ha convertit en una preocupació en aplicacions de radionavegació que requereixen un alt nivell de precisió i seguretat. Aquesta manca de precisió dels receptors GPS convencionals ha donat pas al desenvolupament de sistemes GPS multi-antena els quals integren diversos front-ends sincronitzats mitjançant un oscil·lador comú. L'objectiu principal d'aquest projecte és el desenvolupament d'una paltaforma GPS de fàcil ús, calibrada i de baix cost utilitzant Software-Defined Radios (SDRs) i antenes GPS comercials. El hardware encarregat d'enregistrar les senyals captades per les diverses antenes GPS està format per tres Universal Software Preipherial Radios i un ordinador personal. La metodologia que es proposa per tal d'aconseguir una sincronització de fase entre els diferents front-ends consisteix en l'ús de les diferències de fase observades d'una senyal de referència per tal de compensar el desfasament existent en les senyals captades per cada USRP. En comptes de fer servir un array d'antenes totalment calibrat i amb una geometria fixa, l'aray que es proposa està format per tres antenes GPS comercials. Aquest enfocament permetrà a l'usuari de canviar la geometria de l'array de tal manera que es podrà adaptar a les necessitats d'aplicació.La vulnerabilidad de las señales GNSS frente a interferencias de radiofrecuencia y spoofing se ha convertido en una preocupación en aplicaciones de radionavegación que requieren un alto nivel de precisión y seguridad. Esta falta de precisión en los receptores GPS convencionales ha dado lugar al desarrollo de sistemas GPS multi-antena los cuales integran distintos front-ends sincronizados utilizando un oscilador común. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es desarrollar una plataforma GPS de fácil uso, calibrada y de bajo coste utilizando Software-Defined Radios (SDRs) y antenas GPS comerciales. El hardware encargado de grabar las señales captadas por las distintas antenas GPS está formado por tres Universal Software Peripheral Radios y un ordenador personal. El método propuesto para conseguir una sincronización de fase entre los distintos front-ends consiste en el uso de las diferencias de fase observadas de una señal de referencia para compensar el desfase existente en las señales captadas por cada USRP. En vez de utilizar un array de antenas totalmente calibrado y con una geomtría fija, el array que se propone está formado por tres antenas GPS comerciales. Este enfoque permitirá al usuario cambiar la geometría del array de modo que se adapte a las necesidades de la aplicación.The vulnerability of GNSS to RF interference and spoofing has become more and more a concern for navigation applications requiring a high level of accuracy and reliability. This lack of accuracy of the GPS conventional receivers has triggered the development GPS multi-antenna systems, which integrate three or more GPS front-ends referenced to a common oscillator. The main purpose of this project is to develop a low cost and ease of deployment GPS calibrated multi-antenna platform by using both Commercial-Off-The Shelf (COTS) software-defined radios (SDRs) and GPS antennas. The signal collection hardware built to collect array data sets for each antenna consists of three Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP) and one Personal Computer (PC). The method proposed to achieve phase synchronization between the different front-ends consists of using a phase difference of arrival mechanism based on a synthetic GPS signal reference transmitter. The antenna array proposed is composed by three COTS GPS antennas instead of using a custom designed and fully calibrated antenna array. This approach allows the user to change the desired layout depending on the application field

    Enhancing EJsS with extension plugins

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    Easy JavaScript Simulations (EJsS) is an open-source tool that allows teachers with limited programming experience to straightforwardly bundle an interactive computer science or engineer simulation in an HTML+ JavaScript webpage. Its prominent place in Physics (where it has won several prizes) should not hinder its application in other fields (such as building the front-end of remote laboratories or learning analytics) after having adapted part of the functionality of EJsS to them. To facilitate the future inclusion of new functionalities in EJsS, this paper presents a new version of this tool that allows the enhancement of EJsS, letting it incorporate new tools and change its graphical user interface, by means of extension plugins (special software libraries). To illustrate the benefits of this distributable self-contained non-intrusive strategy, the paper (a) discusses the new methodological possibilities that the Plugins bring to EJsS developers and users, and (b) presents three plugins: one to support the plugin management and the others to easily set up a streamlined remote laboratory. Moreover, the paper also presents the main characteristics of that remote lab to allow readers take advantage of EJsS and the three plugins to set up new online experiments for their students quickly

    Rac2 GTPase activation by angiotensin II is modulated by Ca2+/calcineurin and mitogen-activated protein kinases in human neutrophils

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    Angiotensin II (Ang II) highly stimulates superoxide anion production by neutrophils. The G-protein Rac2 modulates the activity of NADPH oxidase in response to various stimuli. Here, we describe that Ang II induced both Rac2 translocation from the cytosol to the plasma membrane and Rac2 GTP-binding activity. Furthermore, Clostridium difficile toxin A, an inhibitor of the Rho-GTPases family Rho, Rac and Cdc42, prevented Ang II-elicited O2/ROS production, phosphorylation of the mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) p38, extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and c-Jun N-terminal kinase 1/2, and Rac2 activation. Rac2 GTPase inhibition by C. difficile toxin A was accompanied by a robust reduction of the cytosolic Ca2+ elevation induced by Ang II in human neutrophils. Furthermore, SB203580 and PD098059 act as inhibitors of p38MAPK and ERK1/2 respectively, wortmannin, an inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase, and cyclosporin A, a calcineurin inhibitor, hindered both translocation of Rac2 from the cytosol to the plasma membrane and enhancement of Rac2 GTP-binding elicited by Ang II. These results provide evidence that the activation of Rac2 by Ang II is exerted through multiple signalling pathways, involving Ca2+/calcineurin and protein kinases, the elucidation of which should be insightful in the design of new therapies aimed at reversing the inflammation of vessel walls found in a number of cardiovascular diseases.This work was financed by grants from the Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia (BFU2006-13802), and the Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa (P06-CTS-1936), Junta de Andalucía, Spain, awarded to F S