3,274 research outputs found

    Specialty sorghums in direct-expansion extrusion

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    Whole-grain, high-fiber, or decorticated extrudates of excellent properties were made from white (nonwaxy, heterowaxy, waxy) sorghums or brown tannin-sorghums. Intact grains or prepared raw materials (cracked, cracked and sifted, decorticated) were extruded in a high-temperature, short-time (HTST) extruder. Waxy extrudates expanded less and were softer than those from nonwaxy or heterowaxy sorghums. Waxy extrudates had bigger air cells and thicker cell walls. Low moisture used in this type of extrusion and its interaction with the different amylose contents were the causes of the differences. Whole-grain extrudates from white sorghum had similar sensory acceptability to those from white decorticated sorghum. They had bland flavor and appearance and texture characteristic of whole-grain products. Extrudates from tannin sorghums were reddish brown due to their high levels of phytochemicals. The more expanded, softer products from whole-grain tannin sorghum were obtained when the grain was cracked and sifted. Decreased expansion was caused by higher levels of fiber and greater particle sizes (as in the extruded intact grain), and by reduced particle sizes (as in the cracked non-sifted grain). Expansion was correlated to smaller air cells with smooth walls. A simple enzymatic method was developed that isolates the 'gritty' particles from whole-grain/high-fiber extrudates, which closely correlated with expansion. Gritty particles were fiber (bran) plus undegraded starchy material. Whole grain/high fiber extrudates from white and tannin sorghums are an excellent option for food processors because of their excellent taste, appearance and texture

    Confiabilidad de puentes de concreto presforzado dañados por corrosión

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    Los puentes vehiculares con frecuencia sufren daños por corrosión, sobre todo, si están ubicados en la costa o si están expuestos a la humedad o impactos químicos. Por tanto, es conveniente contar con recomendaciones técnicas para evaluar su efecto en la seguridad estructural y proveer condiciones aceptables para la operación y el mantenimiento del puente. En este artículo se determina la variación del índice de confiabilidad de Cornell en función del tiempo en una viga en un puente vehicular simplemente apoyado, mediante el análisis del comportamiento en los cambios en los momentos de agrietamiento de las secciones transversales de una viga de concreto presforzado de sección cajón, obtenidos a partir de sus diagramas momento-curvatura. El análisis estadístico se realizó mediante simulación de Monte Carlo considerando como variables aleatorias la resistencia del concreto, el área transversal de acero de presfuerzo y la carga viva, y como variables deterministas las dimensiones de los elementos y la carga muerta. De los resultados obtenidos se observa que, a partir del inicio de la corrosión del acero de presfuerzo, en los primeros 4 años la variación en el índice de confiabilidad resultó poco significativa, mientras que en los años subsecuentes se presenta lo contrario disminuyendo a valores menores de 1.75 a partir de 6 años de iniciada la corrosión, lo cual no garantiza condiciones de operación aceptables para la estructura


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    Strategic planning allows the analysis and design of probable decisions in the environment of Organizations. Technological change has generated a large amount of electronic waste (E-Waste). In the health not only affects people but the entire World. The methodological application of the circular economy in Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (R2AE2) is done by defining efficiency indicators through linearization. A recursive decision feedback scheduling strategy for a system of efficient power generation. The competitive advantage of the circular economy through R2AE2 allows to obtain high revenues while providing adequate management in the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (3R) of waste to avoid contaminating the environment. The proposed methodology aims to obtain similar results when applying EC strategy in South- Southeast of Mexico


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    Strategic planning allows the analysis and design of probable decisions in the environment of Organizations. Technological change has generated a large amount of electronic waste (E-Waste). In the health not only affects people but the entire World. The methodological application of the circular economy in Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (R2AE2) is done by defining efficiency indicators through linearization. A recursive decision feedback scheduling strategy for a system of efficient power generation. The competitive advantage of the circular economy through R2AE2 allows to obtain high revenues while providing adequate management in the Reduce, Reuse and Recycle (3R) of waste to avoid contaminating the environment. The proposed methodology aims to obtain similar results when applying EC strategy in South- Southeast of Mexico

    Modelo probabilistico para comprender la presencia de Temnocephala chilensis (Moquin-Tandom 1846) (Platyhelminthes: Temnocephalidae) en una población adulta de Parastacus pugnax (Poeppig 1835) (Decapoda: Parastacidae) en el sur de Chile

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    La literatura reporta la presencia de ectocomensales asociados a Parastacus pugnax (Poeppig, 1835), pero no hay estudios ecológicos sobre la abundancia de estos sobre P. pugnax. El objetivo del presente estudio fue analizar la presencia de Temnocephala chilensis (Moquin-Tandom 1846), en P.pugnax. No hubo correlación significativa entre el número de individuos de T. chilensis con el largo total y el peso total. T. chilensistiene un patrón de distribución espacial agregada y distribución binomial negativa. Se discuten tópicos ecológicos y evolutivos.The literature reported ectocommensals associated to Parastacus pugnax (Poeppig, 1835), but there are not ecological studies about abundance of these on P. pugnax. The aim of the present study was to analyze the abundances of ectocommensal Temnocephala chilensis (Moquin-Tandom, 1846), on P.pugnax. It had not correlation between T. chilensis number with total length and total weight of P. pugnax. T. chilensis has an associated spatial distribution and negative binomial distribution. Ecological and evolutive topics were discussed.Fil: de Los Ríos Escalante, Patricio. Universidad Católica de Temuco; ChileFil: Salgado, Italo. Universidad Católica de Temuco; ChileFil: Rauque Perez, Carlos Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Departamento de Zoologia. Laboratorio de Parasitologia; ArgentinaFil: Gonzalez, Noemit. Universidad Católica de Temuco; Chil

    Orbital-free photophysical descriptors to predict directional excitations in metal-based photosensitizers

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    The development of dye-sensitized solar cells, metalloenzyme photocatalysis or biological labeling heavily relies on the design of metalbased photosensitizes with directional excitations. Directionality is most often predicted characterizing manually excitations via canonical frontier orbitals. Although widespread, this traditional approach is, at the very least, cumbersome and subject to personal bias, as well as limited in many cases. Here, we demonstrate how two orbital-free photophysical descriptors allow an easy and straightforward quantification of the degree of directionality in electron excitations using chemical fragments. As proof of concept we scrutinize the effect of 22 chemical modifications on the archetype [Ru(bpy)3] 2+ with a new descriptor coined “substituent-induced exciton localization” (SIEL), together with the concept of “excited-electron delocalization length” (EEDLn). Applied to quantum ensembles of initially excited singlet and the relaxed triplet metal-to-ligand charge-transfer states, the SIEL descriptor allows quantifying how much and whereto the exciton is promoted, as well as anticipating the effect of single modifications, e.g. on C-4 atoms of bpy units of [Ru(bpy)3] 2+. The general applicability of SIEL and EDDLn is further established by rationalizing experimental trends through quantification of the directionality of the photoexcitation. We thus demonstrate that SIEL and EEDL descriptors can be synergistically employed to design improved photosensitizers with highly directional and localized electron-transfer transitions.</p

    Beneficios fiscales de las sociedades cooperativas de producción

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    En la sociedad mexicana, la figura de la sociedad cooperativa desde hace algunos años solo se ve como un medio de reducción de impuestos al establecer la estructura laboral de la empresa bajo el plan de pago basado en esta figura trastocando la verdadera esencia de esta sociedad. La investigación buscó determinar los beneficios fiscales, económicos y sociales que ofrecen las sociedades cooperativas de producción, así como establecer una forma para su mayor aprovechamiento. Esta investigación utiliza el tipo de análisis cualitativo, es un trabajo descriptivo documental, se obtendrá opiniones de diferentes autores o investigadores que hayan abordado el tema y publicado los resultados obtenidos, aunado a esto se entrevistó a 5 contadores con experiencia de este tipo de sociedades. Los resultados de la investigación conceden beneficios fiscales tales como calcular impuestos conforme al régimen de las actividades empresariales y profesionales, pagar solo el impuesto anual, diferir el pago de impuestos del ejercicio hasta el ejercicio en que distribuya la renta gravable correspondiente a sus socios. Lo que nos da a concluir que las sociedades cooperativas de producción tienen importante ventaja sobre otras formas de asociarse