4,953 research outputs found

    Prototipo de un sistema de registro y monitoreo del nivel de llenado de un contenedor de basura utilizando sensores continuos y comunicación WIFI en la tarjeta de desarrollo beaglebone black

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    En Colombia, el tratamiento de residuos sólidos está reglamentado por lo dispuesto en la ley 142 de 1994, en particular, lo referente al aprovechamiento del material reciclable está a cargo de las empresas que cumplan con lo establecido en el decreto 596 de 2016, con el cual se espera que el país sea pionero en Latinoamérica en el aprovechamiento de material reciclable, sin embargo, actualmente en el país solo se recicla el 17% de la basura que se produce, con esto no solo se están malgastando los recursos naturales no renovables con los que cuenta el país sino que también se están enterrando millones de pesos y dejando de generar cientos de empleos. [1] [2] En la actualidad, cada vez es mayor el número de procesos de la industria y hasta de tareas cotidianas que son automatizadas, esto, buscando tener mayor calidad en los productos y/o servicios prestados. En el presente trabajo se plantea la implementación de un sistema de registro y monitoreo para conocer el nivel de llenado de un contenedor de basura, facilitando la labor de cambio de las bolsas, permitiendo la optimización de estas y del tiempo de las personas dedicadas a tal labor. Un sistema electrónico de registro y monitoreo consiste en un dispositivo electrónico que haciendo uso de sensores (los cuales pueden ser continuos o discretos) permite medir variables físicas, estas mediciones son enviadas a un servidor central, para ello se aplica algún protocolo de comunicación (preferiblemente inalámbrico). Las mediciones obtenidas y enviadas al servidor son almacenadas en bases de datos, con estos registros es posible determinar el comportamiento de las variables medidas

    Investigación de mercado, elaboración de estrategias para la realización del relanzamiento con presupuestos reales caso: relanzamiento rapid juice

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    CEALCO, con su producto Pulpa de Fruta Congelada, que se comercializa con el nombre de “Rapid Juice”, tiene ya dos años en el mercado ecuatoriano. Entre los competidores más fuertes están: Maria Morena, La Jugosa y los jugos concentrados de Facundo. Para poder competir en el mercado, ante estos reconocidos competidores, Rapid Juice debe aplicar una estrategia que le permitirá aumentar sus ventas y su nivel de aceptación y reconocimiento de la marca por parte de los consumidores. Según este planteamiento, es sumamente importante para CEALCO manejar información de calidad, que sirva para lograr conocer aspectos fundamentales respecto a las características del mercado como: Establecer la situación real del mercado en la actualidad. Determinar si los actuales esfuerzos mercadológicos están correctamente encaminados. Identificar de manera exacta la dimensión del mercado. Reconocer las necesidades y las preferencias de los consumidores. Teniendo todos estos aspectos claros y basándose en los resultados obtenidos, se ha planteado dentro del proyecto, realizar un relanzamiento del producto mejorando sus características y atributos actuales así como la implementación de un nuevo plan de mercadeo, que permitirá mejorar su situación dentro del mercado de pulpa de frutas congeladas

    A Comparison of Morphological, Jump, and Sprint Kinematic Asymmetries in Division I Track and Field Athletes

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 16(1): 1306-1319, 2023. Inter-limb asymmetries are the difference in performance in one limb with respect to the other. Running events in track and field are considered symmetrical while jumping and throwing events are considered asymmetrical. It is unknown if competing in these different events result in differences in inter-limb asymmetries, thus, this study compared the magnitude of jump, sprint, and morphological asymmetries in track and field athletes who compete in symmetrical and asymmetrical events. Forty-six Division I track and field athletes performed a series of vertical jumps (VJ) and broad jumps (BJ) with force platforms measuring peak force of each limb, and 30-meter fly sprints with kinematics (step length (SL), flight time (FT), and contact time (CT)) recorded during the sprints. Additionally, thirty-eight of these subjects underwent body composition analysis via dual x-ray absorptiometry to determine morphological asymmetries. Asymmetries were calculated using the symmetry index and the asymmetry measures were compared between sprinters, distance runners, throwers, and jumpers utilizing a one-way analysis of variance or Kruskal-Wallis tests with post-hoc comparisons as necessary. There were no differences in VJ, BJ, and sprint kinematic asymmetries found between groups but there were differences in leg fat mass asymmetries (H(3)=8.259, p=0.041, eta2= 0.101) as well as arm lean mass (H(3)=9.404, p=0.024, eta2=0.152), fat mass (H(3)=17.822,

    A novel water supply network sectorization methodology based on a complete economic analysis, including uncertainties

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    [EN] The core idea behind sectorization of water supply networks (WSNs) is to establish areas partially isolated from the rest of the network to improve operational control. Besides the benefits associated to sectorization, some drawbacks must be taken into consideration by water operators: the economic investment associated to both boundary valves and flowmeters, and the reduction of both pressure and system resilience. The target of sectorization is to properly balance these negative and positive aspects. Sectorization methodologies addressing the economic aspects mainly consider costs of valves and flowmeters and of energy, and the benefits in terms of water saving linked to pressure reduction. However, sectorization entails other benefits such as reduction of domestic consumption; reduction of bursts frequency; and enhanced capacity to detect and intervene over future leakage events. We implement a development proposed by the International Water Association (IWA) to estimate the aforementioned benefits. Such development is integrated in a novel sectorization methodology based on a Social Network Community Detection Algorithm, combined with a Genetic Algorithm optimization method and Monte Carlo Simulation. The methodology is implemented over a fraction of the WSN of Managua city, capital of Nicaragua, generating a net benefit of 25,518 $/year.Campbell-Gonzalez, E.; Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Montalvo Arango, I.; Pérez García, R. (2016). A novel water supply network sectorization methodology based on a complete economic analysis, including uncertainties. Water. 8(5). doi:10.3390/w8050179S8

    Injecting problem-dependent knowledge to improve evolutionary optimization search ability

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    The flexibility introduced by evolutionary algorithms (EAs) has allowed the use of virtually arbitrary objective functions and constraints even when evaluations require, as for real-world problems, running complex mathematical and/or procedural simulations of the systems under analysis. Even so, EAs are not a panacea. Traditionally, the solution search process has been totally oblivious of the specific problem being solved, and optimization processes have been applied regardless of the size, complexity, and domain of the problem. In this paper, we justify our claim that far-reaching benefits may be obtained from more directly influencing how searches are performed. We propose using data mining techniques as a step for dynamically generating knowledge that can be used to improve the efficiency of solution search processes. In this paper, we use Kohonen SOMs and show an application for a well-known benchmark problem in the water distribution system design literature. The result crystallizes the conceptual rules for the EA to apply at certain stages of the evolution, which reduces the search space and accelerates convergence. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Izquierdo Sebastián, J.; Campbell-Gonzalez, E.; Montalvo Arango, I.; Pérez García, R. (2016). Injecting problem-dependent knowledge to improve evolutionary optimization search ability. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 291:281-292. doi:10.1016/j.cam.2015.03.019S28129229

    Validity of Vertical Jump Measuring Devices

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    The vertical jump has been used to assess athleticism in explosive sports. Field measuring methods have been recently introduced to the market. Some of these devices have been previously validated, however, they have not been validated by an independent research institute nor have been concurrently validated in the same training session. PURPOSE: This research intends to conduct an independent validation of alternative vertical jump devices and to validate multiple devices within the same training session. METHODS: 50 physically active University students were recruited for this study. The subjects performed a self-paced 5 minute jog on a treadmill as part of the general warm-up followed by an 8 minute specific dynamic warm up. Subjects then performed a familiarization phase on the force plates, which consisted of 3 repetitions of the countermovement jump (CMJ); in order to control for individual technical differences and intra-subject variability, subjects were instructed to perform a CMJ at a 90 degree angle squat for each repetition. Subjects then performed a CMJ at the researchers signal for 3 repetitions. We placed an accelerometer based device (Push-Band) on the subjects waist, an Iphone 7plus was used to record and analyze the subject’s CMJ on two video apps (MyJump2 and What’sMyVert), and a photoelectric cells system (optojump) bars were placed next to the force plates; the later were used as the gold standard for the vertical jump measure. 3 researchers measured synchronically each CMJ. A data analysis was conducted on IBM SPSS 23. An Intra-class correlation was used to analyze the correlation between devices. RESULTS: Compared to the force plates, the MyJump2 app showed a nearly perfect correlation (r=.968). The Whats’myVert video app and PushBand showed a moderate-large correlation (r=.619 and r=.641 respectively). Lastly, the Optojump showed a moderate correlation of r= .492. CONCLUSION: We observed a nearly perfect correlation of the MyJump2 app, this correlation appears to be consistent to a previous validation study. The What’sMyVert app showed a large correlation to the force plates, and to our knowledge, this is the first study looking at the validation of this app. We found some inconsistency between our data from the PushBand accelerometer and the Optojump to what has been previously published. In summary, based on our data, the video apps appear to be an excellent alternative to costly laboratory and field devices

    Lifetime suicidal-related behaviour among patients in treatment forsubstance use disorder: a cross-sectional study

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    Suicidal-related behaviours are an important concern in individuals who present with substance use disorders (SUDs). The distinction among the specific characteristics of the different patients might help to improve prevention strategies. We describe and compare the sociodemographic characteristics, severity of addiction, and psychopathology of the participants depending on the severity of their lifetime suicidal behaviour. In addition, we examine whether the number of suicide attempts can be estimated based on the variables that differentiate the groups. A sample of 318 men and 86 women who sought treatment for addiction were assessed. The sample was divided into: no ideation or attempts, suicidal ideation, one suicide attempt, and two or more suicide attempts. The group with two or more suicide attempts exhibited a greater severity in the addiction profile. The group with one suicide attempt presented a higher psychopathological symptomatology at the time of the assessment. The severity of the Psychiatric area was related to the group with two or more attempts and to the number of suicide attempts. The presence of any number of attempts is associated with greater severity of addiction. Providing specific intervention strategies for SUD patients depending on their suicidal behaviours is promising for clinical application.The first author was supported by a grant from the European UnionNext Generation EU by Ministerio de Universidades (Gobierno de España) and Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU). The second author was supported by a grant (589/2021) from Universidad Pública de Navarra and Fundación Bancaria Caja Navarra. Open access funding provided by Universidad Pública de Navarr

    Condrosarcoma de esternón en paciente masculino de 58 años: reporte de caso: Surgical repair of sternum chondrosarcoma in a 58-year-old male patient: Case Report

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    Sternum chondrosarcoma is an infrequent malignant neoplasm which occurs mainly in adults over 50 years old. Grade 1 chondrosarcoma is the most frequent among the heterogenous group of tumors that fall into this classification, however, it is most frequently presented in the pelvic region, in long bones of the appendicular skeleton and in the costal region. The fact that it presents in the sternal region compromises the constitution of nearby organs. Due to radiotherapy and chemotherapy having a scarce therapeutic effect, we proceeded with surgical intervention where a wide resection of the sternal chondrosarcoma and liver metastasectomy was performed, subsequently, the chest wall was rebuilt using titanium plates and microsurgical right dorsal muscle flap. The final result was favorable. We present a conventional chondrosarcoma (grade 1) case at the xyphoid process level with liver metastasis.El condrosarcoma de esternón es una neoplasia maligna poco frecuente que se presenta mayormente en adultos mayores de 50 años. El condrosarcoma grado 1 es el más frecuente dentro del grupo heterogéneo de tumores que entran en esta clasificación, sin embargo, tiene una presentación más frecuente en la región pélvica, en huesos largos del esqueleto apendicular y en la región costal. El hecho de presentarse en la región esternal puede comprometer la constitución de órganos cercanos. Debido a que la radioterapia y la quimioterapia tienen un escaso efecto terapéutico se procedió con la intervención quirúrgica donde se realizó la resección amplia del condrosarcoma esternal y la metastasectomía hepática, posteriormente se reconstruyó la pared torácica mediante placas de titanio y un colgajo microquirúrgico de músculo dorsal ancho derecho. El resultado final fue favorable. Se presenta el caso de un condrosarcoma convencional (grado 1) a nivel del apéndice xifoides conmetastásis a hígad

    Dependencia a los videojuegos y agresividad en estudiantes de secundaria de una institución educativa nacional de Chiclayo, 2023

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo principal determinar la relación que existe entre la Dependencia a los Videojuegos y la Agresividad en estudiantes de secundaria de una I.E. nacional, 2023. El estudio cuenta con dos variables. La dependencia a los videojuegos que tiene 4 dimensiones: abstinencia, abuso y tolerancia, problemas ocasionados por los videojuegos y dificultad para el control. La agresividad, también cuenta con 4 dimensiones: agresividad física, agresividad verbal, ira y hostilidad. Su metodología fue de tipo descriptivo correlacional con diseño no experimental y de corte transversal. Tuvo una muestra de 277 adolescentes hombres de 4° a 5° de secundaria de una I.E Nacional de Chiclayo. Los cuestionarios que se utilizaron fueron el Test De dependencia a los videojuegos de Chóliz y Marco el Cuestionario de agresión de Buss y Perry. Finalmente, en los resultados se halló que existe relación positiva significativa entre las variables, el nivel de dependencia a los videojuegos predominante fue el nivel alto 48%, el nivel de agresividad predominante fue el nivel alto 25% y en cuanto a la comparación de las variables según sus dimensiones se encontró que solo hay correlación positiva significativa entre las dimensiones problemas ocasionados por los videojuegos e ira

    Associations Between Jump Performance and Asymmetries with 30-m Sprint Completion Time

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    Asymmetries of the lower body during jumping have been examined as a method to predict risk for injury and guide training program development. Studies have primarily focused on how these asymmetries affect jump performance, but none have examined this in Division I track athletes nor how these are related to sprint performance. PURPOSE: To examine the relationship between jump performance and asymmetries of the vertical and broad jumps with 30-m sprint completion times. METHODS: Twenty-five Division I Track and Field athletes (12 sprinters and 13 non-sprinters) (height = 177.21 ± 10.43 cm; weight = 78.67 ± 24.15 kg) participated in this study. These subjects performed two trials of both the vertical jump (VJ) with their hands on their hips while standing on force platforms. Subjects also performed two trials of the broad jump (BJ) while standing on force platforms and the distance of the BJ was measured using a 100-m tape measure. Following the jump tests, subjects performed two trials of 30-m sprints in which time was recorded using timing gates and the trial with the shortest completion time was used for analysis. Force data from the VJ was used to determine jump height and inter-limb asymmetries and the trial with the greatest jump height was used for analysis. Force data from the BJ was used to determine inter-limb asymmetries from each trial and the trial with the greatest jump distance was used for analysis. Asymmetries were calculated with the symmetry index equation [(high value-low value)/total*100]. Spearman rank correlations were then conducted to determine if the jump performance and asymmetries were associated with sprint completion times. Significance was set at an alpha level of 0.05. RESULTS: Spearman rank correlations determined that both the VJ and BJ were negatively associated with 30-m sprint completion time (rs= -0.644 p=0.001 and rs=-0.563 p=0.003, respectively). Additionally, both the VJ height and BJ distance were positively correlated (rs=0.643 p=0.001). The VJ and BJ asymmetries were not significantly correlated with 30-m sprint performance (p\u3e0.05) nor were they correlated with either the VJ height or BJ distance. CONCLUSION: The findings of study indicate that coaches may want to monitor jump performance as it is related to sprint performance. On the other hand, the asymmetries measured were not associated with jump or sprint performance and this may be due to the sample as they were highly trained individuals with low levels of asymmetries during both jumps