104 research outputs found

    Surface AFM microscopy of unworn and worn samples of silicone hydrogel contact lenses

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    Abstract: Purpose. To evaluate the qualitative and quantitative topographic changes in the surface of worn contact lenses (CLs) of different materials using atomic force microscopy (AFM). Methods. The topography of five different CL materials was evaluated withAFM over a surface of 25 lm2 according to previously published experimental setup. Average roughness (Ra) and root mean square (Rms) values were obtained for unworn and worn samples. Results. The Ra value increased for balafilcon A (11.62–13.68 nm for unworn and worn samples, respectively), lotrafilcon A (3.67–15.01 nm for unworn and worn samples, respectively), lotrafilcon B (4.08–8.42 nm for unworn and worn samples, respectively), galyfilcon A (2.81–14.6 nm for unworn and worn samples, respectively), and comfilcon A (2.87–4.63 nm for unworn and worn samples, respectively). Differences were statistically significant for all lenses except Rms and Ra for comfilcon A, and Ra parameter for balafilcon A (p > 0.05). The least relative increase was observed for some balafilcon A samples and for some of these samples the roughness decreased after the lenses had been worn. Conclusion. The changes in surface roughness between unworn and worn lenses are different for different silicone-hydrogel materials. Overall all CLs increased the degree of surface roughness after being worn, even for very short periods of time. However, for samples of balafilcon A, roughness increases at a lower extent or even can decrease as compared to unworn samples of the same material due to filling of the macropores.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT)Ministério da Ciência e Ensino Superior (MCES)Fundo Social Europeu - contrato nº 8281/2002

    Qualitative and quantitative characterization of the in vitro dehydration process of hydrogel contact lenses

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    PURPOSE: To investigate the in vitro dehydration process of conventional hydrogel and silicone-hydrogel contact lens materials. METHODS: Eight conventional hydrogel and five silicone-hydrogel contact lenses were dehydrated under controlled environmental conditions on an analytical balance. Data were taken at 1-min intervals and dehydration curves of cumulative dehydration (CD), valid dehydration (VD), and dehydration rate (DR) were obtained. Several quantitative descriptors of the dehydration process were obtained by further processing of the information. RESULTS: Duration of phase I (r(2) = 0.921), CD at end of phase I (r(2) = 0.971), time to achieve a DR of -1%/min (r(2) = 0.946) were strongly correlated with equilibrium water content (EWC) of the materials. For each individual sample, the VD at different time intervals can be accurately determined using a 2nd order regression equation (r(2) > 0.99 for all samples). The first 5 min of the dehydration process show a relatively uniform average CD of about -1.5%/min. After that, there was a trend towards higher average CD for the following 15 min as the EWC of the material increases (r(2) = 0.701). As a consequence, average VD for the first 5 min displayed a negative correlation with EWC (r(2) = 0.835), and a trend towards uniformization among CL materials for the following periods (r(2) = 0.014). Overall, silicone-hydrogel materials display a lower dehydration, but this seems to be primarily due to their lower EWC. CONCLUSIONS: DR curves under the conditions of the present study can be described as a three-phase process. Phase I consists of a relatively uniform DR with a duration that ranges from 10 to almost 60 min and is strongly correlated with the EWC of the polymer as it is the CD during this phase. Overall, HEMA-based hydrogels dehydrate to a greater extent and faster than silicone-hydrogel materials. There are differences in water retention between lenses of similar water content and thickness that should be further investigated

    White light interferometry to characterize the hydrogel contact lens surface

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    Uncorrected proofPurpose: The aim of this study was to characterize, qualitatively and quantitatively, the surface morphology of four unworn conventional hydrogel contact lenses (Omafilcon, Hioxifilcon-based, Nefilcon A and Ocufilcon B) by White Light Optical Profiling (WLOP). WLOP is an ideal technique for sampling larger areas as well as for higher measurement speed compared with other topography techniques used in contact lens studies. Methods: Surface roughness was assessed by WLOP in the Vertical Scanning Mode, with a Wyko NT1100, which is a non-contact optical profiling system that provides high vertical resolution. Representative roughness parameters, the Average Roughness (Ra), Root-mean-square Roughness (Rms), and Maximum Roughness (Rmax), for areas of 625, 2500, 10829 and 67 646 lm2 were calculated. Results: Higher Ra, Rms and Rmax values were obtained for larger areas in all lenses. Daily disposable contact lenses (Nefilcon A and Ocufilcon B) presented the highest Ra, Rms and Rmax values, the larger changes in these parameters becoming apparent with the increase in the measured area. Differences between lenses were less obvious when data from 625 and 2500 lm2 area were compared. Conclusions: Daily disposable contact lenses showed the highest roughness surface. Analyzing larger areas might be adequate to detect differences between lenses in terms of surface characteristics, which may not be so obvious if smaller areas are studied

    Equivalences between refractive index and equilibrium water content of conventional and silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses from automated and manual refractometry

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    PURPOSE: The purpose of the present study was to develop mathematical relationships that allow obtaining equilibrium water content and refractive index of conventional and silicone hydrogel soft contact lenses from refractive index measures obtained with automated refractometry or equilibrium water content measures derived from manual refractometry, respectively. METHODS: Twelve HEMA-based hydrogels of different hydration and four siloxane-based polymers were assayed. A manual refractometer and a digital refractometer were used. Polynomial models obtained from the sucrose curves of equilibrium water content against refractive index and vice-versa were used either considering the whole range of sucrose concentrations (16-100% equilibrium water content) or a range confined to the equilibrium water content of current soft contact lenses ( approximately 20-80% equilibrium water content). RESULTS: Values of equilibrium water content measured with the Atago N-2E and those derived from the refractive index measurement with CLR 12-70 by the applications of sucrose-based models displayed a strong linear correlation (r(2) = 0.978). The same correlations were obtained when the models are applied to obtain refractive index values from the Atago N-2E and compared with those (values) given by the CLR 12-70 (r(2) = 0.978). No significantly different results are obtained between models derived from the whole range of the sucrose solution or the model limited to the normal range of soft contact lens hydration. CONCLUSIONS: Present results will have implications for future experimental and clinical research regarding normal hydration and dehydration experiments with hydrogel polymers, and particularly in the field of contact lenses.This study was supported in part by a grant from the Science and Technology Foundation (FCT) - Ministry of Science and Superior Education (MCES) under contract 8281/2002 from the European Social Funding granted to JMG-M

    Multi-aspheric description of the myopic cornea after different refractive treatments and its correlation with corneal higher order aberrations

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    Background: To analyse the asphericity of the anterior corneal surface (ACS) for different diameters, and correlate those values with corneal higher order aberrations (cHOA) before and after myopic treatments with corneal refractive therapy (CRT) for orthokeratology and customized (CL) and standard laser (SL) assisted in situ keratomileusis (LASIK). Setting: Clínica Oftalmológica NovoVisión, Madrid, Spain. Methods: The right eyes of 81 patients (27 in each treatment group), with a mean age of 29.94 ± 7.5 years, were analysed. Corneal videokeratographic data were used to obtain corneal asphericity (Q) for different corneal diameters from 3 to 8 mm and cHOA root mean square (RMS) obtained from Zernike polynomials for a pupil diameter of 6 mm. Results: There were statistically significant differences in asphericity values calculated at different corneal diameters for different refractive treatments and their changes. The difference between asphericity at 3 and 8 mm reference diameters showed statistically significant correlations with spherical-like cHOA that was also significantly increased after all procedures. Conclusions: The shift in corneal asphericity and the differences among different treatment techniques are more evident for the smaller reference diameters. These differences can be much reduced or even masked for a peripheral reference point at 4 mm from centre, which is used by some corneal topographers.MES -Ministry of Education and Science(BD/61768/2009

    Clinical performance of a new hybrid contact lens for keratoconus

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    Objectives: To compare the clinical performance of the Clearkone hybrid contact lens for the treatment of keratoconus against the habitual contact lens of the patients. Methods: A total of 33 eyes from 18 patients were fitted with the Clearkone. High- and low-contrast visual acuity (HCVA and LCVA), central corneal thickness (CCT), and contrast sensitivity acuity (CSF) were recorded with habitual lenses (prestudy visit) and after 1 week, 15 days, and 1 month of wear of prescribed Clearkone. Subjective vision and comfort were rated using visual analogue scales (VAS). Results: Three patients discontinued the study, one because of diffuse corneal staining after 1 day of use and the other two because of extreme discomfort. The rest of the patients completed the 1-month study. High contrast visual acuity and LCVA (logMAR) improved significantly from 0.16 6 0.12 and 0.44 6 0.22, respectively, with the patient’s habitual contact lenses to 20.006 6 0.058 and 0.23 6 0.13 after 1 day wearing Clearkone, remaining significant during all follow-up visits (P,0.001; repeated measures analysis of variance [RM-ANOVA]). There were no statistically significant differences in the mean CCT. The improvement of CSF was statistically significant with hybrid contact lenses prescribed compared with the patient’s habitual contact lenses (P,0.001; RM-ANOVA test). Improvement in VAS score, with prescribed Clearkone, was statistically significant for comfort (P=0.043; RM-ANOVA test), but not for the subjective vision (P=0.759; RM-ANOVA test). Conclusions: Clearkone provides an improvement in visual acuity, contrast sensitivity, and subjective comfort in patients with keratoconus when compared with other contact lens options. However, clinicians must get specific training to fit the lens and be aware of potential adverse event

    Tributo al professor Miguel F. Refojo, PhD, DSc (1928---2016)

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    López-Alemany, A.; Compañ Moreno, V.; Merayo Lloves, J.; Gonzalez-Meijome, J. (2017). Tribute to Professor Miguel F. Refojo, PhD, DSc (1928-2016). Journal of Optometry. 10:1-2. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.optom.2016.12.001S121

    IMI – industry guidelines and ethical considerations for myopia control report

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    PURPOSE. To discuss guidelines and ethical considerations associated with the development and prescription of treatments intended for myopia control (MC). METHODS. Critical review of published papers and guidance documents was undertaken, with a view to carefully considering the ethical standards associated with the investigation, development, registration, marketing, prescription, and use of MC treatments. RESULTS. The roles and responsibilities of regulatory bodies, manufacturers, academics, eye care practitioners, and patients in the use of MC treatments are explored. Particular attention is given to the ethical considerations for deciding whether to implement a MC strategy and how to implement this within a clinical trial or practice setting. Finally, the responsibilities in marketing, support, and education required to transfer required knowledge and skills to eye care practitioners and academics are discussed. CONCLUSIONS. Undertaking MC treatment in minors creates an ethical challenge for a wide variety of stakeholders. Regulatory bodies, manufacturers, academics, and clinicians all share an ethical responsibility to ensure that the products used for MC are safe and efficacious and that patients understand the benefits and potential risks of such products. This International Myopia Institute report highlights these ethical challenges and provides stakeholders with recommendations and guidelines in the development, financial support, prescribing, and advertising of such treatments.</p

    Foveal vision power errors induced by spectacle lenses designed to correct peripheral refractive errors

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    Purpose: Radial Refractive Gradient (RRG) spectacles are lenses specifically designed to minimize peripheral hyperopic defocus typically found in conventional spectacles. Our goals were: (1) to demonstrate a method to design such lenses; and (2) to quantify the exact foveal vision power errors induced by them. Methods: The design procedure was based on a point-by-point sequential surface construction algorithm that designs a front aspheric surface (back surface is spherical) to achieve a given overall tangential focal length of the lens. A peripheral refraction model was built based on average peripheral refractive errors from a set of eyes. We designed four negative lenses with optical powers: 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 D, so that the tangential focal length of the lens matches the retinal conjugate surface. Results: The lenses induce very small sagittal power errors in a wide range of offaxis field angles (30°), solving the problem of peripheral hyperopic defocus. However, such designs introduce non-negligible mean power errors (above 0.25 D from 7°, 6.8°, 7.1° and 7.8° for the 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10.0 D lenses, respectively) for foveal vision in a rotating eye. Conclusion: Our results show the unavoidable errors introduced by RRG spectacles when used for dynamic foveal vision. The described method offers valuable information towards determining the best trade-off between controlling power errors for peripheral and foveal vision.Spanish Ministerio de Economia Industria y Competitividad. Grant Numbers: FIS2016‐75891‐P, SFRH/BPD/116351/2016; Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) grant SFRH/BPD/ 116351/2016, funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT), awarded to Miguel Faria-Ribeiro.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Technical Note: A comparison of central and peripheral intraocular pressure using rebound tonometry

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    Purpose: To compare central and peripheral intraocular pressure (IOP) readings obtained with rebound tonometry.Methods: Intraocular pressure was measured on the right eye of 153 patients (65 males, 88 females), aged from 21 to 85 years (mean +/- S.D., 55.5 +/- 15.2 years) with the ICare rebound tonometer at centre, and 2 mm from the limbus (in the nasal and temporal regions along the 0-180O corneal meridian).Results: Intraocular pressure values obtained with the ICare were 14.9 +/- 2.8; 14.1 +/- 2.5 and 14.5 +/- 2.7 mmHg at centre, nasal and temporal corneal locations, respectively. On average, nasal and temporal IOP readings were 0.75 and 0.37 mmHg lower than the central reading (p 0.05, respectively). A highly significant correlation was found between central and peripheral measurements in nasal (r(2) = 0.905; p < 0.001) and temporal (r(2) = 0.879; p < 0.001) regions along the horizontal meridian. Almost 80% of patients presented nasal IOP values within +/- 1 mmHg of the central value.Conclusions: Intraocular pressure values measured with the ICare (R) rebound tonometer on the nasal corneal region is slightly lower on average and highly correlated with IOP values recorded at corneal centre. Both nasal and temporal readings are in good agreement with central IOP, and could be used to obtain a reliable estimate of rebound IOP in corneas where central readings cannot be taken.- (undefined