3,426 research outputs found


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    This paper presents a proposal for a methodology to guide the implementation process of Empowerment in organizations that manage research and innovation activities in developing regions. It seeks to motivate the interest of research and innovative knowledge application groups use the Empowerment as a culture and a strategy of management in the Organization, looking for the operational flexibility to participate in the economic development of the region where they operate. The proposed methodology to guide the implementation process, aims to provide support to the manager or head of department to provide it with the essential principles that should know and follow in an exercise for improving the organization supported by empowerment. The structure of the methodology incorporates input from consultants and academics who have addressed and practiced empowerment approach successfully in other countries. Our academic interest has been to integrate these proposals with the adaptations that are considered relevant to organizations in developing countries

    Variabilidad genética, diversidad fenotípica e identificación de poblaciones sobresalientes de maíz cacahuacintle

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    En el año 2001 se hizo un estudio con el objetivo de estimar variabilidad genética, diversidad fenotípica e identificar poblaciones sobresalientes de Cacahuacintle. El material genético, consistente en 34 poblaciones, fue evaluado en un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones por localidad. Los resultados indicaron lo siguiente: 1) Hubo poca variabilidad genética entre Cacahuacintles. 2) Hubo cuatro grupos de variables independientes: a) rendimiento de grano, diámetro de mazorca y alturas de planta y mazorca, b) longitud, peso de olote y de grano por mazorca, c) número de hileras de grano, y d) peso volumétrico del grano. 3) El análisis de conglomerados clasificó a los 34 Cacahuacintles en tres grupos; el grupo 3 estuvo integrado por las poblaciones con rendimientos entre 5.04 y 5.38 t ha-1En el año 2001 se hizo un estudio con el objetivo de estimar variabilidad genética, diversidad fenotípica e identiÀcar poblaciones sobresalientes de Cacahuacintle. El material genético, consistente en 34 poblaciones, fue evaluado en un diseño experimental de bloques completos al azar con tres repeticiones por localidad. Los resultados indicaron lo siguiente: 1) Hubo poca variabilidad genética entre Cacahuacintles. 2) Hubo cuatro grupos de variables independientes: a) rendimiento de grano, diámetro de mazorca y alturas de planta y mazorca, b) longitud, peso de olote y de grano por mazorca, c) número de hileras de grano, y d) peso volumétrico del grano. 3) El análisis de conglomerados clasiÀcó a los 34 Cacahuacintles en tres grupos; el grupo 3 estuvo integrado por las poblaciones con rendimientos entre 5.04 y 5.38 t ha-1

    Formación y vocación universitarias

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    El planteamiento central es que la formación univer-sitaria en las ciencias instrumentales debe ser un espacio que posibilite la armonización del conocimiento instru-mental, socioambiental y humanístico; así se rompería con la predominancia del conocimiento hiperespecializado, ya sea abriéndose a la complejidad, la interdisciplina o la transdisciplina; a la vez que, en el centro, estaría lo humano como integrante con responsabilidad de lo social y ambiental. Para ello González considera importante que el universitario se reconozca en su condición social, personal y contextual como ciudadano no limitado a la profesión que se cultiva, en un horizonte de acción en el presente para el futuro y en un contexto incierto, ante lo cual debe asumir su responsabilidad.Secretaría de Educación Pública-Subsecretaría de Educación Superior-Dirección General de Educación Superior Universitaria. Número del convenio con la SEP: 2018-15-001-017

    Radiation-sparing managements for cervical cancer: a developing countries perspective

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    Cervical cancer is the seventh most frequent cancer worldwide but more than 80% of cases occur in developing countries. Till date, radiation therapy with external beam and brachytherapy remains as the core treatment for most stages of cervical cancer. However, radiation treatment protocols and equipment modelled on the best developed countries can be seldom applied directly to developing countries owing to financial constraints and lack of qualified personnel, thus, a substantial proportion of patients do not have access to even palliative radiation therapy. Treatment options when the standard therapy is either not available or difficult to reproduce in particular settings is highly desirable with the potential to save lives that otherwise could be lost by the lack of adequate treatment. These options of treatment ideally had to have show, 1) that these are not inferior to the "standard" in terms of either survival or quality of life; 2) that these can be delivered in settings were the "standard" is not available or if available its quality is poor; and 3) that the treatment option be accepted by the population to be treated. Based on these considerations, it is obvious that cervical cancer patients, particularly those who live in countries with limited resources and therefore may not have sufficient radiation therapy resources are in need of newer therapeutical options. There is now a considerable amount of information emanating from clinical studies where surgery has a major role in treating this disease. These forms of "radiation-sparing" treatments include total mesometrial resection that could make unnecessary the use of adjuvant radiation; neoadjuvant chemotherapy that could avoid the use of adjuvant radiation in around 85% of patients and preoperative chemoradiation that could make brachytherapy dispensable. The feasibility and therapeutical value of these potential forms of management need to be prospectively evaluated

    La Imagen y la Narrativa como Herramientas para el Abordaje Psicosocial en Escenarios de Violencia. Bogotá D.C

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    El presente trabajo se ha realizado con el objetivo de aplicar conocimientos, de la intervención psicosocial dando acompañamiento en casos de personas con experiencias traumáticas de violencia en diferentes escenarios y relatos personales de sobrevivientes durante el conflicto armado, Se destaca la técnica cualitativa de foto voz , donde se evidencia sucesos dolorosos de las personas, se permite realizar un análisis de la situación, se reconstruye la realidad , posterioriormente se interviene para generar transformaciones sociales. Se aplica la herramienta, terapia narrativa de los autores Michael White y David Epston. Durante el proceso de este curso se identifica que Colombia sigue viviendo a lo largo del tiempo secuelas de heridas que han dejado los enfrentamientos de guerra; y continua un proceso de tratado de paz en el que se sigue viendo afectada la población más vulnerable (comunidades indígenas, campesinos, líderes sociales, entre otros) esto nos direcciona a estructurar estrategias y acciones psicosociales que se implementan en los diferentes casos relatados de las víctimas del conflicto, desde el rol psicólogo se pretende dar soluciones de manera individual -colectiva para el afrontamiento de las situaciones difíciles como el desplazamiento, estrés pos trauma, problemas de depresión ansiedad, sentimientos de desesperanza, entre otros. Por otro lado el profesional de psicología debe estar en total disposición de escucha, durante la expresión de las víctimas del conflicto, puesto que mediante las narrativas se permite encontrar una salida del sufrimiento y dolor. Con este trabajo también se desarrolla habilidades que son competentes para la interpretación de acciones propias y ajenas mediante imágenes. La intervención psicológica terapéutica es fundamental; se busca realizar trasformaciones positivas en la vida de estas personas encaminadas a dar cambios significativos en sus vidas, recobrando la dignidad, Generando habilidades sociales, resiliencia, empoderamiento, resolución de conflictos y proyectando sus vidas a un futuro lleno de esperanza y progreso.The present work has been carried out with the aim of applying knowledge of psychosocial intervention giving accompaniment in cases of people with traumatic experiences of violence in different scenarios and personal stories of survivors during the armed conflict. The qualitative technique of photo voice stands out, where painful events of the people are evidenced, an analysis of the situation is allowed, the reality is reconstructed, later it is intervened to generate social transformations. The tool, narrative therapy of the authors Michael White and David Epston is applied. During the course of this course, it is identified that Colombia continues to experience, over time, the consequences of wounds left by the warfare; and a process of peace treaty continues in which the most vulnerable population (indigenous communities, peasants, social leaders, among others) continues to be affected, this directs us to structure psychosocial strategies and actions that are implemented in the different reported cases of the victims of the conflict, from the role of psychologist it is intended to provide solutions individually - collectively for coping with difficult situations such as displacement, post-trauma stress, depression, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, among others. On the other hand, the psychology professional must be in total listening disposition, during the expression of the victims of the conflict, since through narratives it is possible to find a way out of suffering and pain. This work also develops skills that are competent for the interpretation of own and others' actions through image Therapeutic psychological intervention is essential; it seeks to make positive transformations in the lives of these people aimed at making significant changes in their lives, regaining dignity, Generating social skills, resilience, empowerment, conflict resolution and projecting their lives to a future full of hope and progress

    Novel Porous Materials Solution for Instability Decrease of Problem Soils under Buildings

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    Problem clay soils represent a great cracking problem for all light buildings over them because of volumetric instability caused by variations in moisture. A generalized solution has been to extract them and substituted by inert soil, thus they become construction trash. A foundation solution to solve the problem of soil is inverted ribbed slab which generates hollow spaces between the soil and the slab for the soil movement. Therefore this work presents a novel solution for reducing instability of soils based on the inclusion of natural porous material within its structure. After results, we conclude that porous material placed within the soil decreased their growth favorably and it depended on its natural void volume. In fact total vertical deformation of the soil (by volume) was decreased with only 65% of its value within the voids when it theoretically should be equal to the vertical volume deformed. This is probably due growth pressure soil was redirected into the porous which generates greater density in the soil introduced requiring less void volume of the total volume deformed. So, according to the natural growth of the clay soil we may include porous materials with the amount of void volume required for such growth

    Lung ultrasound as a translational approach for non-invasive assessment of heart failure with reduced or preserved ejection fraction in mice

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    Aims: Heart failure (HF) has become an epidemic and constitutes a major medical, social, and economic problem worldwide. Despite advances in medical treatment, HF prognosis remains poor. The development of efficient therapies is hampered by the lack of appropriate animal models in which HF can be reliably determined, particularly in mice. The development of HF in mice is often assumed based on the presence of cardiac dysfunction, but HF itself is seldom proved. Lung ultrasound (LUS) has become a helpful tool for lung congestion assessment in patients at all stages of HF. We aimed to apply this non-invasive imaging tool to evaluate HF in mouse models of both systolic and diastolic dysfunction. Methods and results: We used LUS to study HF in a mouse model of systolic dysfunction, dilated cardiomyopathy, and in a mouse model of diastolic dysfunction, diabetic cardiomyopathy. LUS proved to be a reliable and reproducible tool to detect pulmonary congestion in mice. The combination of LUS and echocardiography allowed discriminating those mice that develop HF from those that do not, even in the presence of evident cardiac dysfunction. The study showed that LUS can be used to identify the onset of HF decompensation and to evaluate the efficacy of therapies for this syndrome. Conclusions: This novel approach in mouse models of cardiac disease enables for the first time to adequately diagnose HF non-invasively in mice with preserved or reduced ejection fraction, and will pave the way to a better understanding of HF and to the development of new therapeutic approaches.This study was supported by grants from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (SAF2015-65722-R), Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid (2010-BMD2321, FIBROTEAM Consortium), European Union's FP7 (CardioNeT-ITN-289600, CardioNext-ITN-608027) and the Spanish Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CPII14/00027 to E.L-P, RD12/0042/0054 to B.I. and RD12/0042/066 to P.G.-P. and E.L-P). This work was also supported by the Plan Estatal de I+D+I 2013-2016 - European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) "A way of making Europe", Spain. The CNIC is supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (MINECO) and the Pro CNIC Foundation, and is a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (MINECO award SEV-2015-0505).S
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