2,243 research outputs found

    Growing dust grains in protoplanetary discs - III. vertical settling

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    TM acknowledges the support of a Swinburne Special Studies Programme. GL is grateful to the Australian Research Council for funding via Discovery project grant DP1094585, and acknowledges funding from the European Research Council for the FP7 ERC advanced grant project ECOGAL. JFG's research was conducted within the Lyon Institute of Origins under grant ANR-10-LABX-66.We aim to derive a simple analytic model to understand the essential properties of vertically settling growing dust grains in laminar protoplanetary discs. Separating the vertical dynamics from the motion in the disc mid-plane, we integrate the equations of motion for both a linear and an exponential grain growth rate. Numerical integrations are performed for more complex growth models. We find that the settling efficiency depends on the value of the dimensionless parameter γ , which characterizes the relative efficiency of grain growth with respect to the gas drag. Since γ is expected to be of the same order as the initial dust-to-gas ratio in the disc (≃10−2), grain growth enhances the energy dissipation of the dust particles and improves the settling efficiency in protoplanetary discs. This behaviour is mostly independent of the growth model considered as well as of the radial drift of the particles.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Efecto de la línea genética y de dietas enriquecidas en ácido oleico sobre los parámetros productivos del cerdo Ibérico

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    [ES] La genética y la alimentación son dos de los principales factores que afectan a la producción del cerdo Ibérico, así como a la calidad de su carne y de sus productos cárnicos. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la línea genética y de la alimentación durante el cebo, así como su interacción, sobre los parámetros productivos del cerdo Ibérico. Para ello, se utilizaron un total de 96 cerdos Ibéricos machos y castrados, que fueron divididos en 12 lotes (n=8) siguiendo un diseño factorial 4×3 con dos líneas genéticas (Retinto, RR, y Torbiscal, TT) y sus cruces recíprocos (R×T and T×R). Los cerdos fueron cebados en intensivo con tres tipos de piensos enriquecidos con tres niveles de ácido oleico (bajo, L, medio, M y alto, H). Los resultados mostraron un menor (p<0.05) consumo diario y una menor ganancia media diaria en los cerdos RR que en los RT, TR y TT. Así mismo, se observó un menor peso final en los cerdos RR que en los otros grupos genéticos. No se observaron diferencias en el índice de conversión entre los grupos estudiados. Con respecto al efecto de la dieta, los cerdos del lote L presentaron menor consumo diario e índice de conversión que los H y M. El tipo de dieta no afectó a la ganancia media diaria ni al peso final. Por ello, puede concluirse que los parámetros productivos del cruce Retinto×Torbiscal son similares a los de la línea pura Torbiscal, mejorando significativamente los de la línea pura Retinto.[EN] As it is well known, genetic and feeding are two fundamental factors affecting the Iberian pig production, meat and meat product quality. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effect of genetic and nutrition factors, and their interaction, on productive parameters of Iberian pigs during the final fattening period prior to slaughter. For this purpose, a total of 96 castrated male Iberian pigs were allotted into twelve groups (n=8) following a 4×3 factorial design with two Iberian genetic lines (Retinto, RR, and Torbiscal, TT) and their reciprocal crosses (R×T and T×R) fed in intensive conditions with three different oleic acid enriched diets (low, L, medium, M and high, H levels). The results showed a significant (P<0.05) lower daily intake, average daily gain (ADG) and final weight in RR compared to RT, TR and TT Iberian pigs. Related to diet, L pigs exhibited lower (P<0.05) daily intake and feed conversion ratio than H and M ones, without differences in ADG and final weight. So, it can be concluded that productive parameters of Retinto×Torbiscal crosses are close to those of pure Torbiscal line, improving those of pure Retinto line.The research was supported by the National Institute for Agronomic Research (INIA) assigned to the State Secretariat of Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (Project RTA2012-00054-C02).Tejeda, J.; Carrapiso, A.; Noguera, J.; Ibáñez-Escriche, N.; Gonzalez, E. (2018). Productive parameters of Iberian pig as affected by genetic line and oleic acid enriched diets. Archivos de Zootecnia. Sup. 1:41-43. https://doi.org/10.21071/az.v67iSupplement.3569S4143Sup.

    New Phenomenon of Nonlinear Regge Trajectory and Quantum Dual String Theory

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    The relation between the spin and the mass of an infinite number of particles in a qq-deformed dual string theory is studied. For the deformation parameter qq a root of unity, in addition to the relation of such values of qq with the rational conformal field theory, the Fock space of each oscillator mode in the Fubini-Veneziano operator formulation becomes truncated. Thus, based on general physical grounds, the resulting spin-(mass)2^2 relation is expected to be below the usual linear trajectory. For such specific values of qq, we find that the linear Regge trajectory turns into a square-root trajectory as the mass increases.Comment: 12 pages, Latex, HU-SEFT R 1994-0

    Efecto de la genética y de la dieta sobre el lomo fresco del cerdo Ibérico (m. Longissimus dorsi)

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    [EN] This study was aimed to evaluate the effect of different genetic lines, diets and their interaction on the weight, yield, intramuscular fat content (IMF) and colour of loin (m. Longissimus dorsi) of Iberian pig. Ninety-six castrated male Iberian pigs were allotted into twelve groups (n=8) following a 4×3 factorial design with two Iberian genetic lines (Retinto, RR, and Torbiscal, TT) and their reciprocal crosses (R×T and T×R) fed in intensive conditions with three different oleic acid enriched diets (low, L, medium, M and high, H levels). Regarding loin weight and yield a significant effect of genetic line was observed due to the higher (P<0.05) scores in TT line compared to RR line, with intermediate levels in R×T and T×R pigs. However, when physicochemical parameters are evaluated, as fat content and meat colour, RR pigs exhibited significantly higher intramuscular fat (IMF) content, a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) values than TT, R×T and T×R pigs. None of the other factors studied, diet and genetic×diet interaction, showed significant effect on weight, yield, IMF and colour of loin.[ES] El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el efecto de la línea genética, la dieta y su interacción sobre el peso, rendimiento, contenido en grasa intramuscular y color del lomo (m. Longissimus dorsi) del cerdo Ibérico. Se utilizaron un total de 96 cerdos Ibéricos machos y castrados, que fueron divididos en 12 lotes (n=8) siguiendo un diseño factorial 4×3, con dos líneas genéticas (Retinto, RR, y Torbiscal, TT) y sus cruces recíprocos (R×T y T×R). Los cerdos fueron cebados en intensivo con tres tipos de piensos enriquecidos con tres niveles de ácido oleico (bajo, L, medio, M y alto, H). Se observó un efecto significativo (P<0.05) de la línea genética sobre el peso y el rendimiento del lomo, con valores superiores en ambos parámetros en la línea TT que en la línea RR, presentando valores intermedios los lotes R×T y T×R. Sin embargo, en relación a los parámetros físico-químicos, los lomos de los animales pertenecientes a la línea RR presentaron mayor (p<0.05) contenido en grasa intramuscular (IMF) y valores más elevados de a* (rojo) y b* (amarillo) que los cerdos TT, R×T y T×R. Ni la dieta, ni la interacción dieta×genética afectaron a los parámetros analizados en este estudio sobre el lomo del cerdo Ibérico.The research was supported by the National Institute for Agronomic Research (INIA) assigned to the State Secretariat of Research, Development and Innovation of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain (Project RTA2012-00054-C02).Gonzalez, E.; Carrapiso, A.; Noguera, J.; Ibáñez-Escriche, N.; Tejeda, J. (2018). Effect of genetic and diet on Iberian pig fresh loin (m. Longissimus dorsi). Archivos de Zootecnia. Sup. 1:185-187. https://doi.org/10.21071/az.v67iSupplement.3600S185187Sup.

    Correlation energies of inhomogeneous many-electron systems

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    We generalize the uniform-gas correlation energy formalism of Singwi, Tosi, Land and Sjolander to the case of an arbitrary inhomogeneous many-particle system. For jellium slabs of finite thickness with a self-consistent LDA groundstate Kohn-Sham potential as input, our numerical results for the correlation energy agree well with diffusion Monte Carlo results. For a helium atom we also obtain a good correlation energy.Comment: 4 pages,1 figur

    Environmental benzene exposure assessment for parent-child pairs in Rouen, France

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    International audienceThere is a lack of data on environmental benzene exposure in children. In this study, we compared personal benzene exposure and inhalation uptake in a group of children to those of their parents. We also compared levels of urinary benzene metabolites, trans, trans-muconic acid (MA) and hydroquinone (HQ), for those two groups, and assessed the correlation between personal benzene exposure and urinary MA and HQ concentrations. The study was performed on 21, 2-3-year-old children and their parents recruited on a voluntary basis among non-smokers from the three largest day-care centers of the town of Rouen in France. Average benzene concentrations were measured over 5 consecutive days with diffusive. samplers. The following simultaneous measurements were carried out: personal exposure of the parents, concentrations inside and outside the day care centers, and inside the volunteer's bedrooms. Morning and evening urine samples were collected during the same period. Benzene personal exposure levels were 14.4 +/- 7.7 mug/m(3) and 11.09 +/- 6.15 mug/m(3) in parents and children, respectively. Benzene inhalation uptake estimates were 2.51 +/- 1.23 mug/kg/day in the group of parents and 5.68 +/- 3.17 mug/kg/day in the group of children. Detectable levels of MA and HQ were found in 85% and 100% of the samples, respectively. Intra-individual variation of urinary MA and HQ concentrations expressed as a coefficient of variation (CV) ranged from 63 to 232% and from 13 to 144%, respectively. Mean values of MA and HQ (in mg/g creatinine) were 1.6- and 1.8-fold higher in the group of children than in the group of parents (P=0.008 and P<0.0001, respectively). Significant correlations between metabolites levels and benzene were not found

    CPT Violation and the Nature of Neutrinos

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    In order to accommodate the neutrino oscillation signals from the solar, atmospheric, and LSND data, a sterile fourth neutrino is generally invoked, though the fits to the data are becoming more and more constrained. However, it has recently been shown that the data can be explained with only three neutrinos, if one invokes CPT violation to allow different masses and mixing angles for neutrinos and antineutrinos. We explore the nature of neutrinos in such CPT-violating scenarios. Majorana neutrino masses are allowed, but in general, there are no longer Majorana neutrinos in the conventional sense. However, CPT-violating models still have interesting consequences for neutrinoless double beta decay. Compared to the usual case, while the larger mass scale (from LSND) may appear, a greater degree of suppression can also occur.Comment: 10 pages, 1 figur

    Encauzar la libertad: un reto para el nuevo milenio una mirada a los jóvenes y sus tecnologías desde L. Polo

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    Por medio de este estudio exploraremos si el concepto de libertad ha debido cambiar o ha cambiado con el paso del tiempo. Estudiaremos las concepciones de la libertad y, brevemente, analizaremos las diferentes posturas de quiénes la han definido. El ser humano busca realizarse como persona y es a través del manejo de la libertad que se acerca o se aleja del bien. En la adolescencia, etapa por antonomasia en que el ser humano descubre su intimidad y se rebela a lo establecido, reclama para sí mayor autonomía y “libertad”. Por eso centraremos nuestra atención en esta etapa del desarrollo de la persona. La ansiada libertad en estos años de formación generalmente la entienden los adolescentes como dar rienda suelta a sus apetencias sensoriales. Sabemos que los adolescentes en la actualidad se enfrentan a un mundo que cambia en segundos, y se ven forzados a adaptarse a él. Analizaremos que la única manera que tiene el ser humano de ser dueño de sí mismo será entendiendo la libertad como lo que realmente es: un don inmerecido de Dios que debemos cultivar. Dentro de los escenarios actuales donde nuestros adolescentes deben desenvolverse, presentaremos nuestra idea de formación, que debe radicar sobre la libertad personal. Añadiremos en nuestro estudio la llegada de la tecnología que acelera, por decirlo de alguna manera, la percepción de la reclamada libertad. Expondremos que, como seres humanos perfectibles, tenemos en nuestras manos un potencial enorme, que, al desarrollar virtudes, acrecentamos nuestra libertad