234 research outputs found

    Estudio de viabilidad económica de la implantación de bioceldas en una planta de tratamiento de aguas residuales

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    Las aguas residuales generadas en la industria de los zumos se caracterizan entre otras cosas por presentar altas concentraciones de materia orgánica, la cual es muy costosa de eliminar con los tratamientos que existen actualmente.En los últimos años están surgiendo numerosos estudios en torno al uso de celdas de combustible microbiológicas o bioceldas como método de tratamiento de aguas residuales. En este artículo se ha realizado un estudio de viabilidad económica de la implantación de 10 bioceldas para tratar las aguas residuales generadas en una industria de este tipo. Para ello, se analizaron tres posibles escenarios que podrían darse utilizando estos sistemas y se compararon los resultados obtenidos con el uso de un reactor convencional de fangos activos. Los resultados obtenidos para el VAN mostraron que la utilizaciónde bioceldas podría proporcionar un ahorro comprendido entre un 10 y 20 % aproximadamente dependiendo de si es un escenario pesimista u optimista, respectivamente, teniendo en cuenta un tiempo de vida de la planta de 15 años. El área de electrodo por celda considerada en este estudio fue de 0,36 m2, la cual dio lugar a densidades de potencia algo más altas que las encontradas en la bibliografía. Por ello, se decidió realizar un análisis de sensibilidad considerando áreas de electrodo de 0,5 m2 y 0,8 m2 en las bioceldas. Se encontró que aún utilizandoáreas de 0,5 m2 el VAN seguiría siendo positivo en todos los escenarios considerados y para el valor de 0,8 m2 se obtuvieron también resultados favorables en el escenario optimista. Estos resultados muestran que siempre que se cumplan los criterios establecidos en este estudio, la depuración mediante bioceldas en una industria de este tipo podría ser una alternativa más rentable que la depuración convencional mediante fangos activos

    Impacts of thinning of a Mediterranean oak forest on soil properties influencing water infiltration

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    In Mediterranean ecosystems, special attention needs to be paid to forest-water relationships due to water scarcity. In this context, Adaptive Forest Management (AFM) has the objective to establish how forest resources have to be managed with regards to the efficient use of water, which needs maintaining healthy soil properties even after disturbance. The main objective of this investigation was to understand the effect of one of the AFM methods, namely forest thinning, on soil hydraulic properties. At this aim, soil hydraulic characterization was performed on two contiguous Mediterranean oak forest plots, one of them thinned to reduce the forest density from 861 to 414 tree per ha. Three years after the intervention, thinning had not affected soil water permeability of the studied plots. Both ponding and tension infiltration runs yielded not significantly different saturated, Ks, and unsaturated, K-20, hydraulic conductivity values at the thinned and control plots. Therefore, thinning had no an adverse effect on vertical water fluxes at the soil surface. Mean Ks values estimated with the ponded ring infiltrometer were two orders of magnitude higher than K-20 values estimated with the minidisk infiltrometer, revealing probably soil structure with macropores and fractures . The input of hydrophobic organic matter, as a consequence of the addition of plant residues after the thinning treatment, resulted in slight differences in terms of both water drop penetration time, WDPT, and the index of water repellency, R, between thinned and control plots. Soil water repellency only affected unsaturated soil hydraulic conductivity measurements. Moreover, K-20 values showed a negative correlation with both WDPT and R, whereas Ks values did not, revealing that the soil hydrophobic behavior has no impact on saturated hydraulic conductivity

    Regulator of calcineurin 1 modulates vascular contractility and stiffness through the upregulation of COX-2-derived prostanoids

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    Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) derived-prostanoids participate in the altered vascular function and mechanical properties in cardiovascular diseases. We investigated whether regulator of calcineurin 1 (Rcan1) participates in vascular contractility and stiffness through the regulation of COX-2. For this, wild type (Rcan1+/+) and Rcan1-deficient (Rcan1-/-) mice untreated or treated with the COX-2 inhibitor rofecoxib were used. Vascular function and structure were analysed by myography. COX-2 and phospo-p65 expression were studied by western blotting and immunohistochemistry and TXA2 production by ELISA. We found that Rcan1 deficiency increases COX-2 and IL-6 expression and NF-κB activation in arteries and vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMC). Adenoviral-mediated re-expression of Rcan1.4 in Rcan1-/- VSMC normalized COX-2 expression. Phenylephrine-induced vasoconstrictor responses were greater in aorta from Rcan1-/- compared to Rcan1+/+ mice. This increased response were diminished by etoricoxib, furegrelate, SQ 29548, cyclosporine A and parthenolide, inhibitors of COX-2, TXA2 synthase, TP receptors, calcineurin and NF-κB, respectively. Endothelial removal and NOS inhibition increased phenylephrine responses only in Rcan1+/+ mice. TXA2 levels were greater in Rcan1-/- mice. In small mesenteric arteries, vascular function and structure were similar in both groups of mice; however, vessels from Rcan1-/- mice displayed an increase in vascular stiffness that was diminished by rofecoxib. In conclusion, our results suggest that Rcan1 might act as endogenous negative modulator of COX-2 expression and activity by inhibiting calcineurin and NF-kB pathways to maintain normal contractility and vascular stiffness in aorta and small mesenteric arteries, respectively. Our results uncover a new role for Rcan1 in vascular contractility and mechanical properties.This study was supported by Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO) (SAF2012-36400 and SAF2016-80305-P), Institute de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) (Red de Investigacion Cardiovascular, RD12/0042/0022 and RD12/0042/0024, CiberCV CB16/11/00286 and CB16/11/00264 and PI13/01488) Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) a way to build Europe, Comunidad de Madrid (B2017/BMD-3676), COST BM1301 and Roche-IdiPaz. VE was supported by the Ramon y Cajal Program (RYC-2013-12880).S

    Recombinant human leptin treatment in genetic lipodystrophic syndromes: the long-term Spanish experience

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    Lipodystrophies are a group of diseases mainly characterized by a loss of adipose tissue and frequently associated with insulin resistance, hypertriglyceridemia, and hepatic steatosis. In uncommon lipodystrophies, these complications frequently are difficult to control with conventional therapeutic approaches. This retrospective study addressed the effectiveness of recombinant methionyl leptin (metreleptin) for improving glucose metabolism, lipid profile, and hepatic steatosis in patients with genetic lipodystrophic syndromes. We studied nine patients (five females and four males) with genetic lipodystrophies [seven with Berardinelli-Seip syndrome, one with atypical progeroid syndrome, and one with type 2 familial partial lipodystrophy (FPLD)]. Six patients were children under age 9 years, and all patients had baseline triglycerides levels >2.26 mmol/L and hepatic steatosis; six had poorly controlled diabetes mellitus. Metreleptin was self-administered subcutaneously daily at a final dose that ranged between 0.05 and 0.24 mg/(kg day) [median: 0.08 mg/(kg day)] according to the body weight. The duration of treatment ranged from 9 months to 5 years, 9 months (median: 3 years). Plasma glucose, hemoglobin A1c (Hb A1c), lipid profile, plasma insulin and leptin, and hepatic enzymes were evaluated at baseline and at least every 6 months. Except for the patient with FPLD, metreleptin replacement significantly improved metabolic control (Hb A1c: from 10.4 to 7.1 %, p < 0.05). Plasma triglycerides were reduced 76 % on average, and hepatic enzymes decreased more than 65 %. This study extends knowledge about metreleptin replacement in genetic lipodystrophies, bearing out its effectiveness for long periods of time

    Consensus document on allergic conjunctivitis (DECA)

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    Allergic conjunctivitis (AC) is an inflammatory disease of the conjunctiva caused mainly by an IgE-mediated mechanism. It is the most common type of ocular allergy. Despite being the most benign form of conjunctivitis, AC has a considerable effect on patient quality of life, reduces work productivity, and increases health care costs. No consensus has been reached on its classification, diagnosis, or treatment. Consequently, the literature provides little information on its natural history, epidemiological data are scarce, and it is often difficult to ascertain its true morbidity. The main objective of the Consensus Document on Allergic Conjunctivitis (Documento dE Consenso sobre Conjuntivitis Alérgica [DECA]), which was drafted by an expert panel from the Spanish Society of Allergology and Spanish Society of Ophthalmology, was to reach agreement on basic criteria that could prove useful for both specialists and primary care physicians and facilitate the diagnosis, classification, and treatment of AC. This document is the first of its kind to describe and analyze aspects of AC that could make it possible to control symptoms

    Identifying non-destructive growth and maturity indexes of Prickly pear (Opuntia albicarpa S. Var. Burrona) and evaluation of freeze-drying conditions

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    Around the world, prickly pear fruits are valued as a source of dietary functional compounds and ingredients for innovative foods. Growth and physicochemical changes of Opuntia albicarpa S. fruits were recorded from 0 to 132 days-after-flowering (DAF) to identify non-destructive maturity-indices. Optimum-ripened fruits were freeze-dried to study physicochemical and functional characteristics of dried and rehydrated pulp. Principal component analysis confirmed growth turned into fruit ripening in DAF 99, and it lasted until DAF 132. Changes in color parameters of the peel correlated with fruit texture and pulp sugar content and taste index (P < 0.01). During freeze-drying, plate temperature had more significant effects than the thickness (P < 0.05). At 30°C, color ΔE between dried and fresh slices augmented, but, texture Δ´s (medium force) between rehydrated and fresh pulp was lower. Color tests could be used to harvest commercially-ripened fruits. Freeze-drying at 30°C improves the rehydrated slices texture regarding thickness maintaining rehydration coefficients.Las tunas son apreciadas en todo el mundo como fuente de compuestos funcionales dietarios e ingredientes para alimentos innovadores. Para identificar índices de maduración no destructivos, se registraron cambios en el crecimiento y en los parámetros fisicoquímicos de frutos de Opuntia albicarpa S. entre los días después de la floración (DAF) 0 al 132. Frutos con maduración óptima fueron liofilizados para evaluar características fisicoquímicas y funcionales de pulpa seca y rehidratada. El análisis de componentes principales confirmo que el crecimiento dio lugar a la maduración en el DAF 99 y ésta prosiguió hasta el DAF 132. Los cambios en parámetros de color en cáscara correlacionaron con la textura del fruto, y en pulpa, con el contenido de azúcares y el índice de sabor (P< 0.01). Durante la liofilización, la temperatura de placa tiene más efectos significativos que el espesor (P≤ 0.05). A 30°C, el ΔE de color entre la pulpa seca y fresca aumentó, pero, el Δ de textura (fuerza media) fue menor entre la rehidratada y la fresca. Se pueden emplear evaluaciones de color para cosechar frutos en su madurez comercial, y liofilizar estos frutos a 30°C mejora la textura sin importar el espesor, manteniendo los coeficientes de rehidratación.This work was supported by the SIMORELOS program of CONACyT

    The influence of date and place of birth on youth player selection to a National Football Association elite development programme

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    Aim: This study sought to examine whether the place and date of birth of elite youth Irish footballers influences their selection onto the Football Association of Ireland's primary development pathway; 12 regional centres of excellences called the “Emerging Talent Programme” (ETP). The proposed hypothesis was that players born earlier in the year would be over-represented compared to those born later in their age band. A secondary hypothesis was that access to the ETP would be independent of place of birth. Methods: The dates and place of birth of all elite youth footballers (n = 1936) selected onto the ETP since its inception were examined. χ2 tests were used to establish if the dates of birth differed from the expected population distribution. Odds ratios were used to identify spatial variation in relation to place of birth and talent production. Results: The results showed that admission to the ETP is not independent of quarter of birth (P .05, χ2 = 256.817, w = .388). Place of birth analysis showed an unequal geographical distribution of players gaining selection onto the ETP. Selection onto the ETP was not independent of place of birth (P < .05, χ2 = 149.457, w = .278). Footballers developed in counties that had an ETP centre were almost 50% more likely to gain selection than those without a centre (OR 1.455, 95% CI 1.314 -1.612). Conclusion: The current programme demonstrates inequitable distribution of opportunities to access elite development pathways due to biases related to date and place of birth

    Bacteria-instructed B cells cross-prime naïve CD8+ T cells triggering effective cytotoxic responses.

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    In addition to triggering humoral responses, conventional B cells have been described in vitro to cross-present exogenous antigens activating naïve CD8+ T cells. Nevertheless, the way B cells capture these exogenous antigens and the physiological roles of B cell-mediated cross-presentation remain poorly explored. Here, we show that B cells capture bacteria by trans-phagocytosis from previously infected dendritic cells (DC) when they are in close contact. Bacterial encounter "instructs" the B cells to acquire antigen cross-presentation abilities, in a process that involves autophagy. Bacteria-instructed B cells, henceforth referred to as BacB cells, rapidly degrade phagocytosed bacteria, process bacterial antigens and cross-prime naïve CD8+ T cells which differentiate into specific cytotoxic cells that efficiently control bacterial infections. Moreover, a proof-of-concept experiment shows that BacB cells that have captured bacteria expressing tumor antigens could be useful as novel cellular immunotherapies against cancer.We are grateful to advanced light microscopy and cytometry facilities of CNB for technical supporting. The research is supported by grants: SAF2017-84091- R, and PID2020-116393RB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033, financed by MCIN, BFERO2020.04, financed by FERO foundation and PI20/0036 from ISCIII. RGF is supported by BES-2016-076526 from the Spanish Ministry of Economy Industry and Competitiveness, JOP is supported by fellowship LCF/BQ/SO16/ 52270012 from La Caixa, BHF is supported by FPU18/00895 and AMP by FPU18/03199 from Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities. LdC has been supported by Juan de la Cierva grant IJC2018-035386-I and a contract associated to SEV-2017-0712. EVC, AMP, AMAM, and NMM belong to the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC)’s Cancer Hub. Synopsis image made with biorender.com by Eduardo Roman Camacho and Esteban Veiga. We thanks Prof. Dan Portnoy who kindly provided bacterial strains.S

    Behind the scenes: mechanisms regulating climatic patterns of dissolved organic carbon uptake in headwater streams

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    Large variability in dissolved organic carbon (DOC) uptake rates has been reported for headwater streams, but the causes of this variability are still not well understood. Here we assessed acetate uptake rates across 11 European streams comprising different ecoregions by using whole-reach pulse acetate additions. We evaluated the main climatic and biogeochemical drivers of acetate uptake during two seasonal periods. Our results show a minor influence of sampling periods but a strong effect of climate and dissolved organic matter (DOM) composition on acetate uptake. In particular, mean annual precipitation explained half of the variability of the acetate uptake velocities (VfAcetate) across streams. Temperate streams presented the lowest VfAcetate, together with humic-like DOM and the highest stream respiration rates. In contrast, higher VfAcetate were found in semiarid streams, with protein-like DOM, indicating a dominance of reactive, labile compounds. This, together with lower stream respiration rates and molar ratios of DOC to nitrate, suggests a strong C limitation in semiarid streams, likely due to reduced inputs from the catchment. Overall, this study highlights the interplay of climate and DOM composition and its relevance to understand the biogeochemical mechanisms controlling DOC uptake in streams.Theauthors were supported by the following funding: N. C. by a Generalitat de Catalunya-Beatriu de Pinós grant (BP2016–00215), E. E. by a predoctoral grant from the Basque Government, A. G. B. by a Generalitat de Catalunya-Beatriu de Pinós (BP-00385-2016), A. M. G. F. by a predoctoral research grant (BES-2013-065770) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, P. R. L. by a Ramón Areces Foundation Postdoctoral Scholarship, and A. L. by a Kempe Foundation stipend. DOMIPEX project was funded by the First Call of Collaborative Projects among Young Researchers of the Iberian Association of Limnology (AIL; 2013–2015)