148 research outputs found

    Cannabis medicinal, más que una encrucijada legal para el tratamiento de la epilepsia

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    In this article we will delve into the main findings that demonstrate the potential of different cannabinoid compounds serving as antiepileptic drugs and the current legislation regarding the use and cultivation of the cannabis plant in Colombia, seeking to expose the challenges faced by the research and production fields of cannabis-derived antiepileptic drugs in our country. Additionally, we will address the challenges that the legalization of cannabis-derived drugs has in our country. We certainly believe that the progress in this field is not only related to the current legal framework but also to its timely socialization and the joint work of industrial development and government entities for the clear establishment of the regulations required to develop and market cannabis-derived drugs in Colombia.En el presente artículo profundizaremos en los principales hallazgos que evidencian el potencial de diferentes compuestos cannabinoides como fármacos antiepilépticos y el estado actual de la legislación vigente en cuanto a lo concerniente a la utilización y cultivo de la planta de cannabis en Colombia, con miras a vislumbrar los retos que enfrenta la investigación y producción de fármacos antiepilépticos derivados de cannabis en nuestro país. Adicionalmente abordaremos temas como los retos que actualmente tiene la legalización de este tipo de fármacos derivados de cannabis en nuestro país. Ciertamente creemos que el avance en este campo no solo es cuestión del marco jurídico vigente sino también de su oportuna divulgación y el trabajo mancomunado del desarrollo industrial y entidades gubernamentales para el establecimiento claro de la normativa requerida para desarrollar y comercializar medicamentos derivados de cannabis en Colombia

    Late-life depression accelerates cognitive decline in a tauopathy mouse model

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    Background: Clinical studies suggest that depressive symptoms could be considered an important risk factor for the future development of cognitive impairment and even Alzheimer's disease (AD). In fact, there is a strong association between depression in later life and AD. The age of onset of AD has been shown to be accelerated in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) with a history of depression, and women appear to be particularly more vulnerable to this condition. In addition, individuals with MCI who present depressive symptoms have an elevated burden of amyloid-beta, one of the featured toxic proteins associated with Alzheimer's pathology, and a higher risk of developing AD compared to non-depressed MCI patients. Although it has been described that some transgenic models of AD can develop signs similar to depression in advanced stages, it is unknown whether late-life depression can accelerate tau-associated pathology and, therefore, acting as a risk factor for AD. Method: In this study, we induced chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) in P301S tau transgenic mice to determine whether depression is a cause, rather than a consequence, of the development of AD. Result: The results of our study indicate that the induction of CUMS in transgenic animals induces phenotypic changes related to a depressive state. Conclusion: The findings obtained after inducing late-life depression-like in P301S mice indicate that depression could be considered a risk factor for AD, by accelerating tau aggregation and worsening clinical signs.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Plan de marketing Distriladam

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    85 páginasDistriladam es una organización dedicada a la fabricación, comercialización y distribución de artículos de trayectoria y calidad para el sector de la agricultura. Inicialmente se estableció como una productora de plásticos y polisombras para el agro, pero hace unos años empezó a incursionar en el tema orgánico, buscando enfocarse en la agricultura sostenible. Ahora comercializa insumos orgánicos, abonos, insecticidas, fungicidas y sustratos. Además, fabrica materas verticales y comercializa biodigestores (recipiente cerrado herméticamente que transforma materia orgánica en gas metano y biol, fertilizante orgánico utilizado para el agro) y reservorios de agua. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo analizar la situación en la que se encuentra la empresa dentro del mercado colombiano. Para esto, se realiza un trabajo de consultoría que incluye estudio de mercado, análisis de las variables internas y externas que impactan la operación de la empresa y sus resultados comerciales junto con la identificación de tendencias, proponiendo así una plan sobre la estrategia comercial y de marketing que conducirá al empresario a tomar decisiones importantes para mejorar sus resultados actuales.Distriladam is an enterprise that manufactures, sells and distributes quality items for the agriculture sector. At the beginning, it was a plastic and poly-shade mesh producer for the agriculture, but a few years ago it began to venture into the organic market, seeking to focus on sustainable agriculture. Now, it commercializes organic inputs, fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides and substrates. In addition, it manufactures vertical pots and sells biodigesters (tightly sealed container that converts organic matter into methane gas and biol, organic fertilizer used for agriculture) and water reservoirs. This paper aims to analyze the companies’ situation within the Colombian market. For this matter, a consultancy work is carried out that includes market research, analysis of the internal and external variables that impact the operation of the company and its commercial results along with the identification of trends, thus proposing a plan on the commercial and marketing strategy that will lead the business owner to make important decisions to improve their current results.Magíster en MercadeoMaestrí

    Cognitive impairment acceleration after late-life depression in a model of Alzheimer´s disease

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    Background: Clinical studies suggest that depressive symptoms could be considered an important risk factor for the future development of cognitive impairment and even Alzheimer's disease (AD). In fact, there is a strong association between depression in later life and AD. The age of onset of AD has been shown to be accelerated in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) with a history of depression, and women appear to be particularly more vulnerable to this condition. In addition, individuals with MCI who present with depressive symptoms have an elevated burden of amyloid-beta (Aβ), the main toxic protein associated with Alzheimer's pathology, and a higher risk of developing AD compared to non-depressed MCI patients. However, it is unknown whether depression can be considered a risk factor for the development of AD. Although it has been described that some transgenic models of AD can develop signs similar to depression in advanced stages, the induction of Alzheimer's pathology due to a depressive process has not been studied under experimental conditions to emulate late-life depression as a risk factor for AD. Method: In this study, we induced chronic unpredictable mild stress (CUMS) in P301S tau transgenic mice to determine whether depression is a cause, rather than a consequence, of the development of AD. Result: The results of our study indicate that the induction of CUMS in transgenic animals of the disease give rise to changes in depressive state of the animals. Conclusion: The findings generated in this project could provide evidence of depression as a risk factor for AD, its mechanisms of action, use as early biomarkers, as well as the discovery of new therapies for AD.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Brain and Behavior Research Foundation Fondos FEDER y Universidad de Málag

    Cómo se vivencia la sexualidad en los adultos mayores gays de nacionalidad chilena

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    Tesis (Licenciado en Terapia Ocupacional)Esta investigación invita a conocer cómo comprenden la sexualidad los adultos mayores gays a través de diversas experiencias en el transcurso de su vida envueltas por la cultura chilena en cuanto al impacto social en la construcción de sus vivencias. El equipo de investigadoras accede a la información a través del estudio de caso como técnica para recolectar la información desde una metodología cualitativa, mediante entrevistas abiertas las cuales se realizaron a dos participantes con el fin de profundizar sus relatos permitiendo conocer e interpretar sus vivencias, a través de un análisis cualitativo de contenido. A través de esta investigación se concluyó que las vivencias de los adultos mayores gays están construidas desde los ideales y creencias de la sociedad acerca de esta comunidad, además se puede evidenciar cómo el contexto socio-histórico produce un impacto en la manifestación de la sexualidad en los entrevistados, donde se evidenciaron actos patriarcales, conservadores, homofóbicos dentro y fuera de la comunidad gay.This research invites us to learn how older gay adults understands sexuality through some experiences during their lives involved in Chilean culture in terms of the information trough the case study as a technique collect the information from a qualitative methodology and trough open interviews wich were conducted with two participants to deepen their stories allowing to know and interpret their experiences through a qualitative content analysis. Through this research it was concluded that the experiences of gay older adults are built from the ideals and beliefs of society about this community or can also be evidenced how the sociohistorical context produces an impact on the manifestation of sexuality in the interviewed where patriarchal, conservative, homophobic acts were evidenced within and outside the gay community

    Transgenic Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s Disease: An Integrative Analysis

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) constitutes the most prominent form of dementia among elderly individuals worldwide. Disease modeling using murine transgenic mice was first initiated thanks to the discovery of heritable mutations in amyloid precursor protein (APP) and presenilins (PS) genes. However, due to the repeated failure of translational applications from animal models to human patients, along with the recent advances in genetic susceptibility and our current understanding on disease biology, these models have evolved over time in an attempt to better reproduce the complexity of this devastating disease and improve their applicability. In this review, we provide a comprehensive overview about the major pathological elements of human AD (plaques, tauopathy, synaptic damage, neuronal death, neuroinflammation and glial dysfunction), discussing the knowledge that available mouse models have provided about the mechanisms underlying human disease. Moreover, we highlight the pros and cons of current models, and the revolution offered by the concomitant use of transgenic mice and omics technologies that may lead to a more rapid improvement of the present modeling batterThis research was funded by INSTITUTO DE SALUD CARLOS III (ISCiii) of Spain, cofinanced by FEDER funds from European Union, through grants PI21/00915 (to AG) and PI21/00914 (to JV); by JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA CONSEJERÍA DE ECONOMÍA Y CONOCIMIENTO through grants UMA18-FEDERJA-211 (to AG), UMA20-FEDERJA-104 (to IMG), P18-RT-2233 (to AG) and US-1262734 (to JV) co-financed by Programa Operativo FEDER 2014–2020 and CONSEJERIA DE SALUD grant PI-0276-2018 (to JAGL); by SPANISH MINISTER OF SCIENCE AND INNOVATION grant PID2019-108911RA-100 (to DBV), BEATRIZ GALINDO PROGRAM BAGAL18/00052 (to DBV), Alzheimer Association AARG-22-928219 (to DBV), grant PID2019-107090RA-100 (to IMG) and RAMON Y CAJAL PROGRAM RYC-2017-21879 (to IMG); and by MALAGA UNIVERSITY grant B1-2019_07 (to ESM), grant B1-2020_04 (to JAGL), grant B1-2019_06 (to IMG) and NASARD grant 27565 2018 (to IMG). M.M.-O. held a predoctoral contract from Malaga University, J.J.F.-V. held a postdoctoral contract from Malaga University, and E.S.-M. a postdoctoral contract (DOC_00251) from Junta de Andalucia. Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga

    Gelsolin activity controls efficient early HIV-1 infection

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    HIV-1 entry into target lymphocytes requires the activity of actin adaptors that stabilize and reorganize cortical F-actin, like moesin and filamin-A. These alterations are necessary for the redistribution of CD4-CXCR4/CCR5 to one pole of the cell, a process that increases the probability of HIV-1 Envelope (Env)-CD4/co-receptor interactions and that generates the tension at the plasma membrane necessary to potentiate fusion pore formation, thereby favouring early HIV-1 infection. However, it remains unclear whether the dynamic processing of F-actin and the amount of cortical actin available during the initial virus-cell contact are required to such events

    Understanding the retreat of the Jurassic Cantabrian coast (N. Spain): comprehensive monitoring and 4D evolution model of the Tazones Lighthouse landslide

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    Forecasting coastal dynamics and sea cliff retreat under different sea level rise scenarios requires a good understanding of the conditioning factors and their relative contribution to cliff stability. The so-called Jurassic Cantabrian Coast extends along 76 km of the coastline of the Asturias region (N Spain) and is well-known worldwide due to its paleontological heritage, in particular the presence of dinosaur remains and footprints. The abundance of stratigraphic, paleontological and tectonic studies contrasts with the scarcity of studies focused on the stability of this rocky coastline where cliffs predominate, sometimes exceeding 120 m in height. In fact, evidence of current and recent instability processes can be observed along the entire coastline. In this regard, continuous monitoring is crucial to understand ongoing instabilities in rocky coastlines, as in these settings some instabilities might initiate as slow movements that induce subtle topographic changes whose detection from either satellite or aerial imagery is problematic due to the spatial and temporal resolutions.This research is part of 1) the “COSINES” Project [CGL2017-83909-R], Call 2017 for RETOS Projects funded by the Spanish Economy, Industry and Competitiveness Ministry-Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (MINECO), the Spanish Research Agency-Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and the European Regional Development Found (FEDER) and 2) the GEOCANCOSTA research group, supported by the Asturian Regional Government (Spain) [grant number GRUPIN-IDI-2018-184]

    Experiencia del Sistema Nacional de Salud Mexicano en el desarrollo de guías de práctica clínica

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    ResumenAntecedentesLas guías de práctica clínica son herramientas que han demostrado hacer más racionales las decisiones en salud y disminuir la brecha entre la acción clínica y la evidencia científica.ObjetivoEl estudio tiene como objetivo compartir la experiencia en el desarrollo y actualización de guías por el Sistema Nacional de Salud de México.Material y métodosLa metodología en el desarrollo de guías consta de 5 fases: priorización, conformación de grupos de trabajo, desarrollo por adopción de guías internacionales o de novo, validación e integración en el Catálogo maestro de guías de práctica clínica para su difusión.ResultadosEl Catálogo maestro de guías de práctica clínica aloja 664 guías, distribuidas de la siguiente forma: 42% son de Medicina Interna, 22% de Cirugía, 24% de Pediatría y el 12% de Ginecología y Obstetricia. Del total de las guías, se da cobertura al 85% del Catálogo universal de servicios de salud, al 84% del Fondo de protección contra gastos catastróficos y al 61% del Seguro Médico Siglo XXI de la Comisión Nacional de Protección Social en Salud.DiscusiónEl resultado es la suma de un esfuerzo de coordinación y cooperación de las instituciones del Sistema Nacional de Salud, de las voluntades políticas y del compromiso de 3,477 profesionales de la salud que participan en el desarrollo y actualización de las guías.ConclusionesLa integración, difusión e implantación de las guías del Catálogo maestro mejora la calidad de la atención y seguridad de los usuarios del Sistema Nacional de Salud.AbstractBackgroundClinical practice guidelines are tools that have been able to streamline decisions made in health issues and to decrease the gap between clinical action and scientific evidence.ObjectiveThe objective of the study is to share the experience in the development and to update the guidelines by the National Health System of Mexico.Material and methodsThe methodology in the development of the guidelines consists of 5 phases: prioritisation, establishment of work groups, development by adoption of international guidelines of de novo, validation and integration in the Master catalogue of clinical practice guidelines for its dissemination.ResultsThe Master catalogue of clinical practice guidelines contains 664 guidelines, distributed in 42% Internal Medicine, 22% Surgery, 24% Pediatrics and 12% Gynecology. From the total of guidelines coverage is granted at an 85% of the Universal catalogue of health services, an 84% of the Catastrophic expenses protection fund and a 61% of the XXI Century Medical Insurance of the National Commission of Social Protection in Health.DiscussionThe result is the sum of a great effort of coordination and cooperation between the institutions of the National Health System, political wills and a commitment of 3,477 health professionals that participate in guidelines’ development and update.ConclusionMaster catalogue guidelines’ integration, diffusion and implantation improve quality of attention and security of the users of the National Health System

    Plaque-Associated Oligomeric Amyloid-Beta Drives Early Synaptotoxicity in APP/PS1 Mice Hippocampus: Ultrastructural Pathology Analysis

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a devastating neurodegenerative disorder characterized by initial memory impairments that progress to dementia. In this sense, synaptic dysfunction and loss have been established as the pathological features that best correlate with the typical early cognitive decline in this disease. At the histopathological level, post mortem AD brains typically exhibit intraneuronal neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) along with the accumulation of amyloid-beta (Abeta) peptides in the form of extracellular deposits. Specifically, the oligomeric soluble forms of Abeta are considered the most synaptotoxic species. In addition, neuritic plaques are Abeta deposits surrounded by activated microglia and astroglia cells together with abnormal swellings of neuronal processes named dystrophic neurites. These periplaque aberrant neurites are mostly presynaptic elements and represent the first pathological indicator of synaptic dysfunction. In terms of losing synaptic proteins, the hippocampus is one of the brain regions most affected in AD patients. In this work, we report an early decline in spatial memory, along with hippocampal synaptic changes, in an amyloidogenic APP/PS1 transgenic model. Quantitative electron microscopy revealed a spatial synaptotoxic pattern around neuritic plaques with significant loss of periplaque synaptic terminals, showing rising synapse loss close to the border, especially in larger plaques. Moreover, dystrophic presynapses were filled with autophagic vesicles in detriment of the presynaptic vesicular density, probably interfering with synaptic function at very early synaptopathological disease stages. Electron immunogold labeling showed that the periphery of amyloid plaques, and the associated dystrophic neurites, was enriched in Abeta oligomers supporting an extracellular location of the synaptotoxins. Finally, the incubation of primary neurons with soluble fractions derived from 6-month-old APP/PS1 hippocampus induced significant loss of synaptic proteins, but not neuronal death. Indeed, this preclinical transgenic model could serve to investigate therapies targeted at initial stages of synaptic dysfunction relevant to the prodromal and early AD.This study was supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCiii) of Spain, co-financed by the FEDER funds from European Union, through grants PI18/01557 (to AG) and PI18/01556 (to JV); by the Junta de Andalucia Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento through grants UMA18-FEDERJA-211 (to AG), P18-RT-2233 (to AG), and US-1262734 (to JV) co-financed by Programa Operativo FEDER 2014–2020; by the Spanish Minister of Science and Innovation grant PID2019-108911RA-100 (to DB-V), Beatriz Galindo program BAGAL18/00052 (to DB-V) grant PID2019-107090RA-I00 (to IM-G), and Ramon y Cajal Program RYC-2017-21879 (to IM-G); and by the Malaga University grants B1-2019_07 (to ES-M) and B1-2019_06 (to IM-G). MM-O held a predoctoral contract from Malaga University and ES-M a postdoctoral contract (DOC_00251) from Junta de Andalucia