487 research outputs found

    Metainformation scenarios in Digital Humanities: Characterization and conceptual modelling strategies

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    Requirements for the analysis, interpretation and reuse of information are becoming more and more ambitious as we generate larger and more complex datasets. This is leading to the development and widespread use of information about information, often called metainformation (or metadata) in most disciplines. The Digital Humanities are not an exception. We often assume that metainformation helps us in documenting information for future reference by recording who has created it, when and how, among other aspects. We also assume that recording metainformation will facilitate the tasks of interpreting information at later stages. However, some works have identified some issues with existing metadata approaches, related to 1) the proliferation of too many “standards” and difficulties to choose between them; 2) the generalized assumption that metadata and data (or metainformation and information) are essentially different, and the subsequent development of separate sets of languages and tools for each (introducing redundant models); and 3) the combination of conceptual and implementation concerns within most approaches, violating basic engineering principles of modularity and separation of concerns. Some of these problems are especially relevant in Digital Humanities. In addition, we argue here that the lack of characterization of the scenarios in which metainformation plays a relevant role in humanistic projects often results in metainformation being recorded and managed without a specific purpose in mind. In turn, this hinders the process of decision making on issues such as what metainformation must be recorded in a specific project, and how it must be conceptualized, stored and managed. This paper presents a review of the most used metadata approaches in Digital Humanities and, taking a conceptual modelling perspective, analyses their major issues as outlined above. It also describes what the most common scenarios for the use of metainformation in Digital Humanities are, presenting a characterization that can assist in the setting of goals for metainformation recording and management in each case. Based on these two aspects, a new approach is proposed for the conceptualization, recording and management of metainformation in the Digital Humanities, using the ConML conceptual modelling language, and adopting the overall view that metainformation is not essentially different to information. The proposal is validated in Digital Humanities scenarios through case studies employing real-world datasetsThis work was partially supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness under its Competitive Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Research Programme (FJCI-2016-28032)S

    The significance of «S-C» structures found in the Berzosa-Honrubia region (Spanish Central System)

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    [Resumen] En el extremo oriental del Sistema Central Español, existen evidencias de un episodio tect6nico fini -hercínico, que se manifiesta en el desarrollo de una banda de 1 a 2 Km de anchura, de dirección submeridiana y buzamiento al este en la que son frecuentes estructuras de tipo «S-C» dúctiles. Esta banda probablemente extensional, se superpone a la estructura singular de segunda fase hercínica (D2), conocida como Zona de Cizalla de Berzosa (Z.C.B., CAPOTE, R. et alters, 1981; GONZALEZ CASADO,]. M., 1986), tradicionalmente interpretada como un cabalgamiento dúctil hacia el noroeste retrovergido por la fase de pliegues longitudinales D3. La zona descrita coincide además espacialmente con una banda donde existen procesos hidrotermales tardíos, los cuales podrían relacionarse genéticamente con la estructura citada. El probable episodio extensional descrito, puede relacionarse con la etapa de extensión regional generalizada que se desarrolla durante el final del ciclo hercínico en toda la cadena. Período este bien reflejado en muchos puntos del Sistema Central Español, en forma de importantes accidentes tectónicos extensionales, principalmente de dirección este-oeste y buzamiento norte o sur.[Abstract] In the east end of the Spanish Central System there are sorne evidence of a latehercynian tectonic event. Field evidences includes the presence of «S» and «C» planes (composite planar fabrics), in a band of 1 or 2 Km of wide, with an eastwest direction and dipping to the east. This area has probable an extensional origin and has been superimposed to a structure related to the herc.ynian second phase (D2) know as the Berzosa Shear Zone (B.S.Z., CAPOTE, R., et alters, 1981; GONZALEZ CASADO, J. M., 1986). The B.S.Z. has ben interpreted as a ductil thrust towards the nort-oest, backfolded by a phase of longitudinal folds 03. The investigated region shows a spatial correlation with a band where there are sorne late hidrotermal process, what could be genetic related with the studied structure. Microstructural evidence are internally consistent with field observations. It appears that data are compatible with N-S oriented extensional detachment, dipping to the east, with and east-under-west sense of movement. This event could be correlated with a period of regional extension found elsewhere in the Spanish Central System. Developped for aH the belt during the end of the hercynian cicle. This last even is weH developped in several points of the Spanish Central System and can be seen as severa! E-W oriented detachment systems, dipping to the N and S (extensional tectonics)

    Retos energéticos en el ámbito rural de Castilla y León

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    Este estudio tiene como objetivo principal analizar los retos energéticos a los que se enfrenta el ámbito rural de Castilla y León, y proponer soluciones para impulsar una transición energética sostenible en esta región. Se examinará la situación actual en términos de suministro, consumo y eficiencia energética en las áreas rurales, y se analizarán los obstáculos y oportunidades para promover el uso de fuentes de energía renovable, la eficiencia energética y la autogeneración de energía en comunidades rurales. Se espera que este estudio contribuya a la comprensión de los retos específicos que enfrenta el ámbito rural en materia energética, y proporcione recomendaciones prácticas para impulsar una transformación energética sostenible y beneficiosa tanto para las comunidades rurales como para el medio ambiente.Grado en Comerci

    Analysis of the Use of Color and Its Emotional Relationship in Visual Creations Based on Experiences during the Context of the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Color is a complex communicative element. At the level of artistic creation, this component influences both formal aspects and symbolic weight, directly affecting the construction of the message, and its associated emotion. During the COVID-19 pandemic, people generated countless images transmitting the subjective experiences of this event, and the social network Instagram was used to share this visual material. Using the repository of images created in the Instagram account CAM (The COVID Art Museum), we propose a methodology to understand the use of color and its emotional relationship in this context. The proposed methodology consists of creating a model that learns to recognize emotions via a convolutional neural network using the ArtEmis database. This model will subsequently be applied to recognize emotions in the CAM dataset, also extracting color attributes and their harmonies. Once both processes are completed, we combine the results, generating an expanded discussion on the usage of color and emotion. The results indicate that warm colors and analog compositions prevail in the sample. The relationship between emotions and composition shows a trend in positive emotions, reinforced by the results of the emotional relationship analysis of color attributes (hue, saturation, and lighting

    Assisting Forensic Identification through Unsupervised Information Extraction of Free Text Autopsy Reports: The Disappearances Cases during the Brazilian Military Dictatorship

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    Anthropological, archaeological, and forensic studies situate enforced disappearance as a strategy associated with the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964–1985), leaving hundreds of persons without identity or cause of death identified. Their forensic reports are the only existing clue for people identification and detection of possible crimes associated with them. The exchange of information among institutions about the identities of disappeared people was not a common practice. Thus, their analysis requires unsupervised techniques, mainly due to the fact that their contextual annotation is extremely time-consuming, difficult to obtain, and with high dependence on the annotator. The use of these techniques allows researchers to assist in the identification and analysis in four areas: Common causes of death, relevant body locations, personal belongings terminology, and correlations between actors such as doctors and police officers involved in the disappearances. This paper analyzes almost 3000 textual reports of missing persons in São Paulo city during the Brazilian dictatorship through unsupervised algorithms of information extraction in Portuguese, identifying named entities and relevant terminology associated with these four criteria. The analysis allowed us to observe terminological patterns relevant for people identification (e.g., presence of rings or similar personal belongings) and automate the study of correlations between actors. The proposed system acts as a first classificatory and indexing middleware of the reports and represents a feasible system that can assist researchers working in pattern search among autopsy reportsThis research was partially funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and 5 Competitiveness under its Competitive Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Research Programme, grant FJCI-2016-6 28032 and from the European Union, through the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Network ‘CHEurope: Critical Heritage Studies and the Future of Europe’ H2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, grant 722416S

    Firm heterogeneity and aggregate business services exports : micro evidence from Belgium, France, Germany and Spain

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    En este trabajo se emplean microdatos de exportaciones de servicios desagregados por empresa-destino-tipo de servicio con la finalidad de analizar cómo afectan las características de las empresas a las exportaciones agregadas de servicios en Bélgica, Francia, Alemania y España para el período 2003-2007. El nivel y el crecimiento de las exportaciones agregadas se descomponen en diferentes márgenes, prestando una atención especial a la heterogeneidad empresarial dentro de cada país. Los resultados corroboran que el débil crecimiento de las exportaciones en Francia refleja, al menos parcialmente, el débil dinamismo de los pequeños exportadores. En contraste, este grupo de empresas es el más dinámico en el resto de los países de la muestra. Nuestros resultados subrayan la relevancia de la heterogeneidad empresarial para explicar la evolución de las exportaciones agregadasThis paper uses detailed micro data on service exports at the firm-destination-service level to analyse the role of firm heterogeneity in shaping aggregate service exports in Belgium, France, Germany and Spain from 2003 to 2007. We decompose the level and the growth of aggregate service exports into different trade margins paying special attention to firm heterogeneity within countries. We find that the weak export growth of France is at least partly due to poor performance by small exporters. By contrast, small exporters are the most dynamic contributors to the aggregate exports of Belgium, Germany and Spain. Our results highlight the importance of firm heterogeneity in understanding aggregate export growt

    Characterization of the Intrinsic Phospholipase A1 Activity of Bordetella pertussis Adenylate Cyclase Toxin

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    Adenylate cyclase toxin (ACT, CyaA) is one of the important virulence factors secreted by the whooping cough bacterium Bordetella pertussis, and it is essential for the colonization of the human respiratory tract by this bacterium. Cytotoxicity by ACT results from the synergy between toxin's two main activities, production of supraphysiological cAMP levels by its N-terminal adenylate cyclase domain (AC domain), and cell membrane permeabilization, induced by its C-terminal pore-forming domain (hemolysin domain), which debilitate the host defenses. In a previous study we discovered that purified ACT is endowed with intrinsic phospholipase A1 (PLA) activity and that Ser in position 606 of the ACT polypeptide is a catalytic site for such hydrolytic activity, as part of G-X-S-X-G catalytic motif. Recently these findings and our conclusions have been directly questioned by other authors who claim that ACT-PLA activity does not exist. Here we provide new data on ACT phospholipase A1 characteristics. Based on our results we reaffirm our previous conclusions that ACT is endowed with PLA activity; that our purified ACT preparations are devoid of any impurity with phospholipase A activity; that ACT-S606A is a PLA-inactive mutant and thus, that Ser606 is a catalytic site for the toxin hydrolytic activity on phospholipids, and that ACT-PLA activity is involved in AC translocation.This study was supported by grants from the Basque Government (Grupos Consolidados IT849) and grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad (BFU2017-82758-P (AEI/FEDER, UE) to H.O