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    Incidencia de RINACE en el desarrollo de la investigación sobre eficacia escolar en América Latina

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    Las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación son una importante vía de apropiación social del conocimiento del que pueden beneficiarse los países que han llegado tardíamente al proceso investigativo, a la vez que permiten la consolidación de comunidades científicas constituidas por componentes de diferente procedencia y formación específica. En este sentido, y como elemento que ha favorecido la difusión de la investigación sobre Eficacia Escolar en América Latina, se presenta la Red Iberoamericana de Investigación Sobre Cambio y Eficacia Escolar (RINACE), que con diez años de creación, setecientos miembros dediecinueve redes nacionales ha permitido fomentar la realización de investigaciones educativas de calidad, potenciar la difusión de las investigaciones realizadas, impulsar la utilización de los resultados de la investigación para la mejora de los sistemas educativos, las escuelas y las aulas y formar investigadores iberoamericanos de alto nivel sobre estas temática

    STECF Evaluation of Fishing Effort Regimes in European Waters - Part 2 (STECF-13-21)

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    STECF notes that it has extensively addressed the ToR regarding the requested fishing effort regime evaluations in the 1. Eastern and Western Baltic, 2. the Kattegat, 3. the Skagerrak, North Sea, European waters in ICES Div.2 and the Eastern Channel, 4. to the West of Scotland, 5. Irish Sea, 6. Celtic Sea, 7. Atlantic waters off the Iberian Peninsula, 8. Western Channel, 9. Western Waters and Deep Sea 10. and the Bay of Biscay, i.e. updated estimates of trends in fishing effort, landings and discards by species, CPUE and LPUE by fisheries and species, and partial fishing mortalities for effort regulated and non-regulated fisheries by Member States. Few ToR could not be accomplished due to time constraints and/or data deficiencies. It is noted that compilations of fisheries specific data by fishing effort management regime and Member State are provided as electronic appendixes and can be downloaded at http://stecf.jrc.ec.europa.eu/web/stecf/ewg1313 in order to facilitate transparent dissemination of the information and further use. Due to the complexity of the fisheries information provided, interested users are advised to consult the data quality notes and data notations provided in the present report.JRC.G.4-Maritime affair

    Catch-per-unit-effort and Biological Data of Nephrops norvegicus from the SW Ireland Spanish Trawl Fishery

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    Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus is a burrowing species inhabiting soft bottoms in the NE Atlantic and Mediterranean. In European western waters (SW Ireland) Nephrops is a comercial species of the bottom mixed fishery prosecuted by fletes from Ireland, France, UK and Spain. A comprehensive collection (1980-2000) of Spanish trawl fishery data and sampling of landings is available. Although Nephrops is a by-catch spcies for the Spanish trawl fleet, some vessels target it mainly during the spring and summer seasoon. This study presents a summarized description of that fishery and catch per unit effort trends. Annual Nephrops length composition by sex, length-weight relationship, sex-ratio and proportion of ovigerous females are given for the referenced period.IEO FPI grant (BOE 06.10.2000, No9). DEMICES project

    El cas dels papers catalans a Salamanca: hem perdut els papers?

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    En aquest article volem fer unes reflexions, des d'una perspectiva arxivística, sobre la part de la documentació que va ser confiscada als anomenats “enemigos y desafectos al Movimiento Nacional” a partir de l'ocupació militar de Catalunya (1938–1939) i que està dipositada a l'Archivo General de la Guerra Civil, amb seu a Salamanca. Des de l'època coneguda com a transició política del franquisme a la democràcia, n'han reclamat el retorn persones i institucions diferents —principalment la Generalitat de Catalunya— i pràcticament tots els grups polítics han fet intervencions parlamentàries en aquest sentit..

    Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) - Fisheries Dependent Information – FDI (STECF-20-10)

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    Commission Decision of 25 February 2016 setting up a Scientific, Technical and Economic Committee for Fisheries, C(2016) 1084, OJ C 74, 26.2.2016, p. 4–10. The Commission may consult the group on any matter relating to marine and fisheries biology, fishing gear technology, fisheries economics, fisheries governance, ecosystem effects of fisheries, aquaculture or similar disciplines. The STECF reviewed the report of the EWG on Fisheries-dependent Information during its winter 2020 virtual plenary meeting.E