187 research outputs found


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    Abstract Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) offers connectivity and information access for industrial devices. However, several devices cannot implement it because of being TCP/IP-incapable or having incompatible communication protocols. The OPC UA standard can be a solution by offering a platform-independent client-server communication model. The goal of the current work is to use OPC UA to connect a Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) in S7-PLCSIM and a Virtual Instrument (VI) in LabVIEW running as a Web Services application to enable applications in industry and remote education. The case study is a SCADA system simulated in FluidSIM. The results show a successful connection and demonstrate that the OPC UA standard can be used for implementing IIoT by connecting a simulated PLC to a VI for bidirectional information exchange in monitoring and control tasks. The former enables students to learn interactively and remotely about PLCs, and industries to improve their process control. Keywords: Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), OPC UA, Programmable Logic Controller (PLC), Virtual Instrument (VI). Resumen El Internet Industrial de las Cosas (IIoT) ofrece conectividad y acceso a información para dispositivos industriales. Sin embargo, muchos dispositivos no pueden implementarlo por falta de capacidades TCP/IP o por protocolos de comunicación incompatibles. El estándar OPC UA puede ser una solución por su modelo de comunicación cliente-servidor independiente de plataforma. El objetivo del trabajo es usar OPC UA para conectar un Controlador Lógico Programable (PLC) en S7-PLCSIM y un Instrumento virtual (VI) en LabVIEW corriendo como una aplicación de Servicios Web para habilitar aplicaciones industriales y en educación remota. Se estudia un sistema SCADA simulado en FluidSIM. Los resultados muestran una conexión exitosa, demostrando que OPC UA puede usarse para implementar IIoT conectando un PLC simulado a un VI para intercambio bidireccional de información en tareas de monitoreo y control. Esto permite a estudiantes aprender interactiva y remotamente sobre PLCs, y a industrias mejorar su control de procesos. Palabras Clave: Controlador Lógico Programable (PLC), Instrumento Virtual (VI), Internet Industrial de las Cosas (IIoT), OPC UA

    Growth responses of Macrocystis pyrifera (Laminariales), Southern Chile, juvenile sporophytes to nutrient limitation

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    1st Mares Conference on Marine Ecosystems Health and Conservation. Olhão, Portugal 17-21 November 2014.Kelp forests represent some of the most conspicuous coastal habitats and today we recognize only one giant kelp species (Macrocystis pyrifera) distributed globally [1, 2]. M. pyrifera is recognized as a perennial kelp species with a low capacity of energy storage, whereas its high productivity is associated the availability of nitrogen from the water column [3]. The relation between M. pyrifera growth and biomass production results from a plastic response of the sporophytes to temporal and spatial variability in nitrogen availability [4, 5]. However, the low storage capacity of giant kelp [6, 7] is clearly disadvantageous during periods of suboptimal environmental conditions; as those that occur seasonally in California and the inland waters of southern Chile. Due to an increased demand for kelp biomass in Chile for the world alginate industry and abalone farming in Chile [8, 9] there is an increased demand of raw material and interest for developing kelp aquaculture technologies [10]. The present study evaluates the effect of different nitrogen availability on the growth and regeneration of juvenile fronds of M. pyrifera sporophytes from southern Chile and explore its consequences for the development of seeding strategies of kelp farming in southern Chile

    Evaluation of Hyaluronic Acid Dilutions at Different Concentrations Using a Quartz Crystal Resonator (QCR) for the Potential Diagnosis of Arthritic Diseases

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    The main objective of this article is to demonstrate through experimental means the capacity of the quartz crystal resonator (QCR) to characterize biological samples of aqueous dilutions of hyaluronic acid according to their viscosity and how this capacity may be useful in the potential diagnosis of arthritic diseases. The synovial fluid is viscous due to the presence of hyaluronic acid, synthesized by synovial lining cells (type B), and secreted into the synovial fluid thus making the fluid viscous. In consequence, aqueous dilutions of hyaluronic acid may be used as samples to emulate the synovial fluid. Due to the viscoelastic and pseudo-plastic behavior of hyaluronic acid, it is necessary to use the Rouse model in order to obtain viscosity values comparable with viscometer measures. A Fungilab viscometer (rheometer) was used to obtain reference measures of the viscosity in each sample in order to compare them with the QCR prototype measures

    Triangulación de métodos en ciencias sociales como fundamento en la investigación universitaria en Latinoamérica

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    La praxis metodológica universitaria en Latinoamérica evidencia una tendencia al trabajo colaborativo y en red. Al mismo tiempo, también está presente una cultura investigativa de lo urgente, de la inmediatez en las respuestas, por lo que es importante que la Universidad Latinoamericana, asuma como desafío la recreación de su capacidad para adaptarse a las necesidades contextuales. Este reto conlleva una transformación en las funciones misionales, incluyendo su quehacer investigativo; de modo más puntual, en la aplicación de métodos de investigación que de forma integrada y convergente contribuyan a la comprensión de la realidad. Desde este referente el artículo se orienta a la concepción de una propuesta para la triangulación de métodos de investigación, como vía para la producción y validación del conocimiento en ciencias sociales. Lo metodológico se fundamenta en la hermenéutica reflexiva, por medio de grupos focales y entrevista en profundidad, que permiten el conferimiento de significados a las voces de los actores (expertos). Los resultados permiten aproximarse a la comprensión de la triangulación como constructo teórico, con base a los aportes de diferentes disciplinas (perspectiva interdisciplinaria). Se concluye en la necesidad de redimensionar la praxis investigativa universitaria en el ámbito de las ciencias sociales, desde la pertinencia de la triangulación metodológica como proceso asociado al conocimiento

    Valor, satisfacción y fidelidad en el sector minorista: Un enfoque teórico de la fidelización

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    Although customer loyalty has been widely investigated, few studies address the role of customer value and customer satisfaction. Besides, there is still a need for a sound theoretical framework to explain and promote businesscustomer relationships. This paper aims to contribute to understanding the origin and effect of the concept of loyalty in commercial relationships in the retail industry. To do so, we review and discuss the triggers of loyalty behavior in society. There is a section to explain the elements that produce loyalty behavior in the buyer and its logical sequence. Besides, we address the concepts of value and consumer satisfaction and their association with the customer's post-purchase behavior. This analysis enables a more complete overview of the customer’s behavior and allows to take well-informed actions within the retail market. Besides, it opens the door to future research related to buyer behavior in different environments, such as the digital environment.Aunque la lealtad del consumidor ha sido ampliamente investigada, pocos estudios abordan los roles del valor y la satisfacción del cliente. Siendo necesario un marco teórico sólido para explicar y promover las relaciones entre empresas y clientes. Este estudio pretende contribuir a comprender el origen y el efecto del concepto de lealtad en las relaciones comerciales del sector minorista o retail. Para ello, se revisan y discuten los factores desencadenantes del comportamiento de fidelización en la sociedad. Se dedica un apartado a explicar los elementos que producen el comportamiento de fidelización en el comprador y su secuencia lógica. Además, abordamos los conceptos de valor y satisfacción delconsumidor y su asociación con el comportamiento postcompra del cliente. Este análisis permite tener una visión más completa del comportamiento del cliente y ejecutar acciones informadas dentro del mercado minorista. Además, abre la puerta a futuras investigaciones relacionadas con el comportamiento del comprador en diferentes entornos, como el digital

    Effects of turbulization on the disc pump performance

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    Disc pumps are used for difficult pumping applications, such as, pumping of high suspension solids and abrasives, viscous fluids, air entrained and shear sensitive fluids. The pumping mechanism, based on the boundary layer effect and the viscous drag minimizes the contact between the pump and the fluid reducing the wear level; but the pumping mechanism itself makes its efficiency low in comparison with other pumps for similar applications. This research aims to increase the performance of this pump developing a new experimental study based on the turbulization of flow by the placement of turbulizers in the interdisc channel output. The variables involved are the angular velocity (x) and the cross section shape of the turbulizers. Eight impellers were constructed and evaluated using as cross section shape of turbulizers: the triangular, circular, and square. The experimental results show that the creation of circulatory currents, according to the Kutta-Johkovsky theorem, contributes to the increase the efficiency and the head of the disc pump and the square cross section shape of the turbulizers offers the best results

    Evaluación del funcionamiento de una barrera activa, para remover nitratos a escala de laboratorio

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    Este proyecto consiste en un sistema de aguas subterráneas, dividido en tres zonas: zona de arena, zona de tuzas de maíz (barrera activa) y zona de arena y grava. Para realizar los estudios necesarios se utilizan químicos como: nitrato de potasio, bisulfito de sodio (regula el oxígeno disuelto) y difosfato de potasio (regula el potencial de hidrógeno). Se realizaron análisis fsicoquímicos y microbiológicos para la evaluación de la eficiencia de remoción de nitratos, para estos se obtuvieron datos de pH, caudal, potencial de óxido-reducción, concentración de nitrato, sólidos totales, coliformes totales, demanda química de oxígeno, demanda bioquímica de oxígeno, entre otras. Las bacterias descomponen el nitrato en nitrógeno y oxígeno molecular y obtienen su fuente de carbono por medio de las tusas de maíz

    Water quality index based on fuzzy logic applied to the Aburra river basin in the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Area.

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    The inherent uncertainties, subjectivity, and engineering challenges in environmental problems are increasingly being worked upon computing methods based on artifi cial intelligence (AI), including computerized tools that allow an analyst to use approximate reasoning with incomplete and inaccurate information and with the support of an expert in the fi eld. In order to evaluate the applicability of this tool, this paper presents the development of a new water quality index based on fuzzy logic called the “fuzzy water quality index” (FWQI). This index is compared to the NSF water quality index (NSFWQI) and with the water quality index (ARWQI) obtained for the project “Red Río Fase I” for the Medellin metropolitan area environmental authority. The new FWQI provided reasonable correlations and results in comparison to the other two reference indexes. Finally, the FWQI could be used as a decision maker in the water management of Aburra River

    Principal Component Analysis Applied to Digital Pulse Shape Analysis for Isotope Discrimination

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    Digital pulse shape analysis (DPSA) techniques are becoming increasingly important for the study of nuclear reactions since the development of fast digitizers. These techniques allow us to obtain the (A, Z) values of the reaction products impinging on the new generation solid-state detectors. In this paper, we present a computationally efficient method to discriminate isotopes with similar energy levels, with the aim of enabling the edge-computing paradigm in future field-programmable gate-array-based acquisition systems. The discrimination of isotope pairs with analogous energy levels has been a topic of interest in the literature, leading to various solutions based on statistical features or convolutional neural networks. Leveraging a valuable dataset obtained from experiments conducted by researchers in the FAZIA Collaboration at the CIME cyclotron in GANIL laboratories, we aim to establish a comparative analysis regarding selectivity and computational efficiency, as this dataset has been employed in several prior publications. Specifically, this work presents an approach to discriminate between pairs of isotopes with similar energies, namely, 12,13C, 36,40Ar, and 80,84Kr, using principal component analysis (PCA) for data preprocessing. Consequently, a linear and cubic machine learning (ML) support vector machine (SVM) classification model was trained and tested, achieving a high identification capability, especially in the cubic one. These results offer improved computational efficiency compared to the previously reported methodologies.Grant TED2021-131075B-I00 funded byMCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. Grant PID2021-127711NB-I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033

    La propuesta de valor como elemento clave para innovar en el modelo de negocio del periodismo deportivo: comparativa de estudios de caso en España

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    Sports journalism has become one of the most innovative market niches, and the dynamic capabilities theoretical corpus allows us to describe the processes for innovation in the business model of news companies. Methodology. Through a comparative case study, this article analyses the current situation and evolution of three media (ElDesmarque, Panenka, and 2Playbook) in six areas: value proposition, capabilities, positio-ning, market, revenue model, and mission. Results and discussion. The three cases have a well-defined valueproposition that differentiates them from their competitors. This proposal is based on a series of operationalcapabilities and competitive resources that generate competitive advantages that are difficult to imitate. Conclusion. Business model innovation (BMI) through dynamic capabilities (exploration, exploitation, andreconfiguration) is a key strategy to guarantee a company’s sustainability in the sports journalism sector.El periodismo deportivo se ha configurado en uno de los nichos de mercado más innovadores y la teoría de las capacidades dinámicas permite describir los procesos para innovar en el modelo de negocio de las empresas informativas. A través de una comparativa de estudios de caso, este artículo analiza la situación actual y la evolución de tres medios de comunicación (ElDesmarque, Panenka y 2Playbook) en seis áreas: propuesta de valor, capacidades, posicionamiento, mercado, modelo de ingresos y misión. Se observa quelos tres casos disponen de una propuesta de valor bien definida y diferenciada de los competidores. Esta propuesta se sustenta sobre la existencia de una serie de capacidades y recursos competitivos que le otorgan ventajas competitivas difícilmente imitables, como el talento humano. La innovación en modelos de negocio a través de las capacidades dinámicas (exploración, explotación y reconfiguración) es un factor clave para garantizar la sostenibilidad de una empresa que opera en el sector del periodismo deportivo