3,870 research outputs found

    Catalogación automática

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    Modele de classement centralisé où il suffit de réaliser une seule fois la description bibliographique des documents. Il est aussi possible de les récupérer automatiquement d'une manière illimitée el permettant une économie de temps et de moyens humains.A model of centralized cataloging in a which a single bibliographic description of the documents enables automatic and unlimited retrieval with an economy of time and human resources.Publicad

    Voice recognition systems toward a universal language

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    An analysis of the major achievements of the last quarter of a century (means of transport and of communication, microelectronics, the conquest of Space, the globalisation of Society, computer networks, blocks of countries, the proliferation of International organisms and so on) would seem to suggest the need for a scientific study into the possibilities of a universal language. A real need exists, every day more pronounced and we consider that this is the right time for this investigation. As a part of this project a discussion of possible alternative solutions is proposed (the use of a multi-lingual approach, English, multilingual intercompression, an international auxiliary language, "manufactured" languages, automatic translation, natural language, among others). There is also a definition of the theoretical specifications which this language should meet, taking into account all the current needs and the sectors involved (voice recognition automatic translation, operative systems, programming languages, documentation, simple cross-cultural learning). The idea is based on a dual focus: person-to-person communication and person-to-machine communication. In order to achieve thi doubled to achieve this double objective we shall select a set of universal sounds and phonemes which are common and undcrstood by all people. The selection of this set of universal sounds and phonemes will be such that it will be easy to undertake a spectral discrimination. The phonetic, lexical and grammatical organisation of the language will be established according to distinct levels of difficulty. Design and development will be based on the Internet as a platform for investigation, cooperation and the consensus of hundreds of experts and a strategy is proposed for learning and spreading the language

    La infografía forense como herramienta gráfica en el nuevo sistema procesal penal chileno

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    El presente artículo se propone el desarrollo de infografías dentro de un ámbito forense como un soporte moderno e ideal para presentar pericias, hipótesis y fijaciones fotográficas y planimétricas de sitios de sucesos en los juicios orales, para lo cual se hace necesario el conocimiento y reconocimiento del lenguaje artístico y visual en un ámbito que lo utiliza y requiere. No es menor que actualmente en el Laboratorio de Criminalística Regional Concepción –Chile– se desempeñen, dibujantes, diseñadores, licenciados en artes gráficas y visuales, como parte importante del grupo de profesionales de un equipo multidisciplinario de peritos, realizando desde croquis para levantamientos planimétricos, retratos descriptivos, comparación de imágenes digitales, desarrollando infografías; esto último como nuevo aporte de los profesionales de las artes gráficas a un campo netamente científico, técnico y judicial

    Partidos políticos y cuestiones agrarias

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    Acercamiento a la organización de los partidos en México y a su rostro agrario. Enmarca a cada partido dentro de la dinámica Estado-sociedad civil: y analiza su fuerza por el número de sus integrantes: el grado de cohesión y organización real, la homogeneidad y el crecimiento en lo orgánico, político e ideológico, la capacidad de movilización, los intereses reales que representa.ITESO, A.C

    Applying A Methodology For Educating Students With Special Needs: A Case Study

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    The introduction of innovative educational technologies opens up new ways of interacting with students. We propose to exploit this potential to help in the education of children with special needs. We analyze the state of the art of tools supporting the teaching process, focusing on the omissions of existing research. We propose a new framework to help throughout the whole teaching process and describe its application to Proyecto Aprender (Learn Project), an educational resource targeting children with learning difficulties. Finally, we outline some conclusions and current/future research lines

    Perspectivas y demandas sociales para el desarrollo de los espacios forestales

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    En este trabajo se analizan los cambios experimentados en las demandas sociales respecto al uso y conservación del monte y en los modos de gestión por parte de los responsables técnicos y políticos de su preservaciónPeer reviewe

    Re-identificación de personas y vehículos

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    La principal atención de este trabajo de fin de grado es el estudio de sistemas de re-identificación de personas y vehículos basados en la combinación de características profundas y características tradicionales que describen los datos utilizados. En primer lugar se estudiará el estado del arte para comprender las técnicas de deep learning basadas en redes neuronales que serán imprescindibles para extraer las características necesarias en tareas de re- identificación. En segundo lugar, se describirán los conjuntos de datos utilizados y sus respectivos atributos tanto para el de personas como el de vehículos. Además, se incluirá una pequeña introducción al entorno de desarrollo utilizado (Pytorch) y a los modelos preentrenados escogidos para realizar los experimentos. Una vez explicados los anteriores conceptos, se hará un resumen del diseño implementado a partir de ellos. Por último, se explicarán las métricas utilizadas para evaluar y extraer resultados de re- identificación así como diferentes técnicas para mejorar dichos resultados. Se realizarán numerosos experimentos empleando varios modelos entrenados con distintos parámetros para extraer conclusiones generales de los resultados y posteriormente realizar la combinación de las características para observar el efecto en el resultado final. Antes de finalizar el trabajo de fin de grado se valorarán los resultados obtenidos y se proporcionarán pruebas visuales que demuestren el efecto conseguido y para acabar se propondrán nuevas vías de investigación que se podrán realizar en un futur

    Motor Gráfico para Juegos

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    Treballs Finals de Grau d'Enginyeria Informàtica, Facultat de Matemàtiques, Universitat de Barcelona, Any: 2014, Director: Oriol Pujol VilaThis project is about the construction of a game engine, the game engine's editor and a game. The game engine and editor are made with an Entity Component System architecture and with the technologies WinRt, DirectX and WIC, XAML was used to do the editor's GUI. The programming language used was C++, the IDE was Visual Studio Express 2013 and the target OS is Windows 8. The Direct X Game and Direct X and XAML App templates from Visual Studio Express 2013 were used as the base for the game engine and game engine's editor, respectively. In this memory it is explained concepts like Entity Component System and how it was applied to this project. The Entity Component System is initially explained from a Object Oriented Design perspective. Then, there's a little break from ECS, and there is a section about "the ability to deal with the cache of the computer of an OOD system". At the end, during the explanation of the implementation of the ECS, these two themes are brought together. Also, there are a few components of the engine that are explained more deeply. These components are the Graphic Engine and the Physic Engine. The Graphic Engine follows a simple approach that consist on using a Camera, and drawing everything that is inside that Camera. The Physic Engine follows a "not so traditional" approach. Basically, it updates every game object in the Y axis and then the collisions are managed, then it does the same but in the X axis. Also, the design done to create the ECS is explained. Which Components where made, how the Processors handle them and the Assemblages to generate more Entities. To create a game there are two steps. Firstly create it with the game engine's editor. Secondly, save it with the editor, the result will be a .txt file. Thirdly and finally, add that file to the game engine project, change the program to use that file and play the game engine

    Effects of extracurricular martial arts practice on the trait of anger among boys and girls aged 9-12 years old

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    [EN] Nowadays, aggression in children is an alarming problem and there are more and more programs carried out with students in order to reduce violence and aggressive behaviour. Martial arts have been used, on occasions, in these programs due to the values of respect and self-control that give it. However, they have not always obtained the expected results. The purpose of this paper is to observe is martial arts like judo and karate are a successful method to decrease anger levels in children. To evaluate this, a quasi-experimental longitudinal study during a period of 6 months in which 82 children took part, divided in a control group and an experimental group (karate and judo). State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory for Children and Adolescents (STAXI-NA) was used. Meaningful differences were found only in some of the anger components, between anger-in expression pre-tests of the control and experimental group and between anger-out expression pre-tests and post-tests of the karate group. The results obtained in this study suggest that the martial arts training has no effect about global anger management in children students. Common aspects are pointed out in interventions that have decreased the levels of anger (traditional aspects, design of a specific program, subjects with behavior problems, school context) and it is shown with the results obtained, how a habitual intervention carried out in a context of sports clubs, in a normal population and without a specific program, have difficulties in reducing the anger of the participants.S