39 research outputs found

    Regulatory Impact Assessment: A survey of selected developing and emerging economies

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    Regulatory impact assessment (RIA) involves a systematic appraisal of the social, economic and environmental impacts of proposed regulations and other kinds of policy instruments before they are adopted. A vast amount of academic literature in the last decade has charted the diffusion of RIA in OECD countries and EU member states. However, relatively little is known about the extent to which RIA has been adopted and implemented in developing countries. The last research attempting to shed light on this issue over a decade ago found that a number of were beginning to apply some form of regulatory assessment but that its development was at an early stage. Since then RIA has become almost universally adopted in OECD and EU member states as well as promoted as a tool for good (regulatory) governance in developing countries by international donors and organizations such as OECD, the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank Group (IFC). What, then, is the extent of RIA adoption and implementation in these countries today? This working paper addresses this question through a survey of RIA in 14 developing and emerging economies based on documentary analysis as well as semi-structured interviews with key stakeholders. The survey explores topics such as the legal and institutional framework of RIA, organizational capacity, and use of tools and methods (e.g. Cost Benefit Analysis). The results suggest that while an increasing number of developing countries have made efforts to introduce RIA in their decision making processes, these efforts have not yet led to a sustainable RIA system which significantly contributes to the good regulatory governance of these countries

    LISTA NEGRA Y LISTA DE ALERTA DE ESPECIES EXÓTICAS INVASORAS ACUÁTICAS DE LA PENÍNSULA IBÉRICA - Ejercicio de exploración del horizonte transnacional centrado en las especies exóticas invasoras acuáticas de alto riesgo para las aguas interiores ibéricas.

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    Un objetivo importante de LIFE INVASAQUA es desarrollar herramientas que mejoren la gestión y sean más eficientes en el marco de Alerta Temprana y Respuesta Rápida (EWRR) para las Especies Exóticas Invasoras (EEI) en la Península Ibérica. La exploración del horizonte para las EEI de alto riesgo es básica para aplicar medidas que reduzcan las nuevas invasiones y para centrar los esfuerzos en las especies ya registradas. Desarrollamos un ejercicio transnacional de exploración del horizonte centrado en las aguas interiores de España y Portugal con el fin de proporcionar una lista negra de las EEI acuáticas actualmente establecidas y una lista de alerta de las EEI acuáticas potenciales que pueden suponer una amenaza para los ecosistemas acuáticos y los sectores socioeconómicos en el futuro. Para la exploración del horizonte seguimos un enfoque estructurado de 5 pasos que combinaba las pruebas existentes sobre las EEI con una puntuación de expertos de los taxones priorizados. En la lista negra final se priorizaron 126 EEI, que representan el 41,2% de los taxones exóticos registrados en las aguas continentales ibéricas. Las 24 primeras especies tenían un riesgo de impacto muy alto porque obtuvieron los valores máximos en el proceso de puntuación de la evaluación de riesgos. Además, la lista de alerta incluía 89 EEI con un riesgo significativo de invasión en la Península Ibérica en el futuro, estando 11 taxones en cabeza con un riesgo muy alto de invasión

    Charged-particle multiplicities in pp interactions at root s=900 GeV measured with the ATLAS detector at the LHC ATLAS Collaboration

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    The first measurements from proton–proton collisions recorded with the ATLAS detector at the LHC are presented. Data were collected in December 2009 using a minimum-bias trigger during collisions at a centre-of-mass energy of 900 GeV. The charged-particle multiplicity, its dependence on transverse momentum and pseudorapidity, and the relationship between mean transverse momentum and charged-particle multiplicity are measured for events with at least one charged particle in the kinematic range |η|500 MeVpT>500 MeV. The measurements are compared to Monte Carlo models of proton–proton collisions and to results from other experiments at the same centre-of-mass energy. The charged-particle multiplicity per event and unit of pseudorapidity at η=0η=0 is measured to be 1.333±0.003(stat.)±0.040(syst.)1.333±0.003(stat.)±0.040(syst.), which is 5–15% higher than the Monte Carlo models predict

    2021 IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium (IRPS)

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    Producción CientíficaA key requirement for RRAM in neural network accelerators with a large number of synaptic parameters is the multilevel programming. This is hindered by resistance imprecision due to cycle-to-cycle and device-to-device variations. Here, we compare two multilevel programming algorithms to minimize resistance variations in a 4-kbit array of HfO 2 RRAM. We show that gate-based algorithms have the highest reliability. The optimized scheme is used to implement a neural network with 9-level weights, achieving 91.5% (vs. software 93.27%) in MNIST recognition