218 research outputs found

    Translating for linguistic minorities: translation policy in the united kingdom.

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    A l’Europa actual, els idiomes de l’estat entren en contacte amb una gamma d’idiomes d’immigrants i un conjunt d’idiomes regionals. En aquest context, els encarregats d’elaborar polítiques s’enfronten a canvis en la demografia i en les actituds pel que fa als drets i la integració. Les investigacions actuals que aborden l’aspecte integrador de les polítiques lingüístiques en general passen per alt el paper exercit per la traducció en aquestes polítiques. Aquesta tesi procura aclarir aquesta funció sovint defugida. Amb aquesta finalitat, aquest estudi es concentra en la política de traducció, entesa com a suma de gestió, pràctica i idees de traducció. La tesi comença amb una revisió bibliogràfica de caràcter interdisciplinari en la qual s’exploren de manera crítica els escrits d’acadèmics en els camps del dret, les ciències polítiques, l’economia i els estudis de traducció pel que fa als drets de les minories lingüístiques. Després d’això es presenta una anàlisi de les obligacions al traduir en virtut del dret internacional, la qual cosa permet prosseguir amb un estudi de cas sobre la política de traducció en el sector públic del Regne Unit. En particular, aquest estudi de cas examina les polítiques de traducció que es reflecteixen en certes disposicions legislatives que s’apliquen al Regne Unit en la seva totalitat i també a les seves regions de forma específica. Tot això es desenvolupa en els capítols que abasten les polítiques de traducció trobades al govern (a nivell local), els serveis de salut i el sistema judicial. Aquestes polítiques de traducció no s’analitzen com un fet en si mateix, sinó per tal de recalcar que les decisions referents a la integració i la inclusió tenen un element de traducció que s’ha de tenir present.En la Europa actual, los idiomas del estado entran en contacto con una gama de idiomas de inmigrantes y un conjunto de idiomas regionales. En tal contexto, los encargados de elaborar políticas enfrentan cambios en la demografía y en las actitudes en cuanto a los derechos y la integración. Las investigaciones actuales que abordan el aspecto integratorio de las políticas lingüísticas por lo general pasan por alto el papel desempeñado en dichas políticas por la traducción. Esta tesis procura arrojar luz sobre esta función con frecuencia soslayada. Con dicho fin, este estudio se concentra en la política de traducción, la cual es el resultado de gestión, práctica e ideas de traducción. La tesis comienza con una revisión bibliográfica de carácter interdisciplinario en la cual se exploran de manera crítica los escritos de académicos en los campos del derecho, las ciencias políticas, la economía y los estudios de traducción en lo referente a los derechos de las minorías lingüísticas. Tras ello se presenta un análisis de las obligaciones de traducir en virtud del derecho internacional, lo cual permite proseguir con un estudio de caso sobre la política de traducción en el sector público del Reino Unido. En particular, dicho estudio de caso examina las políticas de traducción que se reflejan en ciertas disposiciones legislativas que se aplican al Reino Unido en su totalidad y también a sus regiones de forma específica. Todo ello se desarrolla en los capítulos que abarcan las políticas de traducción halladas en el gobierno (a nivel local), los servicios de salud y el sistema judicial. Estas políticas de traducción no se analizan sino con el fin de recalcar el hecho de que las decisiones referentes a la integración y la inclusión tienen un elemento de traducción que se debe tener presente.In contemporary Europe, state languages come in contact with a tapestry of immigrant languages and a set of ever more legitimized regional or minority languages. In this context, policymakers are faced with changing demographics and attitudes about rights and integration. Current research on language policies as they pertain to integration largely overlooks the role of translation. This thesis hopes to shed light on this oft-overlooked area. To do so, the thesis focuses on translation policy understood to be that which is the result of translation management, practice, and belief. Translation policy is not explored as an end unto itself, but rather, it is highlighted to stress that policy decisions regarding integration and inclusion have a translation dimension to them that ought to be considered. The thesis will explore some of the difficult questions in understanding what integration means for linguistic minorities and in the end argue that translation plays a role in the integration of linguistic minorities in the UK

    Traducciones para y por los españoles americanos: el papel de los traductores en la independencia de Hispanoamericana

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    As is well known, political independence in the Americas was gained through a long, violent process in which colonies broke away from their colonial centers. Different revolutionaries, patriots, and liberators acted within their immediate colonial context; nonetheless, a shared trove of ideas existed in all of the Americas which helped, above all, to justify their actions. These ideas (largely emanating from Europe’s Enlightenment and in the Americas originally practiced in England’s former North American colonies) spread throughout the region, in part, thanks to the efforts of several translators. These were men who traveled to different places for different reasons. In those places they took in the ideas and practices of an emerging democratic republicanism, along with its promises and imperfections. Eager to distribute these concepts and models, they joined in the revolutionary spirit by taking up the pen and translating letters, books, constitutions, etc. Thus, these translators’ played a rolein disseminating ideas as a way to set new cultural and political parameters in their home cultures. This paper seeks to explore the role that translation played collectively during Spanish America’s struggle for independence.Consabido es que la emancipación política del continente americano supuso un proceso largo y violento en que las colonias se fueron desprendiendo de sus respectivas metrópolis. Los distintos revolucionarios, patriotas y libertadores actuaron en su contexto colonial inmediato, y sin embargo, existió a lo largo de toda América un caudal de ideas compartidas que sirvieron, sobre todo, para justificar dichas acciones. Estas ideas, surgidas en gran medida de la Ilustración europea y puestas en práctica en América inicialmente en las ex colonias inglesas, se diseminaron, en parte, a lo largo de todo el dominio hispanoamericano mediante la traducción. Se trató de hombres que viajaron a diversos destinos por motivos varios y allí absorbieron las ideas y la práctica del naciente republicanismo democrático, con toda su promesa e imperfecciones. Ansiosos de hacer circular estos conceptos y ejemplos, se unieron al espíritu revolucionario con la pluma, traduciendo cartas, libros, constituciones, etc. Estos traductores jugaron, de ese modo, el papel de diseminar ideas con el objetivo de definir nuevos parámetros políticos y culturales en sus sociedades de origen. Este trabajo pretende explorar la función que en colectivo desarrolló la traducción durante la emancipación de Hispanoamérica

    Molecular Materials For Organic Electronics.

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    Organic materials have proven to be efficient active materials in electronics, being possible alternatives to inorganic semiconductors in electronic devices, such as organic field effects transistors (OFETs) or organic solar cells. The versatility of organic synthesis allows us to endow small molecules or polymers with the desired optoelectronic properties. However, the final efficiency of a given device is not only based on the molecular design but also on the way the molecules assemble. In this sense, non-covalent interactions play a crucial role as they are able to control the supramolecular assembly. Hydrogen-bonding has been proven a promising strategy to improve the film morphology in organic electronic devices with semiconductors able to efficiently transport charges. In this project, two compounds have been studied, based on a straightforward diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) with a thiophene-capped as the electroactive component and amide groups serving as the hydrogen-bonding units1. Theamide groups are positioned with two different topologies, C-centered (C-1) or N-centered (N-1) which are five carbons apart from the lactam rings of the DPP. We have compared these materials with the control derivative, 1, whose structure lack amide groups (Figure 1). Finally, the potential of these semicondcutors as active components in organic electronics have been tested in organic field effects transistors (OFETs).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Hydrogen-bonding as a strategy for charge stabilization in organic field effect transistors.

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    Organic materials have proven to be efficient active materials in electronic devices, such as organic field effects transistors (OFETs) or organic solar cells. The versatility of organic synthesis allows us to endow small molecules or polymers with the desired optoelectronic properties. However, the final efficiency of a given device is not only based on the molecular design but also on the way the molecules assemble. In this sense, non-covalent interactions play a crucial role as they are able to control the supramolecular assembly. Hydrogen-bonds have proven to be a promising strategy to efficiently enhance chargetransport. In this project, two compounds have been studied, based on a straightforward diketopyrrolopyrrole (DPP) with a thiophene-capped as the electroactive component and amide groups serving as the hydrogen-bonding units. The amide groups are positioned with two different topologies, C-centered (HDPPBA-C) or N-centered (HDPPBA-N). We have compared these materials with the control derivative, HDPPH, whose structure lack amide groups. Finally, the potential of these semicondcutors as active components in organic electronics have been tested in organic field effects transistors (OFETs).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    iCanCloud: a flexible and scalable cloud infrastructure simulator

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    Simulation techniques have become a powerful tool for deciding the best starting conditions on pay-as-you-go scenarios. This is the case of public cloud infrastructures, where a given number and type of virtual machines (in short VMs) are instantiated during a specified time, being this reflected in the final budget. With this in mind, this paper introduces and validates iCanCloud, a novel simulator of cloud infrastructures with remarkable features such as flexibility, scalability, performance and usability. Furthermore, the iCanCloud simulator has been built on the following design principles: (1) it's targeted to conduct large experiments, as opposed to others simulators from literature; (2) it provides a flexible and fully customizable global hypervisor for integrating any cloud brokering policy; (3) it reproduces the instance types provided by a given cloud infrastructure; and finally, (4) it contains a user-friendly GUI for configuring and launching simulations, that goes from a single VM to large cloud computing systems composed of thousands of machines.This research was partially supported by the following projects: Spanish MEC project TESIS (TIN2009-14312-C02-01), and Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the grant TIN2010-16497.Publicad

    Política de Tradução em um mundo linguisticamente diverso

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    In Europe, policy approaches toward old minority languages (i.e., ‘regional’ minority languages) and new minority languages (i.e., ‘immigrant’ languages) are different. This is seen in language policy throughout much of the continent. And yet this distinction between speakers who belong to old minorities and those who belong to new minorities can be questioned, or at least the existence of distinct policy approaches for both groups when dealing with their languages. This paper will argue that if the ultimate goal of social policies – such as language and translations policies – is to bring about a more inclusive state, it may be helpful to think about speakers of old minorities and new minorities not as being essentially different in terms inclusion, but as having specific contextual needs which may or may not be the same. To do so, the paper will focus on the United Kingdom as an example of how things are and how they might be different. In particular, the paper will consider policies regarding translation, which must of necessity arise whenever the state makes choices about language that affect a multilingual population.Na Europa, as políticas relacionadas às antigas línguas minoritárias (línguas minoritárias “regionais”) e novas línguas minoritárias (línguas "imigrantes") são diferentes, fato este observado na política linguística de grande parte do continente. Contudo, a distinção entre falantes que pertencem às antigas minorias e aqueles que pertencem às novas minorias pode ser questionada ou, pelo menos, pode-se contestar a existência de abordagens políticas distintas para ambos os grupos no que tange às suas línguas. Este artigo discute se o principal objetivo das políticas sociais, como as políticas linguísticas e as políticas de tradução, é, de fato, a inclusão, pois se faz necessário pensar em falantes de antigas minorias e novas minorias não como sendo essencialmente diferentes em termos de inclusão, mas como sujeitos com necessidades específicas que podem ou não ser as mesmas. Para tanto, o artigo tem como contexto o Reino Unido, discute suas realidades e de que forma essas poderiam ser diferentes. Especificamente, o texto contempla as políticas concernentes à tradução, que necessariamente emergem sempre que o Estado faz escolhas sobre as línguas, as quais afetam uma população multilíngue

    A new strategy for multitarget drug discovery/repositioning through the identification of similar 3D amino acid patterns among proteins structures: The case of Tafluprost and its efects on cardiac ion channels

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    The identification of similar three-dimensional (3D) amino acid patterns among different proteins might be helpful to explain the polypharmacological profile of many currently used drugs. Also, it would be a reasonable first step for the design of novel multitarget compounds. Most of the current computational tools employed for this aim are limited to the comparisons among known binding sites, and do not consider several additional important 3D patterns such as allosteric sites or other conserved motifs. In the present work, we introduce Geomfinder2.0, which is a new and improved version of our previously described algorithm for the deep exploration and discovery of similar and druggable 3D patterns. As compared with the original version, substantial improvements that have been incorporated to our software allow: (i) to compare quaternary structures, (ii) to deal with a list of pairs of structures, (iii) to know how druggable is the zone where similar 3D patterns are detected and (iv) to significantly reduce the execution time. Thus, the new algorithm achieves up to 353x speedup as compared to the previous sequential version, allowing the exploration of a significant number of quaternary structures in a reasonable time. In order to illustrate the potential of the updated Geomfinder version, we show a case of use in which similar 3D patterns were detected in the cardiac ions channels NaV1.5 and TASK-1. These channels are quite different in terms of structure, sequence and function and both have been regarded as important targets for drugs aimed at treating atrial fibrillation. Finally, we describe the in vitro effects of tafluprost (a drug currently used to treat glaucoma, which was identified as a novel putative ligand of NaV1.5 and TASK-1) upon both ion channels’ activity and discuss its possible repositioning as a novel antiarrhythmic drug.This research was funded by the Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico (FONDECYT) grants numbers 1191133, 1170662 and from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (projects SEV-2015-0493 and TIN2015-65316-P, grant BES-2016-078046), and from Generalitat de Catalunya (contracts 2017-SGR-1414 and 2017-SGR-1328). The financial support by DICYT-USACH grant 5392102RP-ACDicyt is also acknowledged. The web-server is hosted in the cluster obtained with the grant CONICYT-FONDEQUIP-EQM160063.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    The use of physical restraints in long-term care in Spain: a multi-center cross-sectional study

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    Background Physical restraint is a procedure used frequently in long-term care. It is a controversial practice because its use is associated with numerous complications and also affects freedom and individual autonomy. The objective of this study was to examine the use of physical restraint of long-term care residents with the ability to move voluntarily. Methods We conducted a cross-sectional observational and correlational multi-center study. Nine centers agreed to participate. Of the 1,200 people present at the time of data collection, those without voluntary movement or in the facility for less than a month were excluded. Thus, the final sample was 920 residents. Data on the use of restraints was collected by direct observation. Information about the age, gender, length of stay, falls, mobility, cognition and functional status of residents was gathered by reviewing clinical records and interviewing nursing staff. A descriptive analysis of the data obtained was conducted. The generalized linear model was used, considering only the principal effects of each variable and using the logit link function. The model has been adjusted for clusters and for other possibly confounding factors. For all analyses, a confidence interval (CI) of 95% was estimated. Results The prevalence of residents with at least one physical restraint was 84.9% (95% CI: 81.7–88.1), with variability between centers of 70.3 to 96.6% (p-value Kruskal Wallis test <0.001). Full-enclosure side rails were most often used (84.5; 95% CI: 81.1–87.9), but other types of restraints were also used frequently. Multivariate analysis showed that the degree of functional impairment increased the probability of the use of restraint. A significant association was also found between restraint use and the impaired cognitive status of residents. Conclusions The prevalence was higher than in studies from other countries. The results emphasize the need to improve the training of nursing staff in the care of residents with impairments in functional and cognitive status. The use of alternative devices and nurse consultants need to be evaluated, and the introduction of specific laws considered.Sociedad Canaria de Geriatría y Gerontología and the Fundación Canaria de Investigación Sanitaria financed this study.S

    Análisis de expresión diferencial in silico de genes involucrados en la aclimatación a baja temperatura en Eucalyptus nitens mediante mRNA-Seq.

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    106 p.En Chile, según información del INFOR, en el año 2011 la superficie plantada de Eucalyptus spp. Fue de 740.360 hectáreas, de las cuales un 70,7% corresponde a Eucalyptus globulus y un 29,3% a Eucalyptus nitens. La importancia de este género se debe a su amplia adaptabilidad, rápido crecimiento, excelente madera y gran producción de biomasa. Sin embargo, la gran sensibilidad de E. globulus a las heladas restringe geográficamente la extensión de sus lantaciones, causando pérdidas económicas para los productores al considerar los años de crecimiento perdidos, el costo de reforestación y la pérdida de calidad de la madera. Por su parte, E. nitens es mucho más resistente a temperaturas congelantes, lo que lo convierte en una alternativa para plantar en rangos de ambiente donde E. globulus no puede ser plantado satisfactoriamente. Estudios revelan que la resistencia a baja temperatura de Eucalyptus spp. Posee un control a nivel genómico, lo que permite desarrollar mejoramiento genético en esta especie. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar genes involucrados en el proceso de aclimatación a baja temperatura en E. nitens, mediante el análisis bioinformático de bibliotecas mRNA-Seq, ya que esta especie presenta una mayor tolerancia a temperaturas de congelamiento.Se realizaron bibliotecas de expresión mediante secuenciación del tipo NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing) de plantas de E. nitens sometidas a cuatro tratamientos de aclimatación, simulando la variación estacional anual, en condiciones de laboratorio (NA: No aclimatado, AAH: Aclimatado antes de la helada, ADH: Aclimatado despu´es de la helada y DA: Desaclimatado). Los análisis bioinformáticos involucraron el pre-procesamiento y limpieza de los datos obtenidos por secuenciación Ion Torrent, mapeo de las lecturas utilizando la información del genoma de referencia de Eucalyptus grandis, seguido de un análisis de expresión diferencial in silico en donde se compararon condiciones en pares (NA/AAH, NA/ADH, NA/DA, AAH/ADH, AAH/DA y ADH/DA), para identificar y caracterizar los genes involucrados en la aclimatación a baja temperatura en E. nitens. Luego se realizó un análisis de ontología genética de los genes diferencialmente expresados con el fin de conocer el significado biológico de estos, en base al proceso biológico, componente celular y función molecular asociada.El rango de genes diferencialmente expresados que fueron identificados, vario desde 126 a 590 en cada una de las comparaciones de tratamientos, donde la mayor parte de los genes de acuerdo a la clasificación por ontología genética, corresponden a genes que participan en procesos metabólicos, respuesta a estímulos, respuesta a estrés, procesos iosinteticos, procesos celulares, actividad catalítica, asociados al citoplasma, cloroplastos, membrana plasmática, pared celular y region extracelular./ABSTRACT: In Chile, according to INFOR, in 2011 the total forest area of Eucalyptus spp. was 740.360 hectares, of them 70,7% are Eucalyptus globulus and 29,3% Eucalyptus nitens. The importance of this genus is based on its wide adaptability, rapid growth and excellent wood quality.However, the main planted species; E. globulus is sensitive to freezing temperatures limiting the extension of its plantations to areas without frequent frost or areas with only episodic occurrence of temperatures below zero. In these areas this species is replaced by E. nitens, which exhibits a higher frost tolerance. Nevertheless, studies have shown that the frost tolerance in Eucalyptus spp. is controlled by genetic factors. The knowledge of genes and molecular processes involved in the cold tolerance will allow to improve breeding programs, focusing in the selection of frost tolerance genotypes and hybridization. The objective of this study was to identify genes involved in the molecular and cellular process of cold acclimation in E. nitens.Expression libraries were made by NGS (Next-Generation Sequencing) from plants of E. nitens subjected to four treatments acclimation, simulating the annual seasonal variation in controlled conditions (NA: Non-acclimated, AAH: Acclimated before frost, ADH: Acclimated after frost and DA: De-acclimated). The bioinformatics analysis included: 1) data preprocessing of the reads generated by Ion Torrent sequencing, 2) reads mapping to the reference genome of Eucalyptus grandis, 3) the generation of a table of reads counts followed by the analysis of differential gene expression in silico, where conditions were compared in pairs (NA/AAH, NA/ADH, NA/DA, AAH/ADH, AAH/DA and ADH/DA), to identify genes involved in acclimation to process in E. nitens by the differential expressed genes identified. The numbers of differentially expressed genes were from 126 to 590 in each treatment comparisons, where most of genes according to Gene Ontology (GO), were associated to metabolic processes, response to stimulus, response to stress, biosynthetic processes, cellular processes, catalytic activity; and associated with the cytoplasm, chloroplasts, plasma membrane, cell wall and extracellular region