30 research outputs found

    Eugenio de Salazar, Suma del arte de la poesía. Ed. crít. de Martha Lilia Tenorio. El Colegio de México, México, 2010; 215 pp.

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    El discurso amoroso en la "Carta a Galiano" de Francisco de Aldana

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    En la Carta a Galanio se destaca la adopción de la amicitia horaciana y la materia amorosa del Cancionero petrarquista. En la epístola, el amor se presenta como un sentimiento complejo y difícil, que enfrenta las fuerzas corpóreas y las fuerzas espirituales al crear una "nueva naturaleza" en la que rige el caos y la dificultad. El sentimiento amoroso transcurre entre la memoria que desencadena la escritura del cuerpo de la epístola, y la necesidad de olvido que se declara en la posdata. Así pues, la analogía entre la ausencia y la muerte destaca un sentimiento de pérdida que recorre toda la relación amorosa.The "Carta a Galanio" highlights the adoption of the amicitia Horatian and the Petrarch loving matter in the "Canzonieri". In the letter, love is presented as a complex and difficult feelings, to confront body forces and spiritual forces to create a "new nature" which governs the chaos and difficulty. The loving feeling take place between memory that triggers the writing of the letter, and the need to forget that stated in the postscript. Thus, the analogy between the absence and death highlights a sense of loss that presented the love affair

    Representación, enunciación y enfermedad en "Una forma escondida tras la puerta" (2012), de Francisco Hernández

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    En su poema Una forma escondida tras la puerta (2012), Francisco Hernández experimenta con las posibilidades enunciativas y representativas del monólogo dramático, y propone una lectura del poema extenso en clave teatral, donde sus personajes -como hablantes e interlocutores- se desenvuelven en situaciones dramáticas definidas. Asimismo, profundiza en los campos de lo anormal y lo patológico, al construir un mundo poético alrededor de la enfermedad: los personajes, situaciones y espacios del poema se representan y definen desde el lenguaje trastornado de la ceguera, la locura y la agorafobia.En el seu poema Una forma escondida tras la puerta (2012), Francisco Hernández experimenta amb les possibilitats enunciatives i representatives del monòleg dramàtic, i proposa una lectura del poema extens en clau teatral, on els seus personatges -com a parlants i interlocutors- es desemboliquen en situacions dramàtiques definides. Així mateix, aprofundeix en els camps de l'anormal i el patològic, en construir un món poètic al voltant de la malaltia: els personatges, situacions i espais del poema es representen i defineixen des del llenguatge trastornat de la ceguesa, la bogeria i l'agorafòbia.In his poem Una forma escondida tras la puerta (2012), Francisco Hernández experiments with the enunciative and representational possibilities of the dramatic monologue and proposes a reading of the long poem in a theatrical key, where his characters -as speakers and interlocutors- unfold themselves in defined dramatic situations. Likewise, the poem delves into the fields of the abnormal and the pathological. Hernández achieves this by constructing a poetic world around the notion of disease: the characters, situations and spaces of the poem are represented and defined from the deranged language of blindness, madness and agoraphobia

    Una poética de la memoria y el olvido en Traiciones de la memoria y El olvido que seremos de Héctor Abad Faciolince

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    Si bien los recuerdos se entrelazan en la construcción de una historia de vida, es el olvido el que delimita los contornos de nuestra existencia, diferenciando la alegría de la tristeza, lo importante de lo superfluo. En sus textos Traiciones de la memoria(2009) y El olvido que seremos (2006), el escritor colombiano Héctor Abad Faciolince reflexiona sobre la función de la memoria y el olvido en una escritura autobiográfica marcada por la muerte, el dolor y la reconciliación. La dialéctica memoria-olvido se proyecta con todas sus fragilidades, engaños, invenciones, complejidades y necesidades en textos que conectan lo narrativo con lo ensayístico, la certeza con la invención, y la autobiografía novelada con el tratado de la memoria. Al final, sólo queda la escritura como la fuerza que rescata los recuerdos de la desaparición, que acerca lo individual a lo colectivo, en resumen, que expresa las virtudes del olvido y los engaños de la memoria.While memories are intertwined in the construction of a life story, it is forgetting that defines the contours of our existence, differentiating happiness from sadness, the important from the superfluous. In his works “Betrayals of memory” (2009) and Oblivion. A Memoir(2006), the Colombian writer Hector Abad Faciolincereflects on the role of memory and forgetting in autobiographical writing marked by death, grief and reconciliation. The memory-forgetting dialectic is projected with all its weaknesses, deceit, inventions, complexities and needs in texts that connect narrative with the essay, certainty with invention, and fictionalized autobiography with the manifest of memory. In the end, it is writing that remains as the force that rescues memories from disappearance, which brings the individual to closeness with the collective, in short, the force that expresses the virtues of forgetfulness and the tricks of memory.Fil: González Molina, Óscar Javier. El Colegio de México; México

    Vozes silenciadas e corpos despedaçados: drama migratório em Libro centroamericano de losmuertos (2018) de Balam Rodrigo

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    In Libro centroamericano de los muertos (2018) Balam Rodrigo presents the drama of Central American migrant communities on their journey through Mexican territory towards the United States. The poet from Chiapas resorts to intertextual procedures such as the palimpsest to denounce the systematic violation of human rights in Central American communities, from the time of the conquest to the present day, by taking up documents such as fray Bartolomé de las Casas’ Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias, to expose the suffering of contemporary migrant populations. The poem expresses the torture, kidnapping, rape, dismemberment, and disappearances suffered by migrants on their journey on La Bestia (the popular name for the cargo train network that transits through Mexico), so that the violated and deceased body can be presented as a space of domination, erasure and difference. En el Libro centroamericano de los muertos (2018), Balam Rodrigo presenta el drama de las comunidades migrantes centroamericanas en su travesía por el territorio mexicano hacia los Estados Unidos. El poeta chiapaneco recurre a procedimientos intertextuales como el palimpsesto para denunciar la sistemática vulneración de los derechos humanos de las comunidades centroamericanas, desde la época de la Conquista hasta nuestros días, de modo que retoma documentos como la Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias de fray Bartolomé de las Casas, para exponer el sufrimiento de las poblaciones migrantes contemporáneas. En el poema se expresan las torturas, secuestros, violaciones, desmembramientos y desapariciones que sufren los y las migrantes en su recorrido sobre La Bestia (nombre popular de la red de trenes de carga que transitan por México), de modo que se presenta el cuerpo violentado y fenecido como espacio de la dominación, el borramiento y la diferencia.   No Libro centroamericano de los muertos (2018) Balam Rodrigo apresenta o drama das comunidades migrantes centro-americanas em sua travessia pelo território mexicano para os Estados Unidos. O poeta chiapaneco recorre a procedimentos intertextuais como o palimpsesto para denunciar a sistemática vulneração dos direitos humanos das comunidades centro-americanas, desde a época da conquista até nossos dias, de forma que retoma documentos como a Brevísima relación de la destrucción de las Indias de Frei Bartolomé de las Casas, para expor o sofrimento das populações migrantes contemporâneas. No poema expressam-se as torturas, sequestros, estupros, desmembramentos e desaparições que sofrem os e as migrantes em seu percurso sobre La Bestia (nome popular da rede de trens de carga de transitam pelo México), de modo que se apresenta o corpo violentado e fenecido como espaço da dominação, o apagamento e a diferença.   &nbsp

    Julio Cortázar: La imposición del presente o la impostura de la memoria

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    _En este escrito se analiza los cuentos Ahí pero dónde, cómo y Los pasos en las huellas, del escritor argentino Julio Cortázar, como mundos posibles dinamizados por la construcción de la memoria, donde el presente está atado al pasado, de modo que lo acontecido se impone violentamente a la praxis cotidiana del sujeto

    Análisis estructural de dos áreas del matorral espinoso tamaulipeco del noreste de México

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    Se evaluó la composición, estructura y diversidad vegetal de dos áreas del matorral espinoso tamaulipeco (loma y valle) para conocer sus principales diferencias o similitudes. El matorral de porte bajo se ubica en lomeríos, donde el suelo es somero, mayormente pedregoso y la disponibilidad de agua en la zona se limita a las temporadas de lluvia de la región, mientras que el matorral de porte alto se localiza en una zona de caudal intermitente el cual aparece en temporadas de lluvias y forma un cuerpo de agua temporal y los suelos son profundos. En cada área se establecieron 3 sitios de muestreo de 40 m × 40 m para evaluar la vegetación arbórea y arbustiva. Se estimó el índice de valor de importancia y la diversidad (alfa y beta) así como el índice de similitud de Sorensen Cuantitativo. En total se registraron 17 especies pertenecientes a 11 familias y 15 géneros. La familia con mayor presencia en el estudio fue Fabaceae con 7 especies. El área de matorral con porte alto presentó 14 especies, mientras el área de matorral en porte bajo presentó solamente 7 especies. Las comunidades evaluadas presentan una similitud baja (19%). Mediante la presente investigación se concluye que los dos tipos de matorrales presentes en la zona de estudio registran diferencias significativas entre sí en densidad, área de copa, riqueza y diversidad. Asimismo se concluye que comparten cuatro especies del total de 17 presentes en ambas zonas de estudio. ABSTRACT The composition, structure and biological diversity in two areas in the Tamaulipan thornscrub of Northeast Mexico were evaluated (hill and plain) to asses the main differences or similarities. The lower height thornscrub is located on hillocks, where the soil is shallow, stony and the availability of water in the area is limited to the rainy season in the region, while the greater height thornscrub is located in an area of deep soil and has an intermittent water flow which appears in rainy seasons and forms a temporary body of water. To evaluate tree and shrub vegetation, three sampling plots of 40 m x 40 m where delimited in each area for the purpose of calculating the importance value index, diversity (alpha and beta) and the Soresen similarity index. A total of 17 species, 11 families and 15 genera were registered. The most abundant family was Fabaceae with 7 spp. The greater high thornscrub area showed 14 species, while the lower height thornscrub showed 7 species only. The evaluated communities have low similarity (19%). Through this investigation it is concluded that the two types of thornscrub present in the study area show significant differences between them in density, canopy area, species richness and diversity. Likewise it is concluded that 4 species of all 17 present are shared in both study areas

    Nuclear DICKKOPF-1 as a biomarker of chemoresistance and poor clinical outcome in colorectal cancer

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    Sporadic colorectal cancer (CRC) insurgence and progression depend on the activation of Wnt/β-catenin signaling. Dickkopf (DKK)-1 is an extracellular inhibitor of Wnt/β-catenin signaling that also has undefined β-catenin-independent actions. Here we report for the first time that a proportion of DKK-1 locates within the nucleus of healthy small intestine and colon mucosa, and of CRC cells at specific chromatin sites of active transcription. Moreover, we show that DKK-1 regulates several cancer-related genes including the cancer stem cell marker aldehyde dehydrogenase 1A1 (ALDH1A1) and Ral-binding protein 1-associated Eps domain-containing 2 (REPS2), which are involved in detoxification of chemotherapeutic agents. Nuclear DKK-1 expression is lost along CRC progression; however, it remains high in a subset (15%) of CRC patients (n = 699) and associates with decreased progression-free survival (PFS) after chemotherapy administration and overall survival (OS) [adjusted HR, 1.65; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.23-2.21; P = 0.002)]. Overexpression of ALDH1A1 and REPS2 associates with nuclear DKK-1 expression in tumors and correlates with decreased OS (P = 0.001 and 0.014) and PFS. In summary, our findings demonstrate a novel location of DKK-1 within the cell nucleus and support a role of nuclear DKK-1 as a predictive biomarker of chemoresistance in colorectal cancer

    Identification of high-risk patients for referral through machine learning assisting the decision making to manage minor ailments in community pharmacies

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    Background: Data analysis techniques such as machine learning have been used for assisting in triage and the diagnosis of health problems. Nevertheless, it has not been used yet to assist community pharmacists with services such as the Minor Ailment Services These services have been implemented to reduce the burden of primary care consultations in general medical practitioners (GPs) and to allow a better utilization of community pharmacists’ skills. However, there is a need to refer high-risk patients to GPs.Aim: To develop a predictive model for high-risk patients that need referral assisting community pharmacists’ triage through a minor ailment service.Method: An ongoing pragmatic type 3 effectiveness-implementation hybrid study was undertaken at a national level in Spanish community pharmacies since October 2020. Pharmacists recruited patients presenting with minor ailments and followed them 10 days after the consultation. The main outcome measured was appropriate medical referral (in accordance with previously co-designed protocols). Nine machine learning models were tested (three statistical, three black box and three tree models) to assist pharmacists in the detection of high-risk individuals in need of referral.Results: Over 14′000 patients were included in the study. Most patients were female (68.1%). With no previous treatment for the specific minor ailment (68.0%) presented. A percentage of patients had referral criteria (13.8%) however, not all of these patients were referred by the pharmacist to the GP (8.5%). The pharmacists were using their clinical expertise not to refer these patients. The primary prediction model was the radial support vector machine (RSVM) with an accuracy of 0.934 (CI95 = [0.926,0.942]), Cohen’s kappa of 0.630, recall equal to 0.975 and an area under the curve of 0.897. Twenty variables (out of 61 evaluated) were included in the model. radial support vector machine could predict 95.2% of the true negatives and 74.8% of the true positives. When evaluating the performance for the 25 patient’s profiles most frequent in the study, the model was considered appropriate for 56% of them.Conclusion: A RSVM model was obtained to assist in the differentiation of patients that can be managed in community pharmacy from those who are at risk and should be evaluated by GPs. This tool potentially increases patients’ safety by increasing pharmacists’ ability to differentiate minor ailments from other medical conditions