6,816 research outputs found

    Supporting task creation inside FPGA devices

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    The most common model to use co-processors/accelerators is the master-slave model where the slaves (coprocessors/ accelerators) are driven by a general purpose cpu. This simplifies the management of the accelerators because they cannot actively interact with the runtime and they are just passive slaves that operate over the memory under demand. However, the master-slave model limits system possibilities and introduces synchronization overheads that could be avoided. To overcome those limitations and increase the possibilities of accelerators, we propose extending task based programming models (like OpenMP [1] or OmpSs) to support some runtime APIs inside the FPGA co-processor. As a proof-of-concept, we implemented our proposal over the OmpSs@FPGA environment [2] adding the needed infrastructure in the FPGA bitstream and modifying the existing tools to support creation of children tasks inside a task offloaded to an FPGA accelerator. In addition, we added support to synchronize the children tasks created by a FPGA task regardless they are executed in a SMP host thread or they also target another FPGA accelerator in the same co-processor

    Transforming food systems under a changing climate in Latin America: A climate policy review

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    Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate change, but at the same time, it is the main contributor to climate change Governments have recognized that facing climate change is essential to address a sustainable development pathway, but so far little progress has been achieved Thus there is a need for rapid and transformative actions that tackle climate change impacts while achieving sustainable rural development Nevertheless, the way current policies are addressing actions towards transformative actions is unclear concerning sustainable pathways of food systems in the face of climate change. In this sense, this paper reviews current climate change-related policies of Latin American countries to identify whether they address transformational actions in the agricultural sector or food systems in relation to climate change Research questions include which countries state in their policies transformative actions? Are Latin American national policies in line with their international commitments? In order to answer these questions we used different methods of text analysis applied to the policy framework of Latin American countries to assess the integration level of eight components that Campbell et al 2018 propose in the theory of change to drive the transformation of food systems under climate chang

    Transforming food systems under a changing climate in Latin America: A climate policy review

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    Agriculture is highly vulnerable to climate change, but at the same time, it is the main contributor to climate change Governments have recognized that facing climate change is essential to address a sustainable development pathway, but so far little progress has been achieved Thus there is a need for rapid and transformative actions that tackle climate change impacts while achieving sustainable rural development Nevertheless, the way current policies are addressing actions towards transformative actions is unclear concerning sustainable pathways of food systems in the face of climate change. In this sense, this paper reviews current climate change-related policies of Latin American countries to identify whether they address transformational actions in the agricultural sector or food systems in relation to climate change Research questions include which countries state in their policies transformative actions? Are Latin American national policies in line with their international commitments? In order to answer these questions we used different methods of text analysis applied to the policy framework of Latin American countries to assess the integration level of eight components that Campbell et al 2018 propose in the theory of change to drive the transformation of food systems under climate chang

    Embedded optimization-based controllers for industrial processes

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.Due to the growth of computational capabilities and the proliferation of field-programmable gate arrays (FPGA), the utilization of model predictive control (MPC) for embedded applications in the industry has become a possibility and a fact. This paper presents and discusses the possibilities of the use of online MPC, embedded in an educational device from National Instruments, using two different optimization algorithms and code generators, which have come out in recent years by the academia: CVXGEN, which implements a primal-dual interior-point algorithm, and qpOASES, which relies on the online active-set strategy algorithm. Both algorithms have been tested both in simulation and in real-time experimentation to control a four-tank pilot plant.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Dormancy in Deinococcus sp. UDEC-P1 as a survival strategy to escape from deleterious effects of carbon starvation and temperature

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    Dormancy is characterized by low metabolism and absence of protein synthesis and cellular division enabling bacterial cells to survive under stress. The aim was to determine if carbon starvation and low temperature are factors that modify the proportion of dormant/active cells in Deinococcus sp. UDEC-P1. By flow cytometry, RedoxSensor Green (RSG) was used to quantify metabolic activity and Propidium Iodide (PI) to evaluate membrane integrity in order to determine the percentage of dormant cells. Cell size and morphology were determined using scanning electronic microscopy. Under carbon starvation at 30°C, Deinococcus sp. UDEC-P1 increased its proportion of dormant cells from 0.1% to 20%, decreased the count of culturable cells and average cell volume decreased 7.1 times. At 4°C, however, the proportion of dormant cells increased only to 6%, without a change in the count of culturable cells and an average cellular volume decrease of 4.1 times and 3% of the dormant cells were able to be awakened. Results indicate a greater proportion of dormant Deinococcus sp. UDEC-P1 cells at 30ºC and it suggests that carbon starvation is more deleterious condition at 30ºC than 4ºC. For this reason Deinococcus sp. UDEC-P1 cells are more likely to enter into dormancy at higher temperature as a strategy to survive. [Int Microbiol 18(3):189-194 (2015)]Keywords: Deinococcus · dormancy · metabolism · starvation · flow cytometr

    Applying A Methodology For Educating Students With Special Needs: A Case Study

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    The introduction of innovative educational technologies opens up new ways of interacting with students. We propose to exploit this potential to help in the education of children with special needs. We analyze the state of the art of tools supporting the teaching process, focusing on the omissions of existing research. We propose a new framework to help throughout the whole teaching process and describe its application to Proyecto Aprender (Learn Project), an educational resource targeting children with learning difficulties. Finally, we outline some conclusions and current/future research lines

    MIRACLE’s Naive Approach to Medical Images Annotation

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    One of the proposed tasks of the ImageCLEF 2005 campaign has been an Automatic Annotation Task. The objective is to provide the classification of a given set of 1,000 previously unseen medical (radiological) images according to 57 predefined categories covering different medical pathologies. 9,000 classified training images are given which can be used in any way to train a classifier. The Automatic Annotation task uses no textual information, but image-content information only. This paper describes our participation in the automatic annotation task of ImageCLEF 2005

    Synthesis of Diarylamines and Methylcarbazoles and Formal Total Synthesis of Alkaloids Ellipticine and Olivacine

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    En este documento se describe la síntesis química, vía microondas, de derivados de alcaloides elipticina y olivacina, así como su identificación espectroscópica inequívocas.New and efficient strategies for the conversion of 4-oxazolin-2-ones into 1-methyl and 1,4-dimethyl 3-formylcarbazoles are herein described. Highly convergent cascade and one-pot processes afforded the corresponding diarylamines, as in situ formed synthetic intermediates or final products in high overall yields. Special attention was given to the synthesis of methylated carbazoles by reacting 4,5-dimethyl-4-oxazolin-2-ones with enones under microwave irradiation. The carbazole scaffold was provided by the palladium(II)-catalyzed double C−H activation to generate oxidative cyclization of diarylamines. This methodology allowed for formal total syntheses of four naturally occurring pyrido[4,3-b]carbazole alkaloids ellipticine, 9-methoxyellipticine, olivacine, and 9-methoxyolivacine.Secretaría de Investigación y Estudios Avanzados de la UAEMex. CONACYT Ludwig K. Hellweg Foundation Secretaría de Investigación y Posgrado, del IP

    MIRACLE Retrieval Experiments with East Asian Languages

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    This paper describes the participation of MIRACLE in NTCIR 2005 CLIR task. Although our group has a strong background and long expertise in Computational Linguistics and Information Retrieval applied to European languages and using Latin and Cyrillic alphabets, this was our first attempt on East Asian languages. Our main goal was to study the particularities and distinctive characteristics of Japanese, Chinese and Korean, specially focusing on the similarities and differences with European languages, and carry out research on CLIR tasks which include those languages. The basic idea behind our participation in NTCIR is to test if the same familiar linguisticbased techniques may also applicable to East Asian languages, and study the necessary adaptations

    El efecto de la distancia anafórica y de la causalidad implícita en el procesamiento de pronombres en niños entre 5 y 7 años.

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    100 p.Existen diversas investigaciones que buscan dilucidar lo que sucede con el procesamiento de pronombres. Existe bastante evidencia en adultos, pero escasa en niños. De acuerdo con la literatura, el procesamiento de pronombres puede variar por multiples factores, entre ellos la distancia anafórica y la causalidad implícita en el verbo. El presente estudio tiene como propósito conocer el efecto de la distancia anafórica y de la causalidad implícita en el procesamiento de pronombres en niños con desarrollo típico del lenguaje de 5, 6 y 7 años de edad. También se busca indagar acerca del desarrollo de estas habilidades en los niños en los distintos rangos de edad. Los resultados demuestran que los niños de 7 años procesan de mejor manera los anaforos pronominales que los niños de 5 años. Lo anterior indicaría que existe una progresión a medida que pasa el tiempo, puesto que a mayor edad es mejor el procesamiento de anaforos pronominales. Palabras claves: procesamiento de pronombres, distancia anafórica, causalidad implícita