1,765 research outputs found

    Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas y satisfacción de los estudiantes de Enfermería.

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    Introduction: The objective of this research was used to evaluate the effect of Problem-Based Learning in the Nursing students' satisfaction.Material and Methodology: A descriptive transversal study. The task was conducted by 134 second-year Nursing students at the University of Valladolid. Scale satisfaction of the University of Colima (Mexico) was administered under PBL implementation.SPSS was used for data analysis and the content analysis on the participants’ responses.Results: Overall the participants described the contents of the clinical case as engaging, effective, practical and varied. 55% of students revealed their preference for traditional methodology compared to PBL. 78% liked this new methodology. Students’ perception of active learning through PBL showed a high level of motivation and satisfaction in regards to content, the tutorial process, the tutor and the students’ role; whereas the time assigned and the major workload is what least satisfied them. Nevertheless, satisfaction in general was high.Conclusion: The PBL methodology reported successful results according to nursing students’ opinions. It was reported that PBL improves communication and the students’ feedback is implemented. There is a correlation between the teaching and learning process not only in evaluation assessment but also in personal treatment in respect to the benefits to each other.Introducción: El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar el grado de satisfacción de  los  estudiantes de Enfermería  después de utilizar la metodología Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas. Material y métodos: Estudio descriptivo y transversal. La muestra estuvo formada por 134 estudiantes de 2º de Grado de Enfermería de la Universidad de Valladolid. Después de la implementación de ABP  se administró la escala de satisfacción de la Universidad de la Colima (México). Para el análisis de datos se utilizó el programa SPSS y  se realizó el análisis del contenido de las justificaciones de las respuestas.Resultados: A los estudiantes, los contenidos de los casos clínicos  les resultaron  interesantes, prácticos, útiles y variados. Un 55% de los discentes prefiere la metodología tradicional frente al Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas  y  a un 78%  le gustó esta nueva metodología. El aprendizaje activo a través de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas, supuso una alta motivación y una elevada satisfacción percibida por los estudiantes  respecto a los contenidos,  el proceso tutorial, y los roles del  tutor y  del alumno;  mientras que el tiempo asignado  y  la mayor carga de trabajo  es lo que menos les satisface, aunque la satisfacción en general  fue elevada.Conclusiones: Utilizar una metodología ABP aporta una elevada satisfacción en los estudiantes de Enfermería. Resulta favorable la retroalimentación constante en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje, tanto en sesiones de evaluación, como en el trato personal y se mejora la comunicación en el aula.

    Microbenthic Net Metabolism Along Intertidal Gradients (Cadiz Bay, SW Spain): Spatio-Temporal Patterns and Environmental Factors

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    Microphytobenthos (MPB), the photosynthetic primary producing component of microbenthos, shows variable patterns in its biomass distribution along the intertidal gradient as a result of the interactions of factors such as light, tides, temperature, and grazing pressure. These patterns have been studied more extensively in northern European estuaries than southern European coastal systems. Even less information is available regarding temporal changes in MPB primary production rates in these systems. For this reason, we followed the seasonal changes in net production in light and dark respiration rates (determined by oxygen microelectrodes) and MPB biomass (estimated by sediment chlorophyll a) along the intertidal gradient of the inner Cadiz Bay during a year. Sediment cores were collected along two transects (five sampling stations per transect) with distinct sediment granulometry: one muddy [Puerto Real (PR)] and one muddy-sandy transect [San Fernando (SF)]. Our results show that MPB biomass and net production increased seawards reaching their maxima in winter. In contrast to what is observed in northern European systems, the higher solar irradiance and temperatures occurring in summer in southern Spain likely inhibit MPB production. In Cadiz Bay, spatial patterns of MPB biomass and net production depended on season and location due to the environmental heterogeneity observed. Environmental variables, analyzed by principal component analysis (PCA), were used to explain the variability of MPB metabolism by multiple regression. Selected principal component (PC) axes explained 60% of the net production in light and 41% of the dark respiration rates variability in PR, while they only accounted for 25% of the same rates in SF. The differences observed between transects and the variability in the environmental variables explaining them highlight the importance of considering the spatial heterogeneity of our system to estimate the contribution of MPB to the inner Cadiz Bay productivity. In our case, this contribution is significant accounting for up to 49% of the total benthic production of the inner Cadiz Bay intertidal sediments, confirming previous global estimates

    Creación de un corpus coordinado de competencias en Información y Documentación a partir de ofertas de empleo en España

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    El artículo busca elaborar un tesauro mediante relaciones entre las competencias pedidas por el mercado laboral en Información y Documentación y los puestos ofertados. Los planes de estudio de la titulación y las ofertas de empleo aparecidas principalmente en www.documentacion.com.es y en el SOPP de la Universidad Carlos III sirvieron para recopilar los términos del dominio. Ese corpus estructura el tesauro y sirve de base a la indización automática de las ofertas. La metodología empleada permite valorar con coherencia la adecuación de los planes de estudios a las demandas del mercado laboral. Los resultados aparecen en tablas con los elementos más característicos de las ofertas, junto a los encabezamientos terminológicos que clasifican los descriptores del tesauro. La comparación entre los términos de las ofertas y los planes de estudio denota necesidades y carencias en la adecuación de los planes de estudio a lo que el mercado de trabajo solicita

    Potential uptake of dissolved organic matter by seagrasses and macroalgae

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    Dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) acts as a large reservoir of fixed nitrogen. Whereas DON utilization is common in the microbial community, little is known about utilization by macrophytes. We investigated the ability of the coexisting temperate marine macrophytes Zostera noltii, Cymodocea nodosa, and Caulerpa prolifera to take up nitrogen and carbon from small organic substrates of different molecular complexities (urea, glycine, L-leucine, and L-phenylalanine) and from dissolved organic matter (DOM) derived from algal and bacterial cultures (substrates with a complex composition). In addition to inorganic nitrogen, nitrogen from small organic substrates could be taken up in significant amounts by all macrophytes. Substrate uptake by the aboveground tissue differed from that of the belowground tissue. No relationships between carbon and nitrogen uptake of small organics were found. The preference for individual organic substrates was related to their structural complexity and C:N ratio. Uptake of algae-derived organic nitrogen was of similar magnitude as inorganic nitrogen, and was preferred over bacteria-derived nitrogen. These results add to the growing evidence that direct or quick indirect DON utilization may be more widespread among aquatic macrophytes than traditionally thought.This research was supported by the regional government of Andalusia project FUNDIV (P07-RNM-2516), the Spanish Project CTM2008-00012/MAR, a European Reintegration Grant (MERG-CT-2007-205675), a travel grant from Schure-Beijerinck-Popping Fund (SBP/JK/2007-32) and the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research. Thanks to Fidel Echevarrìa Navas (Director of CACYTMAR) for granting us access to facilities, and to Bas Koutstaal for helping with sample processing. We also thank the anonymous reviewers for their valuable comments which significantly improved this manuscript

    Recurrent inhibition in the cerebral cortex

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    Neuronal activity can be modulated by endogenous control mechanisms that either facilitate or suppress it. With this idea in mind, we attempted to evaluate and correlate spinal neuronal activity with the amplitude of corticogram (ECoG) event related potentials (ERP) in the presence of nociceptive stimulation in rats. We evaluated the ERP in response to noxious stimuli, endogenous analgesic actions, different frequencies, and heterotopic nociceptive stimulation, as well as in conjunction with recordings from neurons in the spinal cord that are activated by noxious stimuli. Computational tasks enabled us to establish correlations between the amplitude of ERP and neuronal firing of cells in the spinal dorsal horn. Our results show that the ERP amplitude could be modified by previous activity in the cerebral cortex, but the activity in the spinal cord did not change. Previous activity could originate spontaneously or could be driven by sensory stimulation. A recurrent inhibitory cortical action is proposed that could explain the suppression of pain perception during electrical or magnetic transcranial stimulation, as well as during heterotopic stimulation. This study aims to uncover a local recurrent inhibitory cortical action that could modify the sensory information.Postprint (author's final draft

    Luminescent cis-Bis(bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) Complexes with 1,2-Azolylamidino Ligands: Photophysical, Electrochemical Studies, and Photocatalytic Oxidation of Thioethers

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    Producción CientíficaNew 1,2-azolylamidino complexes cis-[Ru(bipy)2(NH═C(R)az*-κ2N,N)](OTf)2 (R = Me, Ph; az* = pz, indz, dmpz) are synthesized via chloride abstraction after a subsequent base-catalyzed coupling of a nitrile with the previously coordinated 1,2-azole. The synthetic procedure allows the easy obtainment of complexes having different electronic and steric 1,2-azoylamidino ligands. All of the compounds have been characterized by 1H, 13C, and 15N NMR and IR spectroscopy and by monocrystal X-ray diffraction. Photophysical studies support their phosphorescence, whereas their electrochemistry reveals reversible RuII/RuIII oxidations between +1.13 and +1.25 V (vs SCE). The complexes have been successfully used as catalysts in the photooxidation of different thioethers, the complex cis-[Ru(bipy)2(NH═C(Me)dmpz-κ2N,N)]2+ showing better catalytic performance in comparison to that of [Ru(bipy)3]2+. Moreover, the significant catalytic performance of the dimethylpyrazolylamidino complex is applied to the preparation of the drug modafinil, which is obtained using ambient oxygen as an oxidant. Finally, mechanistic assays suggest that the oxidation reaction follows a photoredox route via oxygen radical anion formation.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grants PGC2018- 099470-B-I00 and RTI2018-095038-B-I00)Junta de Castilla y León (grant VA130618)Junta de Castilla y León - Fondo Social Europeo (project BU263P18

    Diel patterns of microphytobenthic primary production in intertidal sediments: the role of photoperiod on the vertical migration circadian rhythm

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    Diel primary production patterns of intertidal microphytobenthos (MPB) have been attributed to short-term physiological changes in the photosynthetic apparatus or to diel changes in the photoautotrophic biomass in the sediment photic layer due to vertical migration. Diel changes in primary production and vertical migration are entrained by external factors like photoperiod and tides. However, the role of photoperiod and tides has not been experimentally separated to date. Here, we performed laboratory experiments with sediment cores kept in immersion, in the absence of tides, with photoperiod or under continuous light. Measurements of net production, made with O-2 microsensors, and of spectral reflectance at the sediment surface showed that, in intertidal sediments, the photoperiod signal was the major driver of the diel patterns of net primary production and sediment oxygen availability through the vertical migration of the MPB photoautotrophic biomass. Vertical migration was controlled by an endogenous circadian rhythm entrained by photoperiod in the absence of tides. The pattern progressively disappeared after 3 days in continuous light but was immediately reset by photoperiod. Even though a potential contribution of a subjective in situ tidal signal cannot be completely discarded, Fourier and cross spectral analysis of temporal patterns indicated that the photosynthetic circadian rhythm was mainly characterized by light/dark migratory cycles

    How COVID-19 is Revamping Journalism: Newsroom Practices and Innovations in a Crisis Context

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    Worldwide audiences became interested in COVID-19-related news, as the health emergency generated a sharp increase in information consumption. Drawing on the literature of crisis innovation, this study aims to understand the transformations that have taken place in the Spanish journalistic industry and the innovations implemented during the pandemic. The research questions are: How has COVID-19 fostered innovation in work organisation in the Spanish newsrooms? What other innovations were launched by the Spanish media during the pandemic? The methodology is based on semi-structured interviews conducted with a purposive sample of 20 media practitioners and 20 experts on journalism innovation (academics and journalists) in Spain. Results show that newsroom practices have evolved through telework, collaboration and other factors, and that digital transformation was accelerated in legacy media. In many outlets, the science section was increasingly relevant, working in a coordinated way with the areas of data visualisation and design to produce relevant content. Also, fact-checkers played an important role in fighting misinformation. The pandemic has speeded up some ongoing innovations in news production, newsroom organisation, distribution, and commercialisation in a significant way. Thus, COVID-19 understood as a crisis situation has had an impact on news products and it has affected journalistic culture

    Comportamiento térmico de sustancias de cambio de fase con frente de fusión inicial

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    Se analiza el comportamiento de sustancias orgánicas de cambio de fase cuando existe un frente de fusión inicial a una distancia del borde que está en contacto con una fuente térmica a temperatura constante. El resto de la sustancia se encuentra sólida a la temperatura de fusión. Los resultados muestran que bajo estas condiciones cuando la sustancia comienza el proceso de fusión, aparece un período de transición en que la distribución de temperaturas desde el borde hasta la posición de la interfase no es lineal, cuya duración depende de la distribución inicial y de la condición impuesta en dicho borde. Al cabo de un cierto tiempo, esta distribución se hace lineal al igual que ocurre cuando la posición de la interfase se encuentra inicialmente en el borde en contacto con la fuente térmica, existiendo un corrimiento en la posición de la interfase líquido – sólido respecto a ésta última situación.The behavior of organics phase change materials keeping in a diathermy wall is presented in this study. The initial condition considered is the presence of a fusion front in contact with a thermal source. The rest of the substance is at the corresponding melting point. The obtained results show that there is a transition period, where the substance has no lineal temperature distribution, but it tends to that distribution in a certain time, as it occurs when the whole substance is initially solid at the melting point.Asociación Argentina de Energías Renovables y Medio Ambiente (ASADES