53 research outputs found

    Teaching conceptions and approaches: do qualitative results support survey data?

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    This study examined preservice teachers’ teaching conceptions and approaches measured quantitatively and qualitatively in order to identify any convergence of findings. Additionally, any changes in conceptions and approaches towards a student- or teacher-centred orientation upon completion of a training course were compared. Method: Preservice teachers completed a scale on approaches to teaching and answered open-ended questions on teaching before and after an initial teacher training programme. Results and conclusions: Inconsistencies in the results suggest that research on teaching and learning should use a combination of techniques in order to ensure that phenomena are accurately examined so that appropriate educational decisions are made.This study examined preservice teachers’ teaching conceptions and approaches measured quantitatively and qualitatively in order to identify any convergence of findings. Additionally, any changes in conceptions and approaches towards a student- or teacher-centred orientation upon completion of a training course were compared. Method: Preservice teachers completed a scale on approaches to teaching and answered open-ended questions on teaching before and after an initial teacher training programme. Results and conclusions: Inconsistencies in the results suggest that research on teaching and learning should use a combination of techniques in order to ensure that phenomena are accurately examined so that appropriate educational decisions are made

    Ethical excellence as leadership essence in higher education

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    Organismos Internacionales como la OCDE, la UNESCO y la Unión Europea ponen de manifiesto la función del liderazgo como estrategia clave que augura calidad en la educación. Paralelamente, una universidad que aspire a ser una verdadera institución de educación superior no puede obviar la ética que conlleva implícita toda acción sobresaliente. Bajo estas premisas presentamos una experiencia educativa donde la excelencia ética se muestra como elemento esencial de liderazgo en el ámbito universitario. Una experiencia donde lo cualitativo prima ante lo cuantitativo y donde los estudiantes sobresalientes ponen de manifiesto las cualidades que hacen de ellos merecedores de la distinción de Matrícula de Honor. Se trata de liderar acciones educativas que conviertan el resultado en procesos de participación y de responsabilidad social y ética al mismo tiempo que animan a los estudiantes a asumir compromisos individuales y colectivos. Ética y liderazgo quedan por tanto hermanadas en un trabajo final donde ciertos alumnos sobresalientes demuestran ser, sobre todo, estudiantes excelentesInternational organizations such as the OECD, the UNESCO and the European Union highlight the role of leadership as a keystone that improves quality in education. In addition, universities should aspire to include ethics if it want to achieve a higher education level and outstanding actions. Under this rationale we present and educational experience where ethical excellence is shown as an essential element of leadership at university. An experience where qualitative prevails above quantitative premises and where outstanding students show the qualities that make them perfect candidates for the higher academic qualification in Spain (Matrícula de Honor). With this aim, we will talk about leading educational actions that turn the result into social and ethical process. At the same time we encourage our students to assume individual and collective commitments. Finally, ethics and leadership are therefore twinned in final essay where some outstanding pupils prove to be, above all, excellent student

    María de Maeztu’s contributions to the beginnings of Social Pedagogy in Spain

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    María de Maeztu will always be remembered for being the head of the “Residencia de Señoritas”, but her place in the History of Education is not limited to this relevant activity. This paper pretends to highlight her main contributions to the introduction and dissemination of Social Pedagogy in Spain, taking as critical period of study the interval before, during and after her stay in Germany (1912-1913) where she was in contact, among others, with Professor Paul Natorp. Previously, special attention will be given to the reasons that could have influenced her decision to go to the University of Marburg. In this sense, it will be inevitable to speak about José Ortega y Gasset and Ramiro de Maeztu. This study will give us a general overview of the role that María de Maeztu played in the beginnings of Social Pedagogy in our country until 1915, when she was chosen as head of the already mentioned girls’ residence.</p

    Francisco Giner de los Ríos o el arte de forjar almas

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    Este trabajo tiene por objeto dibujar el perfil educador de Francisco Giner de los Ríos, el hombre más carismático de la Institución Libre de Enseñanza. Apoyándonos sobre todo en el testimonio escrito de algunos de sus discípulos más cualificados, estas páginas reflejan la actividad de un maestro universitario a pie de obra. Giner superó el horizonte de su época porque se opuso al memorismo estéril y construía el saber con sus discípulos, planteando problemas e invitando a encontrar soluciones. Era, en definitiva, un educador moderno, de corte europeo. Y lo era allá donde estuviera; por eso, con su buen hacer pero, sobre todo, con su ser, iluminó una herencia pedagógica de cuatro décadas, ya en el siglo XX. Que a los educadores de hoy, bien entrado el XXI, nos sirva para reforzar nuestra responsabilidad y redoblar esfuerzos en la tarea, seguramente, más comprometida que existe.The aim of these lines is to present the portrait of the most charismatic educator of the Institución Libre de Enseñanza: Francisco Giner de los Ríos. Building our discourse on the written testimony of some of his most qualified disciples, these pages show the activity of a university teacher —not just a professor—. Giner exceeded the horizon of his time because he opposed the sterile memorization and built knowledge with his disciples, not only proposing problems but also inviting them to solve them. In short, he was a modern educator who was aware of the European way of teaching. And he was all these things regardless of the place where he was. Therefore, with his savoir faire, but above all thanks to his great way of being, he lit a pedagogical legacy of four decades within the twentieth century. His life may be a good mirror in which educators could see their duties and efforts reflected

    Realising pedagogical potencial of the bologna process third cycle

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    The European Higher Education Area (EHEA) has been achieved, at least in structure, remapping Higher Education as we know it. This scenario offers a new framework in which the role of universities can be rethought, independently of the field of the new degrees and post grade studies. More specifically, the roles of teachers and students need to be reconsidered. Achieving an enhanced doctoral experience for the next generation of PhD students represents a measurable practical outcome of the Bologna Process. This doctoral case study is contextualised within the issues of internationalisation, standards and standardization of degree credit ratings, collaboration and competition, and language and writing.Peer Reviewe

    Enfoques de aprendizaje y rendimiento académico en Educación Secundaria

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    [Resumen] El estudio de los factores que infuyen, y en algunos casos determinan, el rendimiento académico de nuestros alumnos es un campo fértil de investigación en el ámbito educativo. En la presente investigación comprobamos la relación que existe, si existe, entre el tipo de enfoque hacia el aprendizaje de los alumnos y su rendimiento académico, distinguiendo entre enfoques profundos y superficiales. La muestra se conforma con alumnos de Educación Secundaria durante el curso académico 2006-2007. Además, se observa la relación que pudiera existir entre el hecho de que un profesor les imparta más de una asignatura y las calificaciones obtenidas.[Abstract] The study of the factors that influence, and in some cases determines, the academic results of our students is a fertile field of research from the educative point of view. In this research we focus on the relation that exists, if any, between the type of approach to learning of the students and the academic results, distinguishing between deep and surface approaches. The sample is formed by students of Secondary Education from the academic course 2006-2007. Moreover, we have also observed the relation that could exist between the fact that a teacher teach them more than one subject and the obtained qualifications

    New Times, New Ways Of Teaching And Learning: Perception Of The EHEA And Pedagogical Discussion

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    It is 2010, the established deadline of the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). The Bologna Process is an unstoppable reality. But we can not admit that this change, simply by being a significant change, must be for good. We can not also disregard the potential positive pedagogical reform the Bologna Process offers to us. Then, what is the reality of the Bologna Process in Spain? What is the perception of students and teachers? Are there differences in their responses regarding the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS)? What are the pedagogical implications of these answers? This paper provides empirical evidences to these questions through the use of two questionnaires prepared ad hoc according to the pedagogical principles derived from the so-called Bologna Declaration