1,002 research outputs found

    El diálogo transdisciplinario un enfoque de abordaje del cambio climático

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    La transdisciplinariedad es una forma de generación del conocimiento dialogada. Los saberes tradicionales de las ciencias naturales y de las ciencias sociales debaten abiertamente con la experiencia empírica acumulada en las personas y organizaciones sociales. Mediante este diálogo a universidad y las organizaciones campesinas buscan estrategias de adaptación al cambio climático que les permita mejorar sus condiciones de vida y augurar un futuro para sus familias. Este artículo describe una fase del diálogo transdisciplinar del II semestre del 2014, a partir de un mapeo de las parcelas y la construcción de las memorias comunitarias. El reconocimiento en la responsabilidad por la destrucción de la tierra y la reflexión sobre la vida de esa tierra permite pensar en estrategias para sobrevivir con la destrucción y cuidar esa vida. La identificación en cada comunidad de los niveles de vulnerabilidad y de resiliencia de cada parcela abre la puerta a planes de finca que enfoquen la transformación productiva a una estrategia familiar y organizacional de desarrollo humano y adaptación al cambio climático. Palabras clave: Transdisciplinariedad, investigación acción participativa, adaptación al cambio climático, resiliencia y desarrollo

    Use of Alternative Wood for the Ageing of Brandy de Jerez

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    The use of alternative types of wood has arisen for the aging of the Brandy de Jerez, on a pilot plant level. In particular, besides the use of American oak, two more types of oak have been studied, French oak and Spanish oak, allowed by the Technical File for the ID Brandy de Jerez, and chestnut, which, though it is not officially allowed, is a type of wood which had been traditionally used in the area for the aging of wines and distillates. All of them have been studied with different toasting levels: Intense toasting and medium toasting. The study of the total phenolic composition (TPI), chromatic characteristics, organic acids, and sensory analysis have proven that chestnut leads to distillates with a higher amount of phenolic compounds and coloring intensity than oak. This behavior is the opposite as regards the toasting of the wood. Among the different types of oak, Spanish oak produces aged distillates with a higher phenolic composition and a higher color intensity. Regarding tasting, the best-assessed samples were those aged with chestnut, French oak, and American oak, and the assessors preferred those who had used a medium toasting level to those with an intense leve

    A Theoretical Approximation of the Accelerating Effects of Ultrasound about the Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from Wood by Wine Spirits

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    The acceleration on the extraction by the sonication of phenolic compounds (measured as the Total Phenolic Index) from wood chips by wine distillates is studied in the present paper. Using the Arrhenius equation, the theoretical temperature at which the kinetics obtained by these sonicated extraction processes are equal to the kinetics of non-sonicated and thermally accelerated extractions, was calculated. By applying a pseudo-second order kinetic model, it was shown that the initial rate values obtained from the sonicated extractions were as high as those obtained from the thermal extractions carried out at a temperature at least 2.5 degrees C higher than the real temperature at which the experiment was performed. Higher power densities lead to higher initial rates of extraction, although very high power densities decrease the amount of phenols in equilibrium, probably due to the degradation processes. Additionally, the positive synergy between the sonication and the movement of the recirculated distillate through wood chips was also stablished, obtaining a difference of temperature of at least,18.2 degrees C for the initial extraction rate and 7.0 degrees C for the equilibrium

    Tributos en las empresas del departamento de Matagalpa, en el periodo 2019 : Aplicación, Registro y Pago de los tributos de la financiera Aldea Global, del municipio El Tuma-La Dalia

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    Este trabajo investigativo que he finalizado, con la temática: Tributos en las empresa de Matagalpa, en el periodo 2019, se desarrolló con el propósito, para evaluar la aplicación, registro y pago de los tributos en la Financiera Aldea Global del municipio el Tuma-la Dalia, del departamento de Matagalpa, en el periodo 2019.Tributos son los mecanismos de recaudo que el estado exige mediante ley para darle cumplimiento a los programas de gobierno así como los ajustes o aumentos al Presupuesto General de la Republica. La importancia de los tributos, su objeto de estudio y aplicación, nos lleva a entender ampliamente, la clasificación de los tributos, que en partes son los impuestos, tasas y contribuciones especiales, su definición y principalmente como la Financiera Aldea Global aplica estos tributos en sus operaciones. Podremos encontrar algunos de los documentos que utiliza la financiera para el proceso de afiliación, así como estados de resultados y balance general. Esto se podrá observar en los anexos. Encontraremos la forma que se debe de pagar los tributos, los sistemas que se han implementado para la declaración, que en partes son, la Ventanilla Electrónica Tributaria (VET).la financiera aldea global es responsable recaudador de todo a lo que se refiere de rentas de trabajo, rentas de actividades económicas, a excepción de las rentas de capital y ganancia y perdidas de capital, están sujetos al IVA, a su recaudo y declaraci

    Application of a robust QFT linear control method to the course changing manoeuvring of a ship

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    This paper describes in detail the design methodology of a robust QFT (Quantitative Feedback Theory) controller for the control of the course changing of a ship. A linear model is used with uncertainty in the parameters. The system is designed to fulfil the specifications of robust stability and robust tracking of a reference system

    La transdisciplinariedad una herramienta para apuntar al Buen Vivir

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    El desarrollo de los territorios y sujetos rurales necesita de nuevas formas de abordar la compresión de sus problemáticas y posibilidades de desarrollo. En un territorio de Nicaragua la universidad y una organización campesina llevan desde el 2013 construyendo un proceso de diálogo transdisciplinario para generar estrategias de desarrollo desde las familias de trece comunidades rurales. ¿Permitirá este diálogo identificar elementos del Buen Vivir en el futuro del campesinado en este territorio rural? A partir de la matriz de necesidades y satisfactores se reflexionó y se analizó a la luz del plan estratégico de la organización, la necesidad de sanar los dolores personales, entender el dolor de la pérdida del proceso de lucha campesino, el papel que la asociatividad juega en esa sanación y la necesidad de diálogo entre la memoria organizativa con las expectativas del relevo generacional. Este diálogo podría ser una herramienta que apunte al Buen Vivir.The development of rural territories and subjects need for new approaches to understanding their problems and development opportunities. In a territory of Nicaragua, college and peasant organization since 2013 are building a transdisciplinary dialogue process to generate development strategies from within families of thirteen rural communities. Will this dialogue provide with opportunities to identify elements of Good Livingin the future of peasantry in this rural area? From the matrix of needs and satisfiers we thought and analyzed at the light of the strategic plan of the organization, the need to heal personal pain, understand the pain of the loss in the process of peasant struggle, the role the association plays in the healing and the need for dialogue between organizational memory with the expectations of generational replacement. This dialogue could be a tool to target towardsGood Living.O desenvolvimento dos territórios e sujeitos rurais precisa de novas abordagens para a compreensão de suas problemáticas e oportunidades de desenvolvimento. Em um território de Nicarágua a universidade e uma organização camponesa estão, a partir de 2013, construindo um processo de diálogo transdisciplinar para gerar estratégias de desenvolvimento de treze comunidades rurais. Permitirá este diálogo identificar elementos do Bom Viver no futuro do campesinato nesta área rural? A partir da matriz de necessidades e satisfastores se refletiu e analisou à luz do plano estratégico da organização. A necessidade de curar as dores pessoais, compreender a dor da perda do processo de luta camponesa, o papel que a associatividade desempenha na cura e a necessidade do diálogo entre a memória organizacional com as expectativas geracionais. Este diálogo poderia ser uma ferramenta que visa o Bom Viver

    La transdisciplinariedad una herramienta para apuntar al Buen Vivir

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    El desarrollo de los territorios y sujetos rurales necesita de nuevas formas de abordar la compresión de sus problemáticas y posibilidades de desarrollo. En un territorio de Nicaragua la universidad y una organización campesina llevan desde el 2013 construyendo un proceso de diálogo transdisciplinario para generar estrategias de desarrollo desde las familias de trece comunidades rurales. ¿Permitirá este diálogo identificar elementos del Buen Vivir en el futuro del campesinado en este territorio rural? A partir de la matriz de necesidades y satisfactores se reflexionó y se analizó a la luz del plan estratégico de la organización, la necesidad de sanar los dolores personales, entender el dolor de la pérdida del proceso de lucha campesino, el papel que la asociatividad juega en esa sanación y la necesidad de diálogo entre la memoria organizativa con las expectativas del relevo generacional. Este diálogo podría ser una herramienta que apunte al Buen Vivir.The development of rural territories and subjects need for new approaches to understanding their problems and development opportunities. In a territory of Nicaragua, college and peasant organization since 2013 are building a transdisciplinary dialogue process to generate development strategies from within families of thirteen rural communities. Will this dialogue provide with opportunities to identify elements of Good Livingin the future of peasantry in this rural area? From the matrix of needs and satisfiers we thought and analyzed at the light of the strategic plan of the organization, the need to heal personal pain, understand the pain of the loss in the process of peasant struggle, the role the association plays in the healing and the need for dialogue between organizational memory with the expectations of generational replacement. This dialogue could be a tool to target towardsGood Living.O desenvolvimento dos territórios e sujeitos rurais precisa de novas abordagens para a compreensão de suas problemáticas e oportunidades de desenvolvimento. Em um território de Nicarágua a universidade e uma organização camponesa estão, a partir de 2013, construindo um processo de diálogo transdisciplinar para gerar estratégias de desenvolvimento de treze comunidades rurais. Permitirá este diálogo identificar elementos do Bom Viver no futuro do campesinato nesta área rural? A partir da matriz de necessidades e satisfastores se refletiu e analisou à luz do plano estratégico da organização. A necessidade de curar as dores pessoais, compreender a dor da perda do processo de luta camponesa, o papel que a associatividade desempenha na cura e a necessidade do diálogo entre a memória organizacional com as expectativas geracionais. Este diálogo poderia ser uma ferramenta que visa o Bom Viver

    Multiciliated ependyma recovery through a sequential cell therapy in posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus.

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    Posthemorrhagic hydrocephalus (PHH) is a significant cause for premature children’s morbidity, mortality, and peri/postnatal neurodevelopmental impairment. PHH is mainly triggered by germinal matrix hemorrhages (GMH) and causes germinal matrix and ependyma disfunction. Ependyma constitutes a relevant tissue barrier with roles in cerebrospinal fluid homeostasis, circulation, and neurogenesis, hence situating ependyma as a main target when treating PHH. Clinical treatments are directed to eliminate immediate inflammatory condition triggered by the bleeding, to drain excess of CSF if needed, but not to treat or recover ependyma structure. Ependymal progenitors were obtained from P0 mice. Cells were cultured under specific conditions to enhance either ependymal proliferation or differentiation status. Different GMH/IVH neuroinflammatory conditions were mimed in the ependyma cultures, different stem cell therapies tested and effect on the ependymal differentiation measured. Additionally, ventricular wall explants from mice with induced PHH were obtained and cultured as ex-vivo system of PHH. A combination of stem cells was applied on the tissue to probe its regenerative capabilities on the multiciliated ependyma. All samples were analyzed through immunofluorescence and laser confocal microscopy and quantified. Results show that (i) ependymal progenitors’ maturation is hindered under neuroinflammatory conditions, showing no multiciliated ependyma and (ii) the tested stem cell combination promotes ependymal progenitors’ survival albeit does not alter the differentiation of the selfsame. In summary, it can be stated that the final differentiation of the ependyma is disrupted by the molecular conditions triggered by GMH/IVH, which our proposed cell therapy is able to counteract through increased survival and differentiation in a murine model of experimental PHHJunta de Andalucia (UMA18-FEDERJA-277) and Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI19/00778), Spain; co-financed by FEDER funds from the European Union, Spain. Also, II-PPITD, Universidad de Malaga, Spain (to JL-dSS); and I-PPITD, Universidad de Málaga, Spain (to LMR-P) Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Análisis de los factores influyentes en un ambiente escolar con violencia y dificultades de convivencia

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    ABSTRACTIn this paper it is described influential factors such as verbal and physical aggressions, disobedience of norms and other disruptive conducts, in 89 pupils from Secondary Education with problems of coexistence. These factors make difficult to cultivate an atmosphere of peace in daily life of schools, as well as complicate the achievement of targets for learning. We evaluate characteristics that might influence the spring up negative attitudes and behaviours and even its maintenance. Tests are applied to asses school climate (California School Climate and Safety Survey (CSCSS) from Furlong et al., (1991, adapted by Infante, et al, 2003), attitudes of coexistence (Questionnaire of Attitudes towards Diversity and Violence (CADV), Diaz-Aguado et al  2004 ), interpersonal relations between different agents: among the members of the professorship, professor – pupils relationships; relationships among pupils (Convivence Questionnaire for teachers, Fernández et al., 2003) and information about pupils: school performance, study habits, free time, preferences, and their families: composition, type of conjugal union, extensive family, socioeconomic aspects, cultural level, studies, family habits, relationship (sociometric test and questionnaires elaborated by the educational guidance team).  The results suggest that students' drop out can generate a negative attitude towards every aspect related to academic life, not necessary addressed to balance them at home. Violent attitudes are mainly learned from visual and digital media, with which they usually spend much time. It is necessary the intervention from the guidance department to coordinate the educational agents.RESUMENSe describen los factores influyentes en problemas de convivencia de una muestra de 89 alumnos de un instituto de Educación Secundaria: agresiones verbales y físicas, desprecios, desobediencia de normas y conductas disruptivas que dificultan una convivencia en paz y el logro de objetivos de aprendizaje. Se evalúan factores que podrían influir en la generación y mantenimiento de actitudes y conductas negativas. Se aplican pruebas sobre clima escolar (California School Climate and Safety Survey (CSCSS) (Furlong et al.,1991, adaptada por Infante, et al, 2003), actitudes de convivencia (Cuestionario de Actitudes hacia la Diversidad y la Violencia (CADV) de Diaz-Aguado et al.,2004), relaciones interpersonales: profesorado entre sí, profesorado-alumnado; alumnado entre sí (Cuestionario para el profesorado sobre convivencia de Fernández et al, 2003), datos de los alumnos: rendimiento escolar, hábitos de estudio, ocio, preferencias, datos de sus familias: composición, unión conyugal, familia extensa, nivel socioeconómico, cultural, de estudios, hábitos familiares, relación (test sociométrico y cuestionarios elaborados por el equipo de orientación). Los resultados apuntan a que el fracaso escolar de algunos alumnos, no compensado desde el hogar, puede generar un oposicionismo compartido hacia todo lo escolar, con actitudes violentas que aprenderían sobre todo de los medios de comunicación visuales y digitales, a los que dedican gran cantidad de tiempo. Se requiere una intervención desde el departamento de orientación que coordine a los agentes educativos.ABSTRACT In this paper it is described influential factors such as verbal and physical aggressions, disobedience of norms and other disruptive conducts, in 89 pupils from Secondary Education with problems of coexistence. These factors make difficult to cultivate an atmosphere of peace in daily life of schools, as well as complicate the achievement of targets for learning. We evaluate characteristics that might influence the spring up negative attitudes and behaviours and even its maintenance. Tests are applied to asses school climate (California School Climate and Safety Survey (CSCSS) from Furlong et al., (1991, adapted by Infante, et al, 2003), attitudes of coexistence (Questionnaire of Attitudes towards Diversity and Violence (CADV), Diaz-Aguado et al  2004 ), interpersonal relations between different agents: among the members of the professorship, professor – pupils relationships; relationships among pupils (Convivence Questionnaire for teachers, Fernández et al., 2003) and information about pupils: school performance, study habits, free time, preferences, and their families: composition, type of conjugal union, extensive family, socioeconomic aspects, cultural level, studies, family habits, relationship (sociometric test and questionnaires elaborated by the educational guidance team).  The results suggest that students' drop out can generate a negative attitude towards every aspect related to academic life, not necessary addressed to balance them at home. Violent attitudes are mainly learned from visual and digital media, with which they usually spend much time. It is necessary the intervention from the guidance department to coordinate the educational agents

    Efficient antenna modeling by DGTD

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    The work described in this article is partially funded by the Spanish National Projects TEC2013-48414-C3-01, CSD2008-00068, P09-TIC-5327, and P12-TIC-1442 and by the GENIL Excellence Network