77 research outputs found

    Macroecological patterns of species distribution, composition and richness of the Azorean terrestrial biota

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    We investigate the macroecological patterns of the terrestrial biota of the Azorean archipelago, namely the species-range size distributions, the distance decay of similarity, and the island species–area relationship (ISAR). We use the most recent up-to-date checklists to describe the diversity at the island level for nine groups (Lichens, Fungi, Diatoms, Bryophytes, Vascular Plants, Nematodes, Molluscs, Arthropods, Vertebrates). The particularities of the Azorean biota result in some differences to the patterns commonly found in other oceanic archipelagos. Strikingly, bryophytes, molluscs and vertebrates show a bimodal species-range size distribution, and vascular plants a right unimodal distribution due the high numbers of widespread species. Such high compositional homogeneity between islands also results in non-significant or even negative decays of similarity with distance among islands for most groups. Dispersal ability, together with other particular characteristics of each taxon, also shapes these distributions, as well as the relationships between island species richness, and area and time. Strikingly, the degree of departure of the richness of the whole archipelago from the SAR of its constituent islands largely depends on the dispersal ability of each group. Comparative studies with other oceanic archipelagos of the globe are however needed to understand the biogeographical and evolutionary processes shaping the remarkably low diversity of the Azorean biota

    Descrição da biodiversidade terrestre e marinha dos Açores

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    1. Os Açores são um arquipélago isolado de nove ilhas oceânicas, pertence à região biogeográfica da Macaronésia e está entre as regiões mais ricas em fungos, plantas e animais da Europa. Este capítulo destaca o que sabemos sobre os fungos, a fauna e a flora dos habitats terrestres, dulçaquícolas e marinhos dos Açores. 2. Neste capítulo, são apresentadas as estimativas do número total de espécies e subespécies conhecidas actualmente nos Açores. Todos os grupos taxonómicos terrestres mais importantes foram analisados: fungos, líquenes, diatomáceas dulçaquícolas, briófitos (musgos, hepáticas e antocerotas), plantas vasculares (licófitas, fetos, gimnospérmicas e angiospérmicas), platelmintes (vermes), nemátodos, anelídeos (minhocas), moluscos terrestres (lesmas e caracóis), artrópodes (insectos, aracnídeos, milípedes, etc.) e vertebrados (peixes de água doce, anfíbios, répteis, aves e mamíferos). A presente obra inclui também espécies do ambiente marinho, como as algas (macroalgas), a maioria dos filos de invertebrados do litoral e os vertebrados marinhos (répteis, peixes e mamíferos). As listas de espécies e subespécies (Capítulos 2-15) são baseadas nos taxa identificados numa grande variedade de publicações, tendo essa informação sido compilada por um vasto grupo de especialistas. 3. Actualmente, o número total de taxa (espécies e subespécies) terrestres nos Açores está estimado em cerca de 6164 (cerca de 6112 espécies). A inclusão de uma listagem exaustiva das espécies de aves não-nidificantes e de uma listagem preliminar de espécies de aves potencialmente nidificantes acrescenta 325 espécies e subespécies ao total das espécies açorianas. 4. O número total de espécies e subespécies endémicas terrestres dos Açores é de cerca de 452 (411 espécies). Os animais são os mais diversos em endemismos, com 331 taxa (Arthropoda = 266; Mollusca = 49; Vertebrata = 14; Nematoda = 2), compreendendo cerca de 73% dos endemismos terrestres dos Açores. A percentagem de endemismo nos Mollusca (44%) é notável. As plantas vasculares contam com 73 endemismos, os Fungi (incluindo os líquenes) têm 34 e, tanto as diatomáceas dulçaquícolas como os briófitos, incluem sete espécies endémicas. 5. Quando comparada com os arquipélagos vizinhos da Macaronésia (Madeira e Canárias), a fauna e flora terrestres dos Açores é caracterizada por uma menor taxa de endemismo, de apenas 7%, contrastando com os cerca de 20% para a Madeira e de 30% para as Canárias. 6. No que diz respeito aos organismos marinhos, são listados 1883 taxa pertencentes a 16 filos. O número total de espécies e subespécies marinhas endémicas dos Açores é de cerca de 39, a maior parte delas moluscos (29 espécies). 7. O número total de taxa terrestres e marinhos (espécies e subespécies) nos Açores, está estimado em cerca de 8047. Os organismos marinhos agora listados, perfazem cerca de 23% da biodiversidade dos Açores. 8. O número total de taxa terrestres e marinhos (espécies e subespécies) endémicos dos Açores está estimado em cerca de 491.ABSTRACT: 1. The Azores is a remote oceanic archipelago of nine islands which belongs to the Macaronesia biogeographical region and is among the richest regions concerning fungi, plant and animal diversity in Europe. This chapter highlights what we know about the Azorean terrestrial, freshwater and marine Fungi, Flora and Fauna. 2. In this chapter we summarize the current estimates of the total number of species and subspecies presently known to occur in the Azores. The most important terrestrial taxonomic groups were studied: Fungi, Lichens, Bacillariophyta (freshwater diatoms), Bryophyta sensu lato (mosses, liverworts and hornworts), vascular plants – Tracheobionta, including Lycopodiophyta (quillworts), Pteridophyta (ferns), Pinophyta (gymnosperms) and Magnoliophyta (angiosperms), Platyhelminthes (flatworms), Nematoda (roundworms), Annelida (earthworms), Terrestrial Mollusca (slugs and snails), Arthropoda (millipedes, centipedes, mites, spiders, insects, etc.) and Vertebrata (freshwater fishes, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals). In addition, we expand this list to the marine realm, including Algae (macroalgae), coastal invertebrates (most Phyla) and marine vertebrates (fishes, reptiles and mammals). The list of species and subspecies (Chapters 2 to 15) is based on the taxa recognized in primary published literature sources, compiled by a vast group of experts. 3. Currently the total number of terrestrial taxa (species and subspecies) in the Azores is estimated of about 6164 (about 6112 species). The inclusion of an exhaustive listing of non breeding species and a preliminary list of potentially breeding species adds 325 species and subspecies of birds to the Azorean list of species. 4. The total number of terrestrial endemic species and/or subspecies from the Azores is about 452 (411 species). Animals are the most represented in this respect, with 331 taxa (Arthropoda = 266; Mollusca = 49; Vertebrata = 14; Nematoda = 2), that is, about 73% of the Azorean terrestrial endemics. The percentage of endemism within Mollusca (44%) is remarkable. Vascular plants have 73 endemic taxa, while Fungi (including Lichens) have 34, freshwater diatoms and bryophytes have seven endemic species each. 5. Compared to the other nearest Macaronesian archipelagos (Madeira and Canaries), the Azorean terrestrial fauna and flora is characterized by a lower percentage of endemism (only 7%, which contrasts with nearly 20% for Madeira and 30% for the Canary islands). 6. Concerning the marine organisms, we listed about 1883 taxa belonging to 16 Phyla. The total number of marine endemic species and/or subspecies from the Azores is about 39, most of them being molluscs (29 species). 7. Currently, the total number of terrestrial and marine taxa (species and subspecies) in the Azores is estimated in about 8047. The marine organisms currently listed make up about 23% of the Azorean biodiversity. 8. Currently, the total number of terrestrial and marine endemic taxa (species and subspecies) in the Azores is estimated of about 491

    Evaluation of the patient with temporomandibular dysfunction : what are the steps to arrive at a correct diagnosis?

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    Temporomandibular disorders are heterogeneous group of disorders involving the temporomandibular joint, masticatory muscles and associated structures. With a multifactorial origin, usually the patient with mandibular temporomandibular disorder reports multiple complaints, associated or not to comorbidities and non-repairing sleep. Anamnesis directed to the correct diagnosis is fundamental for the elaboration of a successful therapy. The diagnostic process should be able to categorize the pain as well as identify the involved tissues in addition to pointing out the specific source of pain within that tissue system. The steps to arrive at a correct diagnosis should cover: anamnesis, clinical evaluation for temporomandibular joint, the clinical examination through inspection of the cranial nerves, intra-oral evaluation and musculoskeletal examination, imaging tests, anesthetic block diagnosis, laboratory tests and evaluation of sleep pattern. This process begins in the clinical history, presence or not of associated comorbidities, sleep pattern and other factors that may somehow contribute to the patient’s clinic. This information supports the correct diagnosis and is essential for adequate and successful therapy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Possíveis abordagens terapêuticas para o tratamento do líquen plano oral: uma revisão de literatura / Possible therapeutic approaches for the treatment of oral lichen plane: a literature review

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    O presente estudo tem por objetivo revisar a literatura acerca das possíveis terapias para tratamento do líquen plano oral. Foi realizada uma revisão da literatura, com busca por artigos publicados no PubMed e SciELO entre 2016 a 2021, nos idiomas português, inglês e espanhol. Os artigos foram selecionados através do cruzamento dos descritores  ‘’Patologia Bucal’’,  ‘’Líquen Plano Bucal’’, ‘’Protocolos Clínicos’’, “Tratamento”, junto ao operadores booleanos ‘’AND’’ e ‘’OR’’, com seus correspondentes em inglês e espanhol, seguido pela leitura dos títulos, dos resumos e, por fim, dos artigos na íntegra. Os corticóides tópicos são a primeira escolha para o tratamento do líquen plano oral. Entretanto, seu uso a longo prazo, pode ocasionar efeitos colaterais indesejáveis. Em decorrência disso, houve a necessidade de recorrer a terapias alternativas como cirurgia nos casos de líquen plano oral mais delimitados, laserterapia como coadjuvante na diminuição da dor e aceleração no processo de cicatrização e fitoterapia como uma modalidade alternativa em casos de comprometimento sistêmico e baixo custo. A principal dificuldade para o tratamento do líquen plano oral, deve-se principalmente por não haver uma modalidade de tratamento que seja totalmente curativa. As terapias usadas limitam apenas ao controle da patologia, com isso, o tratamento requer acompanhamento a longos prazos. Segundo a literatura, é impossível alcançar a erradicação completa da doença com os métodos disponíveis. O tratamento deve visar atingir objetivos específicos, como a eliminação e redução de lesões atróficas e ulcerativas, o alívio dos sintomas e a redução do risco de transformação maligna

    Erratum to: The study of cardiovascular risk in adolescents – ERICA: rationale, design and sample characteristics of a national survey examining cardiovascular risk factor profile in Brazilian adolescents

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    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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    Biodiversity loss is one of the main challenges of our time,1,2 and attempts to address it require a clear un derstanding of how ecological communities respond to environmental change across time and space.3,4 While the increasing availability of global databases on ecological communities has advanced our knowledge of biodiversity sensitivity to environmental changes,5–7 vast areas of the tropics remain understudied.8–11 In the American tropics, Amazonia stands out as the world’s most diverse rainforest and the primary source of Neotropical biodiversity,12 but it remains among the least known forests in America and is often underrepre sented in biodiversity databases.13–15 To worsen this situation, human-induced modifications16,17 may elim inate pieces of the Amazon’s biodiversity puzzle before we can use them to understand how ecological com munities are responding. To increase generalization and applicability of biodiversity knowledge,18,19 it is thus crucial to reduce biases in ecological research, particularly in regions projected to face the most pronounced environmental changes. We integrate ecological community metadata of 7,694 sampling sites for multiple or ganism groups in a machine learning model framework to map the research probability across the Brazilian Amazonia, while identifying the region’s vulnerability to environmental change. 15%–18% of the most ne glected areas in ecological research are expected to experience severe climate or land use changes by 2050. This means that unless we take immediate action, we will not be able to establish their current status, much less monitor how it is changing and what is being lostinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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