127 research outputs found

    Bond Strengths of Various Resin Cements to Different Ceramics

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    This study evaluates the shear bond strength (SBS) of various resin cements to different ceramics. Composite resin cylinders of Z100 were fabricated and cemented to disks of feldspathic ceramic (Creation), leucite-reinforced feldspathic ceramic (Empress I), and densely sintered aluminum oxide ceramic (Procera AllCeram) using five resin cements: Panavia F (PAN), RelyX ARC (ARC), RelyX Unicem (RXU), RelyX Veneer, and Variolink II. SBS was measured after three days of water storage (baseline) and after artificial aging (180 days of water storage along with 12,000 thermal cycles). Failure mode of fractured specimens also was evaluated. Data were analyzed with Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney tests (α=0.05). RXU showed 1) the lowest baseline median SBS to feldspathic ceramic, which was not statistically different from PAN; 2) the lowest median baseline SBS to leucite-reinforced feldspathic and densely sintered aluminum-oxide ceramics. All cements performed similarly after aging, except for ARC (median 0.0 MPa) and PAN (median 16.2 MPa) in the densely sintered aluminum-oxide ceramic group. Resin cements perform differently when bonded to different ceramic substrates. While all test resin cements worked similarly in the long-term to feldspathic and leucite-reinforced feldspathic ceramics, only the MDP-containing resin cement provided durable bonds to densely sintered aluminum-oxide ceramic. © Sociedade Brasileira de Hematologia e Hemoterapia

    In vitro quantitative comparison of erosive potential of infant mouthwashes on glass ionomer cement

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    The widespread use of mouthwashes, specially in children, is a concern, since the long-term use may modify the topography of dental materials. However, this process still unclear regarding the wear related to infant mouthwashes on glass ionomer cement. Thus, the purpose of this investigation was evaluate the erosive potential of infant mouthwashes on glass ionomer cement specimens. Forty round-shaped specimens were divided into 4 groups (N=10) and submitted to erosive cycling for 15 days, being exposed 2X/day in the following children?s active agents mouthwash solutions: G1- cetylpyridinium chloride, G2- xylitol and triclosan and G3 - Malva sylvestris and xylitol. Prior to cycling, the specimens were submitted to the surface roughness measurement. After erosive cycling, the specimens were reanalyzed, and calculated the increase of roughness (?Ra). Additionally, it was adopted distilled water as a negative control (G4). As an extra analysis, the mouthwashes had their pH values measured. The results were submitted to T-test and ANOVA followed by Tukey test at 5%. In relation to pH values, G2 presented the most acidic pH value (pH = 6.83) in comparison to other substances. Regarding the comparison of the final roughness values (R) among the groups, it was verified that the mouthwashes showed significant roughness increase in comparison to control group, especially to G3 group (Rf = 1.67 ± 0.14) as well the ?Ra values with statistical difference in comparison to distilled water. Still, with exception of control group outcome, an increase of roughness of each mouthwash was verified after the studied period. Active agents present in infant mouthwashes were capable of roughness increased of glass ionomer cement surface, demonstrating an erosive potential of this material largely used in pediatric dentistry

    Multidisciplinary therapy of extensive oligodontia: a case report

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    Oligodontia is a rare congenital disorder consisting in the absence of six or more teeth. This case report describes a multidisciplinary treatment approach for a 12-year-old male with absence of 11 permanent teeth. Prior to any procedure, all primary teeth were scheduled for extraction due to poor crown-to-root ratio. The treatment plan comprised two phases: 1. orthodontic and speech therapy aimed at overbite and anterior open bite adjustment, as well as tongue position improvement; and 2. prosthetic treatment by insertion of removable temporary partial dentures. The multidisciplinary treatment involving orthodontics, speech and prosthetic therapies have reestablished the masticatory function and aesthetics, allowing the patient to achieve greater self-esteem and better social acceptance.Oligodontia is a rare congenital disorder consisting in the absence of six or more teeth. This case report describes a multidisciplinary treatment approach for a 12-year-old male with absence of 11 permanent teeth. Prior to any procedure, all primary teeth were scheduled for extraction due to poor crown-to-root ratio. The treatment plan comprised two phases: 1. orthodontic and speech therapy aimed at overbite and anterior open bite adjustment, as well as tongue position improvement; and 2. prosthetic treatment by insertion of removable temporary partial dentures. The multidisciplinary treatment involving orthodontics, speech and prosthetic therapies have reestablished the masticatory function and aesthetics, allowing the patient to achieve greater self-esteem and better social acceptance242174178A oligodontia é uma doença rara, congênita, caracterizada pela ausência de seis ou mais dentes. Este relato de caso descreve uma abordagem terapêutica multidisciplinar de um adolescente de 12 anos de idade com ausência de 11 dentes permanentes. Antes de qualquer procedimento, todos os dentes decíduos foram extraídos devido à pobre relação coroa-raiz. O plano de tratamento foi constituído por duas fases: 1. terapia ortodôntica e fonoaudiológica com o objetivo de ajuste de sobre-mordida e mordida aberta anterior, bem como melhoria da posição da língua, e 2. tratamento reabilitador protético através da instalação de próteses parciais removíveis provisórias. A abordagem multidisciplinar envolvendo os tratamentos ortodônticos, fonoaudiológico e protético reestabeleceram a função mastigatória e a estética, melhorando a autoestima e aceitação social do pacient

    The Combination of Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy and Photobiomodulation Therapy for the Treatment of Palatal Ulcers: A Case Report

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    Introduction: One of the unexpected side effects of the Haas type palatal expander is ulcers progressing to necrotic lesions in the palatal area due to poor hygiene. The use of antibiotic therapy is mandatory. However, long periods of healing/pain and the need for a systemic host response with the aid of metabolization, especially in children, are issues that should be taken into account in the management of this type of injury. Since phototherapy modalities (antimicrobial photodynamic therapy [aPDT] and photobiomodulation therapy [PBMT]) are able to enhance and accelerate the healing process and reduce the bacterial load, this case report aimed to describe the use of the above-mentioned therapies to treat palatal ulcers occurring during orthodontic expansion.Case Report: The patient, a 10-year-old boy, with a chief complaint of bleeding and continuous pain in the region of his expander was verified on a follow-up visit. After a dental examination, the expander was removed and two necrotic lesions which were in contact with the acrylic part of the tooth-tissue expander were found in the palatal region. The proposal was to use one aPDT session with methylene blue followed by 4 sessions of PBMT with a red laser diode. On the 5th day, reorganized tissue was verified, with the absence of bleeding, swelling, and pain. On the 20th day of follow-up, the area showed no signs of inflammation, healthy tissue without any pathological clinical symptoms, and complete wound healing.Conclusion: The concomitant use of PBMT and aPDT therapies may be considered feasible as an adjunct treatment to manage palatal ulcers resulting from the incorrect use of tooth-tissue types of expanders

    Oral findings in Williams-Beuren syndrome

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    Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS; OMIM #194050) is a developmental disorder characterized by congenital heart disease, intellectual disability, dysmorphic facial features and ophthalmologic abnormalities. Oral abnormalities are also described in clinical manifestations of the disease. This paper describes orofacial features in patients with WBS. Seventeen patients with a confirmed molecular diagnosis of WBS were examined for oral abnormalities through clinical oral evaluations and panoramic radiography. Malocclusion, specifically with dental midline deviation, and high-arched palate were the most common findings. The present results contribute to knowledge on the orofacial manifestations of WBS. Since such patients with WBS may develop severe oral abnormalities, early detection and treatment can help improve their quality of life

    Analysis of malaria associated genetic traits in Cabo Verde, a melting pot of European and sub Saharan settlers

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    Malaria has occurred in the Cabo Verde archipelago with epidemic characteristics since its colonization. Nowadays, it occurs in Santiago Island alone and though prophylaxis is not recommended by the World Health Organization, studies have highlight the prospect of malaria becoming a serious public health problem as a result of the presence of antimalarial drug resistance associated with mutations in the parasite populations and underscore the need for tighter surveillance. Despite the presumptive weak immune status of the population, severe symptoms of malaria are not observed and many people present a subclinical course of the disease. No data on the prevalence of sicklecell trait and red cell glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency (two classical genetic factors associated with resistance to severe malaria) were available for the Cabo Verde archipelago and, therefore, we studied the low morbidity from malaria in relation to the particular genetic characteristics of the human host population. We also included the analysis of the pyruvate kinase deficiency associated gene, reported as putatively associated with resistance to the disease. Allelic frequencies of the polymorphisms examined are closer to European than to African populations and no malaria selection signatures were found. No association was found between the analyzed human factors and infection but one result is of high interest: a linkage disequilibrium test revealed an association of distant loci in the PKLR gene and adjacent regions, only in non-infected individuals. This could mean a more conserved gene region selected in association to protection against the infection and/or the disease

    Avaliação do conhecimento e da percepção de cirurgiões-dentistas e estudantes de odontologia acerca de desordens potencialmente malignas

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    Background: Potentially malignant disorders (PMD) are conditions of the oral cavity that present a significant risk for the development of cancer. Thus, early diagnosis becomes essential in the prognosis of oral lesions. Therefore, assessing the knowledge profile of these disorders is essential to identify gaps in education and to promote alternatives to improve the quality of their diagnosis. Objective: Evaluate the perception of brazilian dentists and dental students about their knowledge and ability to identify PMD. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out using an online questionnaire. Two questionnaires with 24 questions were applied, one for students and other for dentists, divided into three sections: demographic and academic data, training, attitudes and self-perception about potentially malignant disorders and knowledge of potentially malignant disorders. Statistical analysis involved Pearson, Mann-Whitney and Kruskal-Wallis tests. Results: The study consisted of 209 participants, 76 dentists and 133 dentistry students. Most participants never attended a course that involved the diagnosis of potentially malignant disorders. The score of knowledge about potentially malignant disorders ranged from 0 to 10 points, with a mean of 6.29±1.77 among students and 7.01±1.82 among dentists. The highest rate of correct answers was for questions that discussed clinical management and the definition of disorders. The questions with the lowest rate of correct answers were about lesions that are not considered potentially malignant, malignancy potential and the definition of Carcinoma in Situ. Conclusion: There are gaps in the knowledge of dental students and dentists in the identification of potentially malignant disorders. Therefore, more training and investments in education and periodic follow-up of patients with such disorders are needed in order to prevent potential malignant transformations.Introdução: As desordens potencialmente malignas (DPM) são condições da cavidade oral que apresentam risco significativo para o desenvolvimento do câncer. Desse modo, o diagnóstico precoce torna-se essencial no prognóstico de lesões orais. Para isso, analisar o perfil de conhecimento acerca dessas desordens é fundamental ao identificar lacunas na educação e promover alternativas para melhorar a qualidade no diagnóstico. Objetivo: Avaliar a percepção de cirurgiões-dentistas (CDs) e estudantes de Odontologia brasileiros acerca de seu conhecimento e capacidade de identificar DPM. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo transversal através de aplicação de questionário online. Foram aplicados dois questionários com 24 questões, um para estudantes e outro para CDs, divididos em três seções: dados demográficos e acadêmicos, treinamento, atitudes e autopercepção sobre DPM e conhecimento de DPM. A análise estatística envolveu os testes de Pearson, Mann-Whitney e Kruskal-Wallis. Resultados: O estudo foi composto por 209 participantes, 76 CDs e 133 estudantes de odontologia. A maioria dos participantes nunca realizou curso que envolvia o diagnóstico de desordens potencialmente malignas. A pontuação sobre o conhecimento de DPM variou de 0 a 10 pontos, sendo a média entre estudantes de 6,29±1,77 e entre CDs de 7,01±1,82. A maior taxa de acertos foi para as questões que discutiam a conduta clínica e a definição das desordens. Já as questões com menor taxa de acertos foram sobre lesões que não são consideradas potencialmente malignas, potencial de malignização e definição de Carcinoma in Situ. Conclusão: Há lacunas no conhecimento de estudantes de odontologia e CDs na identificação das desordens potencialmente malignas. Logo, essa deficiência reforça a necessidade de mais treinamentos e investimentos em educação, bem como de acompanhamento periódico de pacientes com tais desordens, a fim de prevenir potenciais transformações malignas

    Comunicação efetiva para a segurança do paciente: nota de transferência e Modified Early Warning Score

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    Objetivo: Analisar o registro da Nota de Transferência (NT) e a emissão do Modified EarlyWarning Score (MEWS) realizados pelo enfermeiro em pacientes adultos transferidos doServiço de Emergência como estratégia de comunicação efetiva para a segurança do paciente.Método: Estudo transversal retrospectivo desenvolvido em um hospital de ensino no Sul doBrasil que avaliou 8028 prontuários eletrônicos no ano de 2017. Procedeu-se a análisedescritiva.Resultados: A realização da NT atingiu a meta institucional de 95% nos meses de janeiro efevereiro, ficando abaixo da meta nos demais meses. A mensuração do MEWS foi realizadaem 85,6% (n=6.870) dos prontuários. Destes pacientes, 96,8% (n=6.652) possuíam MEWSnão alterado.Conclusão: A NT e o MEWS estão inseridos no trabalho do enfermeiro, no entanto, sãonecessárias ações com vistas a qualificar a segurança do paciente, melhorando a comunicaçãoefetiva e, por conseguinte, diminuindo a possibilidade de ocorrências de eventos adversos.Palavras-chave: Cuidados críticos. Emergências. Enfermagem. Indicadores de qualidade emassistência à saúde. Segurança do paciente