208 research outputs found

    Development of a transformer-based electrical stimulation driver for a wearable physiotherapy system

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    This work presents the development of an electrical stimulation driver for two wearable systems: NanoStim and NanoID. These systems are designed for physiotherapy purposes, with NanoStim focusing on the treatment of knee pathologies and NanoID on balance control. The goal of this work is to create a compact electrical stimulation driver with low processing consumption capable of inducing muscle contractions in a wide range of applications. The proposed solution involves the development of two transformer-based stimulation drivers, each controlled by a microcontroller and a mobile application. These drivers are based on distinct transformer models, each tailored to produce muscle contractions through the application of electrical pulses and are designed to meet the requirements for integration into wearable systems. Both alternatives underwent testing and validation with volunteers, and the collected data was analyzed to determine the optimal circuit alternative for implementation in both wearable systems

    Learning Analytics and Recommender Systems toward Remote Experimentation

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    This paper presents a process based on learning analytics and recom- mender systems to provide suggestions to students about remote laboratories ac- tivities in order to scaffold their performance. For this purpose, the records of remote experiments from the VISIR project were analyzed taking into account one of its installations. Each record is composed of requests containing the as- sembled circuits and the configurations of the measuring equipment, as well as the response provided by the measurement server that evaluates whether a par- ticular request can be performed or not. With the log analysis, it was possible to obtain information in order to determine some initial statistics and provide clues about the student’s behavior during the experiments. Using the concept of rec- ommendation, a service is proposed through request analysis and returns to the students more precise information about possible mistakes in the assembly of circuits or configurations. The process as a whole proves consistent in what re- gards its ability to provide suggestions to the students as they conduct the exper- iments. Furthermore, with the log, relevant information can be offered to teach- ers, thus assisting them in developing strategies to positively impact student’s learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Burnout and dropout intention in medical students: the protective role of academic engagement

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    Introduction: The infuence of burnout, academic engagement, and their interaction in dropout intention among medical students should be further studied. Current research shows its consequences are relevant, however, there is little understanding on burnout and academic engagement moderation in dropout intention. The current study tested a model that relates the efects of coping strategies, social support satisfaction, general distress on academic engagement, burnout, and dropout intention, on medical students. Methods: Through an online survey a non-probabilistic sample of one Medical Faculty’s 1st- and 2nd-year students was recruited. Cross-sectional data were collected using psychometric instruments (Maslach Burnout Inventory – Student Survey, Social Support Satisfaction Scale for College Students, Brief COPE Scale for College Students, University Student Engagement Inventory, and Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale), sociodemographic and academic variables, and analyzed using structural equation modeling. Results: 532 students (76% response rate) enrolled in the study. Latent variables structural model presented a satisfactory ft to the data and confrmed the expected negative path between burnout and dropout intention (βDI<-SB=0.430; p<.001) and the latent moderation burnout x engagement (βDI<-SB*SE=-0.218; p<.001). Conclusion: Academic engagement attenuates the impact of burnout on dropout intention, working as a protective factor. Social support satisfaction and adaptive coping are associated with increased levels of academic engagement, and general distress and maladaptive coping are associated with burnout. Medical Schools should develop interventions to prevent dropout intention, tackle students’ stress and academic challenges, and develop their academic engagement levels.Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia - FCTinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    MELOA Catalogue and GeoPortal: A modern approach for open access and visualization of in situ drifter data

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    The MELOA H2020 project proposes to develop a low-cost, easy-to-handle, wave resilient, multi-purpose, multi-sensor, extra light surface drifter for use in all water environments: The WAVY drifters. The data products generated by the MELOA project are openly accessible through standard-based Catalogue and Geoportal to promote the availability of the data to other communities such as GEOSS or Copernicus. MELOA will provide an effective way to monitor surface currents and surface dynamic features and temperature at different levels. A complete Software Ecosystem is developed in MELOA to manage the transmission of data from the WAVY drifters, raw files collection, campaigns operation and data curation and consolidation of data products to make the data openly accessible through the Catalogue and Geoportal. Driven by FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable) data principles and state-of-the-art data visualization technologies, the following components are described: 1) A Data Catalogue to make WAVYs data and metadata accessible in standard formats such as Comma-separated values (CSV), Observations & Measurements (O&M), Data Catalogue Vocabulary (DCAT); allowing interoperability with other Earth Observation (EO) catalogues. 2) A Data Geoportal, exposing interoperable Web Services such as Open Geospatial Consortium’s (OGC) Web Feature Service and OGC’s Sensor Web Enablement (SWE) services and effective data visualization taking advantage of Vector Tiles technology.This work was supported by the project MELOA from the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and Innovation program under Grant Agreement N°. 776280. This work uses the EGI research infrastructure with dedicated support for MELOA.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Avaliação da acurácia dos diagnósticos de enfermagem em um hospital universitário

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    The study aimed to evaluate the degree of accuracy of the nursing diagnoses of patients hospitalized in a university hospital. This is a documentary, cross-sectional and retrospective research with quantitative analysis. Data were collected from records of patients hospitalized in the neurology sector of a teaching hospital in the western region of Paraná, Brazil. 292 patients’ records were evaluated and after the analyses of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 12 (4.1%) were part of the study. Nineteen nursing diagnoses were identified, documented 94 times. The evaluation of the accuracy of the nursing diagnoses was done using EADE-2. Most of nursing diagnoses (n = 88, 93.6%) were evaluated as highly accurate. The most frequent degree of accuracy was 13.5 (n = 87; 92.6%) and the mean accuracy was 12.9, with a variation from 2 to 13.5. It is concluded that the nursing diagnoses analyzed were highly accurate, but it's notorious the lack of nursing process at the institution studied.El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el grado de precisión de los diagnósticos de enfermería de pacientes ingresados en un hospital universitario. Es una investigación documental, transversal, retrospectiva con análisis cuantitativo. Los datos fueron recogidos a partir de los registros médicos de pacientes hospitalizados en el servicio de neurología de un hospital universitario en la región oeste del estado de Paraná, Brasil. Se evaluaron 292 historias clínicas, tras el análisis de los criterios de inclusión y exclusión, 12 (4,1%) fueron parte del estudio. Se identificaron 19 diagnósticos de enfermería, documentado 94 veces. La evaluación de la exactitud del diagnóstico de enfermería se realizó a través de EADE-2. La mayoría de los diagnósticos de enfermería (n=88; 93,6%) fue evaluada como muy precisa. El grado de precisión más frecuente fue de 13,5 (n=87; 92,6%) y el grado de precisión promedio fue de 12,9, con una variación de 2 a 13,5. Se concluye que los diagnósticos de enfermería son muy precisos, pero es notoria la carencia en la aplicación del proceso de enfermería en la institución investigadaO estudo objetivou avaliar o grau de acurácia dos diagnósticos de enfermagem de pacientes internados em um hospital universitário. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, transversal, retrospectiva com análise quantitativa. Os dados foram coletados de prontuários de pacientes internados no setor de neurologia de um hospital de ensino da região oeste do Paraná, Brasil. Foram avaliados 292 prontuários, após a análise dos critérios de inclusão e exclusão, 12 (4,1%) fizeram parte do estudo. Foram identificados 19 diagnósticos de enfermagem, documentados 94 vezes. A avaliação da acurácia dos diagnósticos de enfermagem foi feita por meio EADE-2. A maioria dos diagnósticos de enfermagem (n=88; 93,6%) foi avaliada como sendo altamente acurada. O grau de acurácia mais frequente foi 13,5 (n=87; 92,6%) e a média do grau de acurácia foi 12,9, com variação de 2 a 13,5. Conclui-se que os diagnósticos de enfermagem analisados foram altamente acurados, porém é notória a carência na realização do processo de enfermagem na instituição pesquisada. &nbsp

    Remote Experimentation supported by Learning Analytics and Recommender Systems

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    This paper proposes a process based on learning analytics and recommender systems targeted at making suggestions to students about their remote laboratories activities and providing insights to all stakeholders taking part in the learning process. To apply the process, a log with requests and responses of remote experiments from the VISIR project were analyzed. A request is the setup of the experiment including the assembled circuits and the configurations of the measuring equipment. In turn, a response is a message provided by the measurement server indicating measures or an error when it is not possible to execute the experiment. Along the two phases of analysis, the log was analyzed and summarized in order to provide insights about students' experiments. In addition, there is a recommendation service responsible for analyzing the requests thus returning, in case of error, precise information about the assembly of circuits or configurations. The evaluation of the process is consistent in what regards its ability to afford recommendations to the students as they carry out the experiments. Moreover, the summarized information intends to offer teachers means to better understand and develop strategies to scaffold students' learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Avaliação da longevidade de espermatozoides equinos congelados e descongelados submetidos a centrifugação e filtração

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    A indústria do cavalo movimenta, no Brasil, aproximadamente R$16 bilhões de reaispor ano e gera 610 mil empregos diretos e indiretos. A demanda direcionada aos sistemasde criação viabilizou o desenvolvimento de biotécnicas que permitissem um maior e melhorpotencial produtivo e reprodutivo de várias espécies. Entretanto, o sêmen equino congeladoe descongelado apresenta, relativamente, baixas taxas de fertilidade. Isso ocorre devido aosdanos causados pela criopreservação dos gametas masculinos que fazem com que ocorraredução da longevidade espermática. Nesse contexto, técnicas foram criadas com o objetivode amenizar esses danos, tal como a separação do líquido seminal. A centrifugação efiltração aumentam a concentração por meio da retirada do líquido seminal, porém, podemcausar danos à sua viabilidade. Sendo assim, objetivou-se com esse estudo avaliar osprocedimentos de filtração e centrifugação dos espermatozoides congelados edescongelados, avaliando a longevidade das células pela observação das alterações dosaspectos físicos durante a incubação por até 90 minutos. Foram utilizadas partidas doesperma congelado de 10 equinos que foram divididas em 3 grupos: controle (CT),Centrífuga e Sperm Filter. O grupo controle não foi submetido a nenhum processo deseparação mas apenas às análises de motilidade, vigor e contagem de células commembrana íntegra, nos cinco diferentes tempos (T0= 0 minuto, T20= 20 minutos, T40= 40minutos, T60= 60 minutos e T90= 90 minutos) do Teste de Termorresistência (TTR). O grupoCentrífuga foi submetido à centrifugação por 10 minutos a 600 gravitacionais, ressuspendidoem meio crioprotetor com glicerol e analisado durante os cinco diferentes tempos do TTR. Ogrupo Sperm Filter foi submetido à filtração através da membrana hidrofílica sintética eressuspendido em meio crioprotetor com glicerol e analisado nos diferentes tempos do TTR.Nos 3 grupos foram analisados a motilidade total, vigor espermático e contagem de célulascom membrana íntegra. A análise dos dados foi feita utilizando ANOVA com teste de Tukeypara motilidade e contagem de células com membrana íntegra e Kruskal-Wallis para o vigor.Os resultados indicaram que a filtração espermática com auxílio da membrana hidrofílicasintética tendeu a conservar melhor a motilidade espermática nos dois primeiros momentos(T0: P= 0,082; T20: P= 0,088). Contudo, nas seguintes avaliações, percebeu-se uma variaçãona motilidade dos grupos (T40: 21,5 ± 6,402; T60= 16,33 ± 5,188; T90= 12,00 ± 4,719) e não diferiu entre eles (P0,05). Observou-se também que, com sêmen congelado, o grupoCentrífuga selecionou espermatozoides mais íntegros no primeiro momento (T0), emcomparação com o grupo Sperm Filter. Contudo, mais estudos devem ser feitos com oobjetivo de elucidar por quais motivos o grupo Centrífuga foi mais eficaz aos demais gruposcom relação aos demais grupos, no primeiro momento depois de descongelados

    Remote Experimentation supported by Learning Analytics and Recommender Systems

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    This paper proposes a process based on learning analytics and recommender systems targeted at making suggestions to students about their remote laboratories activities and providing insights to all stakeholders taking part in the learning process. To apply the process, a log with requests and responses of remote experiments from the VISIR project were analyzed. A request is the setup of the experiment including the assembled circuits and the configurations of the measuring equipment. In turn, a response is a message provided by the measurement server indicating measures or an error when it is not possible to execute the experiment. Along the two phases of analysis, the log was analyzed and summarized in order to provide insights about students' experiments. In addition, there is a recommendation service responsible for analyzing the requests thus returning, in case of error, precise information about the assembly of circuits or configurations. The evaluation of the process is consistent in what regards its ability to afford recommendations to the students as they carry out the experiments. Moreover, the summarized information intends to offer teachers means to better understand and develop strategies to scaffold students' learning.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A extensão IGES (Initial Graphics Exchange Specification) é um formato de arquivo&nbsp;neutro que permite a troca de informação digital entre diferentes programas de desenho assistido&nbsp;por computador (CAD). É possível fazer um desenho em um programa CAD, exportá-lo&nbsp;em formato IGES e importá-lo em outro programa CAD ou mesmo em programas de elementos finitos e elementos de contorno. O objetivo deste artigo é explorar um toolbox do programa&nbsp;MATLAB&nbsp;capaz de ler IGES para interpretar modelos geométricos oriundos de diferentes&nbsp;programas CAD. Estes modelos geométricos serão usados em programas de elementos de contorno&nbsp;para análise térmica e estrutural. Com isto, os programas de elementos de contorno se&nbsp;tornarão robustos e fáceis para analisar problemas com geometrias difíceis de modelar