269 research outputs found

    Potencial de redução de emissões de CO2 em empresas do grupo Soares da Costa

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    Estágio realizado na Empesa Grupo Soares da Costa SGPS, SA e orientado pela Engª Eloísa Isabel Fernandes CepinhaTese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia do Ambiente. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201

    Nutritinal status and social resources of an old population in the Northeast of Trás-os-Montes

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    Portugal shows a very pronounced aging population. It lost population in every quinquennial age group between 0-29 years. To ages over 70 years the growth was about 26%. The total of old people living in Alto Trás-os-Montes is of 56966 and in the region of Alfândega da Fé is of 1660 (INE, 2011). To assess nutritional status of people with 75 years or more in the municipality of Alfândega da Fé; To know social resources and to check if there are correlations between nutritional status of the elderly and clinical and characterization variables of the studied population. A proportional and probabilistic sample of 109 old people of a total of 487, mainly female (62.4%; 68) was gathered from the database of users registered at the Health Centre of Alfândega da Fé. A Correlational and cross-sectional study was designed. It was applied the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) and also the Scale of Social Resources (OARS). From the total of 109 old people 28, 4% (31) are at risk of malnutrition and 71, 6% (78) present a normal nutritional status. From the total of subjects who participated in the study 40.4% (44) have adequate social resources, while more than a half 59.6% (65) have impaired social resources. We also concluded that social resources are independent from the nutritional statu

    André Novo: a inovação nos cuidados de saúde em Trás-os-Montes: entrevista a um jovem e premiado investigador

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    No dia três de fevereiro, tivemos o prazer de entrevistar o Dr. André Novo. Este jovem e promissor investigador – que adquiriu uma relevância além-fronteiras depois de ter recebido um prémio atribuído pela European Federation of Sports Medicine Association, no âmbito do seu inovador trabalho de investigação sobre a capacidade funcional de pacientes em hemodiálise - nasceu a 21 de Abril de 1983 e, para além de ser licenciado em Enfermagem especializou-se em Enfermagem de Reabilitação e possui um doutoramento em Ciências da Atividade Física e do Desporto. André Novo, atualmente, é docente do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança e apesar de, como assumiu, o seu trabalho lhe deixar muito pouco tempo disponível, aceitou encontrar-se connosco, para nos esclarecer sobre algumas questões relativas ao seu excecional percurso académico e profissional. Ao longo de todo o diálogo, mostrou-se sempre bastante simpático, divertido e recetivo às nossas perguntas

    The road to molecular identification and detection of fungal grapevine trunk diseases

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    Grapevine is regarded as a highly profitable culture, being well spread worldwide and mostly directed to the wine-producing industry. Practices to maintain the vineyard in healthy conditions are tenuous and are exacerbated due to abiotic and biotic stresses, where fungal grapevine trunk diseases (GTDs) play a major role. The abolishment of chemical treatments and the intensification of several management practices led to an uprise in GTD outbreaks. Symptomatology of GTDs is very similar among diseases, leading to underdevelopment of the vines and death in extreme scenarios. Disease progression is widely affected by biotic and abiotic factors, and the prevalence of the pathogens varies with country and region. In this review, the state-of-the-art regarding identification and detection of GTDs is vastly analyzed. Methods and protocols used for the identification of GTDs, which are currently rather limited, are highlighted. The main conclusion is the utter need for the development of new technologies to easily and precisely detect the presence of the pathogens related to GTDs, allowing to readily take phytosanitary measures and/or proceed to plant removal in order to establish better vineyard management practices. Moreover, new practices and methods of detection, identification, and quantification of infectious material would allow imposing greater control on nurseries and plant exportation, limiting the movement of infected vines and thus avoiding the propagation of fungal inoculum throughout wine regionsinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Formulation, characterization, and cytotoxicity evaluation of lactoferrin functionalized lipid nanoparticles for riluzole delivery to the brain

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    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a neurodegenerative disease with a very poor prognosis. Its treatment is hindered by a lack of new therapeutic alternatives and the existence of the blood–brain barrier (BBB), which restricts the access of drugs commonly used in ALS, such as riluzole, to the brain. To overcome these limitations and increase brain targeting, riluzole-loaded nanostructured lipid carriers (NLC) were prepared and functionalized with lactoferrin (Lf), facilitating transport across the BBB by interacting with Lf receptors expressed in the brain endothelium. NLC were characterized with respect to their physicochemical properties (size, zeta potential, polydispersity index) as well as their stability, encapsulation efficiency, morphology, in vitro release profile, and biocompatibility. Moreover, crystallinity and melting behavior were assessed by DSC and PXRD. Nanoparticles exhibited initial mean diameters between 180 and 220 nm and a polydispersity index below 0.3, indicating a narrow size distribution. NLC remained stable over at least 3 months. Riluzole encapsulation efficiency was very high, around 94–98%. FTIR and protein quantification studies confirmed the conjugation of Lf on the surface of the nanocarriers, with TEM images showing that the functionalized NLC presented a smooth surface and uniform spherical shape. An MTT assay revealed that the nanocarriers developed in this study did not cause a substantial reduction in the viability of NSC-34 and hCMEC/D3 cells at a riluzole concentration up to 10 μM, being therefore biocompatible. The results suggest that Lf-functionalized NLC are a suitable and promising delivery system to target riluzole to the brain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Three-dimensional images contribute to the diagnosis of mucous retention cyst in maxillary sinus

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    Objective: To evaluate the detection of mucous retention cyst of maxillary sinus (MRCMS) using panoramic radiography and cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). Study Design: A digital database with 6,000 panoramic radiographs was reviewed for MRCMS. Suggestive images of MRCMS were detected on 185 radiographs, and patients were located and invited to return for follow-up. Thirty patients returned, and control panoramic radiographs were obtained 6 to 46 months after the initial radiograph. When MRCMS was found on control radiographs, CBCT scans were obtained. Cysts were measured and compared on radiographs and scans. The Wilcoxon, Spearman and Kolmorogov-Smirnov tests were used for statistical analysis. The level of significance was set at 5%. Results: There were statistically significant differences between the two methods (p<0.05): 23 MRCMS detected on panoramic radiographs were confirmed by CBCT, but 5 MRCMS detected on CBCT images had not been identified by panoramic radiography. Eight MRCMS detected on control radiographs were not confirmed by CBCT. MRCMS size differences from initial to control panoramic radiographs and CBCT scans were not statistically significant (p= 0.617 and p= 0.626). The correlation between time and MRCMS size differences was not significant (r = -0.16, p = 0.381). Conclusion: CBCT scanning detect MRCMS more accurately than panoramic radiography

    Methods for coastal monitoring and erosion risk assessment: two Portuguese case studies

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    Coastal zones are naturally dynamic and mobile systems exposed to natural (river flows, waves and storms) as well as human interventions that continuously reshape their morphology. Erosion phenomena related to extreme weather events and sediment scarcity are common, threatening buildings and infrastructures, as well as beaches, ecosystems and valuable wetland; conditions that pose challenges to coastal security and defence. Regular monitoring of coastal areas, assessment of their morphodynamics and identification of the processes influencing sediment transport are thus increasingly important for a better understanding of changes and evolutionary trends in coastal systems. This demands a multi-disciplinary approach involving researchers with expertise in coastal processes and state-of-the-art observation technologies. In this paper state-of-the-art surveying methods for an efficient quantification of changes in coastal environments are described and evaluated, and two NW-Portuguese case studies are presented. Survey methods included: topographic surveys based on terrestrial videogrammetric mobile mapping and aerial photogrammetry; sub-tidal bathymetry with sonar imagery using an Autonomous Surface Vehicle (ASV); as well as field observations, with sediment sampling and beach characterisation. In the first case study erosion/accretion patterns in the Douro estuary sand spit are analysed, considering its breakwater, river flow, wave and wind effects. Prior to the construction of a detached breakwater, the spitâ s morphodynamics was related to extreme river flow events, wave and wind conditions; afterwards the spit stabilized its shape and increased its area and volume. In the second case study the coast of Vila Nova de Gaia was broadly analysed, including the shoreface, foreshore and dunes, the characterization of major features and a short-period analysis of installed dynamics. Results obtained from field data, topographical surveys and numerical wave models were combined for the erosion risk assessment, using a methodology specifically developed for the study area. Both monitoring programs achieved their proposed objectives and provided valuable information to the local authorities, as gathered and processed information constitutes a valuable database for coastal planning and for ICZM purposes. They demonstrate the potential of several approaches, supported by advanced technologies, for the study of complex coastal morphodynamic processes.Zonas costeiras são sistemas naturalmente dinâmicos e móveis, expostos a fatores naturais (fluxos de rios, ondas e tempestades) e intervenções humanas, que alteram continuamente a sua morfologia. Fenómenos de erosão relacionados com temporais e escassez de sedimentos são comuns. Eles ameaçam construções e infraestruturas, praias, ecossistemas e zonas húmidas, o que constitui um desafio para a segurança e defesa costeiras. Uma monitorização regular de áreas costeiras, com avaliação da sua morfodinâmica e identificação dos processos que influenciam o transporte de sedimentos, visando uma melhor compreensão das alterações e tendências evolutivas nos sistemas costeiros, torna-se portanto cada vez mais importante. Para tal necessita-se de uma abordagem multidisciplinar e investigadores especializados em processos costeiros e tecnologias de observação de ponta. O presente trabalho descreve e avalia métodos de monitorização de última geração para uma quantificação eficiente de alterações em ambientes costeiros e apresenta dois estudos de caso Portugueses. Os métodos de observação incluem: levantamentos topográficos terrestres em modo cinemático baseados em videogrametria; levantamentos topográficos aéreos baseados em fotogrametria; batimetria sub-tidal e imagens de fundo obtidas com sonar a partir de um veículo autónomo de superfície; e observações de campo com análise de sedimentos e caracterização de praias. O primeiro caso de estudo referese à análise de padrões de erosão e acreção na restinga do estuário do Douro, tendo em conta efeitos causados pelo molhe, o caudal do rio, ondas e vento. Antes da construção de um molhe destacado, a morfodinâmica da restinga estava relacionada com eventos extremos de caudal, agitação marítima e vento. Após a construção, a forma da restinga estabilizou e observou-se um aumento da sua área e do seu volume. No segundo caso de estudo, a costa de Vila Nova de Gaia foi amplamente estudada, incluindo shoreface, foreshore e dunas, com a caracterização dos principais atributos e uma análise de curto-período da dinâmica instalada. Os resultados obtidos a partir de dados de campo, dos levantamentos topográficos e de modelos numéricos de ondas foram combinados numa análise de risco com métodos especificamente desenvolvidos para a área de estudos. Ambos os programas de monitorização atingiram os seus objetivos e geraram informação relevante para as autoridades locais. A informação recolhida e processada constitui uma base de dados valiosa para o planeamento costeiro e a Gestão Integrada de Zonas Costeiras. Os estudos demonstram o potencial das diversas abordagens, apoiadas por tecnologias avançadas, para o estudo dos processos complexos de morfodinâmica costeira.This research was partially supported by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the COMPETE – Operational Competitiveness Programme and national funds through FCT – Foundation for Science and Technology, under the project “Pest-C/ MAR/LA0015/2013”, and partially funded by the Project ECORISK (reference NORTE-07-0124-FEDER- 000054), co-financed by the North Portugal Regional Operational Programme (ON.2 – O Novo Norte), under the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF), through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Wave climate analyses were supported by the FCT-funded RAP project (PTDC/MAR/111223/2009)