118 research outputs found

    The Different Faces of Angioedema: Classification, Diagnosis and Management

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    Angioedema caracteriza-se por edema transitório e localizado da derme e submucosa secundário à libertação de mediadores vasoativos de origem mastocitária ou não. Podem também ser formas agudas ou crónicas, hereditárias ou aquiridas. Os aspectos clínicos, em particular nos sintomas associados, e os mecanismos fisiopatológicos subjacentes a cada tipo de angioedema são distintos, devendo os dermatologistas estar capacitados para o seu reconhecimento uma vez que cada um implica diferentes abordagens diagnósticas e terapêuticas, e distintos prognósticos. Este artigo revê a classificação, o diagnóstico e o tratamento dos diferentes tipos de angioedema.Angioedema is a transient localized and self-limiting edema of the subcutaneous and submucosal tissue, due to the release of vasoactive mediators. However, different mechanisms are at the origin of the different types of angioedema (acute or chronic, related or not with mast cell mediators and genetic and familial or acquired). Dermatologists should be able to recognize the different forms of angioedema as associated symptoms, treatment and prognostic factors are completely different. This paper reviews the classification of angioedema, diagnostic tests and management

    ElectroGes - a Household IoT Energy Management System

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    Domestic appliances plugged to the electrical mains power may, at some point, exceed the maximum contracted power supplied from the electrical company. To avoid a power cut-off on these cases, an energy management system is needed so that some appliances are automatically switched off before others are switched on. In order to do this, appliances have to be described in a privileged structure so that power is always available for some of them while other share leftovers. ElecroGes is a system that provides the house owner with a means to define the priorities of the connected appliances and manage them in an autonomous way; a working implementation is provided

    Integrated impact assessment of shares, automated and electric mobility

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    Major transformations in the road transportation sector such as vehicle automation, electrification, and shared mobility, create opportunities to tackle sector challenges. Despite the promising positive impact, little is known about the real potential and the effective sustainability of a combination oh these emerging mobility systems. The proposed doctoral research plan intends to understand and quantify the environmental and energy-related impacts of shared, fully automated, and electric mobility. A fundamental understanding of the upstream and downstream environmental impacts of a product and a system considering SAEVs fleet adjusted to different travel demands will be conducted in a life cycle assessment (LCA) approach. The assessment of potential environmental impact reduction has always been a research hotspot; however, most studies are only focused on operational impact. Moreover, the impact of SAEVs in the road network considering presence, routing, location, access to charging stations and scheduling will be addressed. Hence, automated driving decisions and distinguishing normal from recurring driving patterns are required to develop a framework for generating an automated mobility service. Attention will be given to the application of SAE mobility both at urban and inter-urban scales. The evaluation of the impacts of emerging mobility systems requires a comprehensive set of criteria. Results of the research intend to culminate into a feasibility study combining environmental, economic, and consumer perspective viability of the examined systems. The main research questions of this study are: 1) Which routing strategies should be adopted for energy-efficient driving decision?; 2) What are the impacts of SAEVs systems through a life cycle concept?; 3) What is the potential of SAEVs to manage traffic demand at urban and interurban scales?publishe

    Tunning pectinase activity under electric field effects towards enhanced clarification of vinho verde wine

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    Vinho Verde (translates as green wine) is one of the most important and leading DOC (Denomination of Controlled Origin) product in Portugal and known worldwide by its unique aromatic profile. Pectinolytic enzymes are of the great importance in the clarification process of Vinho Verde wine must, contributing to reduce the possibility of haze formation. During last decade a growing body of knowledge have been established about the effects of electric fields as sub-lethal stress for the activation of important food enzymes. However, the influence of electric parameters is enzyme dependent, and its influence on the catalytic activity should not be generalized This works describes for the first time the effects electric field and electric frequency on the activity of a pectinase (PEC) in the accelerated clarification of Vinho Verde must. Moderate electrical fields (MEF) with intensities below 20 V/cm and at electric frequencies ranging from 50 Hz to 20 kHz, were applied at temperatures between 15 ºC and 35 ºC. Enzymatic activity was measured for 25 minutes and the initial rate of reaction was determined by coefficient of the linear plot of the galacturonic acid production of as function of time. Results have shown that electrical frequency can increase enzymatic activity depending on treatment temperature; for example, at 20 ºC and electric frequency of 2 kHz and 20 kHz, the enzymatic activity increased approximately 40 % and 20 %, respectively, when compared with control sample (without application of MEF). The temperature dependence was evaluated through Arrhenius equation showing that the energy of activation (Ea) can be reduced from 9.2 kJ.mol-1 to 6.6 kJ.mol-1 at sub-optimal temperatures for PEC activity with application of MEF. Electrical parameters when combined with treatment temperatures 20 ºC reduced up to 42 % the presence of pectin in Vinho Verde wine must contributing to its final quality. This emergent treatment brings an opportunity to increase enzyme efficiency even at low temperatures, which are necessary during winemaking process, thus bringing a vision of sustainability through the reduction of energy input and process integration in relevant environment conditions.This study was supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) under the scope of the strategic funding of UIDB/04469/2020 unit, AgriFood XXI R & D & I project, operation number NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000041, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER) through NORTE 2020 (Northern Regional Operational Program 2014/2020) and Bioeno - Comércio e Serviços em Enologia Lda. Ricardo N. Pereira acknowledge FCT for its Assistant Research program under the scope of Scientific Stimulus Employment with reference CEECIND/02903/2017.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Early release from prison in time of COVID-19: Determinants of unfavourable decisions towards Black prisoners

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    On the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the overcrowding in prisons led to efforts to decarcerate in order to prevent and control outbreaks in prisons. This study analyses how public support for such exceptional measures are determined by cognitive and ideological factors known to create and maintain racial biases in the criminal system. Participants were asked to express their level of agreement with the early-release of hypothetical prisoners. Results showed participants to be less favourable to the early-release of Black compared to White prisoners, when they had committed a stereotypically Black crime. As expected, the congruency between the crime stereotypicality and the colour of the prisoner's skin did not emerge for White prisoners. Moreover, the difference between the agreement with the release of the Black vs. the White prisoner when both committed a stereotypically Black crime was higher as the level of endorsement of Meritocracy increased. Contrastingly, Anti-egalitarianism only predicted an overall disagreement with prisoners' early-release. This paper highlights the cumulative explanation by different levels of analysis of this current problem and implications for the development of the public opinion on penal subjects.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Dermatite de Contacto Ocupacional por Resina Epóxi no Centro de Portugal

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    Introduction. Occupational Allergic Contact Dermatitis is a very common occupational disease and epoxy resins are among its main causes. The aim of this study was to characterize patients with positive patch test reactions to epoxy resin detected in the Coimbra Hospital and University Center between 2012 and 2018 and compare with the results of patients patch tested between 1999 and 2008 at the same Institution. Method and Materials.  Within aretrospective analysis of the files of patients with positive patch test reactions (1+ or more intense) to epoxy resin of bisfenol A tested at 1% pet. within the Baseline Series between 2012 and 2018, we characterized demographic and clinical data of reactive patients, evaluated the relevance of the reaction, sources of exposure to epoxy resin with particular attention to occupational exposures, other positive reactions and the impact of the results of the tests in the work conditions of these patients. Lastly, we compared these results with a previous study performed in the same Hospital between 1999 and 2008. Results. Among 2363 patch tested patients during the study period we found 23 patients (0.97%), 17 males and 6 females, who developed contact allergy to epoxy resins. In 22 cases we identified a relevant occupational exposure: 9 from construction industry; 9 workers from wind-mill turbines factory for Eolic energy; 2 from fiberglass factories; 1 from a chemical factory and 1 from a Wastewater Treatment Plant. In 1 patient (a teacher) no relevance was found. Of these 22 workers, 9 (39.1%) had both hand and airborne lesions, while 8 (34.8%) had lesions exclusively on the hands and 5 (21.7%) had predominately airborne dermatitis. Four of the 23 (17.4%) reacted exclusively to the epoxy resin, and 11 of 18 (61.1%) also reacted to 0.25% hexanediol diglycidyl ether. Avoidance resulted in a significant improvement of symptoms. Compared to the previous period (1999-2008), there are no significative changes apart from a slight increase in the frequency of the allergic reactions to epoxy resins and its main source of exposure. Conclusions. The prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis to epoxy resin has slightly increased in this Portuguese Center mostly due to workers from wind-mill turbines factory for Eolic energy, a recent industry implanted in this region. This allergen still causes almost exclusively occupational dermatitis, either hand, airborne, or both.Introdução. A Dermatite de Contato Alérgica Ocupacional é uma doença ocupacional muito comum e os produtos químicos epóxi estão entre as suas principais causas. O objetivo deste estudo foi caraterizar os doentes com reações positivas à resina epóxi nos testes epicutâneos realizados no Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra entre 2012 e 2018, e comparar com os resultados obtidos entre 1999 e 2008 na mesma instituição. Método e Materiais.Realizámos uma análise retrospetiva dos resultados dos testes epicutâneos realizados entre 2012 e 2018 e identificámos os doentes com reações positivas à resina epóxi de bisfenol A testada a 1% em vaselina na Série Básica. Caraterizámos os seus dados demográficos e clínicos, avaliámos a relevância do resultado, as fontes de exposição à resina epóxi com particular atenção às fontes ocupacionais, outras reações positivas, e o impacto dos resultados dos testes no âmbito ocupacional destes trabalhadores. Por último, comparámos estes resultados com os de um estudo anterior realizado no mesmo hospital entre 1999 e 2008. Resultados. Dos 2363 doentes submetidos a testes epicutâneos no período de 2012-2018, foram encontrados 23 doentes (0.97%) que desenvolveram alergia de contacto à resina epóxi. Em 22 casos identificámos uma exposição ocupacional relevante: 9 na indústria da construção civil, 9 trabalhadores em fábrica de turbinas para energia eólica, 2 em fábricas de fibra de vidro, 1 numa fábrica de produtos químicos e 1 numa estação de tratamento de águas residuais. Um dos 23 doentes era professor e não tinha exposição ocupacional relevante. Destes 22 trabalhadores, 9 (39.1%) apresentavam lesões tanto nas mãos como do tipo airborne,enquanto que 8 (34.8%) apresentavam lesões exclusivamente nas mãos e 5 (21.7%) apenas do tipo airborne. Quatro dos 23 (17.4%) reagiram exclusivamente à resina epóxi, e 11 dos 18 testados (61.1%) reagiram também ao hexanodioldiglicidil éter a 0.25% em vaselina. A evicção da exposição resultou numa melhoria significativa dos sintomas. Em comparação com o período analisado previamente (1999-2008), não houve mudanças epidemiológicas significativas, além de um discreto aumento na frequência das reações à resina epóxi e da sua principal fonte de exposição. Conclusões.A prevalência da dermatite de contacto alérgica à resina epóxi aumentou ligeiramente neste Centro Português, o que poderá estar relacionado com o surgimento de uma nova fábrica de turbinas para produção de energia Eólica nesta região. Este alergénio continua a causar quase exclusivamente dermatites ocupacionais, tanto nas mãos, do tipo airborne, ou ambas


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    The Pilates method promotes better physical and mental conditioning to the individual and, as a contributor, increases the quality of life, becoming an alternative of low-impact physical activity for the elderly. The aim of this research was to analyze the perception that the elderly, aged between 60 and 80 years, who practice Pilates, have about their quality of life, with 16 individuals selected from a physical therapy clinic in the city of Serra dos Aimorés, MG - Brazil. A questionnaire was used to obtain data, which allowed us to identify the effects of the practice of the activity on health, social life, and sleep. Among the data collected in loco and analyzed, it was possible to conclude that Pilates contributes to the health of the population, since it is an activity that involves a series of movements that focus on strength, posture, balance, and flexibility.El método Pilates promueve un mejor acondicionamiento físico y mental al individuo y, como contribuyente, aumenta la calidad de vida, convirtiéndose en una actividad física alternativa de bajo impacto para las personas mayores. El objetivo de esta investigación fue analizar la percepción que los ancianos, de entre 60 y 80 años, practicantes de Pilates, tienen sobre su calidad de vida, siendo seleccionados 16 individuos de una clínica de fisioterapia en el municipio de Serra dos Aimorés, MG - Brasil. Se utilizó un cuestionario para obtener datos, que permitió identificar los reflejos de la práctica de la actividad sobre la salud, la vida social y el sueño. Entre los datos recogidos in loco y analizados, se pudo concluir que el Pilates contribuye a la salud de la población, ya que es una actividad que implica una serie de movimientos que se centran en la fuerza, la postura, el equilibrio y la flexibilidad.O método Pilates promove melhor condicionamento físico e mental ao indivíduo e, como contribuinte, eleva a qualidade de vida, tornando-se uma alternativa de atividade física de baixo impacto para idosos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a percepção que os idosos, com idade entre 60 e 80 anos, praticantes de Pilates, têm sobre sua qualidade de vida, sendo selecionados 16 indivíduos de uma clínica de fisioterapia do município de Serra dos Aimorés, MG - Brasil. Foi realizado um questionário para a obtenção de dados, que permitiu identificar os reflexos da prática da atividade para a saúde, convívio social e para o sono. Dentre os dados colhidos in loco e analisados, foi possível concluir que o Pilates é um contribuinte para a saúde da população, visto que se trata de é uma atividade que envolve uma série de movimentos que se concentram na força, postura, equilíbrio e flexibilidade.O método Pilates promove melhor condicionamento físico e mental ao indivíduo e, como contribuinte, eleva a qualidade de vida, tornando-se uma alternativa de atividade física de baixo impacto para idosos. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar a percepção que os idosos, com idade entre 60 e 80 anos, praticantes de Pilates, têm sobre sua qualidade de vida, sendo selecionados 16 indivíduos de uma clínica de fisioterapia do município de Serra dos Aimorés, MG - Brasil. Foi realizado um questionário para a obtenção de dados, que permitiu identificar os reflexos da prática da atividade para a saúde, convívio social e para o sono. Dentre os dados colhidos in loco e analisados, foi possível concluir que o Pilates é um contribuinte para a saúde da população, visto que se trata de é uma atividade que envolve uma série de movimentos que se concentram na força, postura, equilíbrio e flexibilidade

    Patients’ perceptions regarding handling and using of the Wii sports system in Parkinson Disease

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    Poster presented at the 2nd International Congress of CiiEM - Translational Research and Innovation in Human and Health Science. 11-13 June, 2017, Campus Universitário Egas Moniz, Monte de Caparica, PortugalN/

    Projetos de vida e felicidade de jovens brasileiros

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    Ao longo de nossa existência, a questão de como conduziremos a vida se coloca a todo instante, em alguns mais fortemente, em outros de maneira mais discreta, negligenciada ou até mesmo ignorada. De todo modo, os rumos que daremos à vida são definidos insistentemente a todo o momento. De maneira mais específica, nossos projetos de vida é que norteiam e dão sentido às ações e decisões diárias. O presente estudo teve como objetivo identificar e compreender os projetos de vida de jovens brasileiros estudantes do ensino médio, bem como suas concepções sobre felicidade. A partir dos dados coletados com 120 estudantes de escolas públicas das cinco regiões brasileiras, procurou-se identificar as possíveis relações entre projetos de vida e significados de felicidade. Os dados foram analisados de acordo com os pressupostos da Teoria dos Modelos Organizadores do Pensamento, exigindo um trabalho minucioso e sem categorias prévias de análise. Os resultados indicaram que a maior parte dos participantes apresentou estruturas frágeis em relação a seus projetos de vida. No que se refere à felicidade, foi significada pela maioria em termos de relações interpessoais, ligada à convivência. Os resultados encontrados podem contribuir de forma significativa para que pais e educadores orientem os jovens na construção de projetos de vida nobres e autênticos, bem como promovam a felicidade e o bem-estar