2,868 research outputs found

    Analysis of lean manufacturing strategy using system dynamics modelling of a business model

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    A system dynamics-based methodology is described for analysing the impact of lean manufacturing strategies on a company's business performance, using Business Model Canvas perspective. A case study approach is used to describe the methodology which consists of conceptualizing a system dynamics model on the basis of Business Model Canvas. The base system dynamics model is elaborated to include variables and concepts that consider the effects of lean manufacturing metrics on business performance. In the modelling experimentation, the lean manufacturing metrics are made to take on likely values one would expect if certain lean practices are initiated or improved. The experimental results provide one with the likely impact on business performance, if one were to improve lean manufacturing practices. The simulation results for the case study show that lean improvements, on the short-run, have a significant impact on business performance, but on the long-run, the impact is only marginal. The described methodology provides one with a structured format for investigating the impact of lean practices on business performance. Although the developed system dynamics model was built with generality in mind, it remains to be reproduced in other settings to test its replicability. The methodology enables an organization target which lean improvements to initiate based on their strategic impact on the business. Limited studies exist where system dynamics and business models are combined to test the strategic impact of lean manufacturing

    Novel Functions of the Neurodegenerative-Related Gene Tau in Cancer

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    The analysis of global and comparative genomics between different diseases allows us to understand the key biological processes that explain the etiology of these pathologies. We have used this type of approach to evaluate the expression of several neurodegeneration-related genes on the development of tumors, particularly brain tumors of glial origin (gliomas), which are an aggressive and incurable type of cancer. We have observed that genes involved in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), as well as in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases, correlate with better prognosis of gliomas. Within these genes, high Tau/MAPT expression shows the strongest correlation with several indicators of prolonged survival on glioma patients. Tau protein regulates microtubule stability and dynamics in neurons, although there have been reports of its expression in glial cells and also in gliomas. However, little is known about the regulation of Tau/MAPT transcription in tumors. Moreover, our in silico analysis indicates that this gene is also expressed in a variety of tumors, showing a general correlation with survival, although its function in cancer has not yet been addressed. Another remarkable aspect of Tau is its involvement in resistance to taxanes in various tumors types such as breast, ovarian and gastric carcinomas. This is due to the fact that taxanes have the same tubulin-binding site as Tau. In the present work we review the main knowledge about Tau function and expression in tumors, with a special focus on brain cancer. We will also speculate with the therapeutic implications of these findings.RG has been funded by the AECC Scientific Foundation. Research has been funded by grants from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO-RETOS)/FEDER: SAF2015-65175-R to PS-G.S

    Estudio de confiabilidad de una prueba para evaluar memoria de trabajo fonologica y visuoespacial en ninos entre 4 anos a 5 anos 11 meses con desarrollo tipico de la ciudad de Talca

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    94 p.La memoria de trabajo es el “espacio mental” necesario para el recuerdo episódico y semántico, para el pensamiento y la toma de decisión, para la comprensión del lenguaje y el cálculo mental, y en general para todas las actividades cognitivas que requieren atención y procesamiento controlado (Miyake y Shah, 1999). Diversos estudios han demostrado que la Memoria de Trabajo se relaciona con aspectos lingüísticos, como la adquisición y comprensión de la lectura, así como también en la adquisición de nuevas palabras, por lo que se presume que un fallo en ésta capacidad afectaría de una u otra forma los distintos niveles del lenguaje. El propósito de esta investigación es realizar un estudio de confiabilidad de una Prueba que evalué la Memoria de Trabajo Fonológica y Visuoespacial, con el fin de entregar un método de evaluación que permita reconocer alteraciones o dificultades a este nivel, lo cual no era posible hasta ahora más que con la observación clínica. Se evaluó con esta prueba a niños con desarrollo típico de entre 4 años y 5 años 11 meses de la ciudad de Talca

    Generación de señales EEG sintéticas para la implementación de modelos de machine learning en la detección de párkinson

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    El present projecte de recerca té com a objectiu la realització d’una primera aproximació per facilitar l’accés i ús de dades mèdiques, en específic senyals d’electroencefalografia (EEG), als investigadors, enginyers i professionals de la salut mitjançant la generació de senyals sintètics, ja que aquestes compleixen amb les regulacions de protecció de privacitat de dades mèdiques que hi ha actualment en tractar‐se de dades considerades anònimes. Aquesta tècnica permet augmentar considerablement la quantitat de senyals EEG per a entrenar models d’aprenentatge automàtic que tinguin la capacitat de diagnosticar malalties neurodegeneratives, com la malaltia de Parkinson, amb una precisió elevada i una major fiabilitat dels resultats.El presente proyecto de investigación tiene como objetivo realizar un primer acercamiento a la facilitación de acceso y uso de datos médicos, en específico señales de electoencefalografía (EEG), a los investigadores, ingenieros y profesionales de la salud mediante la generación de señales sintéticas, ya que estas cumplen con las regulaciones de protección de privacidad de datos médicos que hay actualmente al tratarse de datos considerados anónimos. Esta técnica permite aumentar considerablemente la cantidad de señales EEG para entrenar modelos de aprendizaje automático que tengan la capacidad de diagnosticar enfermedades neurodegenerativas, como la enfermedad de Parkinson, con una precisión elevada y una mayor fiabilidad de los resultados.The present research project aims to make a first approach to an easiest provision of access and use of medical data, specifically electroencephalography (EEG) signals, to researchers, engineers and health professionals through the generation of synthetic signals, since they comply with the current regulations on privacy protection of medical data, as they are considered anonymous. This technique makes it possible to significantly increase the amount of EEG signals to train machine learning models that have the ability to diagnose neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease, with high accuracy and greater reliability of the results

    Optical Photometry of LMXBs: UW CrB (=MS 1603+260) and V1408 Aql (=4U 1957+115)

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    We present new optical observations of V1408 Aql (= 4U 1957+115), the only low mass X-ray binary, black hole candidate known to be in a persistently soft state. We combine new broadband optical photometry with previously published data and derive a precise orbital ephemeris. The optical light curves display sinusoidal variations modulated on the orbital period as well as large night to night changes in mean intensity. The amplitude of the variations increases with mean intensity while maintaining sinusoidal shape. Considering the set of constraints placed by the X-ray and optical data we argue that V1408 Aql may harbor a very low mass black hole. Optical light curves of UW CrB display partial eclipses of the accretion disk by the donor star that vary both in depth and orbital phase. The new eclipses of UW CrB in conjunction with published eclipse timings are well fitted with a linear ephemeris. We derive an upper limit to the rate of change of the orbital period. By including the newly observed type I bursts with published bursts in our analysis, we find that optical bursts are not observed between orbital phases 0.93 and 0.07, i.e. they are not observable during partial eclipses of the disk

    Discurso de instalacion del Colegio de internos del Instituto de 2a enseñanza de Cuenca

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    Root exudates from citrus plants subjected to abiotic stress conditions have a positive effect on rhizobacteria

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    Plants are constantly releasing root exudates to the rhizosphere. These compounds are responsible for different (positive or negative) interactions with other organisms, including plants, fungi or bacteria. In this work, the effect of root exudates obtained from in vitro cultured citrus plants on two rhizobacteria (Pseudomonas putida KT2440 and Novosphingobium sp. HR1a) was evaluated. Root exudates were obtained from two citrus genotypes differing in their sensitivity to salt and heat stress and differentially affected the growth of both rhizobacteria. Root exudates from salt-stressed plants of C. macrophylla (salt tolerant) induced an increase in bacterial growth higher than that obtained from Carrizo citrange exudates (salt sensitive). Root exudates from heat-stressed plants also had a positive effect on bacterial growth, which was more evident in the heat-sensitive C. macrophylla. These results reveal that the growth of these rhizobacteria can be modulated through citrus root exudates and can change depending on both the stress conditions as well as the genotype. Biosensors P. putida KT2442 (pMIS5) and Novosphingobium sp. HR1a (pPAH) were used to test the presence of proline and salicylates in root exudates by measuring β-galactosidase activity. This activity increased in the presence of root exudates obtained from stressed plants to a higher extent in the case of exudates obtained from the genotype resistant to each particular stress, indicating that those root exudates contain larger quantities of proline and salicylates, as it has been described previously. Our data reveals that both P. putida KT2442 (pMIS5) and Novosphingobium sp. HR1a (pPAH), could be used as biosensors of plant stress


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    Combinatorial gene therapy renders increased survival in cirrhotic rats

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Liver fibrosis ranks as the second cause of death in México's productive-age population. This pathology is characterized by acummulation of fibrillar proteins in hepatic parenchyma causing synthetic and metabolic disfunction. Remotion of excessive fibrous proteins might result in benefit for subjects increasing survival index. The goal of this work was to find whether the already known therapeutical effect of human urokinase Plasminogen Activator and human Matrix Metalloprotease 8 extends survival index in cirrhotic animals.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Wistar rats (80 g) underwent chronic intoxication with CCl<sub>4</sub>: mineral oil for 8 weeks. Cirrhotic animals were injected with a combined dose of Ad-delta-huPA plus Ad-MMP8 (3 × 10<sup>11 </sup>and 1.5 × 10<sup>11 </sup>vp/Kg, respectively) or with Ad-beta-Gal (4.5 × 10<sup>11</sup>) and were killed after 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 days. Then, liver and serum were collected. An additional set of cirrhotic animals injected with combined gene therapy was also monitored for their probability of survival.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Only the cirrhotic animals treated with therapeutical genes (Ad-delta-huPA+Ad-MMP-8) showed improvement in liver fibrosis. These results correlated with hydroxyproline determinations. A significant decrement in alpha-SMA and TGF-beta1 gene expression was also observed. Cirrhotic rats treated with Ad-delta-huPA plus Ad-MMP8 had a higher probability of survival at 60 days with respect to Ad-beta-Gal-injected animals.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A single administration of Ad-delta-huPA plus Ad-MMP-8 is efficient to induce fibrosis regression and increase survival in experimental liver fibrosis.</p